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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1904)
aM THBte : . . ' ' nninrr-rV- '- AM.oiittoN, Friday, way ayim v-v V tf JWuUmI lAKlSfl Confide in airman I S3 ( ! . . i i : . un. crcfot shp ones to . A woman is sick ; some disease peculiar to her sex is aeS .TmL Z&tozA her family physician and tells him her story, but npi rau wu.u u. - a - ' 1 J 4 . Wk-t TM- " CUM VX.I lll 111 LV. UI1V1 ww-- back, loses her head, becomes amau, - 8- fX S doctor, 'is it any J what she ougnttonaveauu Still. We cannot blame '1 wonaer, tnereiore, tnat me aouiui iau -"' , .7 c W of l-ior .1 ', - ', ; i Mrrnrr fr. ofml snme of the svmDtoms or ner t tne woman, ior it is very emuanaaai.w .-..- -- - ,, , ,,rc i ...- i5 i t. ' r m.. nu-linn Tf was for this reason that years i suuenne, even to ner iumiy iijroiv-.. - - t ..i- t? r i.i j. ,:,i fn ctpn in nnd hem her- sex. i ago ivire.-yaia v.. x in nam - X VI " 1 Jlle ,ifr, W Having had considerable experience in ireauug ucut. ...-. ----r 4.ui r-,...M,i oi, nnrnnnafrl the women or America to . :. . u f j: :., rnmrri tn thptr comDlaints. ana beinc: a Willi; IU ilKl 1U1 rtUViLt in i-guv " .. - x . wnman. it was easv for her ailihe sisters to pour into her ears every i . m -t -- nr-i; t- tur . detail OI Hieir suucnuy. ui tuia wctjr L& Mrs. Pinkham, in Lynn, Mass., - ,o okio frt r, fnr fVim whn the Dhvsicians were unable to do,! ' was auitv w vvr ,w ,.- ,.--- - i e,'rr,i i-,oooncf cho Imrl the nroner information to work upon, j v,-r. fii ut-tio rmim nf wnmnn who sought her advice years o ot nrm f Tipr follnw hpinrrc are to-dav constantly applying" r' '.i .?' j ii:r J J..V rt, locf -.rrtor numr mnnv thnu- ior acivice ana rcnci, ctuu uuimg n, v jfv.. ...,, . -v vsands every montn nave written ana rtx-eiveu vmuaun. "y Shelp. Nowhere except at Lydia E. Pinkham's laboratory m Lynn -jilfc . r ' c l..Au. i. lMJ 4-k mriffr in in ii-mxn ciinh oii omnnnr rtr inrnrmar on ;il iiuiiu lu tvooxb kl3 LllUtC DUV.ll Ull w.vvv v ....w. - vthe treatment of all kinds of female ills, trom the simplest k local irritation to the most complicated diseases ot the womb. The records of all the many hundreds ot thou sands of cases as to whic hadvice has been asked are tiiere kept on file by Mrs. Pinkham, and from this vast lV 1 1.1l.'i J i.w. 4-Urn lUa. imtT k experience sne is aoie. io uu muic uia n- ..;, ntipirtinn tai- ninnrp unmcii. n v wtjiuciu. Liiuiu" Tr !i1?1 ..rr: ,.,Ui.rtl1 -rn-if fnlra fnf frr1lMf .lore, is responsiDieior nerowu suucuug vnu w nu wv -" " - to write to ivirs. rinKnam ior auvitc. auc uawuuuiow ,,-.. .. .constantly publishing from grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power ot L.YU1A E. Kii"Nts.nAiu-o vcueirtui-u COIYlFUUiNlJ to conquer temaie aiseases. Wtm wmvm iaf'iKr.if, H Me&s'J5i? mm fcs fITCHCOCK WILL Retire icretary of the Interior About to Get Canned Is Washington, D. C, May 27. The anouncement that Secretary Cortel- ou will resign his cabinet position rlien he becomes chairman ot the Re- iibllcan natlonnl commltteo opens discussion of probable cabinet Bange-3. Thla one will bo tho only iango likely to occur until the 4th of ext March, but when President i loouovelt Is Jlnally installed In tho ilto House In his own right, should be re-elected, a general shake-up ! cabinet circles Is looked for. I Postma-ter General Payne Is to re- tiro beyond a doubt. Ho would havo resigned long ago could he havo Jone so with good grace. But the postal Investigation made It necessary that ho should remain, In splto of the fact that hla health Is badly impaired. It is generally expected that Mr, Cortel you will be tho next postmaster general. Tho prospect is that James R, Gar field, at present commissioner of cor porations in tho department of com merce and labor, will be promoted to succeed Mr. Cortelyou, and that ho will hold on Into the new adminis tration with Mr. Roosevelt. There is a great deal of speculation as to whether or not Secretary Hay will remain as secretary of state. If he acted purely In accordance with his pergonal wishes he would give up public office, but the President is well pleased with tho manner in which ho has handled the foreign affairs of tho government, and Is anxious that Mr, Hay should remain. Other pressure Is also being brought to hear to in duce Mr. Hay to retain his place next to tho President at tho cabinet table It is difficult to tell what will hap pen In tho treasury department. Sec retary Shaw il not ovorly pleasod with hla job, and It is expected by many hat he wilj retlro next March. He is a man with senatorial aspirations, but he' looks ahead to 1909, to succeed Senator Allison, who will not again Ibea candidate". Mr. Shaw might well f nil in lour years or mis interim in mo j cablnetj but it is.doubtful if he. will do so. If there Is no chance for promotion, Oxford Shoes The swcllest lines of Oxfords you ever select ed a pair from, and In the height cf fash ion. These shoes are the very best valuo3. They range In price from $1.35 to $4 and many others to choose from be tween those figures, MISSES' SWELL SHOES For the young ladies, misses and children. Nothing finer ever shown here. Priced at $1.2 up BSb Patent colt Oxfords, elegant and decidedly dTOssy. They are very low In prjeo. SEE THE8E SH0E8 They are similar to cut, but with out tho very high heels. 2 S Secretary Taft will In all probability j remain at tho head of the war de partment, Should Mr, Hay retire, Mr. Taft would bo promoted to that office. Tho present secretary of the navy Mr, Moody, is anxious to give up pub lic office and return to the practice of law. Ho ha? been expected to resign before now, but hos been persuaded to hold on until after the election. He will not bo a momber of tho next cabinet Much the samo Is truo with regard to Attorney General Knox. Ho has had a turn In public office, he has so cured all tho credit ho can over get out of the position through 1i!b mastor ful conduct of the suit against tho Northern Securities company and his enforcement of the anti-trust laws as they apply to other corporations. He con make moro money at his prlvato practice In a weok than ho can maltp In tho cabinet In a year, and his re tirement is therefore looked for, hot withstanding the President is most anxious that he should remain. One cabinet momber who is well pleased with bis office and whoso ad ministration of it Is satisfactory allko to the public and to tho President l Secretary of Agriculture Wilson No change is expected In that dopart mont. There will be a now secretary of the Interior after tho 4th of March. Mr, Hitchcock during his long torra ha antagonized nearly every Benator and representative from the west, tho section with which ho has bo much to do, and time and again the President has been urged to placo a now man at the head of tho Interior depart ment. Notwithstanding his record for hunting out fraud, the relations between tho secretary and the Presi dent are such that they cannot bo con tinned for another four years. OREGON SHOE CO. 2B3 COMMERCIAL STREET. SALEM, OREGON. About the Weather. Tho average May temporature for 32 years in Western Oregon has been 57, the wannest being in 1888, with an average of 62, and the coldest in 1899, with an average of 51. The highest known hero In May was In 1887, reach ing 99, tho lowest 32 on May 9, 1894. Tho avorago May rainfall Is 2.39, bejng much less this year. Open Air Concert. The Salem Military Band will glye' an open air concert this evening at tlic? intersection of State and Commercial' streets, to which the world is invited. IWALL PAPER i HHHMHCHHMHlKi rPUwwtftiiimitrefl6mjua. - earn I CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. fa m Yq Have Always Iwgkt 'Bears tho Signature of &&mu The most complete assortment eve sfaowa in Salem. Everything; for the latest novelties; in wall treatment. A new 1JD0 Ol Moire CCJiiDg JUSt in.- v , 1 Wmr V. lifflC l fif- v Yoti valuable opinion is wanted Wc nave faith in the opinions o out customers. We want to know what you think of oa Catpets, Rags, Att Squares and Portieres. We are milking it out business to find out what you want and supply that want economically. We make a specialty of the justly celebrated Park Mills In rain Car pets, the superiority of which all acknowledge. SDZ 1) The House Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St. Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and AttMwy. . lv til ,m -u- 41 -J pv5 U ' i !' .'! Ei i f'JII PI I n iV l's Lit M mi mi m an i 14 mm K ma i b A i f ,?t ! V l i & ifti J If H All ; L j u