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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1904)
r- p.. i prf. Hi ff , ElQHT Stockton So Busy ate We Sending out Roods and waiting on customers that we haven't time to write an elaborate advertisement of stores cpntents. We just have to pack together some truths that you will find Just jo Just ai we tell them to you. Our two stores are overflowing with good things for clothing the body. Read on and Believe All Yon Read Shoe Special n new line of ehoes bought especially to show what groat values we will carry when we get into our new store. Ghildrens size 6 to 0 extra quality dress shoes with stock tip, eblid sole and counter, English back stay, Special 65c pai Samo stock with patent or atock tips sizes 6 to 8, Special $1 00 a pr. Sizee 8H to UJ$, f 1.10 bizes 12 to 2 $1.25. Ladies dress shoes sIzob 1 to 8 solid soles and count ers English back stay, solid leather lnnersole. Aleo Old ladles' solid comfort style, Special $50 pai GREAT SALE OF LADIES' SUITS Nothing held in reserve, no extra charge for alterations an honeBt bonefled sale of honest merchandise at prices lower than you will find them for elsewhere. . - NEW SILK COATS Another shipment of ladies silk jack eta just received, thoy are the kind you want NEW WASH SKIRTS White Pique,. Linen batiste, heavy suiting linens etc. 40c to $5.00 tho embroidered one a are beautios. 'STOCKTON'S ore New Automobiles, J. Pearco has recontly pur now automobile , one of mko .f romi Dealer Wiggins. VTT SHIPP'S BICYCLE PROGRAM nd Overture Water Motor, 7 a. m. certod Fugue FrecuAhj.ForAH 1 ,.' ; The Rambler and National -' v Tho Swollest of tho Bunch. jot Light and .Easy Running j Itamblors and Nationals. yrotcchulc display Our Now Process Drazcr " ' f Satisfaction Guaranteed. Contortionist Clinic Brokon Frames Repaired Satisfaction i Contortionist Exhibition ' Rig 4 Oil for Polishing and Oiling 8 SlJght,of Hand Porformanco Cups, Cones, Axles ,, Mado While You Walt. l9 Hypnotizing Seance Limp Tires Mado Stiff 10 Calling for and Delivering wheels ,.,.Lot Your Wants Bo Known Jl Living Picture .............. Bicycles, Tires and Rims Of Every Mako and Prlco. 12 Play tho Gamo Baseballs, Bats, Gloves, Jerseys N. P. All artists, appearing In tho nbovo performances, may bo professionally Interviewed at tho rooms of WATT SHIPP'S CYCLERY, 291 Commercial 8treet. Conductor Watt Shlpp, J. O. S Bicycle Doctor. My Diploma (In plain English) Is worked Into every ple!e of work turned out. Best work and promptly delivered. BeBt repair shop In tho Willamette Valloy. Baseball Mcaf-f- C kgr. The Bicycle Man Supplies TY all Olllgjp, Phone, Red 21 51 f Mtltfff fMMMBMMHtMtMMa KTbelFnvteible! 9 . i To thoso now using two pair of glasses wo would say a werd: Como and see through tho "Invisible" To thoso wearing old-stylo "dlrt-catchors:" Como and seo through tho "Invisible." To thoso who nood bifecals: Como and see through tho "Invisible,1 It is a general Invitation, Wo aro exclusive representatives of thoso louses Come In and oxamluo thorn, and you Invention of tho ago. IChas. H. Hinges, Pioneer Optician. 8a State Street. Next doer to Ladd A Bush, Bank IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIimiHMMIHIHIllllllllll! & Co. "Stockton's Monday Petticoat Sale Monday we will place on sale a large line of black mer cerized sattine petticoats. Two throo Inch accordeon plaited ruflles on a wide ten inch flounce, - (f -. finished with tailor stitched bands. Regular 07 C f 1.00 valueB for Monday only , .'. v Shift Waist Specials Elegant White Lawn waisU, tucked in the r back, wido plaits in front, embroidery yokes If C or banda worth76o 25 different styles In white lawn waists regn. q lnrfl.25 and $1.35 values will be offered jQr Hpeciui this week v Ten different styles in $ 2.00 and ft A lJ $2.50 value. 3 I D reduced to Asiatic Baskets Our own importation of teleecopes, lunch, traveling bags, paokoge baskets etc. The best line ever brought to Salem. Don't fail to see them before you start on your 8ummer trip. -JIM " ' ' '" t3 a iff vk.i 1 n tthor shipment of Ladles' Neck wear You know our rep utation for neck wiar is above all, TIT, lnnrl nlmntiH t ITU luuu airvojro FANH FKEE TO CUSTOMERS NEW COUCH COVERS F0RTIER8. AND STAND COVERS Just Received wv r " . Tho only firm in Salem that can fit out your whole family from head to foot, It it understood that several more of thoso popu'ai steam cars have been ordored for Salem people and will be on our strcots within a few weoks. Guaranteed. will see fho greatest optical f DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, At the old "White Come and 298-300Com'!St. If I You won't find them elsewhere at the price. Wo buy them direct from the manufacturers. Complete as sortment of colors. STOCKTON'S HOTELS The Willamette, J. M. Rice, Portland. C. B. Stono, Portland. P. H. McDanlols, Portland. Geo. W. Brown, San Francisco. J. H. Rabbltt, Tacoma, Iven Jcffrle3, Sumpter. M. B. Mlnahan, Chilton, Wis. J. I. Messqnger, Minor, Ore. W. B. Bovlns, Independence. J. E. Desmond, Portland. C. D. Frazor, Portland. M. Frledonthal, Portland. A. N. Smith, Portland. S. Blsslnger, Portland. Chas. M. Straup, Portland, Mrs. C. A. Heath, South Bend, Wn. Miss May Heath, do. J. J. Heath, Chemawa, J. C. Coppage, Philadelphia. M. Kirkloy, Chicago. Geo. Slusher, San Francisco, en Rosonfold, San Francisco. F. J. Hutchlngs, San Francisco. F. L. Darrow, San Franclseo. E. B. Bishop, Seattlo. A, Desjardlns, Chicago. Geo. Dorcas, city. J. Plncus, city. Geo. II. Harvoy, Donver. M. L. Gallagher, Pittsburg. W. E. Frazler, Portland, A. J. Ford and wife, Pittsburg. H. L. Richardson, Rochester, N. Y. 'H, L. Latz, San Francisco. H. F. Hopper, Portland. R. E. Boudurant, Portland. W. T. Webb and wife, Portland. L. Allehoff, Portland. Thoa. Collluson, Portland. R. E. Herbert, Portland. S. A Olymplus, Donver. 0 Lane County News. Cottage Grove, Or,, May 22. Louis Portreus, a farmer living at Lorane. was found dead this morning near his doorstep, face down. No conclusion as to his sudden death can bo had until tho coroner's Jury tomorrow. It is reported that Portreus has had a feud with somo of his nearest neigh bors over the killing of somo of his cattle and It Is possible that ho met with foul piny, as it was reported that his life was. threatened on oc count of his filing on a certain tract of land. Persons who know Portreus say ho was peaceably disposed. Ho was a very bright man and spoke several languages. Ills ago was about 60, In a quarrel over tho slashing of Small -timber, Archlo Elliott Saturday afternoon shot and killed an aged man named Potasky on his claim seven miles west of; Creswell. gfiej Special jQHMdE Ve"5 OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 23,. 1904. nj MEMORIAL DAY AT SALEM Great Preparations for Proper Observance in This City One week from today is Memorial Day, and tho members of Sedgwick Post, G. A. R., and the Woman's Re lief Corps, have about comploted ar rangements for the proper observance of the day. Next Sunday will be Me morial Sunday, and It will bo observed by the veterans and the corps by at tending services in a body at tho Bap- i tist church. All old soldiers and their families are urged) to attend. On Monday there will bo the usual parade of the G. A. R. through tho streets of Salem, after which they will board the electric cars and pro ceed to the cemetery, where the dec orating and ritualistic sorvlces will bo performed. On Monday evening, as n fitting finale of tho day's exercises, a -meeting will bo held at the some place yet to be designated, and to which the public will bo cordially invited, where an Interesting program' will be given. Prof. Parvln, with the Stalwart Quar tet, will furnish the music, while some of the best amateur talent In tho Buggies Runabouts Driving Wagons Road Wagons Surrics Anything you want In the line of stylish vehicles, we have, and what's mighty important, the price Is figured right. You don't have to stand and haggle prices with us. Our goods are marked right from tho beginning. Tho biggest buggy week In our his tory has Just closed. Thp buyers seem to think our lino about tight. What do you think? Be como In) and see. and'cicycles The good old Tribune Is meeting with Its usual cordial reception, and satisfied riders are seen everywhere. The wheel is so well known that we sometimes neglect to make prominent It goods features' In our ads. Tho drop forged steel crown that never breaks, the Tribune bearings that never cut out, the oval spring tempered cranks that do not bend, break or come loose, the Tribune cyclodlal sprock ets that make the chain run noise lessly, and the wheel run light, all combined with frame lines that suit the trado, whether old or young. Ladles' lni black. 1 Gent's In blue or black. , Any tire, saddle, bar or other equipment. Coasters, cushion frames, spring forks and all other features that aro up-to-date. Sundries, too. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St. Farm Implements, Automobiles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. NEW TODAY For Sale. Your choice of two fine Jersey cows; fine stock and good ; milkers. Apply at 407 High street. ' 5-23-3t Wanted. Stenographer. Apply by let ter, stating experience and salary expected, Carson, Adams & Can- -, non. 5-23-tf Wanted. A position as a clerk in a store, grocery preferred, by a young man. References can bo glvon. In quire at 171 Church street. 5-21-3t For Rent A modern house with seven rooms, four block from bus!- , ness center. Inquire of Fred Hurst 5-21-3t Wanted. Man, and wife or middle aged women to take charge of housekeeping. A. Wendel, 17th and Asylum avenue. 5-21-3t Wanted. Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to Work In Oregon, rep resenting largo manufacturing com pany. Salary $40 to 90 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H, Moore, Salem, Or, 5-20-3t Just Received, iWo havo Just received a shipment of one-horse wagon wheels, which we coii eH at $15 set, tired and painted. Pohto & Bishop, Salem, Or egon. 5-21-lmo - Gand Opera House .INO.' F. CORDRAV, Mgr. Monday, May 23 TheFamoas Latfgh Maker "Brown's In Town" See Him Presented by an excellent company of New York artists 10 Big Vaudeville Acts 10 Special Pi lces-2 5c, 35c and 50c Seats on sale at fcox office Monday at 9 a m. city will be heard In recitations, tho whole to close by an address to the "Old Soldiers," by Capt. S. B. Orms hy. The completed program will be published in detail In a future Issue of The Journal. Post Commander Brlggs informs us that memorial services will be held at tho Central Congregational church, corner of 19th and Ferry streets, on Sunday night, May 29th. Rev. P. S. Knight will preach. Commander Brlggs desires a general attendance of the veterans of tho Civil War. ii German Market jj next door to Harrltt & Law- rence Grocery. :; 8AVE MONEY ; ; Best cuts of fresh meat, 5 to 10 cents per pound. '. MILLER & BECK, Proprietors III I HHMHKII i i I IHW LOANS AND INSURANCE. ' JOHN MOIR. AGENT FOR SCOTCH MORTGAGE COMPANIES. 290 COMMERCIAL ST. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD. Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. rMd Cmcwo Store EEOJWUSS MAMGAMNmOTfSJb' Overstocked On Seasonable Goods. Rate Bargains f 0 Two Days Monday and Ttescfay In looking over our store we And that wo havo too many goods. Will bedrock prices make room for us? We believe thoy will. Well, here are two days of them, We offer standard merchandise cheaper than was over dreamed of In Salem. Every article will bo found exactly as advertised. Sale commences at 9 o'clock on Monday morning and closes at 5 o'clock on Tuesday evening. Don't dilly-dally. 45c Kal Knl Crystal Cord wash silk, sale price 29c 75c Black Silk' Taffeta, ydi....48c $1 00 Black Silk "Peau de Solo, heavy quality, satin finish, yard 68c 59c Champagne colored Pongee Silk, sale price, yard 35c $1.00 All Wool Black Voile, a beautiful sheen quality, yd.C9c 12c Fancy French Lawns, yard 8 l-3c 15c Champagne-colored Scotch Charabrey, beautiful cloth, yard 10c 29c Silk Mercerized fancy col ored Satlnetto designs, pin dots and fancy patterns, beautiful for waists, yard... 19c Best pretty ChalUes, yard.. 3 l-2c Best light colored Percales, ard 3c Best Black Lace-Stripped Gren adines, salo price, yard.... 15c $1.50 Black Slllc Grenadines, beautiful goods, yard 89c $1.50 Black Mercerized Silk Un' dersklrta, -with 6 ruffles.... S9c Ladles' H, S. white Handker- chiefs, price 2c THE CEBAPEST STOKE H i New India Silk Waists We received by express yeSter. day several new Btyles In thes9 popular wahts - "Ftorodori Mako." Thoy are beauties, and will sell right out. . They aro the best values in town. All prices up to $6.00 each cpM. .J; H "The Style Store." REAL ESTATE Call and leave a list of your city Property and farm lands which you wish to put on tho market with DEMOREST & HANNINQ. Chicago Markets. Chicago, May 23. May wheat, 9!, old July, 89,6a8; new, 88H87H, July corn, 48i48. MMMIMiMHHimw Gold Dtst Flout ii Mado by THE SIDNEY POW ' ER COMPANY, Sidney, Orfr gon. Mado for family use. Ask J your grocer for it. Bran and ' shorts always on hand. ' . A. T. WALN AGENT I: WtIBH WJMA wrsMV Men's 10c white handkerchiefs, price 3 Men's 10c seamless socks, prlco c Men's 35c, Summer Underwear Wo Men's Straw Hats, salo price.. 10c Boys' Overalls, best quality... W Men's 50c Working Shirts ,...23c Men's Celluloid1 Collars c Men's 25c Silk Neckties 10c Ladles' 20c stainless black Stockings 10 Good whlto Towols 3HC Best Sans Silk, ball 2c Full count Pine, paper 1 20c Corset Covers, each 9c Ladlea' 75c Crash Dress Skirts Y. 35c 75c Calico Wrappers, each....o Ladles' White Summer Under wear ..,',., ,... 10c Oruny Lace, new designs, yard Ladies' $5.00 black Dress Skirls -90 $2,00 white Shirt Waists each Wo are showing a magninceu. assortment of all kinds of summer light-weight goods, white good and walstings. IN TEE NORTHWEST' ,SM 1 I 1 i ujs: CSTS m m - . rm,- m