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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
FIVK BALL tw "v TODAY Albany Bunch Say That. They Will Take Majority of Series Tho Albany ball team cahio down this morning, and are engaged In a bout with tho Raglans at Athletic park, In a vain attempt to drag down the leaders. Manager Prebles has strengthened his bunch of aristocrats, and has supromo confidence In taking four of the Ave games to be played In this city. There are others, howover, I who have read books about base : ball, and they do not anticipate any ; thing of the kind, although they real : ize that It will be nip and tuck 1 throughout the series. Suess, who has been playing with ! tho Albany team, will not don a unl . form during this series, on account of ! not being released from Salem. The line-up will be as follows teday: Salem. Albany. f Callff p Howard fwilklns. J. c Lewis ; Nehring, lb Donavan jDownle "2b Johnson JLougheed 3b Sullivan I Fay sa Raymond Williams If Harper Davis mf Graves pWilklns, O. rf Lee Umpire, Derrick. State Grange Officers. Tho following have been elected of- peers of tho state grange: Master, G. B. Leedy, TIgardvIlle; roverseer, J. Clem, Freewater; lectur- pr, Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, Macleay; rsteward, C. L. Shaw, Albany; asslst fant steward, W. A. Young, Clatskanle; treasurer, H. HIrschberg, Indepen dnco; secretary, Mrs. Mary L. How ard, Mulino; gatekeeper, S. N. War- Ifield, Alsea; Ceres, Mrs. Ruby Boyj, 3eaverton; Pomona Mrs. Anna Cras- rell, Gresham; Flora, Miss West, Scappoose; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Ida M. Thorp, Gresham; mem- er executive commltto. Austin T. luxton, Forest Grove; member legis lative committee, J. Voorhees, Wood- urn; W. M. Hllleary, Turner. n Dmm RI..I.I. m ... . U ovui uiacKs oiacKea eye. P ........ u.c, u. tuiureu uuut.uiu.CK, was irrestea yestorday for assault v and ittery, and fined ?10. on complaint of argo Hayden, another bootblack. Schilling's Best means bakia(-pvdr fUrorlng cxtracti iplco coda COfM lof good-enough quality at fair iprices. HHIIIIIl f-HHI H ill I I 1 1 1 TRY ZinnY i Circassian Ice Cream It is the best made 154 State St. Phone 1971 ti MM B8-M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UMIIIIH Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim We Are I Paying 15c ;: for Eggs Today j ;; Commercial Cream Co. 225 Com'l St. j-H-ll I I H4HHlH-milHl Memorial Day I Next Monday (May 30) wo will close at noon and remain closed for the dan No deliveries will bo mado la tho afternoon. Please do not forget that to get your groceries fresh fruits, vegetblos, etc., you should ORDER EARLY IN THE DAY. ATWOOD & FISHER Phone 57. Come Commercial an Court. I A Wheals Some peoplo have them In their heads, but wo put them onto vehicles. Wo have a fine lot of buggies, spring wagons, carts, buck-boards, etc., all new, mado at home. Also a new democrat wagon with long distance axles, at a bargain. Lot of second-hand wagons, buggies, carts and other ve hicles. See what we otter, and save money. Horse shooing a specialty, by C. W. Armstrong. Remember the Salem Wagon factory, on North Liberty St. "Wetnet Fennel Proprietor. PERSONALS Clarence Underwood, of Albany, is In the city. Judge George H. Burnett went to Albany last evening. Mrs. C. J. Kurtz Is visiting her parents at WInton, Oregon. Miss Justine Calmel, of Gervals, is visiting friends in this city. W. C. 'Knighton, the Portland archi tect, Is in the city on business. H. L. Brown and L. B. Rossman, qf Eugene, are registered at the Salem. Miss Katherino Melring has re turned home after a visit with friends at Corvallis. Mrs. Fletcher Lynn and Mrs. Don Zann, of Portland, are visiting Mrs. Blckford, In this city. Attorney A, M. Cannon, of the firm of Carson, Adams & Cannon, went to Portland on business this morning. Charles Benson, the well-known mining man left last evening for the mines of Montana and Idaho. Mrs. D. F. Brunner and Mrs. J. J. Daley loft last evening for Portland, whero they will spend a few days with friends. Ed. Q. Hogue, of Albany, has ac cepted a place as city reporter on Tho Journal, and any courtesies extended him will be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mellen, who have boon spending tho week at Dal las and other Polk county points, re turned this morning, via boat from Independence. Miss Ama Strong and Barbara Eakln went to Portland this afternoon and will attend the H. M. A. hop, given In that city tonight. They were ac companied by Mrs. A. Strong. C. D. Clark, of Salem, and William Lawrence, of Roseburg, left last even ing for Yellowstone Park whero they will enter the employ of the Yellow stone Lake Boat Company, running one of the pleasure bpats that ply the lake. Prof. W. C. Hawloy loft last even ing for Ashland. He Is to address n political meeting there this evening for the Republican nominees. He has several other appointments in South ern Oregon, which he will fill before roturnlng homo. Emory Howo, of Turner, and Mrs. Hattle Schaum, of Salem, soil and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Howe, of Deer creek, arrived here Monday to visit at the bedside of her brother, Chester, who is very ill with blood poisoning. Roseburg Review. You are invited to try the lea cream and cake to be served by the young la dies of tho Central Congregational church Y. R. S, C. E Id tho store room opposite Eploy's store on East State street, Friday afternoon and ev ening. 2-26-2 Salem Woman's Club. The annual reception, of the Salem Woman's Club will be held tomorrow afternoon, at 2:30, in tho new library, at the city hall. Tho public are cor dially Invited. DAILY CAPITAL, JOjJRNAL, SALEM, O1RE60N, FRIDAY, MAY 27, IIQfr HOLD GREAT RALLY Silverton Republicans Listen to An able Address by Hon. H. H. Hewitt (Special to Tho Journal.) Silverton, May 27. The Republi cans of this city and vicinity held a grand rally at the opera house last ev ening. A largo number was present, and their enthusiasm was unlimited. Hon. H. H. Howltt, of Albany, de livered a stirring address, and was frequently applauded. The Silverton band furnished excellent music, and It was ono of the best meetings ever hold In this place. Every Republican voter in these precincts will vote the ticket In a way that Eastern people will not hear re ports of partial Democratic successes in June Philippine Governor In Oregon. Capt. J. H. Goldman, for three years governor of tho provlnco of Batan, across tho bay from Manila, on tho island of Luzon, arrived In Albany, with a probability of his settling per manently in that city. Cnpt. Gold man, a very pleasant gentleman, has had an Interesting career. Ho -was practicing law with a good business, in Missouri, when more men wore called for In 1899, and he accepted the cap taincy of a company In tho 32d reg iment, and left for the Philippines, getting there In time for the bush whacking experiences of the cam paign. Three years ago ho was appointed governor of Baton, which position he filled for a year under tho military government. Thon the flrjt election was called, and Capt. Goldman was run against six or seven native can didates and elected, being one of tho four whlto governors elected out of about 40 In the archipelago. His term of office was for two years, and ex pired In March of this year. During the winter, though, ho was taken with a serious dysenteric dlsoase, peculiar to tho country, and In January left with his wife, son and daughtor for the United States on a leave of ab sence, going Into a hospital at Los Angeles, where he remained for throe months, but the heat became oppres sive, and he left for the cooler Ore- gon. As1 provincial governor he had a close relationship to Governor-General Taft. He was at the head of tho af fairs of the province of Batan, with a cabinet of secretary, treasurer, a court, etc and enjoyed the confi dence of the natives In a marked de gree, but an American will wear tho climate out in a few years, and this was Captain Goldman's experience. An ablo and worthy jnan ho is wel come to this Oregon country. Meeting In Oak Grove. Captain Hermetta Blgnoy, Miss M. Carpenter and Florence Ireland ar rived from Portland last evening. They are assisting at tho Salvatioh Army revival meetings, which are being hold in a laigo tent In tho oak grove on North Liberty street Tho meetings are well attended, but larger crowJs are expected, as tho trio Just arrived aro good singers and will add to tho Interest. Captain Blgnoy had charge of tho corpse hero some threo years ago. Florence Ireland is a sweet lit tle singer, 9 years of ago. Flowers Wanted. Anyone having flowers to donate for tho Grand Army on Memorial Day will find a committee of W. R. C. ladle's to accept them and arrange them at their hall In the Turner block after 9 o'clock. 6-27-2 1 Aged Pioneer Dead. Albert Cartwrlght, an aged pioneer of Benton county, died last Thursday. Ho came to Oregon In 1853, and has resided In Benton county most of tho time since aAaaaaaa' w e Repai ! Bicycles , Doa'tForget it. I Satem Gun Store PAULH. HAUSER, Proprietor, X . 1 - - d amm'in . Stylish Summer Sack Suits For Men artd Young Men The advancing temperature demands lighter clothing- Of -course you will want a summer suit mado of some stylish light weight fabric, that will hold Its shape and wear well. That's what you'll find in our show ing of summer serges, worsteds, chevlota or homespuns Take your pick with the assuranco that wo stand hack of ovory suit to make right anything that should chance to go wrong. Prices from $10 up to $25 Toggery Here Is where the man who Is particular about his haberdashery can, always get THE THING. Shirts, neckwear, underwear, hosiery, gloves, collars, suspendora, belts, etc., etc., ' A LitUe fresher and a Little Newer than you find at other stores. em WoolenMill Store Del C. P. BISHOP, Pop. i POLICE ISSUE ORDERS Say Loud and Disorderly Con" duct Must Come to a Halt Two Indian women were arrestod by Chief of Police Gibson this noon, for disorderly conduct last night, at the Blue Front .lodging house. They gave their names as Eunice Waldo and Mary Wattenpah, and pleaded guilty. Tho Judge reservod sentence, ordered them to leavo town and not to return before January 1, 1905. Tho police have instructions to arrost them on sight If thoy return, and say that this disorderly conduct must be stoppedt and that thero are others who will hear from them if it Is not. Another arrest was William Moore, colored, for vacgrancy this morning, but as ho was an old man, and had a cancer of tho stomach, Police Judge Judah dismissed him on condition that ho would leave town. Real Estate Sales, Tho following real estate sales were recorded teday: M, S. Wampole to Michael O'Neill, 150 acres, t 5 a, r 2 w, $9000. W. L Morris to R B. McKee, 45 acres, t 5 s, r 1 w, $2500. D. C. Thomas to Mike Donavan, lot 12, block 2, Capital Park addition to Salem, $100. O. L. Watt to Geo. W. Watt, lots 1 and 2, block 5, Pleasant Horn 6 addi tion to Salem $100. Condemnation Commission at Work. Tho commission of appralsemont on condemnation of land, which was ap pointed at the last council meeting, preparatory to opening Court street on tho east, consisting of John Q. Wilson, John Craig and Fred Hurst, mot at tho city recorder's office at 9 o'clock this morning, took the re quired oath, and otherwise qualified, preparatory to entering tho work. A Difficult Operation. Henry Schoemaker. a woll-known resident of this city, was operated on at the Salem Hospital last evening for appendicitis. Ho also suffered the am putation of both largo toes, which wore in a diseased condition. Today he has recovered sufficiently to make tne chances of his recovery very fa vorable, which his many friends will be glad to hear. West Ignored So Far. Los Angeles, May 21. Rov. W. F. Anderson, of New York, was. elected by tho Methodist conference to sue coed Bishop W. F. McDowell, as sec retary of tho board of election. Tho West is making Us last fight to lond an omclal plum, and hopes to got a secretaryship of a benovolont board. Wall Paper : Latest designs in stock, Z and good work guaran- teed. We have the small I store and small prices E. L Lemmon 299 Liberty St Excision0 Tho Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will give their an nual excursion this1 7ear Sun day, May 29, from) Salem to Eugene. Tralno will bo run from many other points In tho Btato and! ono of tho greatest gatherings of the year will be had. AMUSEMENTS Tho Rosehurg and Eugene baseball teams, of the State league, will play a match gamo and plonty of music will be had, besides other attractions. ROUND TRIP TICKET FROM SALEM 0 : $1.50 A good tlmo guaranteed and nn m orderly crowd will onjoy a q rare outing on this occasion. A Douglas County Unfortunate. Sheriff B. L. Purrott, of Douglas county, arrived this morning with Mrs. Amelia Anderson, of Cleveland, an Insane woman who was brought to the asylum. She Is about 65 years of age and has suicidal tendencies. Tho cause of her Insanity is not known. wiiiini ii imniiiliit : : Strawberry : : Shortcake ; At the j i White House : ! Restaurant i i : : George Bros. Props. J WHWM I 'M' j mill l T iflJr All our combination cases will th ?30.00 caso remalnn unsold. a case at a very low price. JU)UU BaaKaVamJseMaYflBiaaaaaaaaaaaF kaaaaaaaaaaTiraaaBaaaaVP' gfA M M 1 "- " " 7Wm - M? fc,Ji M4K2fc u New Dentist Dr. H. B. Kelty a young and ute data dentist, fcaa opened' office la th Gray building, corner of State ami Liberty streets. 6-24-ti Waited Long? Certainly you havo for Win- a Eton Churchill's new book, BJ 5 "the Crossing 9f It is going to be one of tho w big sellors. It is tlnio you J want one our first shipment 5 fiow in. 2 2 Pattern's Book Store. 2 H Proud Dealers More firms are beinr to the k'st of grocers wh handte H EpplejfsRerlectioiUw,lr Bakin? Powder. 4tev'. Sa(em Dealers " Jos. Albright, Harritt & Lawrence, FuNer & Douglas . Atwood it Fisher, A.L Harvey, Frank Bowersox, YcvV Park, A. Daue, South Satetfi Don't feel obliged to ordef of the manufacturer, bit caU on your nearest grocer. at Tfci Fine: Oak Bookcase wip i mmm i r IN OUR NORTH WINDOV.? , " EVERY DAY IT f REMAINS WE REDUCE THE PRICE $1. f MONDAY IT WAS $30.00-and a.flood value 'at that. . ' """ A 4 A YoufTnay get this casofor ai.nn f you wait long enough, Tho prlco Is roducod ?1.00 p0r day until somebody buys It. bej sold at reduced prices whilo This) isa, good,, opportunity to get r ' ft u m .i ?fci " ' "' ' " ' iiiimmiim n ii ' olWouW i ! l m a H r m i -swiHjawKiaaasEQjgi Phone 2475 iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnmiiiiiiiiinimin iHllllllHHIH()tl)t 'ef m '. fcHiJS