Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Many Facts Concerning This
Patriotic and Benovelent
. Order,
r ?
'The Woman's Relief Auxiliary to
tho Grand Army of tho Republic la
tho largest beneficent and patriotic
organization of womon In tho world,
numbering now almost 160,000 mem
bers. Organized in 1883, following a call
by Paul Van Dor Vort with a small
band of charter members, It has
grown to magnificent proportions' in
numbers and influence, and in the
streams 6f bounty whlch havo boon
poured out through tho treasury in
many deserving channels. Tho
strongest and best women of tho na
tion have been proud to havo names
upon '.Us rolls. All loyal women aro
eligible to membership In tho Wom
an's Relief' Corps. Its alms and ob
jects, as 'found In rules and regula
tions, aro as follows;
To specially aid and assist tho
Grand Army of tho Republic and to
perpetuate tho memory of thOlr he
roic dead. To assist such Union vet
orans as need our help and protection
and to extend needful aid to their
widows and orphans.
To find them homes and employ
ment and assure them of sympathy
and friends; to cherish and emulato
the deeds of our army nurses, and of
all loyat women who rendered loving
service to our country In her hour
of peril.
To maintain true allegiance to tho
Uqlted States of America; to inclu
cato lessons of patriotism and lovo
,of country among our children and in
tho communities in which wo live,
and encourage tho spread of universal
liberty and equal rights to 'all.
This organization was tho first to
introduce tho salute to the flag in
tho public schools and to make tho
observance of Flag Day general by
preparing and carrying out sultablo
programs. There are two salutes to
tho flag taught In the schools, the
one for the older scholars being: "I
pledge allegiance to my flag and to
tho Republic for which It stands; ono
nation, indivisible, with liberty and
Justice for all."
Tho other Is taught the younger pu
pils, and Is "I give my head, my heart
to God and my country, ono country,
one languago, one flag."
Tho Woman's Relief Corps Is a na
tional Incorporation and owns and
operates tho National Relief Corps
Home at Madison, Ohio. It Is In pos
session of the Andersonvllle prison
grounds, which It has converted Into
a national park. Through Its Influ
ence several states havo placed mon
uments there, and ovgry, and espe
cially upon Memorial Day, it Is vis
ited by many.
For tho year ending Juno 30, 1903,
tho national treasury has expended
for W. R. C. homo, ?2,722; for deco
ration of soldiers' grave?' in the
South, $1197.9G; for the Kansas flood
sufferers, ?800; for the McKInley me
morial, $1000; for relief, $156,709.18.
Tho number of per3ons assisted has
been 40,433.
In tho organization there are 2906
corps. Tho total expenditure Jast
year In the order amounted to ?30,-'
587.35, and there .are no, liabilities.
Since tho organization of tho W. R.
C. thoro has been expended $2,504,
365.23. To ovory loyal woman thoro
is a hearty Invitation glvon to Join
this band of earnest workers.
a movement which ljad for its object
tho holding of a great skat tourna
ment In St. Louis during tho 6xpo-(
sltlon period. Invitations wore sentt
to', ciubs,And Individual players,
throughout the United States and
Canada and a general Invitation was
sbqt also lo tho German skat league.
Tho number of acceptances has ex
ceeded the hopes of tho promotors of
the tournament. It Is estimated now
We always put foe be
you awavs ot Z.tl
of It. The kind a WoW
tors ordor. HU mi dfe.
6ure Cure for Piles.
Itching Piles produce moisturo and
cause itching, this form, as "well as
DUng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile
Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding.
Absorbs tumors. 50o a Jar at drug,
gists, or sent by mail. Treaties free.
Write mo about your case. Dr. Bo
Banko, Phlla'., Pa.
Women's Headaches
542 1-2 Congress Street.
Poutland, Maink, Oct. 17, 1902.
I oansidcr Wine of Cardui superior to any doc
tor's medicino I over used and 1 know whereof I
peak. I suffered for nino months with suppressed
menstruation which completely prostrated nie.
Pain would shoot through my back and sides and I
would havo blinding heaaaches. My limbs would
swell up and i would teel so weaK i couiu not
stand up. 1 naturally felt discouraged for I
seemed beyond tho help of physicians, but Wine
of Cardui camo as a God-send to mo. 1 felt a
changefor the better within a week. Afternine
teen uays. treatment I menstruated without suf
fering agonies I usually did and soon became
romilar nnd without Dain.
Wino o Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all Buffer
lag women knew of its good qualities.
Treasurer, Portland E.'onomto League.
Headaches aro tho danger signals o coming disease. Both men and
womon suffer headaches, but periodical headacho falls only to the lot o
wouion and is the unerring sign of irregular menstruation and bearing down
Cains, Completely prostratou by nino months of suppressed menses, blinded
y headaches and racked with pain Mrs. Snow was made a strong and
healthy woman again. Remember with Wino of Cardui no case is hopeless
becauoe this great remedy cures permanently nineteen out of overy twenty
cases and never fails to benefit a case of irregular menses, bearing down
pains or any female weakness. If you aro discouraged and doctor have
tailed, try Wino of Cardui, and try it now. Itemombcrthat headaches
mean female weakness. Secure a bottle of Wine of C.wdui today.
All druggists Bell $1.00 bottles of Wino of Cardui.
Getting Shoe Safety v
Every time -you see the name
Selz on a shoe, you see a good
shoe? it's a safe guide to the man
or woman who wants to spend
shoe money wisely, whether
yqure a good judge of shoes or
- It's like the mark Sterling on
silver? when you see that name1
you know you're safe
We pat It on the Royal, Blue shoe
$3,50 and $4.00; we pat It on aH
.allthe shoes we make, at ercSry
nw -VI
il jAlV
I A,
Largest makers of good shoes in thoworld.
Ready for Land Rushers.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 28. Out
ward signs aro abundant that a sec
ond Oklahoma rush will be witnessed
at the coming opening of the Rosebud
Indian reservation, In the southern
part of South Dakota. Although the
date of opening to settlors is more
than a month distant, preparations
aro already making to provide trans
portation for the large crowds ex
pected to take up the 382,000 acres.
Tho people of Bonesteel, Platto, Fair
fax and other towns adjacent to the
reservation aro getting together hor
ses and wagons of all sorts to take
care of tho people who will start
from those places. Tho officials of
tho railroads running nearest tho res
ervation aro In receipt of hundreds
of letters' dally asking information
fVom prospective settlors and 1fioy
are counting upon carrying at least
25,000 people on tho day of tho open
tho contests for tho various prizes.
I 1 I u
An Alarming Case
Memorial Services.
Tho ladlos and comrades of U. 8.
that no less than 2000 players will ant circle G. A. R. will hold special
be on ;hand 'Monday to take part in , "a 1 ces an
cnuruil, S-Uuuuj o.u.i.i-e, iu; ,, v u
o'clock. The following program will
be rendered.
Buglo call.
"America" by congregation.
Vocal quartette "Today this Hal
lowed Peace Wo Seek", Miss Llston,
Miss Hutchlns, Messrs; George and
Recitation Stuart vWalker.
Solo "Our Country's Flag, Fay
Recitation "Our Soldiers", Gladys
A Vision, by Mrs. R. B. Mand.
Solo "Star Spangled Banner, Dr.
Memorial Exercise Six little girls.
Song "Tenting Tonight", and re
sponse. Closing remarks, by the pastor.
Quartette "Rest Peaceful Rest,"
Tho members of Sedgwlclf post and
Woman's Relief Corps and all old sol
dlers and their families aro most cor
dially invited to be present.
By ordor of Committee.
Dr. Wllllamfc' Pink Pills Banish Pain
and Inflammation and Avert Peril
From the Vital Organs.
Moat Powerful Locomotive.
Schnootady, N. Y., May 28. En
gine No. 2-100, built by the Schenect
ady plant of tho American Locomotive
company., for tho Baltimore & Ohio
railroad, will be taken next week to
St. Louis whom It will bo exhibited
as tho most prominent feature In the
transportation building at the world's
Tho locomotive Is tho most power
ful over built. Tho design follows
that of tho Mallet compound used for
heavy hauling. There aro six pairs
of driving wheels. Three pairs are
under the forward end of tho bollor
and tho remaining three beneath tho
firebox. Tho driving wheels are quite
small, being 56 Inches In diameter.
Tho weight is 360,000. Preliminary
tests conducted hero go to show that
tho locomotlvo is 1 times moro pow
erful than any othor locomotlvo over
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications, as they can
not reached the diseased portion of
tho ear. There Is only one way to
cure deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafnoss Is caused
by an Inflamed condition of tho-'-mu-cous
lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tubo Is inflamed you havo
a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when It' Is entirely closed,
deafnoss Is tho result, and, unless the
Inflammation can bo taken out, and
this tubo restored to Its natural condi
tion, hearing will bo destroyed forev
er; nino cases out of ten aro caused
by catarrh, which Is nothing but an
Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Curo. Sond for Circu
lars free. F. J. CHENEY, & CO.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for Constipation.
Meeting of B'nnl Brlth.
Dos M0I1103, la., May 28. Tho .an
nual grand lodgo of tho Independent
Ordor of B'nnl Brlth, tho Jewish or
dor which will begin a throo days ses
sion tomorrow,, has attracted to Des
Moines a numbor of men of national
promlnonco. On tho opening pro-
gran) will appear Hon. Isador Raynor,
senator-eloot from Maryland. Other
speakors who "are expected are Samuel
iMschuler, formor Democratic candi
date for governor of Illinois; Edward
Rosowator of Omaha' Adolph Kraus
of Chicago, ond Mayor SnmuoJ Fols
of Kalamazoo, Mich,
Monster Skat Tournament
St. Louis, Mo.,' May 28. devotees
of tho great Gorman ganio of skat aro
rounding up In the world's fair city
for what promises to bo tho most no
tablo tournament of tho kind over
hold outsldo tho realm of the kaiser. I Bwitin
J Moro than a year ago tho North Amerl-J Bigntw
can Skat league took the Initiative In
Erysipelas or St. Anthony's flro Is a
most Uncomfortable disease on ac
count of tho burning pain and tho dis
figurement and Is attended always by
tho danger of Involving vital organs.
Tho case which follows will be read
with great Interest by all sufferers
as It affected tho whole body, and re
fused to yield to the remedies pro
scribed by tho physician employed.'
Tho victim, Mrs. Ida A. Colbath, of
No. 19 Winter street, Nowburyport,
Mass., was In fact completely discour
aged when she began the course of
treatment which led to her recovery.
"In Juno of 1903," she says, "I
was taken 111 with what at first ap
peared to bo a fever. I sent for a
physician who said I was threatened
with a dangerous and lingering sick
ness. Ho prescribed for mo but his
medicine had no perceptible effect.
One day ho pronounced my disease
chronic erysipelas and said It would
be a long time before I would be up
nnd around.
"Inflamnintlon began on my face
and spread all over my body. My oyes
were swollen and seemed bulging out
of their sockets. I was In a terrible
plight and suffered the most IntonEO
pain throughout my body.
The doctor said mycaso was a very
severe one. Under his treatmont, hoW
ovor, tho Inflammation did not dimin
ish and tho pains which shot through
my body increased in severity. After
being confined to bed for two months
under his caro, without any improve
ment, I decided to get along for a
time at least without a physician.
"A fow days aftor I had discontinued
the services of a physician, a friend
from Maine, who was visiting mo,
spoko very highly of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People and, on her
advice, I bought a box, but with little
confidence that they could holp mo
whow a doctor hadi failed to do any
"I began to tako tho pills, however,
two at a dose three times a day. After
tho second box had been used I was
surprised to notlqo that the inflam
mation was going down and thnt the
pains which used to cause mo such
agony had disappeared. After using
six boxes of the pills I was up and
around the houao attending to my
household duties as well as ovor. I
am profoundly thankful that Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills were ever brought
to my attention and am always ready
to toll any ono what they havo dono
for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills curo all
diseases springing from an Impover
ished or vltlatod condition of tho
blood, such as anaemia, rhoumatlsm,
scrofula. Thoy mako palo complex
ions ruddy and aro tho best tonics In
all cases of debility. They aro es
pecially helpful to womon whoso
health is so closely dependent on tho
state of tho blood. Thoy aro sold by
all druggists throughout the world.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have, Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
wnoicn'HHME Rlftu...
Everybody B Interested i, ,!tl
bus that Is now boim .w. !ft!
ordor to promote the groat,,
nukll.1). -- ... brcet tot,
1"""-J iur mis most mT
event In tho f,m. .. ImPorj
city. Tho Can. w ." ?
Od to elvA n . M tel
porson guesslmr .. , 9,0i
ber of people In mir u . he
by, the newofflcialce;:.M
tako Bnvornl tobq1. i- .. ' " VM
eratlnn n Z, C',8S
this time The journai 'J' "
ports from day to day or ,. f.T"
of tho work, and the probable 3
From thnan thn .-j- ' '"
elusions, and make a close nI
- L
Excursion Rates to Yaqua J
On June Int. , a-.i . Bl
Company will resnm .i. ..
7 r -v Dait) nr -.
slon tickets to Newport and m.
h.. .,, uum BOaSoa and &J
j v-wunu.,, uukcis n u -,.
This popular xesort Is growing y
vw uuuu yur, notei rates aroi
able, and tho opportunity for
hunting and sea bathing arel
touu oy any omer resort oatltf,
cnic coasi.
I" RKI .M U.I4 wuk '&
MCr. Mrt.liHi..iai
U.Q.. ii.ti)n2"-"'
fllf r ar r)n.-i .T" !
ta 5ri:'i,:r,sHa
.it iir . "" iNvimu l,:i
.tu. ui. . sa'Hsra!
-w ri,
9 mirrrf gr vw ..
wiwte Attft Waists.,.
Now styles, medium price, good quality, new embroideries and Insa.
tlons from 5 cents a yard up. New laces at low prices.
;l Millinery
NIco street hats, dbss hats, foliage, flowers, 'chiffon and a great n
rloty of frames. Reasonable prices, newest styles and good quality.
Rosteik & Gzeenh&vm
301 Commercial Street.
Do mat We Claim
Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition
Tho Southern Pacific Company will
sell round trip tlckots at greatly ro
duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago
on account of tho St. Louis exposition
on the following dates Juno 16, 17,
18; July 1, 2, 3,; August 8, 9, 10, Sep
tember 5, C, 7; October 3, 4,5.
Going trip must be completed with
in 10 days from dato of salo, and pas
sengers will bo permitted to start on
any day that will enable them to
reach tholr destination within tho
ton-day limit. Return limit 90 days,
but not lator than December 31, 1901.
For full Information as to rates and
routes call on agent of S. P. Co., at
Juno 7th has, beont authorized as tho
salo date for Louisiana Purchase Ex
position tickets, ,ln addition to palo
dates previously announced for June.
This concession has been mado to ac
commodate Oregon peoplo, and will
onablo thenx to bo at tho Exposition
on Oregon Day, Juno, 6th.
W. E. COMAN. Oe. Pas. Agt
tw Rtea Yog mw Almtrs Baait
Wo guarantee sufllclentbroof that Dr. J,
Doctor cure's all kinds
F. Cook the Eotiulol
diseases after all other schools and doctori
have failed, such as cicer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gnrel
kidney, bone diseases. .Consumption, gall stones, rheumitta,
dropsy, and dlabets, amndlcltls havo never yet failed, and fenxtla
diseases, all the foregoirl without the knife, or plaster or poUoni,
and with no pain to tholatlent whatever.
Testimonials of promlneri people. Consultation free.
Dr. t F. Cook
301 Liberty St., j Salem, Oregon.
Formejy oi Omrha, Neb.
aw atff aatMMBMM
The sttongesj Coffee in the sn&tUt
TOtfSCJ is
Silver Hume Blend
Fresh Roas I And for sale only by
Phone 2291 Main, J. O. O. F. Temple, Court St
Have You fyer Wered Your Groceries from
Hamtfc lb Lawrence
If not. vnil nr nwnw'hoM . n.. DAnrnvOT thfiT tf I
ways glad to boo new DarorjLnd If you call on thorn, yo J!
moro than pleased. You hci them at th,e corner of Com-1
0 wiu curry sireeis. i I
,-.Cfn. J
rl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M jL4t4-.
Wholesale and Rill Fam.lv Lfqtf or Store
cr r--m r- . . . -. . .
jl uum.ni.uii, pnmmerciai oirecu ,
t - uuo vi mjuuio una vnvt COdarDroOK wnis& - i
I McBrlor brand tha best fo Itiy uae. All orders nl!' m j
uto.cu u uio cuy limits, yta jlaln 116L juH'
h ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i n u 1 1 1 1 1 n n ; a n-wfrH