TtTw' -Ml :l 1 flH DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OQON, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1804 t-WWk ?' ULEftt -" ; - DALLAS FALLS CITY ailroad ProjectMeets With a Hearty Reception iterprise May Not End in Mnd-AnotherStaJfcFair Purse to Be Guaranteed he commercial club had a large at- Idance of representative business i present at the city hall last night, l did things with, a rush. comralteo was created to raise ither J2000 state fair purse guaran tor an additional race, to be named the cemmittee: J. Conner, J. P. era and W. P. George. Falls City Railroad. Iho proposition to build a railroad West Salem to Dallas and con- wlth the FallrJ City logging road i taken up and given a free discus- Ini the customary way of start- railroads on paper and with talk. ether this one Is more likely to lerlalizo into something besides" remains to bo seen. Pebster Holmes was Invited to pre- the proposition of the Falls City & Salem railroad. Ho referred Ihe lino between) Dallas and Salem jan Immediate possibility. The lion, of the line already built was Ing $2000 a month. Mr. Couvert, managing engineer, proposed to III from Dallas to West Salem. He natcd the cost at $118,0100. He $60,000 to put Into the line, and ited $57,000 for one year at 7 per He wanted a privilege of an ox- lloni of the time to three years. Ho Xedi a bonus of $15,00 Oaddltlonal lecure right of way, and terminal iltles. Ho would ask partial pay- ts, as fast as Ave mllo.3 were com- Inslde of 1Q days after money Iput up work would begin, and tho work wouldi be completed In flvo Iths. He said he was prepared to full details as to the business of F proposed roadv motlore of George Prentiss lies a committee wara appointed to stlgate and repert: Tilmon. Ford, Bel J. Fry and Ed. S. Barnes. Ford declined to Borvo at first, lit seemed to bo the opinion of pt everyone present that ho was about' the right man,, and ho good n&urt&ly look HnVJob.'aitMgu hV does not pose as a professional rail- road builder. Hon. .Wm. Holmes" made a pleasant talk along the lino of encouraging such enterprises. It would bo a great buslneu feeder to all Salem trade, and would build up tho western' part of the city very rapidly. Tho $16,000 subsidy would bo needed to get the right of way. Mayor Waters also spoke favorably, of tho enterprise, and said tho con struction of such lines to Dallas and Sllverton and Liberty meant more to I Salem than any other enterprises, Ho believed thla loam could bo procured. Good streets, good roads, istreet car lines, motor lines and steam rail ways wero tho most rapid mean of developing the country, and building up tho city. For Weak, Languid People. , Weak, sickly people often remarked "If I could only got something that would nourish me and give jae strength," they do not know why, but the food they eat Is of no benefit to them. They gain no flesh and feel no stronger. The fact Is the stomach Is too weak to perform Its work. And the little appetite they once had is soon gone. Tho blood becomes more thin and watery, bringing on faint sick spells with loss of memory and ambi tion, There is a remedy for all this that actB In the right way. It is called Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nervo Tonic, and is sold by all druggists for 75c per box, or 3 boxes for $2.00. It turns the food you eat Into rich, red blood, making flesh and strength, creating an appetite because the 'system demands sustenance. PLAN OF SEPTIC TANK. Engineer Strang Describes Exactly How It Should Be built. The septic tank should bo an ob long rectangular tank, constructed of concrete, arched over, and with a cast Iron manhole opening, with cover at the top and center of tho arch, and of a capacity equal to 24 hours' flow of sowago;tho walls, bottom and arch at least six inches thick, and nicely plastered with cement after tho wood form is removed. The Inside wood form should bo removed just as quick ly as tho concrete will hold In place, xi otherwise tho wood form- will swell ondwlso and break some of the cor ners of the concrete walls. Tho Inlet and outlet should bo on an exact level at tho ends of tho tank, and! both turn down inside tho tank with a curve "to the depth of 13 to 18 A re You Going to : t Louis? If so call for your tickets via the tock Island Frisco Systems! rhe line having terminal at entrance Fair Grounds. Round trip 167,50. Good for ninety days from date of sale. Choice of routes ping and returning via .St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo Pr El Paso. , . Stop over permitted In both directions. Dates of Sale June 7, 16, 17, 18; July 1, 2, 3,; Aug. 8, 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7,; Jctober 3, 4, 5. ' abovo dates a rate of $72.60 will be mode to Chicago and return. for further Information and sleeping car reservations call upon or Mdress. A. H MeDONAT.T) 140 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. General Agent. If 8 Reg. No. 26531 RED SEAL Tri'l 2:06 Rcc 2:10 ! Inches below tho level'of tho lower side of iho Inlet antiou'Uet. ' v , f The topsddo of tho Inlet and outlet should bo on a level withvtho point whore tho archMeaes Iho&ldo walls, allowing a space above where tho scum forms for any accumulation of gas. As Dr. Hutchinson states, "the prin ciple upon which tho septic tank is constructed Is the. generation, of anaer obic bacteria, which utterly do3troys all organlo nmttor. Thoy live without oxygen, but draw their oxygen from the organic material thoy feed upon." This is tho reason for turning tho in let and outlet down Into tho tarnt, and thereby trapping both, excluding all air and light. . NoW there Is another feature. On tho surface of the liquid In the tank n .mrr in fonrtedi about six inches thick. In this scum Is whore tho bac terla does its work, and it should bo disturbed as little as possible. This being tho case, currents In the tank should bo as asy as possible, and not have a wall between the Inlet and outlet, as recommended In anoth er article. If there Is a- wall at this point, dt wouldi force all cur rents from tho Inlet to the outlet up toward tho scum surface and keep it agitated all the time. In ordet to reduce these currents, when you turn down1 tho curve into the tank, alEO through the walls, uso extra heavy castlron, soil pipe and ex tra heavy fittings, an I on the end of tho quarter bond, which you would use for the curve, place .a tee, connect ing the side outlet of the tee to tho quarter bend 13 to 18 Inches from tho lower side of 'the inlet to tho lower side of the tee; on (he two 'ends of the tee connect piece of pipe long enough to teach '.within, six' inches cf the fsido walls, leaving both end; open; then1 on the bottom side of this pipe cut a slot about two inches wida and as long as you can, leaving tho tee and about two Inches of both outside ends Intact. The outlet is Is made exactly tho same as tho inlet. With this arrangement you distribute tho sewago over a large area of tho tank, which Is the cause of tho re duced currbaUJ. The tank was built at the asylum farm, has a capacity of 30 gallons to each person using it, and has been In constant use from May 15, 1903, to tho present time, and is caring for tho sewago of CO persons. On an examln- Mra. Hno-rtenn. nf ChiCHPTO. whose letter follows, is another woman in high position wtio owes her health to the use of Lydia E. I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. DKAnMns. PnncnAW: I suffered for several years with general-weakness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My appetite was poor, and I would He awake for hours, and could not Bleep, until I seemed more weary In tho morning than when I re tired. After reading ono of your adver tisements I decided to try tho merits of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. No ono can describe tho good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and be sides building up my general health, t drove all disease and poison out of my body, and mado mo feel as spry and active aa a young girl. Mrs. Plnkham'a medicines aro certainly all they are claimed to be." Mrs. M. E. Huouson, 347 East Ohio St., Chicago, 111. 96000 forftlt If original of about-IttUr pnvlnj gtnulnt nut cannot 6 produced. More than a million women have re- falned health by the uso of Iiydla E. 'inkham'sVegetablcCompound. If the slightest froublo appears which you do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for her advice, and a few timely words from her will show vou tho rlcht thine- to do. Tins advlco costs you notuing, to" percolate "through tho looso soil. No storm water should bo allowed to enter wouWi only tax uTocapUTy of the (ankfojS ..- Vntir trill V. UV pw4www. - tf . p M. E. STRANG, lginoor.miJ'AX.. A. THV v Anent Ladlea' Hata. Tomorrow starts a salo of millinery at, Mr$TMer( thatf.pricewin i'k.- a ' . jriVWinUBn.. titwiji-wnji Tin1 n."irreaiWBaic.mB--u It tciie mo the ad. on another page. V a 's. --ftr Bilii.BB may mean both. i yoi life 1.n 14- UUU AW or happiness or atlon made today we found a heavy scum six Inches thick on the surface, the remainder being liquified, and no depa it whatever on tho bottom. Everything that passes through tho septic tank is in liqnid foim and very slightly discolored freo from scum or slime and requires a very close at at tenteon: to perceive an odor. Tho oflluont can bo discharged into an open ditch, or into a drain tllo from which branches a series of lateral tiles, and in this way can be entirely dlBpofced of In tho way of irrigation, or allowed f V "" t: S -Jv1 Getting ffij?$ ?st shoe You want the best shoe you can get? tll?stshoe alwspays, in wear and looks arid comfort. The reasons for getting Sclz Royal Blue shoe are that it is made to fit the human foot? itjs made to wear wnenever you want to wear shoes? and it if v , t made to last a long time 1' 4$ It will cost you $3,50 or $4100 and you'll never spend any slioe money to better advantage than " ' r r' i ill the money you spend tor Jtspyaj, Blues 'i L-W . M' '. Vi it-J- Ask yoar dealer to get them for yo if he doesn't already sell them - i1 : 19 V5;1 EUICIGUa ' Bi Largest makers of 'good Bhoes lb the world. W V v V I How Many People Has Salem ? ! SIRE OF JOE 8EAL 2:1114. fired by Red Heart 2:1014, the-slre of Chain 8hot 2:06l Red Seal 2:10, Etc. paa ALICE M. (trial) 2:25 Mark Field (son of Geo. Wilkes), Etem of Red Seal 2:10 Al- sire of Daisy Fields 2:0834, Mam lawood 2:19. brlno Field 2:11, etc. becond dam DAY BELL by Advance, sire of Malraflka2:2B,etc, Dam of Veritas 2:16U. Vlndex 2:29. Mrd dam daughter of Tlppo Saib. a thoroughbred. Red Heart Is by Fred Wilkes, out of Sweetheart, by Sultan; Becond pwn Minnehaha, tho dam of Beautiful Bells, etc. RED SEAL stands 15.1, compactly built, with great quality and a sure sire of great rPed. He -will mafen thn season nf 19(14 nf Tin OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Terms, $40 Season With the usual return privilege. Good pasture at reasonable rates ' The New Official Census has been taken and will for tbe fitst time ueveal tfie exact population of G?eate Salem. In ovdet to in crease interest in this matter and at tbe same time give its readers an opportunity to win a valuable prise. The Capital Journal offers one of tbe best Mitcnell 1904 Model Bicycles, with coaster brake, to the person who will guess nearest the exact population of our city, as shown by the new census, which will be announced early in June. -CSilJ5 rv WiJ I J-,r Guess Free with every 50c paid on Journal subscription. Call at The Journal office or five your guess to the collector. A HOFER BROTHERS 'ysJl VMV 1 C lK s m Read the Conditions ; tf Iu order to make this more thart!" an Idle randprn. gueislng affair, Tho Journal proposes to place a few re- strlctlonB upon it, and then give ab- solutoly freoAto the person who guoas- os nearest toytho omcial count a brand ? now Mltcholl'-blcycle, ,adtas qr gent's, Z with coaBtor-bralid1. Every subscrlb- or paying 50 cents for Dally, or Week- , ly, by mail or carrier, "xvlll bo ontitlod ' to onovgtosa for tho wheel,,' Thoso repaying one dollar will get two guoss es, but, In order to provqnt strife, and protect tho legitimate guoeser, it will bo nqcossary to deposit tho original subscription rocolpt in the box at Tho Journal office, with your guoss written on tho back of same. Call at; Tho Journal office and learn tho par ticulars, and then lopk at tho wheel, at tho warohouao of Mitchell, Lqwls & Stavor. It la tho best Mitchell wheel, with coaster brakq, guaran teed for tho year, and Is backod up by tho Mltcholl, Lowls & Stavor Company. m ' m i ' V$ ' visa - '3mi '8 TS kM t M i I m si s , Aa ' j i .scli i r j H nf J x v. toil .-fit $ i 5 ',- 1 yi . ... i' i l .4 .r m l4 m m mares sent from a distance. PUBLISHERS SAM CASTO, Fair Grotmds, Or. J - ioCtTJ HHMtMitf tit - w- -w w W m B mt m hi m w m M 'p',-&VT,arm r,riA-s i$i! -JVvfrJ