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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1904)
vi-W"ttD POUR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. THUR8DAY, JUNE 2, 1904. SHIPS SWEPT TO SEA CORRECT WAY TO VOTf THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR pOAl . 3 .J ? ' AV king mir-j jorpedo Boats Broke Anchors and Were Carried Out in the Stormy ticean m6 POWDER Absolutely Pure iTiSA MATTER OF HEALTH Record for Good Attendance. Tiushvllle, Ind., Juno 2. MIbs Nollle tf. MUlln, of Union township, this county Is believed to hold tho record Tor school attendance, having attended coiio school continuously for cloven "years wlthdJt being once either tardy or absent. In recognition of her faith ful attendance Mlso MUlln was today presented with a medal by (lie coun ty board of education. Two Fires on Continent. Vienna, Juno 2. Twelve persons "wore- burned to death In a flro which "destroyed tho town of Nowywltkow, 'Gallce, last night. Six wero killed In a Btnallor blazes at Kelff, Russia. DELEGATES WERE RELEASED (Continued from first page.) DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN COLUMN DEMOCRATIC STATE AND COUN TY TICKET. For Supremo Judge THOMAS O'DAY, of Multnomah. For Congressman First District ROBERT M, VBATCII, of Lane. For Dairy and Food Commissioner S. M. DOUGLAS, of Lane. For Circuit Judge Third Judicial District R. P. BOISE, of Marlon coun ty; WILLIAM GALLOWAY, of Yam hill county. For District Attorney J. J. WHIT NEY, of Linn County. For .Representatives F X. MAT THIEU, of Champoeg; A. IIUCKE STEIN, of Salem. For County Judgo GRANT CORDY of Woodbum. For Sheriff J. HARDING, of Salem. , For Troasuror DAVID'-'" BACH, of ML Angel. For Asselsor JOSEPH LA FOL LETT, of Brooks. For Commissioner J, F. GILL MORE, of Salem. For JtiBtlco of tho Poaco, Salem District C, Wt CORBY. ' " For Constable, Salem District JOHN LByiS, 5-25-d-w further obligations, and permit them to voto regardless of Instructions. This proposition was proposed by Graem Stewart. After a hard fight, the third proposi tion was adopted, and, with all the delegates released from their pledges to support cortaln candidates, and fol lowing fivo-mlnuto addresses by each of tho candidates for governor now be foro that body for nomination, tho C7th ballot was taken. To the surprise of evoryono thero was practically no change Speaker Cannon gavo a fath orly talk to tho delegates, urging them to nominate somebody immediately. After tho 68th ballot the convention took a recess until 3 o'clock this afternoon. Vontura, Cal., June 1. Tho torpedo destroyers' Problo and Paul Jones, which lost tfielr anchors last night in tho gale, and wero forced out to sea with 60 men, women and children aboard, part of whom were visitors, re turned safely this morning. There were no fatalities on board, but every ono was seasick. The monitor Wyom ing, which was also crowded with vis itors held to her anchor, but tossed about until all wore seasick. Tho de stroyers cruised about the bay, and at 1 o'clock this morning, when the wind had abated sufficiently to allow, land ed those not too sick. Many of the offi cers, mon and marines, who were ashore attending a barbecue, given In their honor, could not reach the ships on account of tho high seas. Official Sample Ballot, Showing the Ctoss B tween the Numhet dnd the Name of the Candidates and Questions to Be Voted Fo & STUB. To bo torn off by 'the chairman. A s STnn .beorn off by first clerk. A ""Syr He Made Money Quick. Memphis, Tonn., Juno 2.-Frank Al len alias Wllkorson, of Toledo, Ohio, who three dnys ago was married to 15-year-old Mario Wilson, of Los An geles, California, is under arrest, charged with forgery. The bride ar rived last week t from California , to marry Jiltn. American Champion Wins. London, Juno 2. Travis, tho Amor lean, doreatod Hilton, tho English ex champion, on the Sandwich golf links, today, making for Travis tho fifth vic tory, Maxwell, tho English champion, was defeated by Hutchinson, also an Englishman. Reduced Rates to St. Louts Exposition Tho Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago on account of the St. Louis exposition on the following dates Juno 16, 17, 18; July I, 2, 3,; August 8, 9, 10, Sep tember 5, 6, 7; October 3, 4,5. Going trip must be completed with in 10 days from date of sale, and pas- songers will be permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within tho ton-day limit. Return limit 90 days, but not later than December 31, 1904. For full information as to rates and routes call on agent of S. P. Co., at Salem. Juno 7th has been authorized as tho sale dato for Louisiana Purchase Ex position tickets, In addition to sale dates previously announced for June. This concession has been made to ac commodate Oregon people, and will enable them to be at tho Exposition on Oregon Day, Juno 5th. W. E. COMAN, Gon. Pas. Agt. OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR SALEM MO. 1 PRECINCT, MARION COUNTY, JUNE Mark Between the Number and Name of Each Candidate or Answer Voted For STATE. FOR CONGRESS, FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DIST. VOTE FOR ONE 12 H. Gould, of YahralU County Prohibition 13XBinger Hermann, of Douglas County ..Republican 14 B. F. Ramp, of Marlon County Socialist 15 R. M. Veatch, of Lane County Democratic FOR JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT VOTE FOR ONE 16 C. J. Bright, of Sherman County ...Prohibitionist 17 C. C. Mikkelsen, of Crook County Socialist 18 X Frank A. Moore, of Columbia County ..Republican 19 Thomas O'Day, of Multnomah County, Democratic FOR OREGON DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSION?? VTE FOR OM 20 X J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah County TricpJbgj 21 Ira W. Berry, of Umatilla County . . . . ProhlblBo 22 S. M. Douglas, of Lane County Dcmocju i.o . ivuBiuuBaui), ui luuuuoman uounty . .Socii'JiS , THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. VOTE FOR JOHN H. LEWI8 FOR CONSTABLE. Ho makes a compotont and eco nomical official and is a safo man In tho place. 8oldlers Trlecfto Escape, St. Paul, Minn, Juno 2. Tony WIsch, a prlvato In tho 30th battery, stationed at Fort Snolllng, was shot and killed this morning by a sentinel, while WIsch was attempting to escape from sorvlng a threo-months sontonce. Penrose Suceedo Quay. i Washington. June 2. Acting Chair man Payno, of tho Republican na tional committee, today appointed ( Senator Ponroso, a member of the committee, to fill tho vacancy caused by Senator Quay's death. i England Will Not Draft. London, Juno 2. Secretary of War Foator, in tho houso of commons, to day donlod tho roports that tho gov ornmont intended to introduce con script methdds In recruiting tho army. IS THIS A FREE COUNTRY? Section 17 of tho proposoi bo called local option low is ono of tho most dangerous and disorder brooding partB of It. Horotoforo I Lima boon hold that a man's houso is his ciuitlo. It hus bean sup posed that a man was free from In trusion In his own homo. 'Rut If this comity prohibition law, onlled a local option law, is adopted, and If tho voters of Ma rlpn county upon petition of 10 por cant of them ahull adopt prohi bition for Murlou county, for In stanca. thou If same murchnut In Salem or Aurora has an onumy, that may lay complaint against tho pfoseoutlug nttoruoy, and Uiat of ficial must ontor such complaint In court, and tho judge or justice of tho peace must Issuo a warrant commanding that the prlvato homo of tho merohant shall bo searched. There Is no discretion. Tho judgo or tho justice must order tho eoaroh. Tula places tho law In tho bands of prlvaio porsousj in tlio bands of onomlos of any man who shall pretond to bollovo ho has liquor In his houso. Prlvato ro vongo and jealousy Is substituted for public Justice. , Tho poaco and good ordor of communities would bo torn in shreds, and all sorts of troubles would bo neodles3ly Introduced. Tho proposed law ns a wholo Is un fair and unjust. It la uiftAmorlcan and subsorslvo of tho prjjiolplos of froo government. It Is sumptuary legislation In tho oxtrome. But tho worst feature of all, and tho one calculated to do tho most harm Is this ono proposing to sub ject tho homo of any ro opectablo citizen to search at tho bohset of his prlvato enemy, loav lug no dlsorotlon to tho court. It la a disgrace that such a law should have been proposed In a 8tato llko Oregon. It would be a public calamity, and a lasting shaiuo and disgrace It the proposed law should bo adopted. It should bo snowod undor and burled beyond hopo of rosurroctlon. Adv. COASTER-BRAKE BICYCLE FREE. Everybody Is interested In the cen sus that Is now being takon, and In ordor to promote tho greatest possible publicity for this most Important event In tho recent history of our city, Tho Capital Journal has decid ed to give a fine new bicycle to the person guessing nearest to the nuiu- bor of peoplo In our city, a3 revealed by tho now official census. It will take several weeks to close tho enum eration and compilation, and during this time Tho Journal will glvo re ports from day to day of the progress of tho work, and tho probablo results. From these tho roader can draw con clusions, and make a close guess. See ad. olsowhoro. Messengers Write Poetry. The following verso shows tho patri otic spirit of tho Salem messenger force: Ye "Raglans' "wako up, get into tho gamo, And koop your place, and keep your name. Got after tho "Blues" hit 'em over tho fonco, And mako DuShane look like 30 cents. o Militia Excursion. ', Company. G, O. N. G., of Albany, will bring a party of excursionists to Salem next Sunday on tho steamer Pomona. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGES- VOTE FOR TWO 24 R. P. Boise, of Marion County... Independent Judiciary, Democratic 25XGeorgo H. Burnett, of Marion County Republican 2GXB. L. Eddy, of Tillamook Cpunty Republican 27 William Galloway, of Yamhill County Democratic FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY 28XJohnH. McNary,of Marlon 29 J. J. VOTE FOR ONE County Republican Whitney, of Linn County Democratic COUNTY FOR REPRESENTATIVE- VOTE FOR FIVE 30 X J. L. Calvert, of Marlon County ... 31 X J. G. Graham, of Marlon County . 32 XT. B. Kay, of Marlon County 33 X John S. Richie, of Marlon County . 34 X J. H. Settlemior, of Marlon County 35 August Hucksteln, of Marlon County 36 F. X. Matthleu, of Marlon County. . . 37 Chas. Baldwin, of Marlon County 38 J. H. Baughraan, of Marlon County 39 Davis Errott, of Marlon County . . 40 U. J. Lehman, of Marlon County 41 C. W. Llvo3ay, of Marlon County 42 J. A. Knight, of Marlon County . . 43 T. Y. McClellan, of Marlon County. 44 H. B. Munson, of Marlon County 45 R. F. Myers, of Marlon County .. 4G Don A. Smith, of Marlon County... Republican. Democratic. prohibition. FOR SHERIFF- VOTE FOR ONE 57 XW. J. Culver, of Marlon County RepiWlcu 58 B. T. George, of Marion Couuty SocliHtt 59 J. Harding, of Marlon County Democratic uu J. A. Taylor, of Marlon County Prohlbltloil Socialist. FOR COUNTY JUDGE- VOTE FOR ONE CASTOR I A For Infan'ts and Children. Tils Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of If rZFrf-J-O "f w 00 'VvvCrC 5 47 Grant Corby, of Marlon County ....Democratic 48 Enos Prosnall, of Marion County ....Prohibition 49 R. R. Ryan, of Marlon County Socialist 50X.Tohn H. Scott, of Marlon County ....Republican VOTE FOR ONE FOR COUNTY CLERK bi J. H. Mack, of Marlon County SocliBRJ 62 X John W. Roland, of Marlon County ....Republlml M Chits. R. Scott, of Marion County ....Prohlbltloil FOR RECORDER- VOTE FOR ONE! u juemn K. J3urdlck, of Marlon County ..SocMitl uo a j. u. beigmund, of Marlon County .... Republics! i ureuton Vedder, of Marlon County ....ProhfbltlM 6G FOR TREASURER- VOTE FOR ONE! 67 68 69 David Back, of Marlon County Democratic w. Li. Hicks, of Marlon County Prohibition W. D. Matthews, of Marlon Pniinfv SocWIit 70 XW, Y. Richardson, of Marlon County ..Republic! FOR ASSESSOR- VOTE FOR ONE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER VOTE FOR ONE 51 L. M. Crozer, pt Marlon County Prohibition 52 J. F, GUmoro, of Marlon County ....Democratic 53X1. C. Needham, of Marion County ....Republican 54 B. Wiesnor, of Marlon County Socialist FOR SURVEYOR- VOTE FOR ONE 55 X D, B. Horrlck, Jr., of Marlon County . .Republican 56 J G. Stolnbronner, of Marlon bounty ..Socialist 71 T. J. Clark, of Marlon County SocM s J. w. La Follette, of Marlon County ..Democrat 7JXred J. Rice, of Marlon County Republicn ! Uias. Townsond, of Marlon County ....Prohlbltta 74 FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT VOTE FOR ONE 75 Ralph M. Cammack, of Marlon County, ProhiblUot 76 XE. T, Moores, of Marlon County Republics VOTE FOR ONE FOR CORONER 77 X A. M. Clough, of Marlon County .Republican 78 WmFish, of Marion County Socialist 79 H. S. Jory, of Marlon County ProhlbltlM A Practical Maoazins ran the I jwmu GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER EACH ISSUE CONTAINS DCAUTtrULLY ILLUSTRATED DISHES. DECORATIONS ran the table, dainty menus ro ALU OCCASIONS, ETC IT IS THE AMERICAN AUTHORITY ON CULINARY TOPICS AND FASHIONS. Curhnt Itiuc too. S1.00 Pen YrAn TABLE TALK PUB, CO., Phila. rsszgzr "HUT8T. CURBS COUOH8, COLDS, VYKSBir HOARSENESS A. CROUP. V I 11101 BmI fUmedy tot Children, Pteaunt to UU ind na ginerlnnowdoj. Thtoid original Hom Cult Soltf by all KMIeln Stort In lira bottle for 60 clj Mjf only Df OR. B0SANKO CO.. PWUdilpN. PjT Wrtti v w ullt $tn1 y a Sampl0 Vottl fHf SALEM DISTRICT FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE VOTE FOR ONE 80 C. W. Corby, of Marlon County Dompcratlc 81 XH. H. Turner, of Marlon'County Republican 82 Jehu Oliver, of Marlon County Prohibition FOR CONSTABLE- VOTE FOR ONE 83 XR O. Donaldson, of Marlon County ....Republic?, 84 L. B. Gardner. rf Mnrtnn rv.,,nv Prohibition! -., . ....,., uuumj 1 John H. Lewis, of Marlon County ....Democratic 85 86 Ofllco of Stato Printer Amendment Yes S7XOmco of Stato Printer Amendment No Constitutional Amendment. Vote Yes or No. Proposed By Initiative Petition. FOR LOCAL OPTION LIQUOR LAW VOTE YES OR NO 300 Yes ' '" 301 X No FOR OIHECT PRIMARY NOMINATING ELECTIONS LAW ., VOTE YES OR NO 303 Yes S03XKo tfS,, lUtJ