Tup i J 4i-M . is - ec,eiMfH!'-''W3'"' -w r"iT"" ,flllPWlpWWvr OAJL? CAPITAL JOUnSsAlfEM. OREGON, ATURqAYfA'LlS.M- 4 TWELVE i aw ti BRETHERN i 1 -w. PHANTOM SEARCH LIGHT "MONEYBAK-" "MONEYBAK." "MONEYBAK."' MONEYBAK.' A? " ia , t Grand Opening New Silks GROWING WEARY Ever Carry Silk Insurance? I Jackets and -i Tailor Suits $7-50 to $30.00 Special orders taken. Prompt delivery guaranteed. Samples sotd. Don't faH to see them tomorrow and ' Saturday. Stockton's Monday Monday we will sell Children's Wash Dresses Ages 3 to i 4 yeans at 1-3 reduction 50c Dresses 34c 75c Dresses . 50c $1 Dresses 67c $J.25 Dresses...... 94c $ 1 .50 Dresses. Stockton. & Co I Reliable nimummtminHiunuuuu I What is better than the 1 904 f pgsec0 Just notlco tho many Ramblers and etroet. There must be a reason for It wheels nod, wo tako care of our riders. If you have not Been tho $ 1004 models call in and wo will show you our complete lino of btcy- 2 clos. 9 I Who is your Bicycle repairman Wo would bo pleased to corve you. Wo havo a complete blcyclo re pair shop. Wo carry a comploto lino of Uio woll-knowo O. & J., Hart ford and M. & W. tires. With pur experienced ropairmon wo are ablo to give you tho very best attention. Glvo us- a call and wo will try to please. , I Baseball Wat QhiWii Qririnrtflrkc? auppiico iimiHHMHIIHWHWIMWHWIlUKHIIHIMHmi IHIIIimHIHIIIIMIIIIlHllllllHmmillMMH Hbefn visible I Tp thoso now using two pair elf glasses wo would say a werd: dome and see through the "Invisible." To those wearing old-stylo MJrt-catchersi" Come and see through tho "Invisible," To thoso who noed bifecals: Come and see through the "Invisible.' It Is a genera) Invitation. We are exclusive representatives of these lenses dome in and examine thom, and ypu will aoe (he greatest optical Invention of the age. Chas. H. WA4r Optlolan, M State 3tr, $ J J Bicycles jj Nationals as you go down tho Simply this, tboy nro good mm f Thc Bicycle Man. Hinges, Next deer to LM . Iuh Hank Z MB&ffWfra $fjmW Methodist Conference May Adjourn at Any Tinie-' Big Heresy Fight Los Angeles, May 28. An effort Is St. Petersburg, May 28. The Est- being mado to adjourn trie Methodist hoi Gazotto says that the commander conference today. Bishop Luther" B. at Port Reval reports that a mys Wllson, of Baltimore, and the newly terlous craft has been off the shore, elected president were appointed to throwing a search, light on tho har- odlt the church discipline. bor. Merchantmen also report en- The heresy and theological schools countering the came vessel at various were discussed this- morning. A -re- points In the Baltic sea. port on tho subject recommended" to (Reval Is on the Gulf of Finland, reconsider all educational Institutions near the Baltc Sea, and s wthln a of tho church, and that bishops be en- short dstance of St. Petersburg. It Joined to allay the strife on heresy, is not known that the Japanese have L. W. Munhall, the noted heresy fight- any vessels In that sea, and the re er and evangelist, fought for even stronger measures. ' Married In Portland. Mr. Rockwell W. Cary and Miss May B. Thompson, of Salem, wore united In marriage in Portland Tuej-1 the city, and had his right leg ampu da, and have corao to Albany, where tated Just below the knee, Dr. John they will reside hereafter. Tho wed ding occurred at the homo of tho brldo'a undo, Mr. Rice, In Portland. Tho young couple are woll known In Salem. Tho bride is a very 'popular young lady of this, city. Mr. Cary lived In Salem until a short time ago, when ho went to Albany to accept a position there. Until that time he held a responsible position In the clothing house of Sam Adolph. They havo many friends who wish them happiness and success. The following real estate sales were recorded teday: ,- Isaac M. Wagner to I. M. Wagner, 150 acres- in tp 8 s, r 3 w, $4000. J. E. Cook to Iler's Piano House, lot 3, in block 7, Highland addition to Salem? 1000. , G. W. Powell to Candace Down, part of block 12, and all of block 13, Hoi lister's addition, Stayton, ?100. The Salem Woman'B Club held a reception at tho city library this after noon as an introduction to the new li brary. Mrs. Mon roe and Mrs. Ray mond received, and tho beautiful dec orations were arranged by Mrs. Cu slck, Miss Applegate and Mrs. Irvine. Punch was nerved. HOTELS The Willamette. George Jones, Roseburg. Mrs. A. L. Jonea, Roseburg. Henry Jacobs, San Francisco. J. Low, Portland. John O. Simmons, New York. W. L. Hart, Portland. J. F. Monzies and wife, Roslyn. J. W. Monzies and wife, Roslyn. Mrs. G. W. Bates, Portland. W. G. Martin, Portland. H. B. Lounsbury, Portland. E. E Peck, Des Moines. Geo. L. Brlckman, San Francisco. Mort Howe, Tacoma. H. W. L. Gardiner, San Francisco. A. Desjardlns, Chicago. E. J. Fay, Portland, H. Brash, Portland. IT. L. Moreland, Portland. John Klono, Wasco. J. W. Frazlor, McCoy. Mrs. Krobs, Brooks. William Ellery, Boston. H. B, Johnson, Vancouver, Wash. W. O. Cannon, Seattle, J. P. Hunt, Portland. L F. Daly, Dallas. John F. Kane, Denver. J. E. Desmond, Portland. Buggies Cushion Tired Runabouts. Driving Wagons And everything else that runs by horso motion. Another batch of cushion-tired rigs gone out thjs week. Wo havo suro struck the popular style and price in these goods. Come and see, No matter what you want in the line of "rigs that run," we have them, from bicycles to buggies, and from hacks to automobiles. Call and look over our lines. R A. WIGGINS 23?L Implement House, Ja " "- Report From Baltic Sea That Mysterious Vessel Is Near St. Petersburg port Is probably founded on vaguo ru- mors.) Boy's Leg Amputated. The 8-year-old sin of Thomas White, of Frultland. was today brought to Shaw performing the operation. It seems that, the little fellow had the misfortune soyoral weeks ago to fall and bruise tho bono in such a man ner as to make amputation necessary. Ho is at the Salem Hospital, and 13 doing nicely. Missing Near Sllverton. Old Mr. Doerfler left his home near Lewlsburg Wednesday morning, going In the direction of Stayton, and he has not been heard of since. He is said to havo been eccentric for some time, and Is supposed to bo wandering un der aberration of mind. HI, rela tives and friends are In search of him, and It is feared that he may have gone Into the woods and committed suicide. Sllverton Appeal. Wheat Markets. Chicago, May 28. Wheat 96; old July, 87Q87; New, 86 85: July corn, 4747. Gold Dust Flout a Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for It Bran and shorts always on hand. i t A. T. WALN AGENT M tftHf NEW TODAY io Trade. Phonograph for a wheel. Inquire of B. V. Snyder, at Ep ley's store, East State street. 5-28-31 Roses for Sale. Call at 407 Front street, corner of Marlon. 5-28-3t For Rent. Two furnished front rooms. Inquire at 363 corner Cen ter and Capital. 6-28-3t For Sale. Two second-hand four eprlng hacks and one open' buggy, all a? good as new. Pohlo & Bishop. Girj Wanted. For general housework. Apply at residence of Mrs. R. D. Allen, 347 High street. Wanted, a young man to learn the shoe business. Inquire at Oregon Shoe Company. 6-18-tf X. Tribune Bicycles Pierce Bicycles The former time tried and tested In our midst by years of honest continued 'service. The latter not so well known locally, but famous tfco country over for good worth and for Plerco spring forks and cushion frames. Come and try one for a spin. - - w "Moneybak" gfadc Silk a Ui z o 5 Look for tho name on the selvage. What Is "Moneybak" silk? It Is a taffeta made of tho best raw silk, dyed without weight, woven by skilled la bor on now looms, and' free from fic titious finish. It Is warranted to sat isfy, or the monoy back. "Money--i bak" silk represents a detemlned effort i by the,raanufacturersto llft blackstlk ' to a higher standards "Moneybak!'., ellk costs the customer less than nar--row, weighted silks, width and wear ing qualities considered, nBl counting the price of making up into costumes, 1 which would amount'tb one-fifth less, '. . as "Moneybak" wears five Himes- a3 long as weighted silks. "'Mbhoybak'Vv silk comes In 27-inch, at $1.60 a yard& f$ and 36-inch at $2.25 a yard. Is It not . ' V worth something to feel that your now ,. ' . black silk will not -soon look old and rusty, crack the first time it Is worn, and cut out at the hem In a short time? - ( We Are the Exclusive Agents for? Sa- ' lem and Vicinity. . . ui z o s Si a a m z o 2 m ui z o 5 crfxL ffl - Ul z o S tZ&zpZS&sy-S mm -."kj Hi " ' -ir "Tbe'Siifc House." L MONEYBAK." "MONEYBAK." BORN. WARD. On Friday, "May 27, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ward, in this city, a son. DIED. SMITH. At the Salem Hospital, on May 27, 1904, Charles Smith, of a complication of diseases, aged 65 years. Deceased was a resident of Silver ton, and tho remains will be interred at that place. Baseball Salem vs. Albany May 27-28-29:, 302games Admission - 25c (hicAco. Friday and Saturday Bargain Days' Friday and Saturday Bargain Days that is Just exactly what those two days are at tho Chicago Store. Every effort la put forth In giving values that will please and bring our customers bock again. Wo are do ing the biggest business wo ever done, that Is proof enough of tho values we aro giving. Attend this sale and get your share of those bargains. Ladles' cream summer under wear 8c LadleSf white summer undei- wear 9c Ladies' black cotton stockings 5c Ladles' 20c fast black cotton stockings .. t, .... ,.t,.,,.i0c Boys' 15c ribbed cotton stock- Insa 9J Ladles' silk embrolderled lace lisle 35c black cotton stock ings f 23c Chljdren.'e summer underwear 10c Children's lace stockings, all colors and black .... '.'.....23c Ladles' fancy belts fo Ladles' leather belts '.i0o Ladles' crush leather belts ,.!,23c Ladles' 75c French girdle cor TBE VHEAPE8T STORE M'EYoy BrothersXourt St., Salem "MONEYBAK." "MONEYBAK." illl nilillllHlllllUtr ii German Market ;; next door to Harritt & Law rence Grocery. SAVE MONEY Best cuts of fresh meat, 5 to 10 cents per pound. MILLER A BECK, Proprietors HiHnnmiHuniiiiii LOAN8 AND INSURANCE. JOHN MOIR. AGENT FOR SCOTCH MORTQAQE COMPANIES 230 COMMERCIAL ST. feEAL ESTATE Call and leave a list of your city Proporty and farm lands which you wish to put on the market with DEMOREST & HANNING. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. Store sets, all colors and white ....48c Chiffon stock collars Bo 25o soft wash taffeta neck rib bons, No, 40, all colors and black, sale price, yard ...... Hc VAc all silk taffeta hair ribbons yard; 3" 75o silk chiffon, 45-Inches wide yard .. , 8c Peggy from Paris veils, new..9 Men's summer underwear Sc Men's silk neckUes 10c .Boys' Buspendere ...... Bc Weareshowlrig a, beatlful as sortment of ladles' walking and dress skirts, from 1.50 up to 1809 SWELL SUMMER SHIRT WAISTS CHEAP. IN TIT)ft vnnTTTWEBT.