DAILY CAPITAL JOURjAJALJM.npOON. FRIDAY, MAY 27,19Q4. IX stz&s&sa -' ivmmmmmmatmKmmw' "v Tyw, fP W laaaHBl if TITVi Vl BUND HEWS 4uh.u4 FROM , FIIRffPF n Prices Are Advancing and the v Stock on Hand Is Very Short A special hop circular to Tho Jour tail from tho well-known firm of Ber nard Bins, of Nuremberg, the great liop conter, says: f" , , Tho market In the last week was very actlvo, with a strong inquiry for all descriptions. Prices havo ad Tiinced, nnd tho tendency Is very Strong, nnd ownors are Arm holders, tho more as stock Is In a extremely shortness, ' "Works In tho hop-yards aro doing A good progress. The fixing up of poles has been ddne In a satisfactory manner. Tho nqw roots show healthy and vigorous. , Sure Cure, for Piles. Itching Piles' prb"duc6'm'oisturoi,and cause Itching, this form, as well as 231lng, Bleodlng or Protruding Piles .aro cured by Dr. JJo-san-ko's Pile Homed. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 60o a Jar at drug gists, or sont by mall. Treaties free. Wrlto me about your case. Dr. Bo sonjeo, Phlla, Pa. ', Cans to Box "Je'woy"' Cooke; ' ' Baltimore, Mil.. May 27. "Jewey' Cpoko, hailod as tho champion woltoK weight of England nnd South Africa, is no havo a chnnco to display hlff power agulnst Joo Oans, tho American' cflamplon, In a 15-rounds bout tonlglu beforo tho Eureka Athletic club. This wjll bo Codko's second fight in Ameri ca, Ills first oncnuntor was with Dave Holly, a clover Philadelphia negro lighter. They mot for six rounds,, and Cooko, while not having any tho T)6tf6r of tho bout, mado a fair show Ing. Gans Is In good shapo for tho bout and oxpressei confidence In his flbllitly to dispose of tho Englishman -with llttlo dlfllculty. This Cap Label Is a guarantee of the purity and richness of our Economy Brand Evaporated Gream We offer $5,000 reward to anyone able to provo i adulteration of our product. 99999 1 Smell If thero la anything you need It is to remove tho death-doal-lng sower gas from your houao. Modern Plumbing will do this and givo you com fort as well as health, Have your old 'plumbing inspected and you may save a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & FRASER 105 State at, 'Phone 1511 Main. HUIE WING SANG CO. Great salo of Chlncso and Japanoso fancy goods. Wo also mako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear nnd skirts. Gents' and ladlos' tarnishing goods, silks, laces and cm broideries. All kinds of summor goods, matting, etc Court street, corner of tiler. Salem .That I . ? - u " Is there a lack, of har mony in your Department of the interior? A little less meat. A little more "FORCE." Often that restores the balance. J SM4M rf'C y T)i brain-worker moat nelect hl food to fit hi hbif of life . , , You could dlff inort icellent poit-holrs for ten hour a dAT on " t OKCK " alone. Bat It ! peculUrl ntted to th "Indoor" dlgetflon or Indigestion. COLLEGE FIELD MEET Big Eastern Fellows Complete for Honors on Frank lin Field Philadelphia, Pa., May 27. Before thousands of enthusiastic spectators, tho llowor of tho eastern college ath letes" mot on' Franklin field this after noon at tho opening of tho annual track and field championships of tho Intercollegiate association of Amateur Athletes of Amorlca. The falluro of tho University of Michigan to enter a team as was expected left tho west practically unrepresented. But there was scarcely a college or university of any standing In tho cast that was not represented among tho hundreds of young athletes who thronged the ffo-'d. That records will bo smashed dur ing tho two days of tho moot is gen erally concoded, as remarkable per formances havo been recorded of late in overy part of tho collego sphere. Arthur Duffy, the Georgetown flyer, will compete in tho short dash against Schick of Harvard, Torroy of Yalo, Thompson of Amherst and Sear of Pennsylvania. In the quarter-mllo race also a fast field will faco tho starters, with tho cholco lying be tween Captain1 Itust ot Harvard, Long of Yalo, Goldsmith of Princeton, Hurl- hurt of Williams and Itojlly of George town. Parsons of Yale is slated for first place In tho half-mile, though ho has strong competitors in Orton of Ponn 6lvnn!a, Trott of Cornolr". Adslt of I'rlncoon, NowolJ of 'Williams, and several others. Clapp of Yale Is ox- pectod to repeat his previous triumphs In tho hurdles. Dowltt of Princeton Is regarded as a suro thing on the hammer throw, while Glass and Shev- lln of Yalo aro likely to run In thnt order Dave Honncn, tho old Harvard thrower, is In tho ranks again, repre senting Columbia. In tho pole vault and broad Jump tho present record hojdors aro oxpeoteU.to cuVry off tho honors. Do IV today. Tho time-worn Injunction, "Never, put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," Is now generally present ed In this ferm: "Do it todayl" That Is tho terso advise wo want to givo you about that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you have been struggling for sovoral days, per haps weeks. Take some reliable reme dy for It TODAY and lot that remedy bo Dr Boschee'8 German Syrup, which has beon In uso for over thirty-five years. A fow doses of It will undoubt edly relievo your cough or cold, and Its continued uso for a few days will euro you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, oven If dread consumption has attacked your lungs, Gorman Syrup will surely effect a cure as It has dono before In thou sands of apparently hopcloss cases of lung trouble. Now trial bottles, 25c; regular site, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. OAJSTORIA Bun ti A Tl KM Yea Haw Always Bs$M Th Kind Yea Haw Mwajs Biguton of Illuo and whlto tureens, 50c; worth 1 10. one week. The Vatiety Store 94 Court St. Annora M. VftUh, Pros SCHOOL EXERCISES Musical Program Rendered and Hiawatha Presented' by the Scholars The annual exercises at tho bflnd school were held this aftornoon, and a large numbor of friends attended. The Scholars havo mado wonderful pro gress undor tho ablo Instruction of Su perintendent Geo. W. Jones, and the various numbors on the program were entertaining and interesting. A Journal reporter paid a visit to tho institution, and, through tho courtesy of tho superintendent, wa3 enabled to see the many features of the course of Instruction. The boys and girls are drilled In everything that will as sist them In caring for themselves in life, and they seem to take great In terest In their work. Tho reporter was presented with a willow basket made by a pupil named Lawrence, his first attempt, but a very complete lit tle affair. Tho program Was well rendered, and was as follews: A Spring Song Pinstl Chorus. Sonatlno and Romance ...Beethoven Marguerite Flower. Sonatina Op. 88, No. 2 Kuhlan Frank Sanders. Song, "Baby's Broken Toys'..,. '. ....'. Chas. Miller Marguerlto Flower. Romantic Thoughts Leduc John Foley. "Violin Faust, Fantalslo ' Singello Op 10G William Bailer. Pharsalla Waltz Burgmullor Lee Perin. Let the Hills and Vales Resound.. ..Richards Chorus. Tho musical exorcises were held in tho school, and at their close tho scholars presented the dramatized story of Hiawatha, a very pretty and touching play. The many scenes wero admirably enacted and boro evidence of careful training. Tho work of tho blind school Is a noble one Indeed, and the exercises to day reflect great credit on Prof. Jones and his ablo assistants. MOTHER AND CHILD Scott's Emulsion is cod liver oil made almost as palatable as milk. It is easy and soothing to the weak stomach; it checks the ten dencies of children toward thinness. Scott's Emulsion gives strength to weak mothers be cause it creates healthy flesh and new blood. Nursing mothers will find a special value in Scott's Emulsion because it insures a flow of rich, nourishing milk for the baby. More and better than a medicine; Scott's Emulsion is a food. We'll (cm) you a tample free upon rcqueit, ECOTT & UOWNE, 409 rari Street, New York. SUMMER SCHOOL Tho first term of tho Capital Summor Normal opens May 2d, and will continue eight weeks. The second term opens Juno 27th, to continue unUll tho August exams. Classes will bo formed in all the branches required for Stato and county papers, and In Latin, Stenography nnd Type-wrlUng. Address J. J, Kraps, Supt. E. T. Moores, Prof. Matthews, -t-W-H Hill tie Hllllllllt Violin, Mandolin and Guitar. '. ", Thorough Instructions. Pupils ! ! ; ; prepared for clubs, recitals and ; ; entertalnraonts. Special terms '. '. to pupils starting now. Private '. '. ', ', Iossoiib 60c. Class lessons 25c ! ' ' Club rehearsals froe. . . . :t SIDNEY HAYES, t 101 Commercial Street ; ; OltllllllllMIIHIIIKIM M CilllllKSTIUlVi UaUHU l It.ll V I Ul J imUOU bin. aJ U. Rf tf r lr(iiM. t m4 mIHii lt fr Ij.4I." m ww, t ra il. l.OTilkl. t&tif tM likJL Um Mlfa Itiut, j'tLLUdin ftaZkm&KtMl. AkiklAr'hu.l.la ENiWHOYAL PILLS .JV VrUl Oslr UwikUk V...-l?llft?;L k kt. WKl IJUklMtln JJU Vfe HMM nisniiiiiiii!iu'iiiiiiani'iTOiiiii,iiiiiiiriiriniiiMi,iiiiiiiiiiwi L IJlTw UuuSa TlSjW Afcgctable Preparationlbr As similating IhcFoodandUcguIa ling theSloinachs nndBoweis of Promotes Digcstion.Checrrur neasaruinest.Conlatns neither Oplum.Morpliinc nor Mineral. Not "NAit cotic. irapcorouA&i'fUElnraiKH tatylM Seed' MxSenttn III ur&cnakJuta IHnpSeetl CtattitiSugnr MBUeiytvm. ilanr. Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour Slomach,Diarrhocn Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness nnd Loss of Sleep. "jMuTtWjil mill u V - jatwmm m, EAST m Facsimile Signature oT M NEW -YORK. 1 Uf sgss;gagBq jfl Hug 1 EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. UJ SLffplltfjl ll mM ms ey o3)0(booocacaia29ffiecBSaoe8aaess ? 88 Phene: Main 2953 AUL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 ommerciat St. Over The Journal. il WIiOt0 lM tao i an mt m i sum f mfltocA mt l ::b::::AGENCY O F:::::su BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! ! GRAIN BDYERS AND Oats Fot Sale. BOP PROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. ,1. u. uittucwi, Agoui, iiifif.ifatfattai8iinnnla)la,aKi .Vl TUaVHLHK QlB4 vIViJaVHfti i mumm?m i I StfXCm FSB 7 i mAaRMfflm WML jMS ICtT" " tiW&9g I TJOTfff 4ft",w""","""i"nwintitnninnnm;; ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use Over Thirty Years jh sirfi n I a MH 1IB OINTAUfl OMPl . new YORK orrv. Bears the I Signature jm j For i.w.fiawti tuamiiwK A PEEP INTO OUR ICE HOUSE. , Will show you why It is that our meats aro always fresh and appetising in tho hottest weather, when meats would w spoil If not properly cared for. It would also show some of the fattest sides of beef, tender and fine quarters of lamb and mutton. Our meatsi are high grade and low priced. 5 E. C. Gross. ! PRINTING FOR PROFESSIONAL Men requires a neat Type Face and appropriate treatment at the hands of the printer. Try THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY PROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. E9HE5fe 4e4-e-e4M'-t4 IMMENSE STOCK OF Carnage Harness Work Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first class. See us ior anything in our line and save money. E. S. LamportSaddfery Co. 289 Ommercial Street.! 14$ i iti iiiaion tia SH1FPBRS0F fl-R A TPJf j 207 Commercial St., Salem, 0r. I iljc mt .p ... M.MMK ms rivii r inn r-urium n Has been taken to aupply the stock of! ! lumber In our yards. Our stock lsj complete with all kinds of lumber, Just received a car load of No. ij ! shingles, also a car of fine .shakes. Wo aro ablo to fill any and all kind; of bills. Come and let us show you- our stock. J Yard and office near S. P. passenger! depot, 'Phono Mala 651. i ! QOODALE LUMBER CO. a ,aVs ml S8SS9 mfffejj I I 4jjjr -' mud WmmMminh Three Trains to the Ea.r dS Through Pullman rtaniiM h . tourist sleeping cars dally to OnuT Chicago, Spolcano; tourist .iZT cara dally to Kansasi city; thrTrt Pullman tourist sleephiR r.r. , Bonally conducted) weekly to cyT Ku, iwwuuiujj vuiur cars (8eat fr. r. Vin Coc .loll.. ""J 70 MUUKS 7A P0RJMS!D TO CHICAGO U Ho Chtnte or Ctrs W DKPART TIME SCHEDUtES From Portland, Or, JgUTl Chicago Portland eccolal 9 15 a. m m Unnt Ington ' Atlantlo" Kxpro 3:16 p. rn, rla Hunt Inton '"etPfcuT" Ka" Mall 7 45 p. m. via Bpokiui Bait Lake. Denvnr. v, Worth, Omaha, Kanui l -JiH IjUlo. DetiTnr in Worth, Oraaba, Koami '!,! .- li """ M WAltU Wf a 1 UHlt."T aian, i. ueapom BL Pnnl. ni.niihuiiw.uk... uaicaKo, auu juui. Ocean and River Schedule, For Snn Francisco Every flTe dm at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way poist, and North Boach Dally (except Sm day) at 8 p. m,; Saturday at 10 p. a Daily service (water permitting) M Wlllametto and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or wrlti your nearest ticket agent, or A. U CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent The Oregon llailroad & Naylgjtfoi Co., Portland, Oregon. CorvallisMasteiii TIME CARD NO. 24, No. 2 for Yaqulna: Loaves Albany , Leaves Corvallls Arrives Yaqulna No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna Leaves Corvallls Arrives Albany 12:15 p.aj .i. 2:00ia! .... 6:?0p.aj 6:4$ n! ....11:10 JLa I 12:15 p,al No. 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00a.n Arrives Detrbl 12:20pa No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. a Arrives Albany 5:55pD Train No. 1 arlves In Albany h time to connect with the S. P. tod bound train, as well as giving two a three hours in Albany before den ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with the & f . trains at Corvallls and Albany f. Ing direct service to Newport and ti Jacent beaches. Train No. 2 for Detroit, BreltenhA and other mountain resorts Iffl'fl Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching D trolt nbo'ut noon, giving ample tioi to reach' tfio Springs same day For further information applf f EDWIN STONE, Manage T. COCKRELL, Agent, Alban;. H. H. CRONISB. Agent. ComE O. C. T. CO.-8 PA88ENQER STEAMERS POMONA and Altona leare for PortlM4, MoaWi Wodnesday and Krluay at 10 a, . Tuesday, Thursday and 8wrdiT ? m: Kor CorrallH, Tiieday. Tn!' and Saturday at t p. rn For Independence dally excepted; Deck: Foot of Trd M. P. BAUBWirt, nv Free. Yes Ffec. Dr. Stone makes no charge for sultation or prescription. Can found dally at his drug store, " Oregon. - m.. Qafe. 114 acres in Marion county, m t mile from Mill Clir, 35 to,. nrnvnil fiK acres EOOd timber. milo from a 1300,000 sttWttUL,L. good, rich, black soil; tuuiuor vaiu, " inter r acres good fruit, mostly . pies, trees average 7 years ow, J snrine water at door, two ere w., nin.-coodnelgbwnwrru r..: .: :.v ', -i.nrdi z Fino beaver dam meadow, , cleared. If sold at once w J320O. Title clear. T,, down, and from 2 to 3 rJwS ance -with 7 per cent mH" ' diate possession. Call on w J. E. Hay, owner of tie jb, City, Oregon. tun "miy