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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
--s. i"tt?i; ti. '-Tr: w DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904. TtP. S, BbitQrial fame of . e S)ailf 3-oUrn&l fjT)) jV Eb " By HOFER BkoTHERS. OHKen news Association telegrams. JHmtK. KMJKH0 5 ffn&Mdiod every afternoon excpot Sunday at 197' Commercial street. man for the place, and the voters can Ho from tho transportation compan- Flna11y, when the' 'traffic managers make no mlstakoTlh electing him. He Is an honest,. consdenflouB man and Is a gentleman worthyAof tho suf-, In the East and San, Francisco were i-i. .. sit, Wr .. ,.' t... K:..j n iM,i...triia irasu ui uvory cn'zvn. 'A voio iur uuuut iu uuuuuuu uicbuu iuumwi Rice means a fair valuation of all to their fato, Mr. Booth took tho hull property, and It matters not whether I by tho horns, and said If there was It Is owned by a capitalist, farmer help bo would carry the light St&scflptjqn terms: .-gtagb one year, $4.00 In advance; dally threo months, $1.00 In advance: jMJiy "by carrier, 50c per month? weekly one year, $1.00 Iruadvance. ' JOURNAL 8PECIAL DELIVERY. On reek 10c; one m'piiUi 3Bc; thVeo months $1.00. t J W Journal office; at baue's grocery, 8outh 8alem at Bowereox' orocery, Wvv Pck; Asylum Avenue Orocery Store; Electric' Grocer, East State 4 V Price to newsboys 22 cents per copy. " , dtttntfta Copies Price 5 cents. XT fTlall Subscribers Tho date who ft you Bubscrittlon expires Is on the ttiS&nea label of each paper. When that date arrives, If your subscripMon ken not again been paid in advance, your namo Is taken from the list; A flasnge rf date on tho addross label Is a receipt Entered at the postofflco at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter. 4 t REPUBLICAN TICKET STATE. Xfastico of tho Supreme Court F. A. MOORE. State Food and Dairy Commis sioner, J. W. BAILEY, tor Presidential Electors, J. M. HART, JAS. A. FEE, GRANT B. DIMICK, A. C. HOUGH. .CONGRESSIONAL. Wot, Member of Congress First DIB' C ', ' trlct, ' BINDER HERMANN. 4 ' ' Second District, JT. N, WILLIAMSON. Is a false pretense and Its exponents are chiefly Idle and indolent non-tax-payor3 and non-producers who aro no toriety seekers. Tho amendment to the constitution relating to tho State Printer's office Is absolutely void, and has been de clared to bo bo by our courts, but It was placod on the ballot In order to avoid any complications. It amounts to nothing, but It should not bo voted for. It .would only burden the already twisted old constitution. Vote "No" on all three propositions and you can make no mistake. laboring man. John C, Slegmund has made an Ideal recorder urlng tho tpast two years, and will be returnod by a'"handsome majority. Mr. Slogmund Is one of the mills and logging camps, saw the con for relief Into the legislature. Thon the wires burned with mes sages, traffic managers came to Ore gon on special trains, visited tho eaw- best and most accommodating of ficials ever elected In Marlon county, and tho people are alwaysAcertaln of courteous treatment when they visit his ofllco. Tho records and .books aro In excellent condition,' and an Inspep tion by any voter will convince him that It Is only right thai he be re elected. ' ' . '? John W. Roland Is an efficient coun ty clork, and the Democrats searched the county In tho endeavor to find a man who would run against him. The effort was fruitless, and Mr. Roland Is practically without opposition. ThlB Is certainly a tribute to his method of conducting the office during the past two years, Mr. Roland personally looks after t,he office, and is compe tent to transact all business in his de partment. Ho will bo re-elected by an enormous majority, dltlons they had created, and tho old rates were restored. ,THEY KNEW1 THAT R. A. BOOTH WAS A CONSERVATIVE MAN, AND THEY RECOGNIZED THAT HE MEANT BUSINE9SS. Tho offect was immedlato relief for tho Industries of Western Oregon, the starting up of scores of sawmills and tho employment of thousands of men In the logging camps. Thanks, for your norvo and timely assistance, Mr. Booth. JUDICIAL, & tfftrcalt Judges, Third Judicial ' '! District. r' CJEOrtQE H. BURNETT, D. L. EDDY, , For District Attorney, JOHN H. M'NARY. T WARION COUNTY TICKET. Dbunty Judge John H. Sdott. Sheriff W, J. Culver. iClcrk John W. Roland. Assessor Fred J. Rice. Treasurer W. Y. Richardson. Slecordor John C. Slegmund, School Supt. E. T. Moores. pwaklsslcmer V C. "Noedham. i" Surveyor B. B. .Horrlqk. jOoroncr A. M. Clough. 4' ' " Representatives Jos. Calvort, Hub Brd; J. O. Graham and T. B. Kay, Scm; John Ritchie, Scotts Mills; Jeeso II. Sottlemeler, Woodburn. 8alem District Ticket. For Justice of tho Poace. H. H. TURNER. For Constable. ItOBT, O. DONALDSON. r , ,y COMMITTEEMEN. nalrman Stato Contral Committeo Prank O. Baker, Portland. Cbalnuan Congressional Contral Oom,mUtoo Walter L. Toozeje Wood burn. Member State Central Committee Hal D. Patton, Salem. Chairman County Contra! Commit 4og Chas. A. Murphy; B. Frank Meredith, secretary, Salem. , Republican Joint Canvass. Qervals, Juno 3, 8 p. m. JPratum, Juno 4, 2 p, m. SSaloni, Juno 4, 8 p. m. Dates of Events, C General election In Ore- Juno A Juno 15, 10, 17 Orogon encamp eat O. A. R., Hood Rlvor. jfnno 16, 1G and 17 Department ! Oregon, G. A, It, In annual rounlon at Hood IUvor. August 22-27 Amorlcan "Congress, Portland. Mining VOTE AGAINST All THREE'. The three quostlons to bo submitted to.tho voters at tho election next ZUonday should be voted down. All are aqually pernicious and bad. Tho Di rect Primary law Is a aubtorfugo of a ftw Portland politicians who aro napjrlng to control tho ontlro stato through tho Portland luaohlno. Tho Local Option law Is an abridge tnont of tho rights of tho peoplo and .9s jjot what It Is hold up to be. It vll cniiao constant turmoil and dis order aud Is tbo nroduet of a fow-halr. l)iijed rollglousManatlcs. It can hot 1)b ipt eorvlco to any ono, will not ro-1 tuiQt? iuo imuor nauii nor win u rqsuu la nny good to tho church 'pooplo. It PLIGHT OF DEMOCRACY. The Inconsistency of Democracy was never better Illustrated than In tho campaign speeches of Its candi dates for all offices from president down to an insignificant precinct place. Tho uttoraneos of tho Democratic press is also another marvel of noth ingness and shows to what diro straits men will go In an endeavor to chase tho eluslvo public office. Tho national Democratic party Is without a slnglo living issuo to offer tho voters of this great republic. They can only "donounce, view with alarm" and othorwUe hold- up their empty llttlo tootslo wootsles and prophosy disaster and ruin. Thoy can not offer ono direct "or practical Improvement In our prosont mode of government. Tho Democratic partyjs an absolute froo trado party at j, heart, but the leadors aro wise onough not to make that a party issue. They tried that sovoral years ago and heard some thing from tho peoplo. Tho money question has been sotr tlod by two elections and tho nation Is prosporou3. Not a leading Demo crat, not oven Bryan, would change tho system if ho had tho power. Tho Philippines are a part of tho United States and will romaln so as long as .tho Republic onduro3. Wo need them, especially on th,o Pacific Coast states, is this true. Democracy is simply outgoneralod and putwlttod by tho naughty Repub licans. Too many young men havo Jolnod tliolr fortunes to tho party of progross and prosperity. Thoy do not proposo to allow tho spirit of Jackson to sbnpo affairs In tho twen tieth century. Tho watchword Is for ward, instond of backward; expan sion, rnthor than contraction. WHATAVOTE FOR SCOTT MEANS. To defoat Judgo Scott 'for re-elec tion would rotard tho good roads movomont In Oregon for 20 yoars. Legislators and county Judges would construe tho falluro of tho Marlon county voters to roturn hlra as a di rect verdict against improvement and thoy would hosltato boforo Inaugurat ing any similar policy. Judge Scott is rocognlxod as the leader of tho good rgads movemout In Oregon and under his caro and direction tho work of building good, substantial highways has passed tho export- montal stage. Ho has accomplished this and at tho samo tliuo tho county taxes have been reduced and tho old county debt ha? boon wiped out. If a public sor vant ever deserved a unanimous re election ho Is certainly ontltlod to it. A vote for Scott Is a vote for econo my and progress. . OTHER CANDIDATES. Tho peoplo of Marlon county need a careful man In tho ofllco of county assessor, aud a man who will glvo proporty nn oqual and just assess ment. Fred J. Rice Is cortalnly tho REFORM IN THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. . The State Grango ha3 raised the question of making tho State Agricul tural College more of a farmers' school. Tho Journal has shown that there are almost no farmers among the thir teen members of tho board of regents. Besides the master of the State Grango, who Is not always himself a practical farmer, there Is but one farm er regerit, and he Is an applo-ralser. But all tho thlrteon members of the board of regents are politicians, and many aro office-holders. This is true of tho board of regents of the state university; and other state educational Institutions. Men already holding offices aro al ready recognized, and the" unofficial taxpayer and businessman Is over looked. This overloading tho official class with additional honors ha3 been tho custom with Republican and Demo cratic governors. It has been carried too far. The educational Institutions havo boen mado to contribute to the po litical pull and do not represent the interests of tho producers as thoy should. w Tho Grange should strike at tho root of,the difficulty In seeking; to ro form our educational Institutions. It should.-demand that they be put moro und"er tho guidance of taxpay ers than tax-eators, moro into tho hands of representative citizens than pampered officialism. ' nr :EI MURDEROUS OFFICERS ARE NOT WANTED. - ;' Tho people do not heed tho reports which are being circulated by the Democratic managers that W. J. Cul ver is a coward. Such Idle rot and U Is tho barest kind of rot, cuts-little figuro with the reasonable 'voter. Jimmy Culver Is known throughout the length and breadth of thU coun ty as an honest, sonslblo and "Indus ttlous man. Ho has the confldonco of tho people and when It is necessary for lilm to porform tho duties of the office of sheriff ho will be on hand. Years ago In samo parts of tho west It might have beon necessary for a man to bo a, crack shot and ready and willing to commit murder at scarcoly any provocation, but that exigency novor existed In this part of Oregon. Tho peoplo aro law abiding and tho Democratic managers who are advo cating murder and bloodshed will find this to be truo. Jimmy Culver will bo olected shor- CONVENTIONS NEXT YEAR. Tho San Francisco Chronicle does Oregon and Its cities justice when It says: There la a movemont on foot, which had its origin at tho Seattle meeting of the Transmississlppl congross last year, but which seems to bo most actlvely promoted by tho Portland chamber of commerce, to make a sys tematic effort to Induce as many as possible of the bodies holding annual conventions at St. Louis this year to meet next year at somo Pacific coast city. Portland is naturally and prop erly taking most active steps in aid of this movement, as it would natural ly expect to secure a good many of these conventions to meot during the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Her peo ple do not, however ask for moro than her "due share" of these gatherings, nor do they propose to take the lead In tho matter. They havo asked tho Denver Chamber of Commerce to do this, and to call a preliminary con ference of western men to meet at an early dato In this city. Tho proposal Is to havo the different conventions meet, spme In ono Pacific coast city and others elsewhere, according to somo schedule, in which, It is to bo Jproiumed, the desires and conven ience of the bodies concerned will bo permitted to havo weight. In the opinion of tho ''Chronicle," the people of San Prancisco and' of 'California will be glad to ho of any assistance In promoting this move, motn. and If wo correclly "gauge tho public fooling, quite as'much for tho purpose of helping Portland ns for our own advantage. And .we .should not bo disposed to quarrel with Port- land If she got moro of these meet ings than would ordinarily ho "fair." Tho peoplo of Portlnnd and Oregon aro engaged In an ambitious and use ful enterprise, In which thoy, are mak ing a great strain upon the resources of communities not yot so accustomed as Callfornlans to expend largo Eums of money In this way. Tho Pacific coast statos constitute a unit in n broader sphere. Whatever boneftts any part of the Pacific coast bonefits alb parts, and the people of California will be pleased to all In Increasing tho. prestige of tho Lewis and Clark Exposition by assisting by all means In our powor any movement like this which tho citizens of Portland may consider of value to them. And It San Francisco and California should happen to reap some direct benefit for oursolvos we shall bo all tho hap pier. But wo shall bo glad to help Portland anyhow. asen A "Left. THE LEGISLATIVE TICKET. The legislative ticket is composed of men perfectly In harmony with each othor and all united for tho up building of Oregon and Marlon coun ty. They are compotent and In favor of tho Marlon county Idea In stato politics. Thoy believe that It Is nos- Iff by an almost overwhelming vote aUi0 to conduct tho affairs of tho state on a smaller, tax and will work for that end. You 'will make no mis- take by voting for Calvort, Graham, Settlomior, Kay and Richie. on next Monday and will perform every act Imposed upon him by law. V Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpfii t 1 TT 1.. i l advice to young gins, ner leuer is but on of thousands which prove that nothing il sol helpful to young gins who are it arriving at tne period 01 womanhood Lydia E Pinfcham's Vegetable Compoti "Deaii Mns. Finkham: I cannot Draluo Lvclln, E. Pinv "Vegetablo Compound too highly, for it is tho only medicine I e' tnoa wnicn curoa me. l sunorea mucn irom my ursc menstrual pe; l ioio so weaK nuu dizzy ac umus x uuuiu not pursue my Btuolcs tne usual interest. jiy tnougms Decamo eiuggisu. i naa headi backaches and sinking spells, also pains in tho Dack and lower In fact, I was sick all over. "Finally, after many other remedies had beon tried, wo we vised to got Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound, and I nloanod to sav that after takintr it onlv two weeks, a wonderful rim for tho bettor took place, and m a short time I was in perfect health. ibid uuoyunt, iuii oi uiu, uiiu iuuiiu mi wuik. u pasiune. x am lev clad to tell my experience with Lydia E. Pinkhnm's VoceM Compound, for it made a different girl of mo. Yours very ink Miss M. OAnTLEDOB. G33 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga." ; At such a timo, tho grandest aid to nature is Lydia E. VIA nam's vegetauio uompounu. ac prepares tne young system U too necessary enanges, ana is tno surest; ana most reliable ci tor woman's ins or every nature, juts. JL'iMJUiam unit younar women who aro ill to write her for froo advico. A& Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. Ilrs. Estes, of New York City, says: " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I write to you bocauso I believe all' ought to know how much good your medicine will do them. I 44 & malting for years before I was married, and if it had not been for LjdlaE A'lnKuani's v ego tamo compounu, l do not believe l could nuou the strain. Thore is no other work that Is such a strain on the svsttn. how my back used to ache from tho bending over I I would feel M tbOTpi i. would uavo to scream out irom tne pain, and tne sitting Etui m&denti eat after work. I waa so worn out. Then I was irrctrular. and hid frightful crnmna everr month thev would slmnlv double mo un with win. I Would havo to irlvo un working and Ho down. But Lydia E. Ptoi nam's Vegetable Compound changed mo into a strong, well wobu Yours verv trulv. Mns. MakthA Estes. 513 West 125th St.. N. Y. City." No other female medicino in the world has received suchirlM spreaa ana unquaiuieu endorsement, jno otnor medicine nasi n. record of fntnnln trmiTtlRH nnrnil. Rnlrt Ttv ilnifrrHRts evervffb Itof uso all substitutions. Remember overy woman is cordJallyk vicou to write to mrs. Jt iniuinm, u tuero is nnytmng ouout " symptoms sho docs not understand. Mrs. Pinkhnm's addreu juynn, Mass. Arfinn FORFE idOUUU IT If wonnot forthwith Drodacathaortirln&llfltteri ftndilrnitw'! ikhrkVA fAfttfrnnnf alt. vilnh ivlll nrATit thti Vt1ntM rntilndtnB Lydl 12. 1'lnkhara Hed. Co., tyna, X Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. j0l THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEMBINE 10c, 25c 50c CANDY CATHARTIC tw AD DragjUU BEST FOR THE BOWELS Bring the Babies fjTjr TTf 1 Falling hair, thin hair, gray ttCtir-JLOOU hair-starved hair. Feedyour starving hair with a hair-food Ayer's Hair Vigor. It renews, feeds, nourishes, re- S stores color, Don't crow old too fasti L.tt8; SENATOR BOOTH AND RAILROAD RATES. Senator It, A. Booth, of Lane coun ty, will bo and should bo re-olected to tho stato sonato. Representing millions of dollars In sawmills and timber lands, ho still-has a record that should endear him to tho .laborer and buslnoss man, Whon their welfare was at stake ho pulled off his qoat and fought th'olj? battle. '' ' - "r Last year, on top of a depression In tho lumbor market carao tho "car shortage, and on top of that came nn almost prohibitive advance in lumbor ratos. Tho shipping Interests and lumbor Industries of Wostorn Oregon wore paralyzed. Commercial clubs and af fected communities wqro clamoring for relief. t- II. A. Booth proved a tireless work er to overcome those difficulties. He cover lost hope, novor lost his temper, but never let up in his demands for re- 1 u - State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Infants hoods from 10c up, Reduced prices. See those at 25c, 35c and 45c Iufant8 cashmero cloaka. Prices !$J.25, $1.75, $2.25, $3.50 is senior partner of tho firm of P. J. Best values In the city. Infanta dresses. See them, bhenoy & Codolng uuslnojs In tho I I prevail. Wo can supply the Htt lo ones wants as well City of Toledo; county and sFate'afore-1 1 ! grown people. rs said, and that said firm will pay thon for each and overy caso of Catarrh Ihat cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall'a Catarrh Cure. I PRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed In my presonso, this Cth day of De cember. A. D. 188G. M Seal. "lAWraLEASON. Notary Public. ' Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Inter- .nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CIIENBY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sojd by all Druggists, 7Ec. Hall's Family Pllla are tho best. Rostein & Geenbatm v 302 Commercial Street. IMIIIIIIHIIHHHHHIMHH Low price' ell as the full V J I 1 I I I I I I 'I iimtiii' tHiMMUHMM' I Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from li&tfitt 8c Lawence It not, you aro away behind tho times. However, they " f -ways glad to boo new patronB, and if you call on them, you will j lauro man pieasea. you will-find them at the corner of comm z sna Ferry streets. iAMAATirtttMiaiWiii -- - -'