wuiwww"!' " fwy ty w win "jijfnyi r mvmm0ti f ""miVifrnj"'A W ymMMw w - DAILY, CAJSITALJOJiRNAL, JBALEMj, OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1004. 4g) y SOLD SOME PRUNES liberty Farmer Who Carried His Wares to Market Wm, McGIlchrlst, one of tho suc cessful prune growers of tho Liberty Attrtrftnt rntllrnrwl wainr.1nv fwtn n . .. j.j, ..w. jStmonths' trip In his native coiuv try, Scotland. Tho object of. his visit aor 13 years absenco, was to see tola many relatives and friends and to introduco Orccon nrunos to that Warket, Mr, McGIlchrlst took with hlhi a car load of cholco Italians and had another car Bhlpped to him after Ma arrival there. Ho reached Gins pjr in tho poorest season of the year, for aolllng fruit, February. All tho dealers wore well stocked up, and scleral car loads of California prunes were shipped In aftor his arrival. First1 of all he had to convince tho Jobbers nnd1 small dealers of tho superiority .r,. . . 1 .... ,, ,w.hu ,...,. huuvu any U f, agd mQ , effecta ,t oduce8 You S dS1Cft? 0, oompotjtlon, can,t h rf . bad 71th 1,T!' QVmun B,S?Ian' T?rt'Mlvpr at tho same time. Your llvor iand Itayon (rultg. and.pjoud o mU8t y ,n flne Cond,uon ,f wouW Bayj that tho Oregon product beats ., ,,nvnnf n . hn,.. ihem all To make tho Btory short, Mlj McOJlchrlat sold hia, prunes and could havo fold more, and he realized -on. thomi what would not abovo the, 24' cont basis, whllo tho price Hero at'presont, Is on a 1U cent basis. Ho first distributed samples among tho retailers and naked them . to' a fayorlto, household remedy for ovef lmvo Bomo of their host cuiromenHl,,.,.. ,.? ' l-ro .,, ,, , tes. thorn. Them ho instmcted thorn where toljjall for tho Qregon fruity xu uimbiwiiiuo i mti juouurs ut-gmi'nf .,! on,li. rr,lni .i.'Vci. An Mill V n m? y orury Ytnl thn lfrniflAna .,,, . , who k"l uijb iruii, wauieu moro"y)ij It.iuid declared It to bo the.bofet ot; the kind thoy had evor had Mr. McGIlchrlst Is vory much en- r? i W- RANCHER'S DAY ' AT THE BIG SALE" SATURDAY ' V COMMERCIAL STrVeT." 299 J Tim TTnw mnlrnu Trrmfiliofl tremblo, irnpa in "Wn rfif.lnn nf mmninhnr Lydia When a mccllchio a million cases, why it would help mo"? Will not tho volumes of letters from women who have been inado stronsr by Iydia E. PJnlcham's Vege table Compound convince others of tho virtues of this great medicine? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have somo derangement of tho feminine organism try Xjydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound. It will surely help you. GET ADVICE AND HELP FREE. If there is anything in your cose about which you would liko special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pink ham. Slio will hold your letter in strict confidence. She can surely help youf or no person in America can speak from a wider experience in treating female ills. Address is Lynn, Mass. ; her advice is free and helpful. couroged with his first fruit trip, and hopes to be able In tho future to en- flarge- the market In his native coun try for the Oregon prunes. What ho took v Ith him were sold Ire Gla3gow, Edinburgh and a few wore shipped to Belfast. Ho feels confllent that if this experiment Is followed up, It will pay tho Oregon growers. When wo consider that It takes half tho prunes , to pay tho freight and duty on them, ilt will bo readily understood that it has required good salesmanship to make tho profits that Mi. MoGllchrlst has been able to realize. It took ono , car ,oad to pBy thfl expon8eai ual . .. . . . .. i. m scouana, anui out. or mo oiner, . Mr. McGIlchrlst secured moro than enough money to return, to Oregon wlth moro monoy than ho could havo &" oul UI ooin ttL norau- nv returns hom0 better pleased with Oregon, than over, and no longer Is skeptical about Oregon prunes. Ho believes them to bo ahead of anything fni their lino grown anywhere In tho world. 0 Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all coma from Kentucky!' Their main source Is tho liver and all tho fine spirits ever made in tho Blue Grass state could nnt l-flmmlv n hfifl Hvn. n thn l,nnHrnl - S .W W- - ... . .U ......M.V. .ww. ..u ...... ",v . iiujiuiui, blight Qfeyo,,, light', of stop, vigorous and successful 'in your pursuits. You can put your liver in fine condition by using Greon'8 August Flowor tho greatest of all medicines for tho liver nnd R(nmnnh..nnrl n nnrtnln oun trm rivnnniin n. ini.in r. i... . ..-...v ;i.H(g nubUDl, 1 lunvi YII mnko your Jlvor healthy and , j: d thus In8Ure,you n ,lberal , , UL11VU ' ll - !3 2 aE"uV Writing Machine r or T :,, MIS8y ETHEL M. SHEA. i Gifted Singer Having a Volceof Rare Swcetnc6s.,to Delight Salem 1 Audience Tonight., n .1,. Miss Ethel MTShea. who Blnca tho M part of Zorosh h tneSpira of Estho-, tho beautiful queqn, arrived In tho 'city yoitorday, and took part In tho rohonrsal last evening. Miss Shoa has aw ospoclally fiosh, rich, mollow, contralto oIco of great sweetness, and alio will dullght her hearors to night and tomorrow night. Sho pos soiJ8es tho ability to throw hor wholo soul Into hor volco, thus rendorlng hor solos vory offoetlvo. Hor parting with Human aftor he has been condemned to to tho gallows Is a vory pathetic Bcono. Last night sho was the recipi ent of congratulations from tho mem- bers of tho Oratorio Soclotv for tho rondltlon of tho difficult part assigned hor In the opora You will mlja ft treat If you do not attend tonight. o i How It Looks to Albany. The Eugene passod through Al bany yostorday afternoon for Salora Tho outlook la three out of tho four for Salem Democrat onlinarv ovorv-dav lifo of mosb of mnnh harder the daily tasks become nvnrv movement rainful and keens nnrl nftnrlv mtsn ruble : in a day or flmro la nnthincrmuch tho matter afterall: but tho lips twitch it seems as though nir - rea " nnd is flat on her back. woman outfit to amvo at tuis ternblo womb diseases, and backacho is morelv a symptom of mora Berious troublu. Women should f.lmt n.n almost infallible euro for all female ills, such as irremilaritv of uerinds. which cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and inflammation of tho womb, or any of the multitudes of ill nesses which beset tho female organism may bo found in E Pinkham's has been successful in moro than should you say, "I do not bcllovo Sunday Closing Ode. A learned professor named Drew, Resurrected a law that was blue, And the quiet streets rang, Wehn the candy man sang, "Tflero's a place in the bug house for you." Tho snloonnien dls"cussed just a few, And; so warm a discussion It grow, . That their fervent remarks Were liko showers of sparks, .Till the air had a very bright hue, Ho worked tho typewriter so hard, - The neiwes'of the people were Jarred, -.- ...i i.a . .. wui uiey em near ui nis uope, And said "give the calf more rope, Ho will soon bo under a guard." A. BUTTINSKI. The Yost No. I The Machine Behind the IFne Work. Excels all others In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY. 75. nun XnU ' Co. 230 Stark Street. Portland. r, b. 'M.t'LOCKWOOD. Local Agent, 288 Commercial Street, - Salem, Oregon. , ' We Rent. We Sell. We Exchange We Repair. MMWWHtMHHMMtM iThat : Smell I If there Is anything you need It Is to remove tho death-dealing sower gas from your house. Modern S VUimhni& ft X lwmuiu6 will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Havo your old plumbing Inspected and you may Bave a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & FRASER ; 105 Stato 8t, 'Phone 1511 Main. i nntt HI our women is a ceaseless treadmill whon somo doramromenfc of tho fomalo organs tho norvons system all unstmncr. One two rIio is bettor and lnntrhn ni. hor beforonicht tho deadly bacKache reannears. tho limbs all tho imps of Satan woro clutching stato of misery, bocauso these svmntoms are a sure lncli- m vm m tffl 377 W js - MISS PEAFtL ACKERS. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market." Capital City Bryant &. Mills Quotations. Penned, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80c. Poultry at Stelner' Market. Spring chickens 13lCc. ChickenE 810c. Eggs Per dozen, 16c. Hop Markat. Hops 1925c. 1 Potatoes, Vegetables. Etc. Potatoes 50c. Onions 2c. Wood, Pence Pou, CU. Second growth $5.75. Afh 13.00 to 13.75 Grub oak $6.60. Cedar posts 12c. ' Hloec Pelts and urv, Green Hides, No. 1 6c. Green Hio.es, No. 2 4c. Call Skins 46c. Sheep 76c. Goat Skins 26c to l on Grain anc. Froui. Wheat. Salem Flouring Mllln, ei port value 70c. Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale,- 3.75. Live Stock MarUat. 3Vi4c. -3c. Steors- COWS' Sheep 3c. DreBsed pork 6U6. Dressed Veal 6Cc. Dressed hogs GGSic. Live hogs 55c. Mutton 23c. Hay, Fwd 't. Baled cheat $10$11. ' Baled clover $D. Bran $22.50. Shorts $24.00. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 16c, cash. Butter 22c, wholesale. Butter fat 20c at station. PORTLAND MARKET, Wheat Walla Walla, 7172c. Valley Sl82c. Flour Portland, best grade, $1. $4.05; graham, $3.50$4.00 Oats Choice white, $1.25. Barloy Feed, $23.00 per ton; rolled $24.50Q$25. Mlllstuff Bran. $19g$20. Hay Timothy, $15$16. Potatoes Fancy, 75c$1.00, Eggs Oregon ranch, 1717V6c roultry Chickens, mixed, 13013& per pound; turkeys, 1617c. Pork Dressed, GGVc, Beef Dressed, 58c. Veal 67c. Hops 2326c. Wool Valley, 1718?4c; Eastern 30c for Oregon, lltfpllc; Mohair, choice. Hides dry, 1G pounds and upwards, 1615VaC Butter Fancy creamery, 20c. of work. dav she is fours, thinkintr her vitals, she "DnAit Jilts. Pinkiiam: About two years ngo I consulted a physician about my health, which had become bo wretched that I was no longer able to be about. I had severe backache, bearing down pains, pains across the .abdomen, was very nervous and Irritable, and this trouble grew worbo each month. "The physician prescribed for me, but I soon discovered ho was unablo to help me, and I then decided to try Lydia E. Pinklinm's Vegetable Compound, and toon found that it was doing me good. My appetito was returning, the pains disappearing, and the general benefits were well marked. 11 You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking tho medicine for only threo months, I found I was completely cured of my trouble, anil have been well and hearty over since and no moro fear of the monthly period, as It now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly, Miss Pkaiu. Ackehs, 327 North bum mer St., Nashville, Tcnn." SHOJfLIWE UNX05PACIH& Three Trains to the East Dally. Through Pullman standard and tourist Bleeping cars dally to Omaha Chicago, Spokane; tourist Bleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist Bleeping cars (per Ronally conducted) weekly to Chlca go; reclining choir cars (seats free) to the East dally. 70 HOURS v PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho Chance ot Cars 70 DKPABT FOR TIME BCITEDULES From Portland , Or, . AKR1VI FROM Chicago PortUnd Special 916. m Tia Unnv Uigvn, Bait Lake. Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kanaaa Cltv, 8U Loaii, Chicago 5 25p o auu bb Atlantic Kxprw M p. m. la Ijudi In Eton Bt.Panl FMI Mall 7 p. m. Bpokatik talt Lake. Denver Hi. Worth, Omahit, Kawuu 9-00 a, n uii, ni, Ln, t nicago na Kut Walla" w"afla,"Levr7MOiT jpokane. Wallace, Fuil itau, Minneapolis dt "unl, Oululh.Uiiwaukt-, Jhloago, and Earn. 8: , Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five day at 8 p. m. For Astoria, way point and North Beach Dally (except Sun day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m Dally service (wator permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller Information ask or writ your nearest ticket agent, or A. L, CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent Tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.. Portland, Oregon. 9999m999m w i So-Bos-So Keeps the flie olf. Makes Mnr ft milk and more money. We toll it f in any quantity deBired, We havo 5 o,....,uia iu njipiy H Willi. .Mole and gopher traps and guns that kill tho varmint. jD. A. White& Son! PEEDMEN & SEEDSMEN !i bALCM, OREGON 30 J Commercial St. Phone J 78 I i QH1&' WUUNN'S onion i.MIMi,mj yM a saZtfteluu heel New Dentist For tho benefit of those emploed during tho day, I will keep office hours from 7 to 8 evenings, and from 10 to 12 Sundays. Phone Main 1671. Gray building. 5-24-tf OASTOH.XA. Beaw tho 9 ntl ou Haa Always Boojlit REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. From S. P. and C. & E. Points to tho Seaside and -Mountain Resorts for the Summer. On and after June 1, 1904, tho Sputhern Pacific, in connection with the Corvallls & Eastern reailriad, will havo on enle round trip tickets, from points on their lines to Newport, Ya qulna and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until Octobor 10, 1904. Three-dav tickets to Newport and Ynqulna, good going Saturdays and roturnlng Mondays, are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene Inclusive aW from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tlckots from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive, and from all West Side points, aro also on sale tq Detroit at very low ratos, with stop-bveiS privileges' at Mill City or any point eest, enabling tourists to visit the Santlam and Brel tonbush hot springs In tho Cascade mountains, which can be reached in one day. Season tlckots will be good for re turn from all points until October 10, Three-day 'tickets' will be good going on Saturdays and, returning Monlays only. Tickets from Portland and vi cinity will be good for return via the East or West Side nt option of pas senger. Ticket's from Eugene and vi cinity will bo good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch If desired. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Yaqulna tickets to Yaqulna only. Southern Pacific trains connect with the C. & E. at Albany and CorvaM for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on the C. & E. for Detroit will leave Al bany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to tho, hot springs to reach there tho samo day. Full Information as to rates, with beautifully illustrated booklet of Yi qulna bay and vicinity, timetables, etc.; 'can be obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C. & E railroad, Albany; W. E Coman, G. P A., Southern Pacific company, Port land, or to any S. P. or C. & E. agent Rato from Salem to Newport $5 Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ? Rato from Salem to Detroit ...-?3.en Three-day rate from Salem to Newport 30? O. C. T. CO.'B PASSENGER STEAMERS POMONA and Alton leaYe for Portland. Monday. Wedneaday and Friday at 10 a, in. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdjay J m For CorrallU, Tuesday, Thortdaj nnd Saturday at 6 p. m For Independence daily exce.pt Band J tPn. . Deck: Foot of Trd J" M. P. BALDWIN,