Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 16, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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. . -
Asked to Be a Candi
date by a Large
The Issue Next Monday Is
Whether Salem Shall
Adopt Higher Grades
A petition signed by 302 voters and
taxpayers, and directed to Mr. Andrew
A. Lee, Is headed ok follows
To Mr. A. A. Leo, Salem, Oregen:
J)ear Sir: We, the undersigned
electors of school district No. 24,
Marlon county, Oregon, believing In
tho establishing of a high school In
eald district, and knowing your sym
pathy with such movement, respect
fully request that you become a can
didate for school director of said dis
trict, at tho annual election, to be
Jield June 20, 1904.
F. W. Waters, Jos. H. Albort, C. P.
Bishop, H. A. Thomas, Roy Goodhue,
A. Ij. Godfrey, H. S. Bell, J. M. Law
renco, M. F. Hill, A. H. Williams,
3- S. Radabagh, J. H. Albert, S. B. , ,
Punrlno Fred Hurst J F Goodo J !son' The0, M' Barr' Chas- H HlnSet. tion of efflclency and advancement
K. Daniels, J. W. Harrltt, J. R. Falr,8- Burroughs, G. F. Mason. A. Darr, consistent with the financial means of
Panics, Chas. H.' Jones, Isaac A. Man- Sarnh E" Murph-' H" J' B,BBOr' C' L,the d,81trl(!t w,thln th0 I,nf f CC-
AfnMnfu T.llltnn Hranna A T aVimennn linmin hllfllTlfmo TYlrn tinirnmnnr.
lfn T A TlMilHn flf A Krnn
R. O. Donaldson, A. C. Smith, L. W.lH Sernke' R' crl,ch' J' R" CamPbell
Acheson, Frank Davey, J. N. Brown, JamC3 Fnrnc11' H' Hense1' W,lllam
IllcMard Carlson, C. M. Bpploy, R. J. Snerldan. T"08. A1'Prt. John Stout,
Spencer, W. P. Babcock, C. A. Baker, I T' T' Geer' J' a Graham' A- M- ReId'
Prank Meredith, Henry WJprut. W, C.,F- G' Bowersox, -L. H. Morse, U. S.
Smith: p a nw wm ae..CoIo, R. Campbell, Mrs. Jns. Graber,
" -" "" " "t-VMO-
loff, T. E. Caufiold1, F. T. Wrlght'man,
Thomas Holt, G. W. Johnson, Jr.,
John H. Lowls, Jesso Huber, S. T.
JUggs, S. E. Rlggs, Cora L. Moores,
S. Monroe, J. A. Sellwood, Lou R.
Hatch, J. D. Leldongor, D. E. Gilliam,
J. W. Cox, Geo. E. Hatch, Eva F.
Cox, C. L. Johnson, Geo. O'Flyng, J.
A. Rotan, D. W. Pugh, Lulu S. Farrar,
Jiydla Propp, F. D. Bean, Will R
Sherman, H. H. Savage, Mrs. J. E.
Baker, Dan Webster, T. J. Arthur, J.
C. Whitmoro, Mrs. C. W. Knox, T. J.
Cronlso, Wm. Roles, Mrs. E. Budlong,
T. W. Butler, Ellon Savago, Mrs. J.
Vincent, Ida Muths, Mrs. Crelghton,
w M. Ronnie, Mrs. Jno. Maurer, Mrs
L, F. Keith, A. Clark, G. F. Seloy, Etta
V. Wnml. W. N Wnn.1 V n.
, ... ... ,.ww, .1 UW...Uf
9. A. Manning, A. L. Stlnson, Mrs.
Kimball, Mrs. Mahor, S. Ludl, S. E.
Ynntls, D. A. Yantls, H. B. Taylor,
O. PaultiB, Mrs. McAlvln, Mrs. H.
Semko, Mrs1. S. Boman, O. C. Hutch
Ins, Mrs. Raylor, H. M. Buell, Mrs.
O. 11. Rich, Potor Graber, J. R. Roth,
Percy Pugh, Mark. S. Skiff, Thos.
King, W. H. Dnncy, Roy Burton, Wm.
W. Hall, F. O. Haas, J. A. Taylor, C.
C "Worrlck, Wm. Brown, C. S. .Hnmll-
ton, A A. Undorhlll, Goo. D. Goodhue,
Fred, A. Logg, Goo. t Duns(ord, Harry
Italph, James Hamilton,' C. T. Mcln-
tiro. J. O. Donald, T. H. Hubbard,
H.. H. Forg'uson',' Geo. W. Watt, J. C.
Johnson, J. Stapleton W. D. Mohnoy,
T, Holvorson, R. J. Hendricks, W. II.
Byars, F. A. Turner, D. P. Clamath,
M. Wlprut, A. A. Dlsquo, M. E. Poguq,
A. Huckestoln, Geo. E. Waters, M.
llredomlor, S. T. Richardson, II. A.
Johnson, Jr, II. S. Radqllffo, James
Mahor, T. K Ford, F. E. Sm,lth, Oscar
Johnson, F. W. Steusloff, T. B. Kay,
IL A. Kirk, A. E. Parker. Goo. P.
Utchllolil, II. 13. Drake, Hal, D. Patton, '
JWrj, 'A.. Clark, Birllllo G. Hnn.irir I
Etuol Ventch, A. N. Moores, Josslo
a Hamilton, II. D. Ilolmnn, II. W.
natch, Dr. E. E. Jackson, S, E, 'How
ard, Mrs, C. E. Dayton, Mis, C, M.
Oglo. E. Ostrnndor, Win! Wechtor,
0. W. O'Flyng, F. T. Clinton, L. II.
Cochran. Clara Albort, T. Q. Albert,
J, Q. Barnes, W H. Burghardt, Jr.,
Noah Welch, Mrs. Fred G. Jvpons,
Mrs. O. L. McPook, R. H. WorinmorUi,
Mrs. C, I). Purvlno, Mrs. FnnnU ErlV,
on, Mra. J. C. Whitmoro. Mrs. T. J.
Cronlso, Mrs. M. l Baldwin, Mrs. J,
T. Barrett, Mra. O. A. Kruno, Mrs.
Radubaugh. David McCully, Mrs. G.
II. Irwin, Mrs. W. M. Ronnlo, Mrs. T.
8. Arthur, A. 11. Claggott, Margaret
Osburn. Mrs. W. F. Boothby, Mrs. N.
J, Judiih. Mrs. 10 E. Gilliam. Mrs. F.
Brady, Hattlo F. Camoron, Mrs. R. D.
Holmun, Harry A. Alro. II. A. John
noil. Mr-. J. II. Cooloy, Mrs. L. J. Vlb
Ijort, Mra. M. F. Fano, Mrs. Clara
Miller. Mrs. Wm. Wloke, Mrs. L. Ben
on, Mra H. U Huffman, Mrs. D. W.
Fisher, Mrs. E. C. Mlnton, Mrs. Louisa.
Ilydor. Mrs. Joijnla Bunco, A. Kanjfle
liprp, Mrs. McCrackon, T. H. Blundoll,
A. F. Hofor. Jr.. II. A. Cunningham,
Julius Nelson H. O. Workman, J, H.
Koas, J. A. Dlckoj, II. II. Tumor, D,
. Keolor, M. C. Pottys. Goo. E. Day.
Xu ll. Bnrnott. h. XL Travor, C. W.
Mvans. Frod Palmor. E. G. Marsh,
a El Gashatt, A. McQIU, W. W. Johu.
Blair SflHiHB
Miss Ethel Raymond, as Queen In Esther, the Beautiful Queen.
4'l,lltJ. 'Uit VfltVW( uvuiuuwiiu,
J. H. Smellwood, Robert H. Orr, J.
M. Kyle, Mrs. A. L. Stlnson, J. A.
Goodalo, Jr., J. R. DImick, W. J.'CuI
ver, Joe. Adolph, L. R. Stlnson, W. P.
George, F. N. Derby, J. W. Wlllson,
Anna B. Hofor, E. Hofer, Mrs. Winona
Hofer, B. C, Patton, A. E. Aufranco,
John H. McNary, Emma M. Brown,
Webster Holmes, C. W. Corby, Geo.
H. Deacon, Mrs. Bessie Balllee, C. O.
Rose, G. C. Schramm, '0. J. Howe,
Stephen Breltensteln, J. O. Schulz,
John Wolff, W. E. Shaw, Jacob A.
Kauffraan, Joseph Graber, Jr., Mrs.
Flora Johnson, W, M. Smith, Mrs.
Kato Basher, Mrs. T. J. Louslgnt, E.
Sautor, J. Wi Baker, Mrs. E. H. Andor-
80n' Mrs- Hanna Joseph' Mrs R Al
,"""' - u"a ""!'.
Mr. Lee's Acceptance.
Salem, Or., Juno 14, 1904.
Messrs. J. A. Taylor, Jos. H. Albert,
F. W. Waters, C. C. Worrlck, Wm.
Brown, C. P. Bishop, C. S. Hamil
ton, and others, electors of School
District No. 24, Marlon County, Op
I beg to acknowlodgo rocelpt of
your communication asking mo to be-
como a candldato for school director
at tho approaching election, and 1
should fool mysolf sadly wanting In
tho qualities of gratitude If I should
fnll ,to appreciate tho expression of
confidence thu3 given mo by such a
largo numbor of tho prominent, ropre-
sontntlvo taxpoyers of this district.
Accepting such expression In tho
iitmost good faith, I do not feel that I
should refuse to accodo to your ro-
quest, therofore, I have concluded
to nccopt tho honor at your hands, and
to pledge mysolf, If elected, to assist
'in conducting tho affairs of tho dls-
trlct with tho vlow of nlaclnir our
schools in tho hlghost possible condl-
The Pages A Scone
v....w m.w..www ..- -. a ...
A. A. LEE.
Haman the Chief.
Mr. R. C. Bradbury, who takos tho
part of Haman In the beautiful opera,
Queen B3ther, at tho Grand, Friday
and Saturday nights, Is a resident of
Portland, and Is . studying under
Frand T, Balrd, of Chicago. Ho has a ,
voice that is especially pleasing, and,
besides this, has the talent for acting
which adds much to his part, which Is
very dramatical at times. For a num
ber of years ho was soloist In tho
South Park, M. E. church, In Chicago,
and will bo a valuable acquisition to
tho casto in this performance Ho
has taken part In many of tho music
als In Portland, always being assigned
a prominent part, having taken tho
part of Haman in tho recent produc
tion of Queen' Esther In that city. Ho
will doubtless please his hearers.
Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
county, ss.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
Is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the
City of Toledo, county and stato afore
said, and that said firm will pay tho
for each and overy caso of Catarrh
that cannot bo cured by- the uso of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed
In my prosenso, this 6th day of De
comber, A. D. 188C.
Seal, A. W. GLEASON,
I Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Inter
nally, and acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Sond for .testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best,
A Fine Spectacular
Opera Is Queen Esther. See It to-
morrow and Saturday nights.
In Queen Esther
Does Not Want to
Be Elected as a
Thinks the Opposition to High
er Grades Should Pat up
Candidate Who Stands
for That Principle
Andrew A. Leo saya tho opposition
to higher grades In tho Salem school
district should name a candidate, and
mako Itself felt at tho election next
Monday, as ho does not wish to bo
oleoted upon any misunderstanding as
to his position.
Mr. Leo says ho stands flatly for
the establishment of tho higher
grades and good business administra
tion of the schools, but If a majority
of the voters and taxpayers are op
posed to that principle, ho thinks they
should put up a candldato represonO
Ing that policy, and, If elected, the
people should go without higher
grades than they now have.
Mr. Lee thinks tho present school
directors have a right to know what
tho people want, and ho Is In favor o"f
a direct expression at the election
Monday on this matter. Let the peo
ple say whether they want grades
abovo tho .ninth grade established In
this city, and let there bo no misun
derstanding. Mr. Lee says the ls3UO cannot be
made too plain, so far as he is con
cerned. If the people vote down
higher grades he does not care to
serve on the school board, as- he be-
Heves tho grades should bo estab
If a majority of the voters' of this
school district aro opposed to having
the higher grades, usually carried In
tho public schools of a city like Sa
lem, lot them say so In an unmistak
able manner, and elect a director who
will represent those views, as Mr. Leo
stands distinctly for tho principle of
tho best public schools.
Mr. Lee say3 ho would rather bo de
feated than win on any misrepresen
tation. If Salem Is against higher
grades let a candldato be put up who
Btands squarely on that Issue, and let
him say so, and let all the people vote
Thero Is somo opposition to higher
grades In tho public schools, but Mr.
Lee does not bellve that a majority
of tho voters are opposed to Salem
having -as gobd public schools as any
city In the state, and If ho Is elected
ho will fight for tho establishment of
those views.
Mr. Lee says he would much prefer
to, have a candldato put In tho field
squarely opposed to him in this mat
ter, and ho will abide by the result of
the election. He says he bolloves
that It Is tho right way to settle such
nlattors, and establish the policy on
which the schools nro to bo con
ducted! He asks no cinch as a can J I-
date, and If his progressive views are
not tho views of this community he
does not care to bo elected.
Will Have a New Directory.
W. J. Lloyd, representing R. L.
Polk & Company, of Portland,
the groat directory publishing
house, Is In tho city, In chargo
of tho canvass for a now directory of
Salem, which' will bo published In tho
near future. This Is good news for
our city, and all business people will
appreciate having an up-to-ilato di
rectory. This Is largely tho result of
Salem's recont census enumeration,
and will tend to more thoroughly ad
vortUe our city.
: Smell
If there Is anything you need
it is to removo tho death-dealing
sewer gas from your house.
; Modem
I Plumbing
will do thlB and glvo you com
fort as well as health. Have
your old plumbing Inspected
and you may save a heavy bill.
105 8Uto 8t, 'Phono 1511 Main.
And All Other Pains
Can Be QuicKly
And what Is equally ns Important,
with case and perfect safety, by tak
ing Dr. Miles' Antl-1'aln Pills, tho pleas
nnt. harmless, rellablo curo for all
kinds of pain.
Tou will llnd them equally effective in
cases of slclc or nervous headacho, neu
ralgia, back ache, stomach acho, sciat
ica, rhoumatlsm, periodic, bcarln&-down
and ovarian pains.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills cure by
their soothing and Invigorating Influ
ence upon tho nerves, which nro suffer
ing for vitalizing food.
For this reason they seldom fall to
bring Instant relief In cases of nervous
ness, Irritability, sleeplessness, car-sickness,
dizziness, and Indigestion.
Those who are familiar with tho mer
its of Antl-Paln Pills, the "llttlo com
forters," find It unnecessary to suffer at
all, nnd talso the Pain Pills on first In
dication of pain, and they always ward
oft tho attack.
They aro so suro to do this that they
nre sold under a guarantee that if first
pacltaso falls to . relieve, tho druggist
will return your money.
"Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills havo not
only relieved mo of severe headache,
nervousness and indigestion, but my
mother who has Buffered a great deal
with neuralgia and dizziness, has been
cured by their use." . . .
MKS. O. H. DANKS, 332 W. 3rd St.,
Morrlstown, N. J. . .......
25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk.
UDpp Write to us for Free Trial
U XVXixj Package of Dr. Miles' Antl
Paln Pills, the Now Scientific Remedy
for Pnln. Also Symptom Blank. Our
Specialist will dlagnoso your case tell
you what Is wrong, nnd how to right It,
Do Not Miss
The cymball drill at the Queen Es
ther opera. It Is a beautiful pleco ol
Bswi the j? Ihs Kini1 You ,,are WwafS toCfiM
"Make Salem a Good Home Market."
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Pennell, Prop.
Wheat 77c.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner' Market.
Spring chickens 1315c.
Chickens 8g)10c.
Eggs Per dozon, 16c.
Hop Market.
Hops 1926c.
Potatoes, Vegetable, Etc.
Potatoes 60c.
Onions 2c.
Wood. Fnnce Potts, Eto.
Second growth $5.76.
APh $3.00 to J8.76.
Grub oak $G.50.
Cedar posts 12c.
HI dec Pelts and ''urn.
Green- Hides, No. 1 5c. '
Green Hlues, No. 2 4c.
Calt Skins 45c.
8heep 75c.
Goat Skins 25c to II.
Qraln anti Frour.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex
port valuo 70c.
Oats Buying, $1.10 per cwt.
Barley ?21 per ton.
Flour Wholesafo, 8.76.
Live Stock Marksl
Steers 34c.
Cows 3c.
Sheep 3c.
Dressed pork 66.
Dressed Veal 56c.
Dressed hogs 6&3Gc.
Llvo hogs 56 c.
Mutton 23c.
Hay, Fwd. SU,
Baled cheat ?1O0 $11.
Balod clover $9.
Bran $22.50. '
Shorts $24.00.
Eggs, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs 15c, cash.
Buttor 22c, wholesale.
Butter fat 20c at station.
Wheat Walla Walla, 71072c.
Valley 81082c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $1,900
$4.05; graham, $3.DO0$4.OO.
Oats Choice white, $1.25.
Barloy Feed, $23.00 por ton; rolled
Mlllstuff Bran, $190$2O,
Hay Timothy, $15$16.
Potatoes Fancy, 75c$1.00.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 17 017 He
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13013
per pound; turkeys, 16017c.
Pork Dressed, 606c.
Beef Dressed, 58c.
Veal 607c.
Hops 2325c.
Wool Valley, 1718?ic; Eastern
Oregon, 11014c; Mohair, SOc for
Hides dry, 16 pounds and upwards.
Butter Fancy creamery, 20c.
Threo Tralno .to tho East DalT
Through Pullman standard akd
tourist sleoplng cars dally to Omaha.
Chicago, Spokano; tourist sleeping
care dally to Kansas- City; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (PCT.
sonally conducted) weekly to ChlaJ
go; reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.
Ho Chance of Cm v
from Portlaoil, Or
9 15 . n
ti limn
In Rion
8:15 rn.
rift Hunt,
tall Lnke. DAniAT.
Worth. Omaha, E&ntai
City, Ht. Loolt, CWnvo
5 24p
"alt Lake, Center Pt.
1 t7. Si. LjuH, Onlcaito
9O0, b.
Will UMh
8t. Pul
FMt Mall
7 45 p. m.
3poanc, Vallate ru..
(nan, .Minneapolis m.
8: .
rani, Dulnth,Miluku,.
Jhlcgo. and Eaut.
Ocean and River Schedule,
For San Francisco Every Ave Hay.
at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, wnv i..
and North Beach Dally (except Sua-
day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m.
uauy service (water permitting) w
Willamette and Yamhill rivers.
For fuller lnformntlnn not . u.
I your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
Tho Oregon Railroad & Navlgatica
Co., Portland, Oregon.
From S. P. and C; & E. Points to the
Seaside and Mountain Resorts
for the 8ummer.
On and aftor June 1, 1904, the
Southern Pacific, in connection with
the Corvallls & Eastern reailriad, will
havo on sale round trip tickets from
points on their linos to Newport, Ya
quina and Detroit at very low rates,
good for return until October 10, 1901.
Three-day tickets to Newport and
Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and
roturnlng Mondays, are also on Bala
from all East Side points, Portland to
Eugene lncluslvo and from all West
Sldo points, enabling people to visit
their families' and spend Sunday at
tho seaside.
Season tickets from all East Bids
points, Portland to Eugene, Inclusive,
and from all West Sldo points, aw
also on sale to Dotrolt at very low
rates, with stop-over privileges al
Mill City or any point cast, enabling
tourists to visit tho Santiam and Brei
tenbush hot springs In the Cascadi
mountains, which can bo reached It
ono day.
Season tickets will bo good for r
turn from ull points until October 10.
Three-day tickets will bo good goto
on Saturdays and returning Monlayi
only. Tickets from Portland and vi
cinity will bo gooil for return via th
East or West Sldo at option of ps
songor. Tickets from Eugene and vi
cinity will bo good going via the U&
anonrSprlngfield branch if desired.
Baggage on Newport tickets cheefcel
through to Newport; on Yaqulna
tickets tto Yaqulna only.
Southern Pacific trains connect wltH
tho C. & E.at Albany and Corvalll
for Yaqulna and Newport. Trains on
the C. & E. for Detroit will leave AV
bany at 7 a. m., enabling tourists t
the hot springB to reach there tbi
samo dav.
Full information as to rates, with
beautifully illustrated booklet of Yt
qulna bay and vicinity, timetables,
etc., can bo obtained on appllcauon
to Edwin Stone, manager C. & R
railroad, Albany; W. E. Coman, Q. P
A Southern Pacific company, Port
land, or to any S. P. or C. & a agent.
Rato from Salem to Newport ?:
Rate from Salem to Yaqulna ""l
Rato from Salem to Detroit ....
Three-day rato from Salem to
and Altona leave for Portland Monday.
Wednesday and Krlday al 10 a, m.
Tueaday, Thursday and 8urdM &,
m: For Corvallli, Tuendar, Tborwij
and Baturday at 8 p. m .,,.,
For Independence dally exceptfluaW
Deck: Foot of Trad tri
!. GUNN'S H1
HOARSENESS A. CROUP. ",,",,k,,nJrt
Beat Remady tot Children. PJ '? ft'-i C
danpef In an otdoa. Tha oM of laiaal TM ta
Saltfby all Mtdlcln Store In Urge '!&lrt
Mad, inrj pj DR. BOSANKO CO., WftHitf.
WrIU u$ It will tni t u''''',