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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
",tt? "'mrsfVfi' i2 t IK' FOUR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. W f f & i lip w IK- l w ru m I ' ft.fcw THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR r. a . g e WH POWDER : Absolutely Pure iTIS A MATTER OF HEALTH DELEGATES GETTING WEARY "Jifj leisid to Be Released Fronj jftteidance at the Meth odist Conference libs Aageles, May 26. S. J. Harbin ?was. elected editor of tho Epworth Herald at tho session of tho Methodist conference this morning. Tho dele gates ore demanding to be released, aa thoy dealro to return to their homes, though much Important busi ness ji& still to be transacted, The election of book concern agents and secretaries occupied the morning sos-alon-., The consecration of the new bishops will take place tonight. SUPPLIES FOR FIRE SUFFERERS WAY TO (GET OUT Inspectors Recommend That r Charges Against Potter Be Dismissed Found That Indian School I Superintendent Was Cor f rect in All of His Accounts People Donate Liberally to the Poor Homeless in the South , Thomas Answered Questions.-. t New York, May 20. President Thoma3, of tho Lehigh Vnlloy road, vrasijtbo flrst witness this corning ticfo'rp the interstate commerce com mission. Ho was asked if ha could say how tho price of coal at tide water was fixed prior to ' January, lOOL Ho said it was determined through a conference between tho companies. Lawyer Shearn then re pc&tod the question, which 'Thomas, refused to answor last year, aa to who fixed tho prices of tho Lohlgh Valley Coal Company's coal at tldo-wntor, and Xio ropliod that,'-as a gonoral thlng,Hho Thomas) did. Ualtlmoro, Md., May 20. Tho Mary land Democratic delegation is unln structoiK oxcopt as to tho unit rulo In voting. Tug platform Indorsed the building of tho Isthmian canal, da uounces tho Philippine policy, de mands tariff rovlslon, which reflects Gorman's opinions. 0 . i Salt Lake, May 20. Senator DuUola, of Idaho, arrlvod hero today from Washington and In a conference with tho antl-Smoot people declaros that the Smoot Investgatlon Is to bo pushed to tho bitter oiui, but that nothing will ha done until after tho oloction, Yazoo City, Miss., May 26. A train load of supplies arrived hero this morning for the flro sufferers, who aro homeless. Tho flro adjusters will set tle as, soon as tho distress Is relieved. Tho banks opened temporary quarters in tents this morning. Tho original es timate of tho loss at $2,600,000 holds good. Hundreds are hompless and need aid. Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacific Company will soil round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago on account of tho St. Louis exposition on the following dates Juno 16, 17, 18; July 1, 2, 3,; August 8, 9, 10, Sep tember 6, 6, 7; October 3, 4,5. Going. trip must bo completed with in 10 days from date of sale, and pas sengers will bo permitted to start- on any day that will enable them to reach tholr destination within tho ton-day limit Return limit 90 days, but not Iator than December 31, 1904, For full information as to rates and routes call on agent of S. P. Co., at Salem. Juno 7tlt has boom authorized as tho salo date for Louisiana Purchase Ex position tickets, in addition- to (sale dates previously (announced for Juno. This concession has boon' made to ac commodate Oregon people, and will enable thorn to bo at tho Exposition On Oregon Day, Juno 5th. W. E. COMAN, Gen. Pas. Agt. Washington, D. C, May 26. The report of Inspector Charles F. Nesler and Supervisor M. F. Holland, who have been inquiring Into the af fairs of tho Chemawa Indian school came to hand yesterday, and will not bo acted upon until Indian Cbmmis slorier Jones returns to Washington. Secretary Hitchcock will probably carry out any recommendation made by the commissioner. The Inspecting officials aro con vinced that while Potter haa been guilty of misconduct ho has not acted with any vlow to increasing his per sonal gain, and furthnr has not appro priated any funds to his personal use. All money passing through his hands was expended at Chemawa school and for tho benefit of tho school, although sometimes In ways not authorized by the department The report also shows that there is nothing In the charge that ho withheld money from tho children of the school which they earned under the outing system. All the money theso children earned was paid over to them. Mr. Potter did not withhold any of it, or make personal use of the fupds of the children or of government money. Nevertheless., tho superintendent has repeatedly failed to carry' out In structions, usually In matters of ad ministration, and in business matters connected with tho school, with the result that the service ha3 not been up to the standard required. Mr. Pot ter has honestly striven to build up the Chemawa school, the inspectors think a reprimand will bo sufficient punishment, and will bring about a change In conditions which will, meet the requirements of tho Indian office. (The charges aro wholly pqfltical," and wore preferred because MjJ 'Pot ter took an interest In tho return of Congressman Hermann to his seat. It wa3 woll-known to all who were acquainted with the facts' that the'' re port would fully exonorate him from the malicious attack made by the Washington correspondent of a Port land morning paper.) DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN DEMOCRATIC STATE AND COUN- V ty;tjcket, For Suprmo Judge THOMAS Q'DAY, of Multnomah. For Congressman First District ROBERT M. VBATCH, of Lane. For Dairy and Food Commissioner S. M. DOUGLAS, of Lane. For Circuit Judge Third Judlqlal District R. P. BOISE, of Marion coun ty; WILLIAM GALLOWAY, of Yam hill "county. For District AttorneyJ. J. WHIT NEY, of Linn County. For .Representatives F X. MAT THIBU, of Champoeg; A. HUCKB STEIN, of Salem. For County Judge GRANT CORBY of WoodbUrn. For Sheriff J. HARDING, of Salem. For Treasured DAVID BACH, of Mt Angel. Por Assessor JOSEPH LA FOL LETT, of Brooks. For Commissioner J. F. GILL MORE, of Salem. For Justice of tho Peace, Salem District C. W CORBY. For Constable, Salem District JOHN LEWIS. 5-25-d-w . , . J HAVE YOU SEENUTHE, boomerang! V r sfSl&Ji A. 'iir iYf .- n- 2c is...i -ULs .- v1 --!4J -- &8 M Jr"&lL rii lllliu l I L- M I J 'Sf 9 v I . --T ' '" - w .'yMr ., jft.. ( ."r t The Greatest JNoveny or. ine age. v-an you explain i it? You can Hir ow the Boomerang around a hoefc j and it will retwrn to you. : SALEM GUN STORE J PAUL H. HAUSER, Proprietor. - fw www.wwwww.wC ! MARION COUNTY CAMPAIGN (Continued from flrst page.) Unless somo ono made a study of the subject there would be no progress In good roads. Scott reviewed the progress made In this county by means of good roads meetings and subscriptions, and It gave general satisfaction. Wasn't it better to have the people of Champoeg raise $700 towards! a county road than have them do noth lng. There had been over 17000 worth of work and voluntary work dono In Marlon county tho past year. That was just the same as putting that much money Into the county treasury. Ho commended the people jof Liberty and other places for their entnusiasm, and support of good roads. lie was heartily applauded, Fresh Frtf its Served at Oar Fountain. Crashed Strawberry Now the Rage The Spa and made the flrst home run. John Rltchlo favored changing t'je registration law .sa as to require only now votors In the precinct to regis ter. Ho discussed roforms In the road laws. Scotts Mills and Mt. Angel had subscribed $5000 to get a good road. Ho pleased them all, and J. G. Graham was sent to the batting place, and made no apologies for being a Repub lican. His interests wore with tho farmers, and not one of them could say ho had not treated them fairly and Justly He had favored the ware house bill that cost his firm- $1400 to $1500 a year for bonds, His interests were identical with the farmers. Ho made a plea for Fred Rice ns assessor. Ho was one of tho common people. Graham, was heartily applauded. Corby took another whirl it 6 roads question. He disclaimed tety "the muddy roads candidate," J August Huckesteln closed with a praise for tho Democrats who 1 running with him. Score 1 to 0 for the Ropubllcn o Tacoma Man Suicides. Chehalls, Wn May 26, Henry t Footo, a wealthy member of tie Tt coma firm of Bartlett, Foote k t and an officer in the Chehalls Cot densed Milk Company, suicided rt a small revolver last night on ft roadside near Chehalls. The cut is unknown. Tho body will be lentt Chicago for burial. His wife nd m are in New Yoork. O JBL m V O 3EX. X A. . Bum ti p Tha KtedYca Hata Always Baojht Alaska Ship Wrecked. San Francisco, May 26. Tho Alaska packers' ship, Balclutha, which left here on April 27th, with several hun dred white and Chinese for tho can nory in Alaska, wont ashoro May 16th on Goose Island, off Koblak. Accord ing to information received today all on board are saved. Tho' ship win probably be a total loss, though the cargo may bo saved. o ' Chinese May Know. Mukden, May 26. A Chlneso report says that tho Japaneso lost 700 men In tho attack on Kin Chow. "W Read Anthony Hope's Nev Story .1 in tn ..sifo Metropolitan Magaziful FOR JUNE THE OUT O'D.OORS NUMBER S " w- R. H. Ruucll. Publwher, New York Af5-cent ragaane for J 5(cerits. At all Newsdealers -" ' , W ft V. t $ 14 ft 1 ' K The proper shoe to wear When you hu y a of shoes yot needn't wotty about the shape of them if yoa buy of a fist class dealer he will have only the ptopet shapes What yot need to consider is ae the shoes comfortable and will they weaj next thing pice. About the looks, yot can judge when yot see them about the com f 6tt you can judge when yot ptt them on about the wear ing see that the name Sefc is on themv i .w!5'".i "?$ .M A' Sefe prices ate always tight. TfcViSel Royal Btise Stoe $3.50 and $4.00. . kH M Hta"" II CHICAGO. Largest makers of good shoes In tke world. , ...! (74.18) ps