m rUnrE , b'AiLV.CAPAl. JOURNAL.. SALEMOBfeOON, SATURDAY, JUNE 3,1, ,1904. ' ,,, ru j I QUEEN Xerxes, and is made still more real-' Seeley, has nrado It possible for them 'day at 10:30 u rti. and 8 p. m. Subject lstic by appropriate gesture and ac-',to attain, greater , proficiency than, d'Of lgssoh sermons fc"IS.ho -Universe, tlon of each individual member of the usually reached :1a fho short tlmo Including Man, BVdlved froni Atomic cost and chorus. taken by Mr. Robinson for these pro- Force?" Sunday School at 11H5 a. m. For over' a week the singers have ' duotlons. Altogether the opera will Wednesday evening testimonial m-eot-been rehearsing each evening, and the a great musical treat and -deSerV- Ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room In. the special parts aro being trained dur-.S tho patronage of evory lover of,"''V vu, '""" ". V. , ,; T lng the day, and In another week. music and drama ln Salem they will all havo reached a decree MllSiCal and Dra-.of Perfection In detail, seldom seen ESTHER CANTATA h Great i . f niatlC rrooucuon in los tume by Leading Salem Singers among professionals and very rarely : attempted by amateurs. Tho "New Queen Esther" as .presented by Mr. Roblnsom Is not alone tho cantata aa was originally written, by Wm. Brad- I bury, and with which so many of MIMMIUHmilWIUMM SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday. All are cordially Invited,. Thero seeins to be a mistaken Idea Salem's singers aro familiar, but .. MlnTa riP flnmn nonnln na tn tinA nnnro lina Kwin. i.rls1 .... mm.ln Ila tne wiu " i-..-. ..., ,. w.u , uwull ...0Ki, ,,,, uiu First Congregational Church. Tho last services lm the present edi fice will be held1 on Sunday. A spe- k;lal program' has been prepared. Ad duction as a spectacular & welfas anu,,S8 at 10:3 a- "V by'lhe pastor. At 4i4k i rk-wlim4lt add Oil. and1 tntli nnnnWntilrv mnlA fnr .. (!TlirH Ul U1V IIUUULUUIII VII HUU " w I'"" " J . .. utafw." Tf la nnt r- dnuriatle work which' -kda much-'to J op , x t . ' i - -,,'a th0 beaut' and -Interest 'of ,the pro iiD oratorio to-bo sung by tho 100 ,,lloMA , .,......,' X jjnjers composing tho class, but In educational entertainment addition, to tho beautiful music which j of course, much of the Interest till bo rendered with all tho volume centers about the Queen, as the title ., Pinresslon of a trained chorus the , woul( Imply, but two of, tho leading eatlre story is illustrated by approprl- characters ami; perhaps tho two that L. rostumes of tho times of tho Jews "uvo U1 moHt mienso urnmauc worn End Persians ini the days of King lnl tho lora a3 Ji staged' by Mr. Rob inson, aro.naman ana zerisu. ton a successful portrayal of the former character ono must be endowed with' not only. , a good baritone voice, but have considerable dramatic ability, arid bo able tofi-bpresent, lm each-sue-ces?lvo scene, the proud and haughty prince, the crafty and .scheming poli tician! and the defeated, but still haughty victim of his own, misman aged plots. Irt tho recent production of "Esth er" giveii by Mr, Robinson In the Marquanv . Qrand, In Portland, Mr. Bradbury, recently from Chicago sus tained tho rolo of Haman In such a manner as to receive thohearty ap plause of the audience at ,'each reap pearance upon the stage and In both I voJccj and. acting: proved himself to bo above tho amateur. It Is. expected by the management here that Mr.' Brad bury will be preient to assume the ramo part and tho audience Is sure of a farotreat'In, hlsi part of tho pre- Suicide fhat Drives so Many- People to This DacK Path, and Why If a man beforo tnkin? a step mndo possible only by brooding and despair would consider that his feeling of dark ness la only a question of nerves ho irould.be saved. For, tho depression lending to self do ttructlon Is truly a dlsnase of tho nerves. This nervo depression or melancholy lis often nccompalncd. or preceded . by Bsevere or constant Headache, Dizziness, IDullness, Loss of Memory, Sleeplessness, (Muscular Twltchlnss, Nervous Prostra- ItloD, Spasms, Drain Fas, and other Islgns of serious ncrvo trouble. The euro is Dr. Miles' Nervine. It U a nervo metllclno for weak nerves.. tend can be depended upon to make- you well. No matter what form of nervo troublo you may be suffering from, you 'can de pend on Dr. Miles' Nervlno. It will do what no other medicine or treatment may bo able to do for you cave, you from that black hour of brood In;, 'which so many of us dread. 1 had several attacks of nervous spasms, and for a long time could get no relief. I saw Dr. Miles' Nervlno advertised and bought a bottle. After using the first bottle, I was much bet ter, ana wnen i nau uiKen six uoiues was entirely cured. I have never been trouwea since." mus. w. a. tiuiu, :6Ullmore, oa. The first bottle- Is guaranteed to benefit yoij, ordnifglst will refund your money. PPI'I 'Write us and we will mall .aiiJU you n. Free Trial Package of )r. Met' Antl-Paln Pills, the New. Bclentlflo Remedy for Pain. Also Svmn- hom Slunk for our Spcclallnt to dlagnoso sour case ami leu you wnnt is wrong nd how to right it. Absolutely Free. Wtess: DU. TIILES MEDICAL CO., mnn irnT,rinci ititrtiAn-p tktti UViUl,ViUiii; MW.UWU.4, Miw, parta which aro In' competent hands Tho character of Mordecal, the Jewish unclo of Queen Esther, Is a, difficult role to sustain as' It calls for Intense dramatic acting and spirit1 that Is rarely found lm an amateur, but, In his Interpretation of this part Mr. Seeley will achieve now laurels1 and prove himself to bo as competent an actor as ho is a. lirector. Tho chorus work done so far at the rehearsels Is far superior to that ac complished Jn! the first week by most choifuses, as the careful training re ceived by most of tho members of tho chorus for tho past two years under the skillful direction of "8 p.m. the address will be led by Rev. P. S. Knight. Mr, Seley will have diarge of tho music for tho day, and a rich treat Is promised. Tho record of the dedicatory services held Au gust 30, 1863, will bo read from the regfstcr. All who attended these ded icatory services are cordially Invited. "At 7 p. m. thero will be a union En deavor meeting, tho societies of the Central and First Congregational 'churches meeting in tho First church. Central Congregational. Nineteenth, and Fetry streets, P. S. Knight in charge. Special Children's Day ser,vlce, be ginning at 10 a. m followed by recep tion of members' and communion ser vice. There will bo no evening ser vice, as both tho Endeavor society and church will unit with tho people of the First church In their final meet ings In the old1 building. Rev. J. Oliver Will speak at the "W C. T. U. hall at 4 o'clock p. m. Sunday. Christian Science. Flrt Church of Christ, Soientist Services: Lesson sermon and child ren's classes at 11 a. m. Sublect of ducyon, m -yMl tm In "all the Bolol,0880n ,,,. -..lB ,e Universe, In cluding manv Evolved' by Atorrilc Force?" Wednesday evening meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room open dally except Sunday. Christian, Science hall, corner of Court and' Liberty streets. ; First Unitarian. Frank A. 'Powell, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a rn. Rev. "vV. G. Eliot, Jr., of Portland, will speak on "Miracles Versus Re ligion." No evening services. Christian Science. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Mr. 140 Chemeketa street. Services: Sun- First Christian. Corner of High and center streets. Preaching by the pastor, Elder D. Ep rett' at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Re spective themes: "Tho Leading church and ''liindrances." Blblo School at 12 m., Charles Shoemaker superintendent. Junior' C. E. at 3:30 p. m., Dr. H. C. Epley chorister. Frapk Churchill, organist.' U. B. Church. Services at the U. D. church, in Yew Park, as fellew's: Preaching at 11 a.'m., also at 8 p, m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Walter Reynolds, Pastor. Pentecostal Mission. Services as usual Sunday, notwith standing the absence of many of our people. All meetings hoM1 la tent on Mission street between Capital and. University at Yew Park. Holiness meeting at 11 a. m. Junior meeting at 1:30 p. m. Salvation meetings at 3 and 8 p. m. Meetings every evening during the week. An exchange says this- notice was found posted on the wall of a deserted homestead in the arid regions of Kan sas. "Four miles from' a neighbor, sixteen miles from a postofflce, twenty-five miles' from a railroad, four teen miles from a schoolhouse, forty one miles from a church, 190 miles from n timber, 200 miles from a Demo crat half a mile from' water, quarter of a mile from hell, and the same dis tance from a Republican. Gono to Oregon which is God's country to get a fresh start. MEN ARC POWERLESS To Fight Asrnlnat DInene TJnloa Tner Strike at the Underlying Cause. To treat Dandruff, and Falllnff Hair, wlih Irritants or Oils on which a para sltlo germ will prosper, Is like scooping water, from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising. Tou cannot accomplish a satisfactory euro without having a right understand ing of the fundamental causes of tho trouble. Tou must kill tho Dandruff Germ. Newbro's Hcrplcldo docs this because It Is specially mode to do Oat very tnins. "When the germ la removed, the hnlr has. no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty. "Destroy tho cause, you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, In stamps for sample to Tho Herplcldo Co.S Detroit. Mich. rHnlol J Vrv. SDOclal Asrent lllf tm uaa mv WBawggatfeatnii8i Birds!! Clover Hdillers Are tho only hullers using tho wasp hulling cylinders, and they aro tho only 'hullers that save all tho seed. -' Mr. Wm. Gauffrier, of Amity, Ore., In the fall of 1902, hulled over 700 bushels of clover, and when through regular work put through a lot of chaff that had been put through another hullor tho previous season. Ho got 1650 pounds' of good clover seed, which, at the low estimate of 10 cents a pound, made him $1G5 saved out of a straw pile in a few hours' run. Get a BircSsell Writo Mr. Gauffrier, and he'll confirm tho above. nnw it-a; x Sjaii3B&lJw"" " ' ' ' ' VMtaKSMtir ct.i he, BHjtTHb wiP3K-gMgi Si - . wM-WMtk-'"- ' itl iSbBp' Pofi i3a Jlfer'-' '"-' jMB-ayWTJg Swiw- is? KtSgO; Mil I w-J 'i mm R THE MCCORMICK BINDER HAS TRIUMPHANTLY STOOD THE TEST OF TIME, AND TO-DAY REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST AT TAINMENT IN THE MANUFACTURE OF HARVESTING MACHINES. FOR SEVENTY-THREE YEARS THE MCCORMICK HAS BEEN USED IN HARVESTING THE CROPS OF THE WORLD, AND ITS UNPRE CEDENTED SUCCESS IS UNASSAILABLE EVIDENCE OF ITS SU PERIORITY IN THE HARVEST FIELD8 OF THE WORLD. mtmitw TTrtirmrrmwatrji y mi rry SEND FOR 1004 CATALOGUE. Sitidebak 1 er 'Wagons Are eo good that somo people won't pay the price, preferring rather to buy, something ghat's about two fifty cheaper, ami of an untried make. What's two fifty in.the llfo of a wagon? Twonty-flvo dollars won't be gin to comporisate. you for tho troublo you're put to in even ono year's uso of a cheap, in ferior wairori, or anything oIbo of tho wrtf' .'" Get a , Stttdcbakcp Second-growth white oak spokes and felloes, filled with oil, dried, and then; painted, all mounted onto a Now England Black Birch hub, with slope shouldered spokes, combine to make a wheel that stands. Tho wheel is tho llfo-of your wogoh. Get a Stfldebake McCORMICK MOWERS and RAKES. This Is tho time of year when you want thom, and wo are ready for you. Spaco costs too much to toll you about them hero, but wo want you to como In and see tho machines. That's worth a barrel of newsnaner Ink. for convincing argument. Alwaya pleased to show you, and no "sour grapes" if you don't buy. Don't lot your prejudice keep you away, for a proju- f ulced man Is more unjust to himself than any one else. HAY TEDDERS, HAY CARRIERS, slings, forks, pulleys, hang hooljs, and everything olso in1 that, lino, oi ttu TRACK, too, for thoso who want a permanent rig ror tno Darn. " Jm Wiggins Implement Hoase, 255-257 Liberty Street, Salem. Fam Implements, Automobiles, Bi cycles, Sewing Machines, etc. i"" ' ' mmjii wm riiMiit-1 ' iim'M "' cra-; -Ca ft m tvrii -Wr il fcptiiaaSM i Ml m" I 11 IF IH IWflv 1 wllll liFlf.Vlli7il4 iliM imtliHnnmtTii i AVdcfaGlc PrcDotaiiotirorAs- slmilaling ihcFoodandRcguIa Ung iheSloinadis andBovs-els of Promotes Digcslton.Clieerful ness andRestContains neillier Opium.Morpltfnc norfinexaL TJOT NAHCOTICi toveofOUBrSAMVELmam lmytfu Seal' JLx.Smrttt fatten SJtt . finite Sttd tuaataumti Itfrm-Sd.- Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUpa lliin, Sour Stomach, Diarrhotia Vbrms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW 'YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the A. V Signature SAm fi iMjV- ' sj For EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. '--, In PM Over Thirty Years CASTORIA t otNTun ookmnv, HiwTomi orrr. I v. WttMWWMillMlMft' A Royal Feast can be enjoyed in our choice fat lamb, prime ribs ana" lolnB of beef, legs of mutton or cholco cuts of veal. We can cater to tho most fastidious palate in tender, juicy and richly flavored moats. Let us send you ono around for dinner. You can't beat either our prices or our meats. E C. Ctoss. State Street Market attiwtMnMitMgmmt(iMmieM sw Phene: Main 2953. WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED I 193 Commercial St. Over The Journal. ixmrvM t it mwaaMaaHwU JBooklet aild Type is the C, . - -latest thing to )afalog-ne be added to THE N. D. ELLIOTT PKINTERY If you are planning a trade Catalogue it will p ay you to investigate my facili ties and workmanship. PROOFS SUBMITTED OH ALL WORK. 4a4 AiwJAwwwwilAlwwliULUwi TTwTiTVTWTVrVr?TTT ft IMMENSE STOCK OF Carriage Harness y j ; Wotk Harness and t Saddles All up-to-date and first claps. Bee us for anything in our lino and T BflVO IUK1UVJ. E.S. LampprtSarJdleryCo. 289 Ommercial Street.! rtH4fr-MHiHHH- 4HNHattMMM'ft ::::::::A G E N C Y O F:::::::t . ! BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.ii ; GR AIN bdyers and shippers of OR A TftT i ! Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore. f inn riui yr inn fOHtaT u Haa beon taken to supply tho stock of! ! lumber In our yards. Our stock isj complete -with all kindB of lumber.;; Just received a car load of No. li ! shingles, also a car of flno shakes.! Wo are able to nil any and all Wnd; ; of bills, Come and let ua show you our Btook. J I Yard and office near S. P, passenger! depot 'Phono Main 651. ' GOODALE LUMBER CO, ; ; mmwmSMSfm 4!m r 11 M n nf i m I niiinnimtsnnnMmiagiiiiMiiinnnnnnninnnmiii mnttMtniiti imiiagningifriMn- MHMfHHHHB