r EVEN DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, H04. 1 ' ' ' ' ""'" ' """ SltT7,J.JwU-0-- ' . L " J I ' V'J I l mill 1 1 r m m at s OFFIMAk I v s.m)vvm ;w- . J. 4 S9rtj DENIES SHORTAGE ' ; i $ " Treasurer Moir Not Much Prefurbed Over Report -of Auditing Com mittee City Treasurer John Molr appeared1 before the city council last evening and aBked that the report of the ex porting committee bo not adopted for two weeks, so that bo could prepare a statement showing his accounts., KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. The Constant Wearing of Hat Propo aratea Dandruff Germ. . There are many mon who wear their hats practically all the time when awake, and are blessed with a heavy shook of hair; yet If the scalps of these same men once became infested with dandruff germs, the parasites would multiply all the quicker for lack of air. Baldness1 would ensuo as tho final result New tiro's Herplclde kills tbeseYgerms and' stimulates' unjiealhyohay to; abundant growth. vHenkldB.-is'. a pleasant" hair, dressing "ns" Veil ,a"&'flanarufr"ciire -and contains not an atom bf Injurious nub-- stance. Sold fcy leading' druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Harpl clde Co.. Detroit. Mica. Daniel J. KTy. tip.ocjal. Agent . ) f iiT&at i ii Smell If there Is anything you need It Is to remove 'the death-dealing sewer gas from your hoiise. Modem . i i i Plumbing - . ri .. - . ..SB 4 'A. k Z w111 d0 ""a and Eivo you cotiK'X fort as well as health. Have your old plumbing Inspected and you may save a heavy bill. I BURROUGHS ft FRACFP I 105 State St, Pnone'151f Main. I fMasaat")gs)tVtg)t) BMesawwwui H ' t T" WW i j: u. r. mason J Manafactafcf of Berry ! ; crates, boxes, inside ! work for all frtdt dryers, and all kfads of shop J ! work. Miller St. South Salem, Pfeone29? Red MtllllMMIMHHIWHIM in you Ate thinking Muggy Cattiage S do not forget tis. Wc nave tjbe latest S and finest assortment ever shown in Z Salem- and cheap, R. M. Wade & G . Maaaaeessaam..,., - Do What We Claim 1 Wo guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook the Botanical Doctor cures all klndB of diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, Buch as cancer, tumors, (external and internal) Gravel kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female diseases, all the foregoing without the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to the patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent peoplo. Consultation free. D. J. F. Cook aui Liberty St., Formerly of Omrha, Neb. "'" '" t n ai.a woieale and Retail Family Liquot Store E. ECKERLEN. 25R rnmm.ti cf... Men I1"0!,01 "QUOrS ad trlne,, Cedarbrook whlsky-formerly the I u;""un-uia''t for family use. AU orders filled and 'le- 1 f Wa,,the clllmita. 'Phone Main 1151,., t . t t j , . I J i && S?.!r.jte?.ounc.?d .thpreporodho, committee and said that evorycent of money was accounted for... Accord ing 'tof a rough balance that hcrhad prepared he was , about $30 to the good, Instead of 11Q0 short, Ho said that the apparent shortage was occa sioned' by the payment of a large sum of warrants on December 31st, last year, and that ho had not received the warrants back In tlmo to enter them In the statement endlnfe with 1903. The, council granted his request, but Instructed the recorder to notify Mr. Molr to prepare a written statement of his claims to present to the council at the next meeting. i WOOD MARCHING ON MOROS. Slayers of American Officers May Be 8everely' Punished. "Washington, May 18. The Moros who attacked the American troops on May 8 and killed two officers and a number of men may be sovoroly pun ished by Major-General Leonard Wood who Is marching on the band' with a force of 460 officers and men. Major- General Alnsworth,: military secretary, today received a cablegram, from Gen eral Wade, commanding In' the Philip pines, In roply to a message asking particulars concerning tho movement against tho Moros in Mindanao. Gen eral Wado's message is as follews: "Major-General -Leonard Wood, with 450 officers and men, arc enrouto to recover tho bodies of our killed. Two pf tho number who wore previously reported killed are alive. "There is no trouble outside of All's band. Pyang is friendly to the TTnltorl States. Everything quiet in Oottabato Valley, peoplo planting crops and are anxious to have All's band taken, and! are furnishing assistance freely and willingly. All's outfit is in the district east of Lake Lignasan, which Is swampy and almost uninhabitable. "Word from the expedition is not to do expected for several days. It wm mite ine command six days' hard marching to leach tho place where the engagement of May 8 occurred," Officials of the War Department THE PERPETUAL. WAR ' . - , - !. .rr. -vi. " . A' .f liiere is. always a fight going on in eygry' hunfan body between health aHdis ease. On one side arie poor ' food, bad air, f, over-work, wnrrv oniric oootVlWit't- " the other are sunshine, rest' ; u-r..!'- J3j, . wiwimucss ana nounsn ment. ."' '- ' Jjg The reason; Scott's Emul sion fightssq ppyerfullyffor health ihecau&mlf gives so much nforeWourishment than yniget in any other way. Get in the sunlight and try Scott's Emulsion. We'll tend jrou a umple free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Peart Street. New York. IHHIIMIIinill, of buying a ! r Ol n too. mmmmmmmmmmm 1fTlrrt,ttfM8tfltB1iMa - Salem, Oregon. .t . . ... ii W)fli;4opri2nprnlofl:apb.ut t- ' - l.nnMl Wniul'l POl- uran, but It Is evident thai the Moros will be unablo to resist such a force. Some of thoso ,who aro Informed con cerning the attltxido bf the Moros be lieve that they will attempt to pre vent' the advance of tho American eol dlorVln which case thoro probably will be a decisive encounter. Victory for Uar-c-Hette. Madison, Wis., May 18. Victorious in one of tho hardest political fights ever seen In Wisconsin, Governor La Follotto Is in full control of tho Re publican Btate convention here today and, his re-nomlnatlon is conceded on all sides. So far as It goes the vic tory is complete, but llvoly times are yet to come if tho governor at tempts to dictate tho selection of dele gates at large to tho national conven tion. His aim is to prevent Sonators Spoonor and Quarlea from going to Chicago as delegates at largo, and wore ho ablo to control tho Wisconsin delegation ho would loso no time In retiring Henry C. Payne from the Re publican national committee. It is not belloved howover, that his power-will extend that far. Tho platform will express common datlon of the wise, patriotic and pro gressive administration of President Roosevelt, to whom promises will bo made of renewed allegiance and sup port. In regard to -stato issues the resolutions' will declare for a railroad rate commission, equalization of taxes, and Indorsement pf tho pri mary election law, which will bo voted on at the fall election. GRAND OPENING Of the Summer excursion Season at Yaqtilna Bay, Saturday, May 21, 1904. On Saturday, May 21, 1904, tho. Cor vallis & Eastern Railroad will inaug urate the opening of tho summer ex cursion business at Yaqulna Bay, by running their first excursion of the season. She sixth Annual Rhodo dendron Bxcurslon,"from Albany, Cor vallis, Philomath and all points west to Newport and return. Tickets will be sold going on Satur day and returning on Monday, May 23, 1904, giving two nights and one full day at the beach. Tho rhododendron Is now in full bloomi nature wears her best garb. the rigors of winter are gone, and "s,millng spring her earliest visit pays" to Newport and vicinity. A low round trip rate of $2.50 from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath has been made, giving everyone an oppor tunity to enjoy a pleasant outing, gath er wator agates, rhododendrons and to disport themselves In the balmy breezes of tho Pacific. A lafge crowd of Southern Pacific officials and their friends will be with tho excursion. Tho steamor "Roscoe" has been engaged, and a trip out over the bar has bon arrangod .for those wno want to, go ioriooa nsnes, or givo food to the "1131168. ' Do It iooay. The time-worn Injunction, "Never put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," is now generally present ed in this ferm: "Do It today 1" That Is the terse advise wo want to givo you nbout that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days, per haps weeks. Take some reliable reme dy for it TODAY and let that remedy be Dr. Boscheo's German Syrup, which has been in uso for over thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undbubt. odly relievo your cough or cold, and its continued use for a few days will euro you completely. No matter how deop-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs. German Syrup will surely effect a cure os It has done before In thou sands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble, New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 76c. At all druKclsts. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. BBMBBBmi(BBeiBt)Bgetaa ! Lice Killer Look out for lice on your chickens. This hot weathor hatches out tho lice by millions. Got a cau of our lice paint, and paint or spray your chicken houso, and kill the lice. Use Llco Powder chicks. 'or tho small Reliable Chick Feed The feed that keeps the little follows healthy; and makes them grow. Try It and seo the difference. 0. A. White $Son I m . - 301 Commercial Street, Salem, mrK .sM WANTED. wcmr m Children Have "eyes bigger than their stomachs," according to nn old saying. They over eat themselves, and are tempted by all sorts of injurious nnd indigeatlhle edi bles. As a consequence the foundation of serious stomach trouble is often laid in childhood. For children with "weak" digestion or whose stomachs arc diseased, Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery may be confidently recommended. It cures diseases Of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, so that the. nourishment contained in food is per fectly assimilated and the puny child is built up by food into a condition of robust health. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Dlscove-y." There is nothing " jtist as good " for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Mrs. Klla Gardner, nf Waiervlew. MldJlcier Co.,Va., writes : "My little daughter U enjoying vIDlendid health. I am who could cure ray child. Whenever ahe feeU badly I give her Ir. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery otid ahe U toon all right She took twelve bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discov ery.' eight bottles of ' Pellet,' and one bottle of ofDr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy and sbe is well. We thank God for your medicine," Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical iaa I lounu aocior Adviser, m paper covers, is sent free on receipt of ar one-cent stamps to pay ffi expense of mailing only. Adores R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N Y. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations. Bryant &. Penned, Praps. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a. Poultry at Stolner's Spring chickens 15b. Market Chickens 10c. Eggs Per dozen; 16c. Turkeys 1214c. Ducks 10c. Hop Market. Hops 1925o. Potatoes, . Vegetables, Potatoes 50c. Onions 2c. Cte. ie r Dried Fruit. f ji'.' Peaches 10c, t Apricots 10c 12 V Apples 10c. Petite prunes (c ' Italian prunes 5c. . Wood, Pence Peete, Cte,' Second growth 15.75. Ah 13.00 to 1 3.75. Grub oak G.50. Cedar posts 12c. Hide, Pelts anal Pitrtv Green Hides, No. X lo. ' " Green Hiaes, No. 2 lc. Calf Skins 405c. Sheep 76a, Goat Sklna 26o to 81.M. Grain nd PMmp. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value, 75c. Oats J1.10 per cwt Barley 121 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.76. Live Stock Market Steers 3 4c. i Cows 3c. l s 8heep--3c. Dressed pork 60. Dressed Veal 66c. Dressed hogs 6&6c. . Live hogs 55ic. Mutton 2& 3c. , J Hay, Feed, Etc Baled cheatfll. Baled clover $xo. Bran $22,00. Shorts 126.00. Eaga, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Eggs 15c, cash. Butter 20o, wholesale. ex- Butter fat 18o at .station - -twa PORTLAND MARVBT v. Wheat Walla, 7374c. T ' Valley 85c. Flour Portland, best grade, $1.90 K05; graham, 13.50084.00. Oats Choice white, $1.17S1.20. uaney Feed. S23.50 ner ton- iii ?24.60$25. Millstuff Bran, $19$20. Hay Timothy, $15$16, otato(H-rCommon, jl.00$1.25, Eggs Oregon ranch,17i4(gil8c. ?QUltry Chickens, .mixed, ,12 13 per pound; turkeys, 1017C; ' ""' Pork Dressed, 78c, Beof Dressed, G8c. yeal 67c. . ; Cops 2325c. wool valley, 1017c; Eastern Oregon, Hi4c; Mohair, 30o for choJce. , . 2,des dry, 16 pounds and upwards, wy-iujg. Butter Fancy creamonr. vneiwfxt - --- --, vr-'73 c .jr ausiore,.Bomlnal, ... ., v- o Bantke uttaie ef W03B.TJi. mhmmimmmUtuuM .L. !-. r. .. "7-"w I WlT'.''-TES.V y Wanted. Work in store by young man with experience in grocery and dry goods. Flrst'class' references. Chas. P. Doud, Salem. 6-16-lw Wanted. A position in a atoro, gro cery preferred, by a young man. Reforencos can bo given. Apply at 171 Church stroot, B-U-S't' VantecP-Tho, Qrpgon Nurflcry com pany, wants live hustling salesmen ftto introduce Burbank's grand now ,yplum, Maynard, also, a complete lino of auporlor nursbrB stock. Cash 'advanced weekly.' Wite Quick for full particular , and Becuro choice of terrltlory. 12th ( street, Salem, Oregon. . ,w , 4-28-lm FOR SALE. For1 Sale. Frame bar.20x24; 14-foot posts on cornoB Winter and Center Btreets. Apply to S. C. Roby. 5-17-lwk Fer Sale. Span of woll, matched brown horses, 8 year's old, weight 2310 pounds, fine travelers and gen tle. Will bo sold'wJtk harness and Conby aurrey at a sacr,lflce. Also ;(ono bay coach mare, 7 years old,, rwoight 1320, broke to drive single' pr double; gentle enough, fpr ladyV Suitable for trap. o:r surrey. Call -at ten't'-westof; CottagonHotel. 5-l-3t For Sale. Posts, shingles, lath and all kinds df lumber now1 on hand, at the Detroit Lumber Yard, corner of High and Trade streets. S. P. Mo- Crackon. Phone 2495 Black. 5-13-3t For Sale. Seven milch cows. Good milkers and ,&ent!e. Ono Jersey bull, full blooded. A. G, Smith, Route 5, Salem, Oregon. B-14-31 for Sale. At a bargain, second-hand buggies, one open and three -with tops- Call at 210 Liberty street P. J. Larsen. B-14-3t For Sale: Four-room cottage, two lots; choice fruit trees, for T500, Lucy Muir, Cth stroot, North Sa lem. 5-ll-3t Fop, Sale. Nino-room, hard flpisa houso, bath room, . hot water, gar. den, barn, fruit trees, andjs well located, .only a block and a half north of state hqusp,f,352 Summer street 5-lr3t For Sale. Second-hand 3&-lnch farm wagon.- Mitchell, LowIb & Staver, Stato street. 5-10-tf For Sale or Trade. For town proper ty, aiS-cre, tract p,f ,Iaudhpuse. and barn, and about six acroB,.In.,or- chard; also mare and colt, one fino driving horso, a one-horse wagon, a phaeton, buggy; cart and twosot ofj single harness. AH almost as good as now. Sob John 'Holm', cor , ner of Center and Capital. 5-9-lwk For, Sale or Rent. Cottage on' ono of the finest corner residence lots In tho city, near state house. Call at 360 Summer street. G-7-tC For Sale. Fruit Jand in Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south half of section 16, township 10 south, rango 5;west of Willamette Meridian, con tainlnjg s S120 acres o? unimproved land, Sairajmilo from Arlie station, and aboutvfqur mles. 'from Willam ette river. On, main county road. W B. Irwin, 338 North Main street Los Angeles, Cal, 4-13.tf Fine; Body Fir For sale; also second growth. Geo. F. Rodgorst 130 Court street. 4-14-lm MISCELLANEOUS. ''i To jLeaee. From July 1st,, residence No. 400 Cottage street, northeast ctjrner Marion. All modern con veniences. Apply1 between 10 a. m. and 12;m. B-13-wk Lost-A lady's gold watch.' If the flndor will bring the watch to this office. orMakd '. it: to Irs. -Charlda Corby, 107 Marlon stroot, thoy will re'cfliva S2 nn tnW thnii ..i.i.. - t-..n. .. kw HUUUJU, J, Yjf Corby. 5-13-3t i-ost. Lady's gold watch, Elgin move-. . mont, botwoon Comomrclal street and rlyor. 'Return to' Journal omrft ' for reward, - .-. v , G-14-3t y. Wllhelm Contractor and builder. AU carpentor work and finishing done promptly, and by first-class wokmon. Get my flmiroa hern biilldlng, 545 Court ptroot, between t 15th and 10th stroots, 4-20-lm ,Money to Loan at six por cent, aov i eral residence properties in tho best I part of tho city for sale on easy I terms. Room 5 Tioga- fauiMini cdrnor Stato nnd Liberty streets, Jk 4-18-lm Say Have you tried Edwards l4lsSi. er1 'orrae&tefl4yethSbe7t V lUrriHBKIH. VfWadbwAl 1.'L".. ....: ,.v . ,,"6fww -owi BBiB,lK wtok Cowftiaa, try-it. MISCELLANCqUf. Lost. A blue silk 'umbrella. with Miss Barbara; Eakln", 77 Seatk: Commercial Btroot'. 5-16-3t Calem Truck aM Dray Co, OUm and best equipped 'coEapany Ir tm lom. Piano atd furniture moTJ' a Bpocialty Office 'pXono, 861. WV W. Brown, Soil, proprietor. Oire' No. 60 State tetreek 9-1-lm 4 Home-Mads BreitcJ DdugHnuts, fancW cookies,- plW arid cnfcds;, fresh cverj day. , Tho best iii tho, city, at.tM l( lowest prices. Give ub a trial. Oej man Bakery. A. Fisher, BUcceiW to O. A. Back, coriier of 12th &$ Cheraokcta streets. Phone Rod, B-B-tf PHVSICIAN AND UHttKOW. Or. It W. Starr Office, in Busk BiW . .. ... ?f building, ever Oregon taoe Office hours, 9 to 12 a. M. aad a tog 5. p. ra. Calls ttedd, ia ctm country. Reeldec 'phe Red. 144f ur. W. . miwt ,vviu Jirtuir mi jeuad la tie Brey block, m Omm jsLMIakl mt t-mnt AWOii Q rfiilartM BBBBaaaaVti Baeroial street, over Orem Co. Office telep&oae, 2Ml; deee yaeae, 1751? Omen to 12. aael t to I. Hep Baskets. Hop aeketc Ome-fortk mimm' half box for. picking. . - ' . "i i.r i i .. Full-box kets for measuring. Best in. tk market Hold ' your orders far Walter Mbrley, CO Court atroet, lem. UNDERTAKERS, Undertaker. Wo carry the and finest line of undertaker's a?eif in uie cjty. jrricea u suit sev Black and white hearse. Protejpti reliable. Save money by callle a No. 197. A. U. Clough, A J1, SeaW. RESTAURANT. Fergusefl'e . Restaurant K street Open day and Bight Qm 20c meals are better thaa. aay Wfa house in the state. Mix Me for $1.00; 21 20c meals for f .W LODGES. Olive Lodge, Ne. 1. I. O. O. P. L a O. F. Hall, Saturday eaeh weX( a) 7; 30 p. m. B, B. Herrick, Jr., N. (3,j Frank FJ Toevs, recordist aecretafy. 'i ' ! Salem Camp, Ne. 118, Weettmen of H World Meets in Holman Hall evwjr Friday at 7:80 p". m, P. L. Fraeler, "Consul. Wylje A. Mooree, 0r' tary. ' ' 1-12-iyr "" Valley ledge No. 18, A. O, U. W : in their hall In Holsaan block, ner uwteriwa'xauerty, every day -'eyening. ViglUitg-tir4fcraai j welsoe.v mj Mclnyre, V. W. M. I B. Aufraace. Becofder. Central Lo4 nI 1t, k, if P-4kJmv HaH in Holman block, ccaac.Mto and Liberty Sts. T-eeday e eva1' week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turr, c; 0.r Wl I. SUley. K. of R. and . Ferestere ef America Goart wood Foresters No, 1. MeM '- day In Turner block. H. . Meyer, C. R.; A, L. Brown, 8e. Modern Woodmen ef Amerie .Qf. gon Cedar Camp No. 624l,ir Mevsal ' every, Thursday eveaJac.at 'lee Holman Hall, & H. Ma(Ke '. G; A. L. Brown. Clerik. OSTEOPATH. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and gostlonlstr-Treata chronio disorder of the stomach, bowels, llver kleV noys; nervous and fomale diseases), Jung and throat troubles. D'Ant Bldg., Stato St Main 2885) TONSORIAL AND 1ATH. Evaw'e tarker Shop-rOaly frateM ' we on State street livery 'tsaVaei " bathB. 2o. Two dmuSTi. blacks. Q.. W. BvanB. proprietor. WATER COMPANY. '" OFFICE CITY HALUtf .'. For water aeryic asly at Bill Wsl moVitfcly g ady2t Mae all cewlaln.ta at (he oflie T DENTISTS. O. H MAOK aucceesor to Br, J. M. Keeae, desiring superior operations at me reXeS? brSnCh W upeM f11" IIIIIIIIHt I Jacob Vogt 4ow lino of summor shoes, and 1 mypncoo aro away dowa'; Jl Bay.b'lock, M,. gUt ? 1rfUl aoroes from Pittoa Bros. Z . .. P J, 21SJ- 1 essss);' s f 9.1 19- '& fl 1 'I H h j f.i r&ZZZu 8f : con1nced' East State i