Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 20, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Strong Effort Will Be Made
to Catch Lake County
Murderer of J. C. Conn and
Sheep Killers Will Be
Brought to Justice
tlovornor Chamberlain offered a re
ward of ?500 for tho arrest and con
viction or for Information that will
Bead to tho arrost and conviction of
tio murdoror or murdorors of J. C.
Conn, In Lake county, on March 4th,
3ind a reward of $300 for the arrest
and conviction of each and every
ono of the men who destroyed or par
ticipated in destroying 2500 sheep In
(the same county In April of this year.
Tho payment of those rewards Is con
tdlUoncd on an appropriation being
Knafle by tho legislature, In case thoy
sure earned.
The governor has addressed a letter
to District Attorney Is. F. Conn and
S&erlff Horace Dunlap" at Lakevlew,
as follows
"Although I have been unofficially
suflvlsed that a condition of lawless
mess provalls In Lake county, I be
lieved and still believe that tho local
tauthorltles, aided by tho cltlzons of
tfhB county, ought to find a remedy
"for existing evils. I have belloved.
iroI still believe, that tho rigid en
Sforcomont of tho law by local author
Sties will speedily put an end to acts
ol vandalism and lawlessness. This
opinion Is confirmed by the fact that
710 official appeal has boon mado to
ano for oxqcutlvo Interference. I am
Just In receipt, however, of a com
plajnt from reputable citizens near
tho placo where acts of lawlessness
"have been Indulged In who believes
that greater efforts ought to bo mado
forirthe apprehcnsIonof those who7ftlUr PUUDPlI
hayOjbeen guilty -of the destruction J1E UllUnUtl
of property and other acts of violence.
From thl source I Warn that
dead lines have eboen established
by tho lawless element of tho commu
nity, and tho owners of sheep are
warned by them that If they' cross
tho same thoy must Incur tho penalty
(of death, us well as tho loss of prop
erty. Threats are mado that persons
who undertake to discover tho Identi
ty of those who have been engaged
In tho destruction of properyt of the
Citizens of your county will be as-
"Under those circumstances I have Presented a motion removing nil as
deemed It my duty to appeal to you, porslons cast by previous assemblies
and through you to tho law officers of upon Presbyterian churches- In tho
your county, to use your utmost of- states, tho motion is rramod as a
Mrt to rliHrtiw onforco the law. In forerunner on union of churches
order that those who have been en- North and South. Tho motion passed
gaged In tho ruthless destruction of almost unanimously. It is hoped the
property may bo speedily Identified, Presbyterians of the South will take
apprehended and brought to Justice. such action ns will assist In tho union
"Without any request from the local of the two bodies.
authorities for my Interference, but
One in Faltli and Shou d Be
One in Organization
Buffalo, May 20.- Dr. Tennis Ham
lin, of Washington, this aftornoon
& -"f"v
iinrwuHi i
acting upon tho suggestion of cltl- During four years' time Rumble took
zens of your county, who are deterred In ?355,0OO. Postal Inspector O'Con
by threats from offering rewards for nell assorts that Rumble clearod up
the approhonslon of mon who have $350,000 from tho deal. The case
been ongaged In the wholesale will be appealed. In tho meantime,
slaughter of sheep and the destruction howover, Rumblo will bo given his
of property, and in tho hope of assist- liberty upon a bond of $10,000,
ing In tho arrest and conviction of '.
the criminals, I have concluded to
offer rewards, pledging the faith ot
tho state to tho payment, as soon as
tho legislature convenes.
"I onclose you notlcqs of these re
wards, and I trust you will havp them
posted In conspicuous, places through
out your county. I sincerely trust
every effort will bo made by you not
only to apprehend those who have
been guilty of tho wanton destruction
of property, but to prevent a recur
rence of such acts In the future.
"I have the honor to remain.
When is a cough more
than a cough ?
When it's a settled cold.
"When it hangs on in spite of
all you can do. Cough mix
tures' won't cure it because
they, are merely for a cough
-and this is something more.
; Scott's Emulsion cures the
cough because it cures the
something more. It heals
and repairs the inflamed
tissues where the cold has
taken root and prevents its
-coming back.
Wo'lt mid you mpl frt upon requctt.
SCOTT & 1IOWNE, 404 Pearl Strut, New Vprlt
, 1
First Result of Thibetan Pun
itive Expedition
London, May 20. Tho Indian of
flco Issues a report from Thibet stat
ing that tho British expedition
stormed Thibetan position north of
Gyantso. Tho enemy was defeated
with heavy loss. Tho British casual
ties woro thro ewounded.
Famous at home for I
Generations past; I
Famous now all over I
Combine more good, sound practic
al points of advantage than any
lino on tho market.
If you are Intending to buy any
cutting machinery," and aro opon
to convlctlqn, that Is not so entire
ly prejudiced that you won't think
for yourself, wo want to seo you
and show you these goods. If we
can't sell you thoro's no harm
done, and we'll still bo friends.
Here aresome
"Mower Points."
Widest, heaviest frame and
highest wheels.
Main bevel gear supported at
both sides.
p w
K? M
ltl At
Hickory pitman j tho longest
pitman on tho market.
Draft under t-ongue, direct from
cutter bar. No side draft and no
neclo weight. "
Wearing plates on cutter bar can
be renewed without buying now
Barbed leger plates In tho
Tlltlnir t.h niittnJ. tj?
-" - "" uoes cmj
vuiuw il uui. 01 line,
". .tin. tn w J . .
V.UHOJ um iubuu 01 com roiyl
Biwwi, Birougesi Dar known.
Machlno has sufficient weight tt
u. .. '6'i wuguesi gru
wimout clogging.
There aro lots of other featnmj
you snoum seo, in ordor to ppre.
elate the McCorralck.
Studebaker Wagons
The favorite with the woodmen
and every other class who do
heavy hauling. -
StudeMer Hacks
The good old stand-bys that
farmers swear by. Our 1 1-8-lncu
axle "Village Wagon" Is the great
est value In Salem. "Wo want to
"show you."
Studebaker Buggies
Our standard high grade to?
buggies and runabouts are akin
good. Wo want to interview jw
when you want to see good goofo,
Cushion Tire Jobs
The favorite with tho city drlv
ors. Our spring business has sur
passed all provious records In this
class, because we havo had the
goodB and the prices.
First-class sightly Jobs from
$100 up.
Come and see tho goods, wheth
er you aro ready to buy or not.
Out $65
Top Baggy
Is a world-beaten You'll say so,
too, as soon as you see It.
Our Bicycle Trade
Has ' been rolling up in txt
""shape since tho season opened,
oven though a trifle later thi
last year. Tho old reliable Trlbuts
and tho cushion framo, spring fork
New Ones on Installments
Old Wheels Taken In -Trade.
255-257 Liberty Street.
Gigantic Mine' Swindler Gets
Dues In San Francisco,
j How Many People Has Salem 1
San Francisco, May 20. Qoorgo W.
Humblo wa3 found guilty In the
United States district court horo to
day. Ho was accused of having used
tho United Statos malls for fradu
lont purposes. Ho organized a cor
poration known as tho Sunset Mining
Company, and assertod there woro 12
mines belonging to the promoters.
jThe Big Show!
Still Continues and Large Crowds
Enjoy the Benefits
Bargains In all kinds and slzos of tho host shoos over mado.
Ladies' $3.50 Shoes for
I Ladies' $3.00 Shoes for
Ladies' $2.00 Shoes for
J Men's $4.00 Shoes for
Men's $3.50 Shoes for
The New Official Census
has been taken and will for the first time reveal the
exact population of Greater Salem. In order to in
crease interest in this matter and at the same time give
its readers an opportunity to win a valuable pme, The
Capital Journal offers one of the best Mitchell i 904
Model Bicycles, with coaster brake, to the person who
will guess nearest the exact population of our city, as
shown by the new census, which will be announced
early in June.
Children's shoes all tho way from 60 cents up. Infants' soft solo
shoos for 10c. Misses shoes from J1.00 up Rarost bargains ever
offered, and no end to stylos. Remember tho place.
State Steet.
Guess Free
with every 50c paid on Journal subscription. Call at
The Journal office or give your guess to the collector.
Read the Conditions
In order to make this more thao
an Idle, random guessing affair, The
Journal proposes to place a few re
strictions upon It, and then give ab
solutely free to tho person who guess
es nearest to tho official count a brand
new Mitchell ulcyclo, ladles' or gent's,
with coaster brake. Every subscrib
er paying 60 conts for Dally or Week
ly, by mall or carrier, will be entitled
to ono guess for the wheel. Taos
paying ono dollar will get two gues
es, but, In order to prevent strife, a"
protect the legitimate guossor, It will
bo necessary to deposit tho origin'
subscription receipt in tho box '
Tho Journal offlco, with your p""
wrltteu on tho back of same. Call at
Tho Journal office and learn the par
ticulars, and thon look at the wheel,
at tho warehouse of Mitchell. Lewis
& Stavor. It Is tho best Mitchell
wheel, with coaster brake;, guaran
teed for tho year, and Is backed up by
tho Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Company.
Fresfx "Fxuits Served at
Out Fcwmtaln. Crtfa&ed
Strawberry Now the
The Spa