' "-jstttjiw'' FOUR RA!CA?jTrvL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 30, 1904. M MV M ' HOSTETTEdv M CEtEBRATEC lg .lwofc "" Iln..m 'i&a "nUtoT.10 rri . . -'t UCK Ih ."J ,?honaniiiv. :C ttvlt.r '" c nnna ... - -- h nnM It earn tntr BJ(ic and Spells 1 WII! DEMOCRATIC CaSaigS V-VJa.UIY.IN . i ; ; ; ; "- " v;; ifcwi. jfS3safei JT'ilS. W.2 ikVi-1 wtamvfalMmPm, r wmlfflSsMfo&fxilfiiW 'fcffiffitf 6. V - .V The Prohibifionfats woW check the ;,,, . .., option Law as tftey Kansas with similar i ansae wrn Cfnwi PLAYED - EXTRA IlUWIWf0'lIal(1 n vory 1,rotty bunt on," tho ohalkj !i-1 F 111 1 ill iIlj,1Li10 an" tnn uoat tho bail to first , gamo, when Davis singled' stolo sec- RaglailSlWOfl Oil SlindaV but;ond- un(l camo homo a altwo-baggor ' Rftth 4pc W9waTpJ by wllllnmB- DUlll OiaCb fiayea U00a Thoro was plenty of oxcltemont, and Ball tho gamo was a rattling good ono, from Yoatorday aftornoon about 800 poo plo witnessed ono of tho best gamos of basoball that has boon -played on tho Snloni fiold this season. Tho weather was conducive to good play ing and tho tonms woro in oxcollont condition. Both pitchers did credit to them- aolvoa, Mclnuis pitching an especially llllO enmo linlilinir Mm Alhnnlna tlnvvn " -.... to nlno hiU, striking put thrco, and only walking ono man. Tho Raglans picked up Eomo In tholr hitting anjl ntndo a much better' Showing than they did Satur day, tfottlng 11 lilts off of "Rubo" Howard, whllo thoy had to bo satlsflod with flvo tho other day. Tho gamo was closoly contostod throughout, and tho boys had to play for every score thoy mndo. Atrtho ond of the ulnth thq scoro was 4 to 4, nnd It took 10 Innings to decldo tho gnme.w Salem startod tho flroworka In tho . first Inning, Fay. tho first man up, put ting tv singlo Into loft -garden, and stolo second Wllklns got first on. a fielders cholco ljughdod"4 mado a pretty sacrifice and ndyancod t)iom both. '-but was J thrown out at first. Davla followed with a two-bagger. hphsdorl Fay and Wllklns. WU- llama got a Blnglo, and Davis got homo . on an orror by SullUan.. maklng.a to- tal of tlmm runs fnr Snlimi In tlin first Inning, , , viuuiij iuiiuii iu uu iiiijiuiug iii mu tiqwani a. first, hait In tho socnd I.M made a1 Struqlc out BybtQlnuls $ byHow lilt. Hlllllviw. fiillnwnil with n slmrln !.( (! hit. Sullivan followed with a singlo. but waq, thrown. g)t in trying to moko second. Ilarpop followod on a field org' choice, whllo Loo roached homo, thn Gravtvs hit eafo and scored Harp er, widen iuudo tho Albanlos two runs At tho ond of tho second, Tho fourth Inning ondod with a run to Sullivan's crodlt. and Harper pn eond. poiMyan dropped , qua ovor liouio run "of thd gamo, gfvlug Albany uvhw my ui mo Kmv, Hviue jnuouj j tllO load by OIIO snore. Which remained I tho same until tho sovonth, whon Fay I miMMWMmmdm':- .- - . . have already checked the growth and prosperity of Maine, fanatical legislation tanat AritJ.L got a hit, stole second, and finally ",uu" """'"' l""K l"" Hcore. mu oluiu ruimiiut'tl UL 1 10 4 Until tho laab half of tho 10th, despite tho fact thnt Donovan, in the first linlf Tho last half of tho tenth, settled tho Igamo, when Davis singled': stolo sec- lotni-t in flnlol. "'ml. ' . luiuii. in .uiiouy x ho ncuiu WUS aii IUI lews: Salem. Kf W AB R IB PO A Vi Fay, 8s .''4 2-2 2 '6' 1 . . . . . J. Wllklns, c . . Loughocd, lb. .Davis. 3b .. .. G 3 4 5 4 4 3 17 1 1 3 1 Williams. If .. Downlo, 2b . . , o. WilliinB,1' of i n.im uailll, ri 4 U 1 1 U vl Mclnnls) p,,. ... H. o 1 1 u2 ' 0 ''' " ,'- 4 1 : Totals . ...,37 G 1.1 30 21 1 t Albany. , AB R IB PO .' 5 I 2 10 A 1 Donavan, lb Raymond, 88 0 5 0 7 1 0 1 2 1 2 .Lowls, o 4 Johnson, 2b 4 Loo, i f ', ,. ...... ,n 3 ... I k . if . Sullivan. 3h . ' ' t Harpor.-Jf . ...,r , 4V OrnvBs.-'dT ..'.. ...,Vi4 Hftward. m,., .. 4 " J. x t TQtala , . .1. . , ,3J 40.28 14 0 Only ono man out when winning scoro was made . "' i 8ummary Hasos s.Qlon Fay, DavIsIMHarnor. Two-liasTi hits J7 Wllklns. Davis. Williams. Qallff. Home runs Donavan. - Doublo playqKay to Downlo, (WI1- 'Ifama una to Fay,' Howard to Raymond to IVimmi, DaBrja on Bnllsi-QK MoJiinjB 1, off ard 0 SaorlfloQ lilb Ipus;heod. , " Loft on hasos Salem S, Albany 4. Earned runs SalemvC, Albany 5, Flrat buso on eri-ors Albany 1. Umpire, Dorrlok, Scorers. Josbup nnd Sholton. Saturday's Game, Tho gamo on Saturday was very llBtlofls, and was without a feature Nohrlng. Saloms crook first baseman. was uijurou in collision wun a rua- nni ami mHrnl fmm (Tin mmn nt ),n, was injured In collision with a run ond Qf tho second inning. Ho will bojt prosperity and growth of Oregon with r ' "- vrrfiM. w wctcuu WISH out of'tho game for somo tlmo, as his anltlo is in bad shape The Monday Morning Game. Things frun to oxtromes always, and baseball Is no exception. Inste'adVof tho largo crowd witnessing a 'fast game of 'ball, as was tho caso yestor- day' a vory-small crowd watched an uuy a vory-smau crowd watched an exceedingly poor gamof this morning. U cannot bo safd that Albany Pt up a vory ')O0r same, for thoy played ' w,thout rror, but as Wilkin's arm I WaR Kfl Kflrn tlnlt)in nni,l,l nnt ..lll. I -.. i.w wum uui, illjll, and putting Loughocd. tho first base- man In tho box, Williams on first, and changing tho team around genorally, It broke tho naglans' playing consid erably. Tho gamo was announced aa 0 seven tunings, but tho boys warmed j -up toward tho last, an J tied tho score 0 in tho oeventh, and two raoro innings (,,woro played to decide tho gamo. 0 Home runs wore mad by Loughe'od, Downlo and Mclnnlss. Tho scoro was ns follews: R. H. E. 'om .; 7 12 5 Albany ' g 10 0 saiem 0 0012310 07 Albany 2 10 10 12 0 18 Batotrlos, Salem, Wllkin3, O., IjoughoetJ and Wllklns, J. Albany, Taylor and Lowls. Morning Ball Games, Amorlcan League Boston 7, Wash ington 3. Now York 7, Philadelphia 4. National League Now York 15, Philadelphia 4. Brooklyn 4, Boston 2. Eugene Sklpworth Dead. E- R- Sklpworth. tho prominent law- 'er and politician, dlod at his home In I Eugene yesterday, of consumption, af , tor a Un,sorlng Ulno38 of sovoral years. Docoasod had battled with tho dread maoaso to no .avail, seeking the mild- or climates of California nnd -Arizona at various tlmoa, but tho dostroyor giaduajly weakonod him and ho suc cumbed. Eugene, R, Sklpworth was well known throughout' Oregon as a bright, brainy lawyer, and a-lne gontloman. Ha Aaa cleric of tho supremo court in 18SC-7, and has boon a Democratic can dldato for ofllco a number of times. Ho was 47 years of ago, a member of tho Mothodlst church and Workman. Ho loavoa a wife, fathor and mothor. ami numbor of brotlibrs and slstors. Boiled Down Wire Hash. Tho Grand Duko Frederick Wllhelm Mocklonburg-Strolltz, Is dead GREEKS WERE SORRY i Wanted to Return to Call' fornia but Afterwards Changed Their Minds About 60 Greeks, who havo been, om- ployed on tho Southern Pacific ronair gang, bocamo dlssatlsiled a few wooks ago, and wanted to .return to Callfor- nla, whore they formerly worked. w. R. HnnfTnr,! tho ,n,i , arrived from San Francisco last week, and mado a trip down, the line to all ,i i . . . . .' tho camps where Greoks wore em ployed. He told thorn that he had arranged for them to change places and they were to start last ovonlng, but whon the tlmo camo for tho swarthy little follows to ko. thoy com-' monced to think that It was a pity to leave the nice cool weather In Ore gon for tho sun-parched plains of Southern California, and told tho con tractor that thoy would remain hero. Mr. Spofford had been to considerable troublo and expense la making tho 9WWMWW9W99i)99999Mf1ii j Memorial Day Next Monday (May 30) wo will for the day. No deliveries will do not forget that to get your etc., you should ORDER EARLY ATWOOD I Phone 57 1. Corner Commercial and Coart. Fresh Fralts Served at Oar Fountain. Crushed Strawberry Now the Rage their proposed Local tHCir ttfOOOSea JLOCai New Hamoshire and change, and informed tho stubborn chaps that thoy would leave Salem on 11 o'clock overland todav op Mmir transportation would be cancelled. The Greeks held a great pow-wow, and were undecided ns to the course they would pursue. Mr. Spofford Is a largo contractor in California, and has about 1500 Greeks at work for tho Southern Pacific in different parts of that state. Tho main trouble with tho Greeks who jhavo been in Oregon seems to bo ovor wngoa, as tho railroad company reduced their pay from ?1.G0 to $1.40 a aay but- after several efforts Mr. sottord hn1 tn Price fixed at $1.G0 ( f)0r l,ny' The hands were Persistent I n thelr do,nnnda to b returned to California, but, with tho advent of nice weather, ami tho nmmrhiniiv t. go, they recanted, but Mr. Spofford was mad, and read the riot act to tho flimsy-minded fellews: I I Risk and extravagance al'jS taken out-of ten coffee . baking-powder flavoring extract! apicei soda by Schilling's Best goods an dealing. Your grocer's; moneybac' closo at noon nnd remain closed bo made In the afternoon. Please groceries, frosh fruits, vegetblos, IN THE DAY. & FISHER HIHISimMtW The Spa DEMOCRATIC STATE Anjj lIc I , or supromo Judge THn... O'DAY, of Multnomah. HMAi For Congressman First District RODERT M. VDATCH. nr t '. 1 For Dairy and Food Commissi k. iii. uuuu-j-itto, or iane. i- v-wuii juago Third Judin Dtetrict-R. P. BOISE, of Marlon ty; WILLIAM GALLOWAY of T hill nuiinli. ' ' ,l For District Attorney-J. j, m,n NEY, of Linn, County. ' For .Representatives F x mat THIEU, of Champoeg; A. VrijrjK STEIN, of Satem. &t For County Judge GRANT CORBt ui ivuuuuum. For Sheriff J. HARDING, of Sale, i-or Treasurer DAVID BACH, 1U AUgUl. Fop ' ARRfmornTAainrr LAFOL 'LETT, of Brooks, ror commissioner J. p nrn Muius, or aaiem. For Justice of the Pear s.t. , ... t NM5fiJ uisinci u. W. UORBY. For Constable, Salem District JOHN LEWIS. 5-25 4w 1 ,V,em?cr?t'c Candidate for Justice f ItlC Peace Will Scran Roaebit and tho Two Turners. Salem, Or., May 30, 1901. Mr. Editer: I have waited fa. 'days since entering my nrotj against Rosefelt and tho two Turni combining tholr strength against at;, hoping that Rosefelt and Frank.A. lur w w.unciraw from tie --" "r. ' over w tii lino B .Mn ti. h ( v..u v,..j, nvtiie decided to scrap the whole qmMu tlon, unless Rosefelt and Fmk a. Turner decides not to trot In w class. Yours truly, CHARLES W. CORBY SI A W Repaid Bicycles 4) Don't Forget it. Salem Gun Store PAUL H. HAUSER, Proprietor. WWIMIMMWIMtWMHt Are you looking for nice M I SPRING SHOES? jj They're hero, styles new, cood j wear, nno selection, low prices. , , wo repair also do It well JACOB VOGT, ii n 1 1 Salem. ' 4 &&999Wm39Ca99M)9J 999999H A Glass Ja I No alumlnsldo, only pure cream of tflrtnl nnd thn liPRt. loaVCtl- . ., M... -.-- .-- lng baking' powder you ever 2 used Such Is EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER HONEST OUTSIDE i I lintniien InotnnT r rrnffltlf A USG W loss tin can you get a Mason glass fruit Jar,- and boyona ui- you get y oz. ror a nan pouuu, good woight, for 25c, or a quart for 50c. Best goods, Host weight. nest package, uesi run Support Salem industries. Most grocers sell it or phono us. Thona Main 3041 C. M. Eppley FINE GROCERIES. Nineteenth, and State Street, NtHtMlltHI tWMbMW" i- .!. t.i - .ifeiifcj,.. $ i A. . & 4 .