DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, THUR8DAY, JUNE 16, 1904, EIGHT TROUBLE. GREAT ii - JEFFRIES MUNR0E FIGHT Only a Fc STOCKTON tr t BOOMING f GOLD STRIKE BREWS IS THE WORD - - " J" ii jP"E'BiBBBBdt People of Medford Rush to Where Fortunates Await Them May Be Cancelled Because, Money Is Too Tight San Francisco, Juno 16. The News says today there Is a strong proba K &CO. At the Old White Corner. Satin Git dies 65c Thcro aro a hundred kinds of glrdlo corsets on the market that sell from 25c to $10 each. Some merchants might mako you bellovo that black "is white. Dut they cannot convince you that they are selling girdles as good as ours at 65c. SuchAglr dlcft as others sell at 60c wo sell for 60. But our Satin Girdles are 65c special Worth $1.00. Silk for shirt waist suits In the very latest patterns. 58c and 69c yard Some stores Bell them for fiiVU JttlUi 1 nn .,,i Mi. J. J. Reed, of Portland, who Iifta been spending a few days with Sa lem friends, goes to Sllverton this ev ening, and will return home Saturday. More Cushion-Tired Runabouts ArlD 8TILL THEY GO. Whon wo can't got them quick -enough by freight, wo express thorn. It's a fact. Wo ran short of these a few days since, and, rather than keep ouf customer waiting for frolght, we Jn&cf his purchase expressed to Salem. Well supplied again with our stand ard sellers, $95, $100 and upward. Our sales on these goods are throe times that of last year. Reason enough. We've had the goods on hand to deliver, and tho prices aro right. Sco them and you'll say yes. F. A. Wiggi Implement House 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. ywwwf ! -. . lciifil JLlyLs ? We fit all makes of Tires at all Prices $225 and Upwards We fit all makes of Rims. Bicycle Frames and Forks. nave it. Best Workmanship and Prompt Attention. Phone Red 2151 ! ! f Baseball Watt hlrr uuppn tmMwmnwtwmwwmmnMMWtinWMitni MtWmHWMMMIMIIMHMimlMIMHM Restoring Failing E esight i Is our buslnoss. Wo bavo hundreds of customors who are testimo nials, who sing our pralsos, for tho reason of having received per fect satisfaction. Eyostght rondo as good as it ever was. We aro progressiva opticians, and latoly havo addod tho oxcluslve agency for tho greatest optical Invention over invented. Tlie Invisible Bifocal Lenses With a pair of theso you ovorcomo all tho old drawbacks of seeing tho seams, going up or dowu stairs, in fact they aro perfect. We also fit thorn. Torlk, depressed and round segment Bifocals. Come in and re ceive tho advantago of skill and Improved instruments. Our charges aro reasonable, Cfias. HL Pioneer OpUolan, 83 State Streot mumniimiiitiMnntiiiwimtniHuniMin Colorado Continues an Un checked (Fountain of News Cripple Creek, Colo., June 16. -Teller county commissioners voted ?10, 000 for running down the perpetrators of the Independence outrage. To date 145 men were deported and 72 are yet in the bull pens. Tellurlde, June 16. President Moy er has been surrendered to the sher- 1ft, and an effort 1st being made to se cure bonds. He Is charged with dese crating the flag. The Federation at torneys claim they have evidence that Pcabody did not Issue a proclamation declaring martial law off In San Mi guel county, anl releasing Moyor, un til after he learned that Judge Thay er, of St. Louis, had Issued a writ of habeas corpus. They will try to have Peabody charged with contempt of court, for technical evasion of Thay er's orders. THOUSAND LINES MAY BE LOST (Continued from first page.) covered 539. Only 165 were identi fied at that time. Supt. Richards, of the Beflevieu hospital, said: "It will take days to Identify all tho .bodies. In 18 years of hospital experience this Is tho most appalling accident I ever heard of. Bellevue has 1200 dead. The mystery as to tho cause remains Impenetrable. None can bo found who saw the actu al start of tho flames. Theories aro numerous. At 3 p. m, 577 bodies have reached tho morgue. Fourteen launches, manned by harbor police, and equip ped with drags and other appliances, aro at work looking for more victims. Fetor Galllgan and Samuel Cullock, tho divers, have mado a careful ex amination of the hull of tho Slocum during tho morning, and reported that not less than 100 bodies aro penned under tho wreck of tho superstructure. France Sends sympathies, Washington, Juno 19. President Loubot cabled hla sympathy in the Slocum disaster. President Roosevelt replied that he appreciated tho mes sage. t8Wy . S WL-tfl--b3 1 AJPWSM&U- We repair all makes ' of j ; If it is for a Bicycle, we ! ! ! The Bicycle Man. Hinges, Next door to Ladd & Bush Dank Medfbrd, Or., Juno 1C. There Is a great stampede of miners from this city to Graybaclc mountains- 30 miles east of here, the scene of the greatest gold strike over made In Southern Oregon. An 18-year-old boy and a companion found a ledge wlille hunting, and brought In ?700, gathered with a mortar and pestle. Three oth er men rushed out, and gathered 3800 In one doy's work, yesterday. The location of the strike Is almo3t on the California line, near the scene of the early placer diggings. FIRE UNDER CONTROL Forest Grove, Or., June 16. The for est fire Is now under control. No cas ualties aro reported, but the loss to timber will reach several hundred thousand dollars. Estimates now vary from $250,000 to $750,000. o Republican National Committee. Chicago, Juno 16. Tho second ses sion of the Republican national com mltee began this morning, with Vice Chalrman Payno presiding. The first case taken up was that of the fourth Alabama, and decided In favor of the "black and tan," or administration delegates, Aldrlch and Cook. The fa mous Dolaware case waa then begun. The fight 1b between Addlcks and antl-Addlcks forces, for four delegates at large and two congressional dis tricts. Tho committee decided to give tho Philippines and Porto Rice repre sentation with two delegates from each Island possession, with both voice and vote. Tho Wisconsin dis pute will bo taken up tomorrow. Addlcks won his delegates-aHarge! two district delegates also being seat ed. The Louisiana case will be next taken up. o Boiled Down. " An extradition treaty between Spain and tho United States was signed at Madrid today. Tho Moroccan government will probably accede to tho further de mands of Raisuli, according to cable gram from Consul Gummore, who says ho Is Informed by tho minister of for-. olgn affairs that one shlek and his two brothers had been arrested In accordance with the demands of Ralsull. f-0 Palace Train Wrecked. St. Louis, June 16 The westbound Royal Blue Flyer on tho Baltimore & Ohio road collided with a freight train at Caseyvllle, 111., thl morning. Tho engineer was killed and several In jured. It -Is tho handsomest train on tho rond, and Is badly damaged. It was crowded" with Easterners on their way to tho fair. o Newspaper Man Quit. San Francisco, June 16. George Aspben, assistant editor of the Call, suicided at Golden Gato Park this morning, shooting himself through the heart. Despondency over illness vn3 tho cause of tho trouble. , o : Cortelyou Will Investigate. Washington, Juno 16. Secretary Cortelyou today ordered a rlgll inves tigation of tho Slocum disaster. jwrwK A PRACTICAL MAOAIINE ron the GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER BACH ISSUE CONTAINS BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED DISHES, DECORATIONS TOR THE TABLE, DAINTY MENUS TOR ALL OCCASIONS, ETC. IT IS THE AMERICAN AUTHORITY ON CULINARY TOriCS AND TASHIONS. Cuhmnt lu too. St.OO rn Ykar TABLE TALK PUD. CO., PHILA. OUdTOH WANT.O ,, CHMTNUT ST, UMUL TftMl FRANK. REISTLE ENOJ AVER and ELEGTROTYPER mur nu uia-24 tmntRcc ouvta coto. And it Is tho Big Piano Sale we are talking about, and about which every man, woman and child In Salem is talking. Salem ha3 never witnessed such a col lotion of sensational piano prices as are now being ten dered at this sale PIANOS for the rich. PIANOS for the poor. PIANOS for everybody. ORGANS too, In plenty Every one a rare bargain, and offered on terms to suit the pur chaser. HURRY OPEN EVENINGS. Allen & Co SALEM BRANCH 299 Commercial Street. J v HOTELS - The Willamette. John S. Mack, Portland. J. B. Davison, Portland. E. W. Stone, Portland. J. E. Martin, Portland. ' C. K. Harbaugh, Portland. R. D. Larabll, Portland. ' W. A. Storey, Portland. Geo. Terrell, San Francisco. ' R. Klgor and wife, Corvallls. M. Brown, Astoria. Eddie Walker, Oregon City. D. B. Sldeman, Chicago. M. Sldeman, Chicago, Leo. Leventhal, Chicago. B. E. Goldberg, Chicago. I. L Patterson, city. A. Comeygs, city. F. J. Durham, Indianapolis. Vernon Waldron, San Francisco, Cr L. Weldler, San Francisco. Charles F. Long, Portland. W. F. Mills, New York. gaseball; Salem vs. Eugene ; Athletic Park S June 16-1 7-1 8-1 9 I NEW TODAY For Sale. Thoroughbred Irish Setter pups. Inquire at the office of the Salem Brewery Association. 6-16-3t o Notice. Sealed bids will bo received at the office of tho undersigned, at tho Ore gon State Ponltontlary, Salem, Ore gon, until 12 m., Wednesday, June 29, 1904, for palutlng tho outside brick walls, wood and iron work of tho pen itentiary buildings. Specifications for samo can bo rfeen at the office of the superintendent. All bids must bo acompanled by a certified check in tho sum of One Hundred Dollars, to be forfeited to tho state In case the biddor to whom tho contract la awarded fails to qual ify. - Tho right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Salem. Oregon, Juno 15, 1904. C. W. JAMES, Superintendent Oregon State Peni tentiary. 6-16 17-28-24 bility .that tho fight between Jeffries and Munroe may never taloo place. The match no doubt will bo cancelled for tho time being, and wise onea aro clinging to tho belief that It is a financial matter and not Jeffries' knee that will 'cause an Indefinite postpone ment. It Is conceded the advance sale of seats Is so slow as to mako it im possible for tho club to proceed with out Incurring a great loss. It is point ed out that a great many who would otherwise attend! tho fight have gone to the world's fair or on their sum mer vacation. RUSSIANS RE PORTED TO HAVE LOST (Continued from first page.) ty officers, whoso names are un known, were also killed or wounded, beside 311 soldiers, of which the First Siberian lost 12 officers and 200 men. Tho first brigade of artillery lost six officers and 50 men. Later War News. Toklo, Juno 16. The capture of Tellssa, between Kal Chou end Seoul antlen, by the Japanese forces Is con firmed. Tho Itusslans lost six guns and many regimental colors. The sinking of tho Japanese transports HItach and Sado by the Russians is also confirmed. Only 397 survivors of tho Sado reached Kuraka. Further details of the sinking are not ob tainable. Japanese Succeafcful. Toklo, Juno 16. General Oku re ports a heavy battle Juno 14 and 15 between two columns of Japanese and tho Russian army. The latotr were routed and left 500 killed and wounded on the field. Tho Japanese lost nearly 1000 men. Tho Russians lost their colors, 14 quick-firing guns, and about 300 were VUrkCll IIDUUCID, tULlUUlU U VUUiiUttUU'i er of Infantry sharp shooters. "Queen Esther" The Beaotffal Queen KingAhaseraus M3 And his Coar t. With a Chor us of iOO voices. Friday and Saturday Nights at the Gtanct PRICES 35c, 50c and 75c wrmmSMMB JREO&&ES SAnGAXN!XXOTfS& Out Prices Talk Wednesday and Thursday's Specials There Is not one item in tho fo closoHt attention. The goods aro compared to what you have to pay Read on. Best standard callcooa, yd ,.3?ic 7c fancy uhallles, yd 4c GV4 torchon laces, yd 3V6c Valenclonnos lace3, yard, lc 2c 3c and 4c 10c Ktock foundations each .... 5c 18c dotted Swiss, 36-in yd.. 12o Mosquito bar, yard 5c 200 yds best spool thread ,...lo Full count pins paper ,..,.... lc 15c hair rats each 8c 39c India silk, will wash like muslin, flno quality, yd ...,25c THE CHEAPEST STORE M'EvoyBrotliersXoort SUjajeffl Days Mote of the Jtme White Days Take advantage of tlie low prices on all muslin tin- dewea,etc.retc. now qfl& V DIED. EIIMER. On Wednesday evening, Juno 15, 1904, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ehmer, No. 294 High street, of membran ous croup, Amy Pauline, aged 5 years. Tho funeral was held this afternoon and tho services were conducted by Rev. W. C. Hawley. 'Chicago Markets. Chicago, Juno 16. July wheat, il 85; new 84844; July com 49 48. WftgWt MUM Gold Dost Flour : :; Made by THE 8IDNEY POW- 1 1 ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore- gon. Made for family use. Ask J your grocer for it. Bran and j shorts always on hand. i ' ' P. B. Wallace i I AGENT j ; wfUMtMH IJIIHIHIMMIIMMHIIIW BICYCLE HOSPITAL. Best work at honest prices. Tires, Rims, Coaster Brakes and all other repairs. All work ful ly guaranteed. Free air In connection. F. J. MOORE. REAL ESTATE Call and leave a list of your city Pyoperty and farm lands "which you wish to put on the market with DEMOREST & HANNING. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem. Or. UWJMl llowlng price list but deserves yor , tho best, and the prices very small' elsewhere for tho same values. 45c Kal Kai crystal cord wash silk,' yard 29c Stacks of summer goods at lit- ' tie prices , We aro offering great values In white goods, laces tand em broideries Ladies' 75c fancy dimity wa!sU.49c 35c Scotch tweed suiting, yd 19c Wo aro showing a magnificent assortment of fancy braids and trimmings. IN THE tJORTSWEBT.