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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1904)
W7i-WW "'T" AomSJf A ,"t,4i0 ' ;.L.. .. - w FIVE"1-' DAILV...CAR . VIi''1w'M',,'',' i inn i iiia ittriufca t r HIMHI. - '- W"-"T - MMfjfr I mmmmmmu i ' - , j ,m mt m W ,; "-' ' MUMI i Mifl ARREST' -J MAN rAT v .. GERVAIS On Suspicion of Having Been in at the Redding Train Robbery Excitement was caused at Gervals by the arrest of a young man of un known name, who was working In that part of the country In the hop yards as the 5:11 p. m. Sunday train pulled In: on suspicion of being one of the Reading train robbers. City Marshal Koester, on a wire from the detectives for the railroad company, who were on tho train, took the lad In and when tho train; arrived it took but a few minutes to determine that he was not the roan vnted, and he was released. He proved to be a young man from Portland, who had been about Gervals for a month or so, and, unfortunately, answered tho descrip tion of tho suspected robber, as sent out by the authorities from Redding, Whe?Is Well Known Plonuer Dead. Caspar Zorn, the well known far mermer and hop grower, who has lived near Buttovlllo for many yoars, died In Portland last Tuesday and was burled on Thursday. He was about 70 years of ago and had never been married. He was a good busi ness man and devoted himself to it almost exclusively. He amassed a considerable fortune, one of the larg est in Marlon county. Some people havo. thorn In their heads, but wo put them onto vehlclos. Wo have a flno lot of buggies, spring wagons, carts, buck-boards, otc, all new, made at honlo, Also a now democrat wagon with long distance axles, at a bargain. Lot of second-hand wagons, buggies, carts and other ve hicles. See what we offer, and savo money. Horse shoeing a specialty, by C. W. Armstrong. Remember tho Salem Wagon factory, on, North Liberty St. Wetnet Fennel Proprietor. mmw BASE i,irw BALL Teams Put up a Fine Game at,Roseburg& Albany Standing of the Clubs. v P. W. L. PC Salem .. .. .,..,.14 10 4 715 Eugene 16 10 6 626 Albany -.4 2 2 500 Roseburg 15 5 10 333 ft) .1 t r fe1- 09 PERSONALS Decree for Plaintiff. , Judge Boise this morning rendered his decision In tho case of T. C. Smith vs. Geo. Grlswold, as administrator, et al. He found for tho plaintiff, and directed a decree against the estate of Frank Savage for tho sum of $530, W. Money $659, and John Savage, Jr., for $559. The suit grdw out of the old Myrtle creek mining deal. E?stern Star Will Visit. Chadwlck chapter of the Eastern Star will go to Dallas on a fraternal visit with the lodge at that place on Tueslay right. It Is prpbablo that the patty will gc up fit iic. or. fcp r.esv luwt irtpen-ierce, but in caso it Is no' icjuy thoy vIJI meet at Judge Piirnctl's hr.ijse and drive over. All o V e r this Coast, Schilling's Best is tin every one's mouth : tt balctnj.powdtr spteet cofTet flavoring extract! tod They go far to make living comfortable. At your grocer's; moneyback. nil I II 71 H-M lllllllll Zinn 9 s I :: Circassian : : Ice Cream :; Beats tliem all j: 154 State St. Phone 1971 fWl i-M-Hi-M-M M c n 1 1 ;-H iiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiw :: We Arc ;; Paying 15c for Eggs Today Commercia! Cream Co. 225 Com'l St. HHfH.l W. L. Jones, of Jefferson, is in tho city.,, k Mrs. Thomas Caufleld is visiting at Portland. - ' O. H. Day, of Woodburn; was in tho city today. Paul Marnock went to Portland to day on. business. Wm. Byram, of Canyon City, is reg istered at the Salem. T. E Manlon, of Selbert, Colo., Is' stopping at the Salem. MIsa Pauline Loonoy, of Jefferson, is visiting Salem friends. Walter Lyons, of the Independence Enterprise, was in tho, city today. O. D. Dowers, of tho olectrlc com pany, was in Sllvorton over Sunday. D. z: Irvln, of Portland, was In the city, yesterday, visiting with rela tives. Miss Mable Ross, of Monmouth, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Irvine. Frank Rhodes, now of Eugene, at tended tho Criterion dancing party giv en hero Saturday night. Miss Mary Stewart returned to her home in Albany today, after several days' visit with friends In Salem. Earl Dletrick and D, Kerr, of Silver ton, attended the Criterion dancing party in this city Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Sutherland, who has been attending tho Sacred Heart Acad emy for tho past winter, returned to her home In Portland yesterday. Jones, of Jonos & Smith, Jefferson, was In town today. He says there are no signs of defection from1 tho Repub- llcan ticket In his part of the county. Mrs. Johanna O'Brien Is danger ously ill at her home, No. 400 Capital street. She is suffering with a com plication of diseases and grave fears are entertained for her recovery. J. H. McCourt, P. A. Fugate and J. Oliver, local representatives of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and Dr. N. A. Smith, medical examin or, leave today for Seattle, whero thoy go to attend an Insurance con vention and banquet. Saturday's Game. At Roseburg Snlom 8, Roseburg 0. At Albany Eugene 7, Albany 2. Sunday's Game. At Roseburg Salem C, Roseburg 5. At Albany Albany 5, Eugene 4. Boys Play Ball a baseball and kind, but don't Salem! took another fall out of Pap Morrow's colts yesterday afternoon, in a red-hot 11-Inning contest. Thoro were many features, and a largo crowd was present. Downle and Nohrlng made homo ntns. The score was as follews: Salem. AB R H PO A E Fay, -sa Ay. .''..'...'6' 1 1 '3 7 2 Wllklns; J., c .'. '..-G- 0 1 3 2,' 0 Lougheed, 3b G 0 1 3 5 0 Nehrlng, lb 5 2 2 17 0 0 Davis-, mf 6 1 2 0 0 0 Williams, If G 0 0 3 0 0 Downle, 2b G 1 2 4 1 0 Wllklns, Q., v" ..."'.' 5 '0 V-06 '0 Mclnlss, rf 4 1 1 V) 0 0 We are going to give to each of our boy customers catcher's mit, 89 ho can play ball. You can buy cheaper clothes for your boy than our It won't pay. t ,T i . ' x .. Nowhere cuuyou waste money so easily as on' poor clothes lorboy.. Wo have good clothes made for tho boys that run and scramble and tumble-real boys-your kind, and our kind. We tiavo suits that will tay with them built for burly, bustling boys. Here's The Newest Allow us to show you tho newest things in suits. It Is the single breasted sack, closely fitting collar, and four buttons. Coat and) trousera are roomy and set easily, with no conspicuous fullness. Prices Ftfom $ i 250 to $25 m SUMMER UNDERWEAR $1.00 UP TO $2.50 PER SUIT SalemWoolenMill Store C. P. BISHOP, Pop. n 'LIGHT WEIGHT 'I NIGHT SHIRTS 3 FULL LENGTH 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. H-H Haiti Hill IM1MM III ; Totals 6 11 33 20 2 .. ...46 Roseburg. AB R H PO A E Newell, ss .1 .. A 4 1 1 2 3 2 Nadlor, 2d 6 Bradley, 3b .-. G Oswell, W., mf ....G Morrow, lb G Oswell, C cf ...... 6 Robinson, If .5 Ordway, rf 4 Reed, p ....3 !! SALEM SOCIAL EVENTS I HMSI IHfH-ll llllllllli Totals 45 5 12 33 13 G Stolen bases, Nehrlng and Fay. Double plays, Fay and Nehrlng. , Home runs, Reed, ,Bradley, Downle and. Nehrlng. Bases on balls, off Wllklns 4; off Reed 2, ' ' South Salem Personals. R. L. Gllson spent Sunday with rei atlves in Tallman. Mrs. C. T. Mclntlro went to.Tallnmn Saturday to visit her father who Is very sick. ' Short Sharp Meeting. Let those who want to see anything done about a railroad to Dallas and about another $2000 state fair purse, attend promptly at the city hall this evening at 8 o'clock, to 'heap the prop otltlons, and act. Let us drop long winded, rag-chewing. If Salem capl tallsts and business men do not want to take up these matters, well and , good, Let us say so to the world, and ; ; t quit holding out the Idea that we are ;jprepared to consider such things. !! Newspaper talk and, speech-making 1 ! are at a discount unless we back them. up with action. The less talk and the more action the better. Money talks, and nothing else will build railroads or run horse races. Saturday's Game.. ' Lucas pitched shut-out ball Satur day, and tho Irishmen failed to cross tho rubber. The support was good, and tho irrespresslble Buff only al lowed four hits. Downlo made a homo run with two men on bases. The score by Innings was as follews: Salem 0 2300101 18 Roseburg 0 0000000 0 q (Special to tho Journal.) Albany, May 23,. A largo but si lont crowd, with the exception of a small party of Eugene fans, who wore busy every minute, was In attendance at the Albany-Eugene ball game yes- I i Tuesday's Varieties! Radishes Onions Asparagus Pie Plant Strawberries Fresh Tomatoes Green Peas Fresh Lettuce Oranges Bananas Lemons Etc. terday. Tho first man at bat 'for Eu gone went to first on a singlo, Mc Kuno knocked a little one down, to third base, and: was thrown out at second, piynes knockod ono to cen ter flojd and was out, then O'Day and Radford took linses nn hnlln wViinti made three men on basos, when Down ing dropped ono ovor tho fence, bring ing in four scores. Whito noxt was thrown out at first by tho pitcher, which retired the side. Albany ailed to do anything, until the second, when Raymond Jost one in tho grass in tho loft garden and made a -home run. The teams held each other down until, the last half of the eighth, when Gregory got a two bagger, Johnson fanned, Donavan got a two-bagger and Lewis dronnnd n threo-bagger; into right field scoring Gregory and Donavan, then Graves put a fly into center, which was caught, hut allowed Lewis to come homo. This made tho scoro 4 to 4, when tho Blues camo up in ttye ninth, Radford got a two-bagger and DuShane his base on balls, but tho side was retired without Sullivan was Albany's first man up, and ho dropped tho ball over tho left field fence, about throe feot Inside tho foul lino, and made tho run which de cided the game. A Former Salem Girl. Invitations are out announcing tho wedding of Miss Nora Barrett to Mr. J, A. Bushong, both of Portland, to .take place Wodnosday evening, Juno 1st, at the homo of tho bride's parents". Miss Barrett is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett, who lived hero about five years ago, and 1b a very handsome and accomplished young lady. Her many friends In this city wish her much happlnoss. An Informal Lawn Party. ?'Mlss Besslo Eakfh, of South. Salem, gave an Informal lawn party Friday evening to a fow of her University classmates, In honor of Miss Myra "Lbveritlgo, of Eugene. Popular games were played, and later a lunch was served. Those present were: Misses Lovrldge, Officers, Iva Ford, Ryth Gatch, Wilda Roland', Ana Strong, Be3sie Eakin, Messrs. Howard Catlln, Mac Hofor, Claude Hlbbard, Louis Dart, Kinney Miller, Will Hendricks, James and Lloyd Mott. Miss Love ridgo returned home Saturday even ing. Brown's in Town. Tho May attraction booked at tho Grand Opera House tonight Is tho favorite farce, "Brown's In Town." Tho play Is on Its way to tho Pacific coast for a spring tour of all tho large clti03. Tho piece is by Mark E. Swan and was written in tho author's happiest vein. Sevoral now musical features havo been added and tho management promise an excellent company, which includes Gilbert Tos sick, George Berry, J. R. 'Bartlott.i Ernest Lonoro, Jack Beach, Christine Prince, Minnie St. Claire, Leah La and thoro caught up by a largo Japan ese umbrella. Sovoral other umbrel las wore also used in the corners. Har ry Croniso served punch from a very cleverly arranged. Japanese corner. Delightful music was furnished by the Stoolhammor orchostra, to which about 30 couplo tripped tho light fan tastic until a lato hour. O " Court House News Notes. D. Wllliami Evans was appointed! ad ministrator of the estate of Ellen C. Evans, deceased. A. Wondel was appointed guardian of the ostato of Tholma A. Wondel, a minor. A marriage license watf issued to William A. Stanton and Joaephlno Auston. Tho parties reside, in North Salem, and will be marrlod this even ing by Rev. Scott. Real estate transfers today are: A. Johnson to Frank Balch 1 acros McClane's addition to Sllvorton, ?G30. Ellen J. Chamberlain to A. N. Moores, lot 5 and part of lot 4 block 82, Salem, $2500. J. W. Apple to Lizzie Apple, 1G0 acres, t 8 s, r 1 w, $2550. o Hop Men Play Ball. The hop men havo organized a base ball team, and in a few days thoy will bo ready for all comers. Manager Dorcas is putting his mon through a thorough courso of training, and ex pects great results. Will Work for City. Androw Alveln, Chos. White, Frank Lewis, John Dompsoy and Jim Mil loy wero arrested by Officer Murphy lato Saturday night, and wore sen tenced to Ave days each at work around tho city Jail. Baby Died Sunday. Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kaufman died in North Salem Sunday afternoon, aged four days. miimiMmnmint a a head 2 Yo8 wo are far ahoad of the 2 times as far as box station- J 2 ery Bes a huge shipment J 2 of spring stationery direct 7 from1 tho largest stationery w mills In tho country. PMces 2 wM aro right. Look at our west " 0 window display, and see If V I you can beat It. gg 2 Pattern's Book Store. 2 Forco, others. Annotto Humphreys and i AT WOOD & FISHER I Pfcone 57 1. Successors to Branson & Ragan, HMniM"t HHIM MMMil IHIOMIIi ;;wniiHiiiiiiHiiiiint : : Strawberry : : Shortcake :: Atthe c ; White House : Restaurant : George Bros. Props. A Pleasant Picnic. Tho "400" society of tho East Salem school gave a very enjoyable picnic Saturday,aftornon from 4 to 9 o'oclock at Savage's grpyo. Tho members and a fdw invited frionds wero presont, and spent a delightful evening. Games and dancing was indulged in, and later in the evening a dainty spread was served. Criterion Party. Tho .Criterion Club, gave1 their last danclngaparty.. Saturday evening, 'atJ. Tioga hall, and it was a succoss; In ov- J ery aetau.- This club; whichMs com posed of tho younger sot, havo given quite a number of parties, and, their continuance noxt season Is eagorly looked forward to. The hall was decorated In pink and sroen, streamers of crepo paper run nine fromr each corner to tho center, Y es We Repair Bicycles I SALEM GUIMi 5IUKC Paul H. Hauser, i Proprietor. f '. f. ? Proud Dealers More firms are being added to the list of grocers who handle Eppley's" Perfection' Baking Powder Salem Dealers , Jos. Albright, Harritt & Lawrence, Fuller & Douglas Atwood & fisher, A. L. Harvey, Frank Bowersox, Yew Park, A. Daue, South Salem, Don't feel obliged to order of the manufacturer, but call on your nearest grocer. Wall Paper Latest designs in stock, and good work guaran teed. We have the small stor$ and smaH prices E. L. Lcmmori 299 Liberty St. I uljMui BjLj J li I "l,'"."'iN.iy,y L "fc : J SB v7-l M Vffl III (fjEKCmfl mk.fW? ! wm. : masssmmnn The Deligkts of a Summer Hesort When you go to a summer re sort, one of the chief delights are the wide, cool, cozy verandas wfretS you can sit in the shade and enjoy - - , -W..K....M. MlCCiO, you can make nd comloruhl C.D ir own porth as eoy jnd keep out tho W They pracllMll? dd another room to your houle the pleaiameit room o! ail durlmr the heated CatOIl YOU Can terVA Innan. on porch huidwTtit ' "" iuddr PorcH Shades with perfect privacy. vhl!elfwlngthepa. Sfci? Yp can alio have Vudor Window S lStfll'WHi.0 V0l.'r. windows, where out the heat ol the lummer aun. They !i fiii11'"' commended r nuncrtea ana living roonn. Vudor Porch Shades coat from tt.W up. B?.T.V!?u?.V,,dU,J,n.t c?10" I?IR monUe with tljvoodwprlc of your home. You are especially requested to view tho Vudor Exhibit in our shade department. I s 3Jv wannaAJiJbUnfV: Va rV r m jl m It I M tii 3t I, '1 I'M -m mi !1 I 4 r . M ' - I fl ? . W2 frl f1 IIIIHhUHIII 1 1 frit I