,-rTI FIVE DAILY CAIlTAWJOUBNAWMtEMabSQQN,. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11904. J . i mMWsstw ' . . , TBl 1 ROUTINE; ' , COUNCIL MATTERS mended that a permanent survey of the city bo made to establish grades, and on motion was adopted. The committee on streets recom mended that the petition of Fred Hur3t(and others, for the establish ment of grades on certain streets, be allowed. Adopted. The committee on streets was em- Nickle in the Slot taw Has pwored to emPloy a surveyor to lay . urn uennin sireeis in worm saaiem. Hard Road to Travel and Is Returned 'to Com-' mittee At the city council Tuesday oven- Alderman Qesner states that the state ofllclals who had charge of the old court house sower, constructed by the state, were willing to turn It over to tho city, as they had discontinued to U3e It. On motion the recorder RAZORS COME ffl!SrEwf$ ill '"I'll 'iMlfil )yW;fl I " : I YOUNG CHAP MODEL MMHM BACK Barbet Thief Captured Portland With Jack Ryan's Tools in lng all members were present except was instructed to ask tho state for a Sims and Walker. formal transfer of tho same to tho Tho committee on ordinances re-1 city, and also to ask tho directors of ported that they had examined ordl-( school district No,. 24 to, relinquish nance No. 279, relating to sotting their Interests In the Thirteenth light and telephone pole3, and found that it contained a provision for pun ishing violators by a flno of from ?5 to ?50. Tho same committee filed majority street sewer to the city. Saloon- llcenso was granted to J. A. Cooper. Tho park ocmmltteo reported that It had refused to allow the Salvation and minority reports on tho slot ma- Army tho use of Marlon square for chine license ordinance The majorl- the purpose of holding revival meet- ty report, signed by Alderman Bayne, reported favorably on tho bill as amended. The amendments cancelled Ings under a tent. Alderman Catlln Introduced a res olution fixing tho time for tho coun- all licenses heretofore Issued under ell to meet at 7:30 p, m., Instead of the old rate, and aimed to force tho . 8 p.- m as at present. It failed to machine men to take out new licenses. The minority was signed by Alder- man Gesnor andvopposed tho passage of tho bill. The wero that tho pass. Tho council named John Q. Wil son, John" Craig 'and Fred Hurst as reasons nsslgnfcd appraisers to astfess.the damages to llcenso was high property along tho Court street ex enough at present, and that any furth er change would defeat the object of the measure, as originally Jntondod.' A motion to adopt tho minority re port was adopted, but failed to carry, and the majority report was carried. When tho bill camo up for final con sideration with tho amendments, It was discovered that one section would make a bad tangle, and, while tho au- tenslon. Alderman Gesnor moved that tho committee on licenses be instructed to prepare an ordlnanco to keop trav eling fakirs out of the city. Adopted. Petition of M. I. Flnley and others for crosswalk In Frlckey's addition was referred to the commltteo on stroets. Petition of A. F. Hofer and others thor, Mr. Bayne, contended that It for establishment of a grade on was perfectly legal, others of the 20th street between Court street and council were afraid to act In haste, Asylum avenue, was referred to com and postponed consideration until the mltee on streets, next regular meeting. Tne special committee appointed Tho following bills against tho city, to rename and renumber the streets. i were allewed: Goodale Lumber Co $ 44.58 Sim H. White .... 1.00 J. P. Veatch .. .. I 12.35 W. P. George 18.00 Patton Bros 4.00 Savage & Fletcher asked for a small allowance for cleric al aid, and It was granted. Alderman Gesner introduced an or dinance to amend tho sidewalk ordl nanco, to allow the building of walks in certain districts to be less than Geodale Lumber Co 33.20 Pac. States T. & T. Co 1.00 Pac. States T. & T. Co 1.40 Capital Drug Co ,60 D. A. White & Son 3 75 Palace Pharmacy 1.25 It. M. Wado & Co ,.., 1.35 Salem Water Co 129.12 Geo. F. Rodgers 16.00 Geo. W. Armstrong 22.00 W. H Burghardt Co 50 N. J. Judah 1.00 F. E. Shafor 4.00 Slegmund & Pugh 6.89 W. E. DeLong 10.00 Warner Bros 2.50 John Hughes Co . . . . 3.40 Citizens' L. & T. Co 194.08 Citizens' L. & T. Co 17.50 Citizens' L. & T. Co 10.25 J. C. Marsh was appointed pound master of Ward No. 5. The committee on streets recom- 5 90 four feot jn width. It was read twice It pays to do business gener ously. The proef: Schilling's Best. Full-strength and pure, and the prices only enough to pay for the quality. Moneyback. ftui 1 i 1 1 mm 1 1 im-m 1 n J' Zitin s :: Circassian :: Ice Cream Beats them all :: 1 54 State St Phone 1971 hi iHHiiuni iiiin nun and referred to the committee on ordi nances. The ordlnanco prohibiting tho uTo oil barb wire in the city was read three times and passed. Councilman Bayne stirred up the city council last evening when ho charged that the committee on streets had' sold tho city road scraper for $100 and a horse belonging to tho street de partment for ?30. Alderman Gesner admitted that the sales had been made, but said that tho committee was acting for the best In terests of the city, and that both wero concluded at tlme3 when It was Impos sible for the council to act, and that eight councllmen had told him to sell tho scraper. Alderman Acheson explained that the city had made a good saving by selling the old scraper, as It was too largo to use to good advantage In tho city. Council adjourned without furth er action. The Portland police arrested a ho bo giving his name as Harry Hender son yesterday morning, and thoy found a number of barber tools, In cluding razors, strops and clippers. They at onco telephoned to Jack Ry an, and George Harris, his barber, went down last evening to Identify the proporty, and, after an examina tion, proved to the satisfaction of tho officers that tho stuff belonged to Mr. Ryan. Mr. Harris did not see the man last evening, and It Is not known wheth er ho is acquainted In Salem, or is a traveling hobo, who had tho place spotted. Chief Gibson will go down to Portland in the morning, and os- cort him back to this city, whore ho will stand trial. The barber shop was entered at an early hour Sunday morning, and al most everything of value In the shop was carried away. There wasNno cluo to tho robbers, but the polled sent out a description of the articles, and the Portland officers located the fellow In a very short time. Extra Trousers This sqason we aro showing tho greatest and best assortment of extra trousers over shown in thlB city. The latest shapes and newest designs with bolt strap on ovory pair. Boys' Suits Wo ar6 now ready to show tho boys' Spring Suits of exceptional values Boys between tho ages of 4 and 11 toll your mothers that you jfet a handsome now waist with ovory suit, if you buy this week. I Prices from $2 to $7 alem Woolen Mill Store Wanted, a young man to learn the shoe business. Inquire at Oregon Shoe Company. , 8-18-tf PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wright returned this morning from a few days spent at tho farm home of George Ruef, near Independence.' Governor Fletcher, of Jefferson-, re luctantly left his farm work today, and came down to Salem to see the circus parade. Governor Chamberlain appointed N. H. Looney and H. E. Bickers as ad ditional delegates to the national meeting of the charities and correc tions meeting. Will D. Evans, formerly at Burg hardt's book store, has purchased tho cigar stand on Stato street owned by Sam Foster, and will conduct a first- class place. Hon. and Mrs C. D. Hartman, of Scott's Mills loft yesterday for tho East, where thoy will spend several months, visiting tho world's fair, and other places of interest. C. P. BISHOP; Pop. FIRST MAY FESTIVAL Concert Tuesday Evening, Was a Magnificent Success The first concert of the 1904 May Festival of mu3lc was hold at tho First M.. E. church last evening. The pro gram consisted of eight numbers by classic composers, which needs must be heard to bo rightly appreciated. The program was good from beginning to end, every number agem of musical art, j well Interpreted and well exe cuted, each deserving especial praise. Tonight Rev. E W. Crandall, of Turner, will lecture In the Presbyterian church to night. His BUbJect will bo "The Child." Did you attend the May Festival orchestral concert last night? If not don't miss tho chorus concert tonight and tomorrow night. Only $1.50 fpr the two nights. Single nights $1.0Q. 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 m i m i ii 1 1 m t .. . : We Arc : ; Paying 15c : ; for Eggs Today ;; Commercial Cream Co. 225 Com'! St. South Salem Personals. Mr. Fred Baker, of Spokane, left for home today, after several days' visit with his parents. Mrs. Baker and children will remain a week longer. Mr. Baker Is advertising man for the Spokesman-Review. Grant Klgntllngor who has been vis iting his brothers In this city, re turned to Portland yesterday. Mrand Mrs. E. A. Thompson, who have spent the winter In West Salem, have again located in South, Salem. Miss Lottie Ronnie, of Portland, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. H. Arm strong. Mr. Alfred Simmons has gono to Shedds to visit his brother, who Is re ported quite sick. He will go to Eu gene to visit his son before returning. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Veal, of Albany, COUNTY Vf m Jm I U CONVENTION Second- Day Shows a Much Larger Attendance -rfr Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, Who sings tho soprano solos at tho May Festival tonight. Among those best pleasing tho audi ence being Wagner's grand march, Tanhauaor, waltzes; "Tales 'from Vi enna Woods," by StrauBs; "Scenos from Lohengrin," Wagnor, and "An dante Cantabllo," by Tschalkowsky, the last being beautifully rendered un- Mr. Frank Brown, loft yesterday for Portland, for a few days' visit. Rev. T. F. Royal, who has been quito ill for tho past six weeks, Is improv ing, and will soon bo able to bo about again. I 4 18 M I I l-HH H lllllllil I M-f MlMIHMHMMMMIMMmmmnIMMHHM A Growing Business TVe are only throe montts old. our third month shows a 31 ror cent Increase over our first month. Careful and conscientious at tention to every order Is what's doing it. Any unsatisfactory pur chase may bo returned and money cheerfully refunded. Try us for groceries, vegetables" fruits, etc. dOr tllO fllronfnr'a hntnn ttt, tftn ! who have been visiting at tho home of orchestra inose not In qttondanco certainly missed a musical treat, tho opportunity to near as good coming rarely to Solem people. Tho music flllod full tho largo auditorium, yet was always mellow and sweet, the effoct.that that of ono grand Instrument, played by a mastor hand. Director Chas, L. Brown and the members of his orchestra are to bo congratulated on tho oxcollonce of their musical achievement, and will certainly long bo remembered by tho music-lovers of Salem. There was a fair audience presont at tho opening performance Memorial Sermon. Not as an order or a command, but as a wish, which I consider a duty, tho clergymen of tho city of-Salem aro re quested to deliver a memorial sermon at their respective churches on Sun day, May 20th, in memory of tho sol diers and sailors of America who gave their lives for their country, which wo now enjoy with so much pcado and prosperity, signed. MRS. LIZZIE ROSS, Patriotic Instructor Woman's Relief Corps, Sedgwick Post, G. A, R. The county convention of tho Wo man's Christian Temporanco Union closed at Ramp hall this afternoon.1 Thoro wero some now delegates In from unions not hitherto represented, but tho gonoral attendance was small er than In former years. Interest in tho local option campaign has cut In to tho w,ork of this organization. Tho convention closes by an address this Evening at tho Presbyterian church by Rev. Lee Crandall,' of Turner, on "Tho Child." Rev. Crandall has" a family of children. Mrs. Steele presided, with Mrs. Ovorton as secretary, and depart mental reports wero heard from sov- oral superintendents. Mrs, Rounds read an interesting paper on tho "Poaco and Mercy Work," which in eludes tho proventlon of cruelty to animals. Miss Williams sang a beau tiful solo. Mrs. Spray roportod on Evangelistic work In tho reformatory Institutions at Salem and tho Rose dale union was voted thanks for work dono at tho reform school. Miss Os borne and Mrs. Busby, of Turner, sub mitted reports of an lntorosting char actor. Election of officers takes place this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when tho convention will adjpurn. Tho resolutions adopted endorse lo cal option, condemn lawlessness, and carrying pn of business, excursions DELAYED BY THE MUD Morris Rowe Circus Trail Arrives Late From EBEetie' illilH ...call ttBBBil Tho Norrls & Rowo circus trals reached Salem shortly afternoon to day, and tho delay Is accounted for by tho fact that tho. wagons of the show mirod down in the streets at Eugene at an early hour this morn ing, while moving from tho show grounds to tho, train. Tho wagons cortainiy Indicate that such was th case. Tho train arrived too .lata to give a performance in tho 'aftornoori, but tho parade was held at 4:30, aacT was creditable, under the circum stances, Tho show wlir bo held to night at the dopot grounds. i o .. Cowa Are Friendly. A number of inhabitants of Ehgle- waod aro complaining that a herd of cows feed on tho lawns and ynrds oC tho residents' of that part of tho city. Tho pound master has taken the mat tor In hand.'und will have some fun with tho bovlnes In tho near futuror o . Social Event. Invitations aro out for a piano re cital to bo given by Miss Evollno Cal breath, at tho Grand Opera House, Juno 1st. ' 2 Fountain Pens 2 Wo havo that will please tho C m man with hit own notions A A no matter how particular ho Is In selecting tho nib, Wo Z J cn suit him without any J w troublo- from our immonso 2 H stock of Swan's Watterman's 0 and Lincolns. If you have '' H nevor usod a "fountain pen" gg fc wo would Hlco to havo you A m try ono, We've the timo to 5 J give you, if you have. 5 Patton's Book Store. ? ATWOOD & FISHER Pfcoae 57 J . Successes to Branson A. Raan. tIIIHIIIIlllHimiHj. Eat the Best Meal in town at the : ; White House : ! Restaurant : : GcOf ffC Bros- Prone. V tn nni mil mum t First night of tho May Festival ex ceeded expectations. Just two moro nights; 11.60 for tho two nights. : Wall Paper : Latest designs in stock, J and good work guaran- teed. We have the smaH J store and small prices E. L. Lemmon I I 299 Liberty St. Phone 247; 1 ! J. W. Belcher, Oregon's greatest tenor, who sinus the tonor solos at tho May Festival To-' night. and ball games on Sunday, condemn polygamy, and approve woman suf frage, and thank the Salem ladles for entertainment. , Fulton and Herman, Senator Fulton and Congressman Hermann will both spealo In. Salem on Tuesday evening, May 24th, Republi cans aro preparing to give tnora a grand recoptlon on tho occasion of their visit. , J. W. Bolchor, .Orogon'B greatest tenor, will bo hoard at the M. B. church, tonight and tomorrow night Only fl.GO for the two concerts'. The Republicans of Ohio1 renomi nated their state ticket, and endorsed Roosevelt. Proud Dealers More firms are being added to the list of grocers wha handle '' Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder v Salem Dealers Jos. Albright, Harritt & Lawrence, -Fuller & Douglas Atwood & fisher, A. L Harvey, Frank Bowersox, Yew Park, A. Daue, South Salem, Don't feel obliged to order of the manufacturer, but caH on your nearest grocer, m i i ? ii vi i i