Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 20, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    -fTr vWM3"&!f,tfti
, Signs of Polluted Blood.
1 There is nothing' so' repulsive looking and disgusting as an old sore.
You worry over it till the brain grows weary and work with it until the
patience 19 exhausted, and the very sight of the old festering, sickly looking
place makes you irritable, despondent and desperate.
A chronic sore is the very best evidence that your blood is in an unhealthy
and impoverished condition, that your constitution is breaking down under
the effects of some serious disorder. The taking of strong medicines, like
mercury or potash, will sometimes so pollute and vitiate the blood and im
pair the general system that the merest scratch or bruise results in obstinate
non-healing sores of the most offensive character.
Often an inherited tain t breaks out in frightful eating sores upon the limbs
or face in old age or middlelife. Whenever a sore refuses to heal the blood
is always at fault, and, while antiseptic washes, salves, soaps and powders
can do much to keep down the inflammation and cleanse the sore, it will
never heal permanently till the blood itself has been purified and thedeadly
genus and poisons destroyed, and with S. S. S. this can be accomplished the
pouuiea Diooa is punned and invigorated, and when
rich, pure blood is again circulating freely throughout
the body the flesh around the old sore bee-ins to take
I on a natural color, the discharge of matter ceases
and the nlace heala river.
S. S. S. is both a blood purifier and tonic that puts your blood in ordei
and at the same time tones up the system and builds up the general health.
If you have a chronic sore write us. No charge for medical advice.
Larry, the Ex Boardinghouse
Keeper Gets Busy inthe
Blue River Mines
"Brown's In Town." cal numbers, an ontlroly new depart-
One unending laugh, is tho way the ure In this stylo of comedy. "When
management described ?tho farcoJ "Vrovn." mako3 his bow to an audi.
"Brown's In Town'.' which w(ll be seen
at the Grand Opera -Houso Monday.
The latest fafclal effusion, which has
a theme entirely different from any
thing yet seen hero on that order, was
written for the solo purpose of amus
ing tho theater going public, and tho
amusement Is created In a logical and
reasonable manner. Tho duty of the
farce writer is much easier and loss
exacting than that of tho dramatist,
enco it will bo without a flaw. Tho
company Is composed of some capable
fun-makers, among them are Gilbert
Tosslck, George Berry, J. R. Bartlett,
Ernest Lonoro, Jack Beach, Christlno
Prince, Minnie St. Clalro, Leah ha
Force, Annette Humphreys and
Farm for Sale.
. 114 acres In Marlon county, half a
mile from Mill Chv, 35 acres lm-
who writes serious plays. Ho does proved, 65 acres good timber, to 1
not find it necessary to shun thelmllo from a $300,000 sawmill. Land
theatric effects, to keep melo-drama ' good, rich, black soil; 6-room house;
out of hl3 drama, or to oxcludo farce Slumber barn; with outbuildings; 10
or comedy, but a dollrlous Jumble of 'a'cres good fruit, mostly winder ap
Incongruities whoso entire function Is 'pies, trees average 7 years old; good
to be funny. If tho author of a farce spring water at door; two crooks run
through place; good neighborhood; li
mile to school, church and railroad.
Fine beaver dam meadow land, easily
cleared. If sold at once will take
$3200. Title clear. Terms, two-thirds
down, and from 2 to 3 years on bal
ance with 7 per cent Interest; Imme
diate possession. Call on or address
J. E. Ray, owner of the farm, Mill
City. Oregon. 3-8-3m
excites plenty of laughter without re
course to vulgarity all else is for
given. "Brown's In Town" however,
is built on infinitely moro original
lines than the farces of recent pro
ductions. It contains many consistent
complications, a good story that Is
quaintly told and from tho rise of
the curtain to the fall, it Is full of In
torost. There are some pretty must-
I MMPrjfl
I''' 'r (
I ' M "W JL.
I r&tt
! dfcdrTu
w vjyj aaaaw
Pest- on 52 vampc stf
successful business...
To serve you when
In needrfo
Covers a multi
tude of sins
The Heath ft Million Paint coven bulldlnft
anu ccp mem rom arcajr,
ciuDiunca isji.
"Lucky Boy L. M. Sullivan, vlco
Frank C. Sharkey, resigned."
This Is the paragraph that greeted
the waterfront contingent when pe
rusing tho morning paper, and skip
ping through the list of new appoint
ments nmong Oregon postmasters,
says tho Evening Telegram. At flrsi
It was thought tho delegation at
Washington had made a mistake
Surely "L. M." Was not the way their
old friend Larry Sullivan was affix
ing his autograph these days, when
It was remembered that the pioneer
sailors' boarding house magnate had
graduated to a mine owner's berth,
and at LUcky Boy, all doubt was disponed.
From boarding house master to
postmaster of a hustling mining camp
and the holder of a large slice of
stock In the property from which tho
station derives Its name, has been
tho fortune of tho renowned Larry.
Word comos from tho "dlggln's" that
tho man who flourished In the times
when salts brought $175 each, and
withdrew from the business when tho
fighting days wore over and tho state
commission was born, Is superintend
ing tho orectlon of a hotel In tho new
locality, besides a saloon. Larry's con
stituents say ho Is seeking the filthy
lucre in It3 crude state with the same
vim that characterized his ceaseless
search In the fo'c'sle to find a vacant
hunk In which to .ship one of his
With the state and federal law now
In operation, tho price of sailors re
duced, the few ships coming that need
to patronize the "house," it would
seem that Larry took tho "tip" at tho
right tlmo and planned to take up a
moro lucratlvo occupation. Few sail
ors are being bargained for those
days. The Rajoro and Invormay are
about the only craft In the harbor that
may expected to help swell tho coffers
of the boarding house masters In Uvo
noar future. A few have been sent
before the mast on lumber carriers
bound to tho land of tho sotting sun,
but the two French ships need no help
in that direction, and the Nal, which
arrived from tho Bay City has never
taken a man from tho boarding house
masters In all the trips she has made
Will be paid by the
World's Dlsnensarv
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., if
they cannot show the original signature
of the individual volunteering the testi
monial below, and also of the writers of
every testimonial among the thousands
wntcii tuey ore constantly puousning,
thus proving tneir genuineness.
Tor a tout two ear I suffered from very
obstinate case of dyspepsia," tfrltea R H, Secord,
Ksq.of i.) Eastern Ave. Toronto, Ontario. "1
tried h orreat number of remedies without me
cess. I fimlly lost faith in them all. I was so
far cone that 1 could not for a lour time bear
any solid food in my stomach ; felt melancholy
ana depressed, some lour moninsago a menu
recommended your ' Golden Medical Discovery.'
Alter a week' treatment 1 had derived so much
benefit that I contiuued the medicine, I huve
taken three bottles and am convinced it has
in ray case accomplished a permanent cure. I
can conscientiously recommend it to the thou
sands of dyspeptics throughout the land."
A man can succeed and be strong if
he beed3 Nature's warnings. When
there is indigestion, loss of appetite,
ringing in the ears, dizziness, spots be
fore the eves or palpitation of .the heart ;
any or, afl of these Symptoms point to
weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the
medicine to turn to.
"Golden Medical Discovery" contains
no alcohol ntid is entirely free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics.
It is strictly a temperance medicine.
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good " for diseases of the stomach.
The " Commo nSense Medical Adviser,"
ico8 pages, in paper covers, is sent free
on receipt of 3i one-cent stamps, to pay
expense of mailing only. Address ur.
Ul f f .,., t i ' I w J ' J m 'WWll
- , ,.- -. imm mmi - "' " " " - - w
MMHaMatiHMMPIMaflMaMaf - - -- - ' J
- All I V YV - - - .WAWVw . ,
Wanted.--A good girl to learn toieg
raphy. Will glvo tho right party
losBoils In telegraphy and board in
oxchango for assistance In house
hold duties In small family; must
bo strictly honest. Address box 9,
Kingston, Oro. ' 5-lt):3l ,
Dookkeeper Wantedr-Yoiing man; am
bitious and willing to work. In
quire at 174 Commercial street.
Wanted. To rent or leaso, residence
with modern improvements, good
sized promises, and' located near
business section,. Inqulr eor write,
this ofllco, "ft G. p.' ., 5-18-tf
Wanted. La'dids to canvass on salary.
Apply at room 9, Hdlman' building,
Salem, Oregon. ' x B-18-3t
WanteaV-Threo expjirloncod solicitors
for trip to St. LouisjTalr. Expenses
nittrnnnnd Anntv Trntn 1 tn A n. tTi.
, at Cottage Hotol. Ed. Staples, room
11. , 5-17-3t
8ay Haro you 'trlpd'Edwaf ds & Luscfc
era for meats. We have tho bcSt
sausage In town. Comd and try i
and bo convinced. 410 East State
Salem Truck and Drky Co. Oldeafc
and best Equipped company in B
lom. lano ard ftirrlltu're movJNK
a Bpdclalty Offlca 'pkonot '861. W,
W, Brown '& Sop, prcprie(or. Offle
No. 60 Stato street, 9-1-lnv
Home-Mado Bread Doughnuts, fanor
cooklos, pies and cakes, frooh overr
day. Tho beat in tho city, at t&
lowest prices, Give ua a trial. Gohjv
man Bakery. A. Flshor, buecossojP
to O. A. Back, corner of 12th aa'
Chomoketa streets. Phono 2lft
Red. B-5-tf
Hop Baskets.
K. V. Pierce, Buffa!
g omy
do, N.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
Capital City Mills Quotations.
Bryant &. Pennell, Props,
Wheat 77o.
Buckwheat 80a
Poultry at Stelner'a Market
Spring chickens 15c. "
Chickens 10c. ' ; " "
Eggs Per dpzenf iBiHf
Turkeys 12l4c.
Ducks lOe. -
Hop Market, r ;
Hops 192Bc. ; it( j,
Potatoes, Vegetable, -Ete.
Potatoes BOc. " 1 ' "
Wanted. IB men within tho next flvo
. days to tako t!mber"clalmst consist-
., lng of yollow und sugar pine, also
claims of yellow fir. Apply atlDo-
trolt lumber yard, corner of 'ftlgh
.and Trade. S. P.,McCrackon, phono
2495 black. 7 ' B-17-lwk.
Wanted. Work In store by young man
with oxporlenco In grocery and dry
goods. First-class references. Chas.
P. Doud, Salem. , 5-16-lw
Wanted Tho Oregon Nursery com
pany, wants Uvo hustling salesmen
to Introduco Burbank's grand now
plum, Maynard, also a complete
lino of superior nursery stock. Cash
advanced weekly. Write quick for
full particulars and secure choice
of terrjtlary. 12th street, Salem,
Oregon. 4-28-lm
Hon Baskets. Ono-fourth and oa-
half box for picking. Full-box brf
koto for measuring. Best in tk
market Hold your orders he
Walter Morley, 60 Court street, Ar
lem. $
Dr. I. W. tarr Office In Bush
buildlne. over Oregon Shoe f
Office hours, 9 to ,J2 a. m. katj jh
5 p. "m. Calls attende'd in ctty er
Residence 'phone
Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter M
found in tho Brey block, 275)4 Om
morclal street over Oregoa Wmw
Co. Office telephone. 2031; real
denco phone, 275L Office- hor ff
to 12. and 2 to B.
HeAths MilligAn M'fgG. cmrm
2. Savage &, Fletche &
ItftaetlAaaaa aaaaaaaa2
aiM U .. ww m
This bright weather suggests
Lawn Mowers
f and Garden Hose
S Wc iiavc a fine line and at the tight
g pt ices
If You Have-. Dyspepsia, Read This,
The old way of taking pepsin, bis
muth, etc., to cure dyspepsia Is all
wrong. They may bo put up Id tab
lets or liquid, tho result Is Just the
saino. Tho object Is to creato arti
ficial digestion, but this does not make
a cure. Stop taking tho pepsin, etc..
and you have your dlspepsla or Indi
gestion back again. People use co
calno or opium for nervous troubles
and slck-headacho, it does not cure,
stop taking tho drugs and tho palu and
distress return. Tho only common
sense method Is to drive out of the
system the causo of dyspopsla and
sick headache by cleansing tho atom
ach and bowels, at tho same timo us
ing a medicine that will act on tho liv
er. This forces through tho glands of
tho stomach tho digestive fluid that
nature Intonded. In this w.ay you
euro dyspepsia. Tho modlclno that
cures dyspepsia by this method Is
called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver
Pills. Druggists sell these pills at 25c
per box. t only takes one of these
pills for a dose.
R. M. Wade 8c Co.
Just note these prices:
50 pounds Half Ground Salt 30c VJ
1 00 poands Half Ground Salt 50c
Large Lump Rock Salt always on hand. A complete stock of Rollod
oats Rolled Barley. Oats, etc, always on hand, dot our prices. J
t will pay you.
D. A. WHITE fa SHM. .
301 Commercial Street' ' '' ' .phi .W
Methodist Episcopal Conference
tos Angeles, Cal.
Accpunt pfconforenco, the South
ern Pacific Cojnpany will mnko ro
ducod rates on he certificate plan,
from main lino points In Oregon,
south of Portland. Passengers will
purchase tickets to Los Angeles, for
wiucq iao agent will collect the high
est one-way rate, giving a special re
ceipt, On presentation of this .
celpt, duly executed by original pur
chaser, the Southern Pacific airnnr nr
Los Angeles will sell a return ticket
at ono-thlrd faro. Sale dates from Or
ogon points will bo April 19th to May
7th, inclusive also May 9, 12, 16 19
23d, 26 and 30. Tho last day' on
which certificates will bo honoreJ for
rwiura ac reduced rate from Loa An
towc? ... uo juno &, 1904. 4-lB-CFrl
.ror Infanta and Children.
Thi KM Yflt Have (ways Bought
Bears the x yXig
. MM Y
, . ... n
i v V
Dried Fruits.
Peaches 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples 10c.
Petite prunes 4c.
Italian prunes Be.
Wood, fane Potts, Etc.
second growtu ?5.75.
APh $3.00 to W.7B.
Grub oak $G.B0.
Cedar posts 12 o.
Hlcec, pelts and Pur.
'Green Hides, No. 1 Bo. '
Green Hlues, No. 2 4c.
Calf Skins 4Bc.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skint 25c to Sl.N.
Grain and Flour.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, ex
port value, 7Bc.
Oats $140 per cwt.
Barley $21 per ton.
Flour Wholosalo, 3.76.
Live Stock Marksk
aieers 34c.
Cows 3c.
Sheop 3c.
Dressed pork 64 6&.
Drossod Veal 6 6c.
Dressed hogs 66ilc.
Live hogs B6o.
Mutton 2 3c. :
t, , Hy Fwid
Baled cheat $11.
'Baled clovr $10.
' Bran $22.00.
i Shorts $26.00. p
'Eaas, Butter and Crea
By CommorclaT Cream Co. '
'- Egg iBc,a cash. '
Buftor 20c, wholesale.
Butter, fat 18c, at.statjon,, . .
Wheat Walla, 73074c.
s Valley 8Bc.
, Flour Portland, boat grade, $S
-uo; gronam, $3.50$4.00. ,
'Oats Choice whlto, $1.17$1.20.
Barley-Feod, $23.60 per ton; rolled
Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20. '
Hay Timothy, $1B$10.
Potatoes Common, -$1.00$l;25r
Eggs Oregon ranch, 17Vl8c.
Poultry Chickens, 'mixed; Vrai
por pound; turkeys, 1017c. " i
Pork Dressed, 78c,,,
Beof Dresspd, B8q, f
- Veal-687c. , - '. ' I
Hops 23025c.
Wool -r-Valley,
Oregon, 11014c;
For Sale. A good rubber-tired bug
gy or runabout; almost new; also
a first-class surrey. Either or both
at a bargain. A. F. Hofer. Jr.,
Journal ofllco,
1 i
For Sale. Nino-room, hard finish
house, bath room, hot wator, gar-
' den, vbarn, fruit trees, and Is well
located, only a block and a half
north of state house, 3B2 Summer
street. B-18-3t
For Sale. When you want dry grub
oak, first or Beqond growth fir
wood, dolfvorod to' any part of 'the
city, call up Red 2606, or glvo M. P.
Dennis on 19th and Stato0streots a
Undertakers. We carry the largw
and finest line pf undertaker goeJf
in tho city. Priced to suit aill
Block and' white hearse. Vromyt,
reliable. Save money by calling at
No. 107 A. M. Clough, A. J. Basey.
Ferguson's Restaurant 96
street Open day and night 64
20c meals are bettor thaa any1 !ftfa
house in the state. Six 20o m-nOw-for
$1.00; 21 20c meals' for $t.M
For Sale. One first-class
' piano cheap; also one Brussells
carpet, and two Ingrain; one par
lor table, two stands, and other
small articles, 149 18th street.
O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, $A
7:30 p. m. B. B. Herrjck, Jr.,X,G.!f
Frank F, Toovs, rccdrdlng secretary.
Salem Camp, No. 14, Woodrrjen ef tiw
vyorld-Meets''in Hblma'JIall evem
v Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler,
Consul. Wylle A. Moores, Secre
tary. 1-12-lyr
uprights valley ledge ,No. 18, A. O. U. W. M
In their hall Id Holman block, eetr
ner State and Liberty, every Mm
day evening. Visiting bretkrw
welsomo. Roy Mclntlfe, M. W. M.
E. Aufraaco, Recorder.
For 8ale. A good cow. Inquire of
Mrs. M. A. Holcomb, South Com
mercial street. 5-18-3t
For Sale. A good horse; lnqulro or
D. C. Howard, at brick store, South
Salem. B-17-lwk
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. C tftr
Hall In Holman block, corner ftteto
and Liberty Sts. T-esday of eaell
week at 7:30 p. m, H. H. Turaer,
C. a; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and S.
Fdr Sale Frame barn, 20x24; 14-foot
posts on corner Winter and Center
streets. Apply to S. C. Roby.
For Sale. Second-hand 3-Inch farm
wagon. Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor.
Stato street, B-10-tf
For 8ale or Rent Cottage on one of
tho finest corner rosldenco lots In
' the city, near state house. Call at
360 Summer Btroot. B-7-tf
Foresters of America Court
wood Foresters No. 19. Meet BWV
day In Turner block, H. Q,
Meyrr, C. R.; A. L. Brown, Sea
Modem Woodmen of America -Or
gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. MattaT
every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'rtewM
Holman Hall, E. E. Matten, y,
P.; A. lx Brown. Clork.
For 8ale. Fruit land in Benton coun
ty, 320 acres of land, south Tialf of
section 15, township 10 south, range
5 west of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 320 acrea of unimproved
land, Jjalf a mile from Arlle station,
and about four miles from Willam
ette river. On main county road.
W B. Irwin, 338 North Mala Btreot,
Los Angolos, Cal.. . ,.-4-J3-t
Dr. H. H. 8covell, Osteopath and Sui
eesuonist Treata chronic disorder
of tho Btomach, bowels, Hyor, kit
noya; nervous and female dlBoaae,
lung and throat troublea. D'Aroj;
Bldg., State St Main 2855.
8.0o ?or
iKllerl!rlry' 18 pounda RB(1 upwards,
IJuttor Fancy, creamerv. anwieoiz-
dairy and store, nominal. '
8creen Doors Lawn and field fence,
barb wlro, shingles, P, & B. ready
roofing and building' paper, Exten
sion ladders, gates and gate hard
ware. All at lowest pricos. Walter
Money, 00 Court.ptreet,- Salem
Notice. Tho packing Iioubo will run
for a day or two, beginning Friday,
May 20th. Employes pleaso take
notice. Willanietto pruno Assocla
Uo"' B-19-3t
tvan'a Barber Shop Only flrateisM
.shop pn State afreet Every ma
new and up-to-uato. Fine" per)?
ul?x ba8, 0hTe IBo; halr-ct lie
Kr ," -1W0 nrstlai, 1m
blacka. O. W. Evans. manriUnr.
niiSrI' fcf B0Y,0,, ,pply r
BUIb payable monthly in 'aivmaeeLv
Mae all complaint at the oc. ft
ToLease. From July 1st,, resldonco
No. 406 Cottage stroot, northeast
corner Marlon, All modern con
fjmlences. Apply botweon 10 a, ra.
n,nd 12 m 6-18-wk
A. ;Wllhelm Contractor andGulider.
All carpenter work "find finishing
d9no pvomptlylind .by- flroUlass
workmen. Get my figures before
building, 64B Court street, between
16th and icth streets. 4-20-lm
Successor tn Tlr T xt trn -.
White Corner, Salem, Oregpn. Partli
desiring auperlor operations at mo
erat feo la any branch aro In esaecisi
request "-raj
PILES "isasbj
Or4rtStljU.aui,IU.,H KiTCTTS
m. .
eM In tm by a. c. Mm,
, !
vm. for wxU tomf.