mw nsp" o' yeather. Tonight and Thursday NO. 136. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1904. -T""W"T TT DAILY fl A PTT AL JOURNAL M ' - '" " ' ' I I I 11 I I I I ' ' " ' " - IM.III I I HREE HUNDRED LIVES LOST UTHERAN SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION teamer Burns With Sixteen Hundred People on Board Three Hundred Lives Lost s'ew York, Juno 15. The steam- at General Slocum 1b ashore off Irth Brothers Island, at 138th street. llephone messages say many per ns have lost their lives. The vessel bk fire, and the pilot steored for the ore, but beforo the ship had beached flames spread from stem to fern. The Slocunu carried an excur- on party of 1C00, half of .whom wero llldren. Many jumped overboard and owned, while others wero burned ! death on tho boat. A tolophone op- ator at Brothers Island states the iter near the island is full of dead Ita The Slocum was an Immense Bple decker plying between New brk and Rockaway beach. It Is now ported that 500 lives are lost. The Slocum left tho foot of East ilrd street for Locust Grove at 9 :lock this morning, engaged by tho inday School classes of St, Mark's itheran church, on Sixth street, be- teen seconi ana liowery. The lolckerbocker Steamboat Company e the owners of tho Slocum, and ive received a message, stating that io boat was burned to tho water's ge, and that the hulk was still hrniDE. Their mossage Bays that a limber of porEons Jumped overboard, bd that some were picked up by ball boats. No estimate of loss of le Is glvon by tho company. Tho Slice have recovered 11 bodies thus adults, mostly women. Ambu- tees and surgeons were sent to tho lene. May Be 300 Lives Lost. At noon the best estimate placed the number of lives lost is bo- pen 200 and 30p. About 50 bodies been recovered at that time, and illce, tugboats, steamers and small iats were out in the Sound looking r otners. A dozen ambulances, ores of physicians and nurses and 1 the police reserves in the city pre on tho scene to rescue dies of the dead, succor tho living, pJ aid the injured. It was an annu al Sunday school excursion'party, and made up largely of women and child ren, who commenced boarding tho steamer at tho foot of East Third street at 7 o'clock this morning. With the triple decks well filled, Capta'n VanSchack, a veteran navigator, gavo the signal, and the boat pulled out from hor pier, bound for Locust Grove, on Long Island Sound. Head ed up East Itlyer, all went well until tho boat passed through Hell Gate, and was nearing Brothers Island. Then Joy and merriment were quickly turned to panic by tho cry of 'fire." Flames had been discovered among tho life preservers but how or when they started none have yet been found who can say. Tho burning lifepreservors were torn from their resting places and thrown overboard, in an endeavor to smother tho flames. This added great ly to tho loss of life, as it was noticed afterwards that bodies recovered from the water had no llfesaving appara tus on. Van Schaick, when the dread ful cry of lire arose, called for full speed, and headed for tho rock-bound shores of North Brothers island. Meantime tho scones aboard were frightful. The flame- spread with terrible rapidity, and men, women and children wero running about wild with fear, shrieking and in tears, seeking a havon of safety. Mothers gathered their children in their arras and leaped into the water. Others seemed too dazed to move, nad tho flames licked up about them, and burned them to death. Tho great bulk stood by tho boat until she neared the shore of tho island, where tho water shoaled thinking hero they might find a chance for life. Eyo witnesses say that as the boat neared the shores she was surrounded on all sides by floating bodies of passengers who had -Jumped. On North Brothers Island Is located a hospital for con tagious diseases and other city insti tutions. rq LACE CURTAINS We're showing some of tho now ideas in lace curtains that are Just a llttlo different from the older patterns, Have you seen them'? More of tho 20-cont curtain net Just in. It's tho neatest thing we've wen for sash curtains. Out Dry Goods Department I a lively placo. The styles and qualities of the goods aro equal to any in tho city. When you see our prices you'll realize what the cash plan can do for a dry goods store. Our customers tell us that ve are selling ribbons, laces and embroideries 25 to 50 per cent cheaper than tho regular stores. Our assortment Is very large, and e aro continually receiving new pattorns. Thompson's uGloYefittiiip:M Corsets. In all the now shapes. The new batiste Summer Corsets are what you want for the warm weather. It Isn't often that ypu can get such well-known goods at "racket prices." 'Jtt3S S8ST TIVUICnMC 1A IMwTWI clove-fit riNcT IIITAMT" HABIT IMP The Brown Shoe Cos Are made on modern lasts, and they givo satisfactory wear. "We carry a larger lino and soil more shoes than most shoo stores. The New York Racket ihJrt5 honest value for every dojlar spent with them. Clothing, hats c.k ' .e7erythlng for the whole family. Saloms' cheapest one-prJce V8'a store. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. RUMORS ABOUT PORT ARTHUR Japanese Ruler Has Premised to Protect Catholic Missionaries Closing in on Port Arthur Toklo, June 15. Various reports are current today concerning a Bea engagement near Port Arthur. One has it that tho Russian fleet escaped from Vladlvstock, gavo battle to the Japaneso off tho Island of Tsushima. Tho captain of a Japaneso steamer, which arrived this morning, says ho was fired on by tho Russian squadron. Heavy cannonading was heard this morning In the neighborhood of Iklsh Ima Island, not far from Tsushima. A dispatch received today state that the entrance to Port Arthur Is again open The Russlnn cruiser Novlk sailed out and engaged tho Japanese fleet. Latest From Mukden. Rome, Juno 15 An Agnenzla Li beria dispatch from Mukden states that extreme heat has resulted in a serious epidemic of dystentery among tho Russian troops. Cossacks havo dispersed 2000 Chaunchuses at a point 80 verts from Mukden. f Crowding Port. Che4' Foo, June 15. A report from Russian sources states that tho Jap anese suffered severo roversds to thn north nf Kin Phrvw. Nn rnnflrma- tion that the Japaneso havo placed tho 42 siege guns on tho heights north of Port Arthur. Refugees say only combatants remain at Port Arthur, with provisions for only six weeks. JWill Portect Catholics. Rome, June 15. Tho pope haa re colved an autograph letter from tho Mikado, in which tho Japanese ruler states that ho has given Instructions for tho protection of Catholic mis sionaries wherever Japanese influence extends. MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP ADVOCATED Greater Salem Commercial Club Adopts Resolution in Favor of Council Buy ing Electric Light Plant The Greater Salem Commercial Club made a move In tho right direc tion last evening when It voted to ask tho council to investlgato tho municipal ownership of electric light plants, etc. After the railroad business was dis posed of Mr. Ford said that lie de sired to call tho attention of tho members of tho club to tho fact that tho electric light contract would ex nlre this fall, and that ho thought that it would bo a good plan for tho city council to investigate tho matter of tho city owning Its own plant. Ho then offered tho following resolutien: "Resolved, That It Is tho sonso of tho Greater Salem Commercial Club that it would be to the best interests of the people of the city for Salons to own and operate an oloctric' light plant to supply the city and Its ibr habitants with ll$ht, and wo would re spectfully ask tho Salem, city council to appoint a commltteo to investigate tho matter of Salem purchasing such a plant. Resolved, That tho city council re ceive proposition's from persons1 or corporations having water powers or lighting plants to sell, and at' what price." Geo. P. Rodgers thought that the mombersr of tho club wero not snfH clently Informed to say whether or not the plant would bo a paying" In vestment for the city, and was in fa vor of striking out a part of tho res olution. After considerable discus sion tho resolution was adopted. Shht Waists Tho season's prettiest styles and effects in nice cool waists for warm weather, 50c to $6.50 Tfffifj? re4&& IHMrMHHIk Men's Hats All tho now shapes and styles In straw hats. You'll need one these warm days, 5c to $3.50 ORIGINATORS w j Kwmmwummmmmmnwmmfmxmmmmmmmwmm innii FOR SALEM MAKERS OF LOW PRICES. ALWAYS A LITTLE BETTER FOR A LITTLE LESS AT THE BIG STORE. WHEN EVER A LOW PRICE IS QUOTED BY CHEAP STORES' YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE SAME ARTICLE FOR A LITTLE LESS OR A BETTER ARTICLE FOR THE SAME MONEYI IMITATION OF WEAK OPPOSITION TRYING TO RIDE ON THE POPULARITY OF SALEM'S GREATE8T STORE IS THE SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY OF OUR METHODS. OTHER8 M'AY IMITATE BUT NEVER EQUAL OUR GREAT BARGAIN FACILITIES. THE PUBLIC OF 8ALEM HA8 LEARNED THAT-THIS 8TORE'S ADVERTISING IS ACCURATE, IT'S BARGAINS REAL, AND THAT IT NEVER TRIFLES OR JUGGLES WITH THE PEOPLE A DEPENDABLE STORE THAT POSSE8SES THE GREAT PUBLIC'S CONFI DENCE THAT'S WHY THE PEOPLE COME " HEREWHY OUR ADVERTISING PAYS THE GOOD8 ARE BACK OF IT. nl I JtmlJ v ii VV in m xk Out G eat Suit Sale This season's best styles and mate rials sacrificed. Wornon's stylish Dress and Walking Suits at an un precodonted low price Prevailing prices do not covor tho actual cost of manufacturing Thoro Is a wide rango of choice. St Louis fair Contest A vote with every 25c purchase. No June votes will be counted after Thursday, June 30 at 6 P, M. TOTAL NUMBER VOTE8 CAST 18,033 TOTAL NUMBER PERS0N8 VOTED FOR 57 lljrtMnffru U Mux IbMTukxtti Miss JJellon, EaBt 5805 Miss Shelton, Mu3ic 6G29 Miss Thomas, Park 1300 Miss Cosper, East ,, 127G Miss Bushnell, Park ...... 1030 Sfcit Waist Suit Silks In new and popular broken cliecka and stripes, fifteen now pieces just recolved and placed before you for your choosing. $1.00 prlcod at some stores our great SPECIAL. 55c and 69c COMPARE QUALITIES. ) New Cosets All tho now styles In Erect Form and sets aro horo In all Long Hip Summer Corsets aro horo In all sizes colors Pink, White, Blue Drab and Black. Half Price 50c to $3.50 Miss Knight, Music 419 Miss Kramer, East 339 Miss Prunk, Elocution ...... 333 Miss Patrick, O. E, S. .",,.. 283 Mies Gordon, North .'..-fX.. V233 . j " Muslin Underwe&t Tho muslin underwear you have in mind probably Just what you intended to havo made at more ls hero. Or it would bo strango if It. were not horo, for our as sortments include all tho good and protty styles and garments, aood dosigns, good embroideries, neat sowing nothing thrown together with a "lick and ft promise" Just to givo tho appearance of being something it isn't. Garments range in price from t5c to $6.50 Wash Goods You'll bo agreeably surprised to soo tho values we're offering In new WASH GOODS In our big de partment All tho lato fabrics and colorings aro ready for your choosing. CepjllfH V0( if BehiBntr 4 Man Men's Suits Tho careful manner In which our suits tiro tailored' nssuros comfort and oasd, a woll as an abundance of styje. Tholr fit is above criti cism. Then, too, tho selections aro offered in unlimited vnrlotlos, Como In and seo for yoursoljf h.ow wo can fit you out frotrv 8 ;; n $10 to $25