m???! ytii (i 'ifw w "TTJF- Mr FOUR DAILY CAPITAL 48URNAU, SALEM,' OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1904. C fr GERMAN KAISER SOUR STANLEY THERE ISNO SUBSTITUTE FOR &7W I i No. 10 AWAY w Condemns the African Busi ness When Leaving His Tour Funeral at Westminister With Tremendous Pomp and Array sc t TfaeYo . ' ' Nv-3 R fW & L V. - ; ) r'r &V &AMN0 7 ? " ( POWDER Absolutely Pure ITJSJ. MATTER OF HEALTH Berlin, May 17. It Is learned that Emperor Wllhelm waft so Incensed at the ministerial blunders In' the Gor man Southwest African affairs that ho appointed General Trotha direct, with out consulting the ministers. When leaving for a tour of the South and West, the German Kaiser remarked to Chancellor Von Duelow "I wonder what stupidities those blockheads will perpetrate while I am away this time?" QUALIFICATIONS WHICH MAKE GOOD VOTERS T ' ' r - - 7Th"o question has been asked by oms registration officers as to what pmllflcatlonB are necessary for voters in .Baker county. The following ox- l-racts from the Oregon constitution 'sand laws soems to covor tho greund: Qualifications of Electors. "2. Constitutien: Jn all olcctlons not mthorwiso provided for by this con stitution, evory white malo citizen not the United States, of tho ago of 21 years and upwards, who shall havo xesldod In the .state during tho six J '.months Immediately preceding such election; and every white male of foreign birth of the ago pf 21 years tand upwards, who shall havo rosided Iln this state during tho six months im anodlately preceding such election, sand shall havo declared his intention lo bocome a citizen of the Uultod States ono year procodlng such oloc ntlon, conformably to tho laws of tho "United States on tho subjoct of natur alization, shall bo ontltlod to voto at All elections authorized by law. (Section 2776: Hules to Determine Qualification. Tho Judges of oloctlon, In determin ing the resldonco and qualifications cf persons offering to voto, shall bo Kovornod by the following rulos, so 'Jtar as tho samo may bo applicable: 1. Tho placo shall bo considered and "hold to bo tho resldonco of a person In which his habitation Is fixed and lo which, whonovor ho Is absent, ho bas tho intention of roturnlng; 2. A person shall not bo consider ed or held to havo lost his resldonco who shall leave his home and go Into another state of territory, or county of this state, for a temporary purpose only; 3. A person shall not bo considered or held to have gained a resldonco In any county of this state into which ho shall como for temporary pur poses only, without the Intention of making said county his home, but with tho Intention of leaving the same when he shall have accomplished the busi ness that brought him into It; 4. If a person remove to anothor stato, or to any of tho territories, with tho Intention of making It his pormnnent home, ho shall bo consid ered and held to havo lost his resi dence in this stato. 5. Tho place whore a married man's family resides shall be considered and hold -to be the placo of his resl dence; 6. Tho plnco whoro an unmarried man sloops shall bo considered and held to be his resldonco; 7. If a person shall go from this stato Into another stato or territory andthoro oxorclso the right of suf frage, ho shall bo considered and hold to have lost,, his. residence In this stato; 8. All qualified electors shall voto In tho oloctlon precinct In tho county whoro thoy may reside for county officers, and in any county in tho stato for stato officers, or In any county of a congressional district in which such olectors may resldo for membors of congress. (U 1891, p. 12, Sec. 1G; H. C. p. 1176.) ' Newport Tide Land Cases. The Newport tide land cases, came up for hearing before tho state land board this morning. Attorney J. A. Carson appeared for the applicants, Booth, Williams and Sullivan add J. It. Wyajtt and George Bingham , -represents the other claimants. Governor Chamberlain, Secretary Dunbar and Treasurer Moore Mooro, constituting the full board, heard the case. London, May 17. Stanley's funeral was hold today In Westminster Abbey In tho presence of a crowd of notablos, Including King Edward, King Loo pold, of Belgium, Ambassadoro Choato and Consul-Genoral of tho United States Evans. Tho procession entered tho ojbbey at noon, and marched down tho alslo to a dirge played by trum pets and trombones. Tho purplo-cov- erod coffin was placed on tho cata falque, surrounded by hundreds of floral wreaths. After clerical sorvicos tho body was taken to tho London ne cropolis. Large Hop Company. Tho Krplis Hop Company was Incor porated last evening, with John, Con rad, Leonard, M. W. and J. A. Krebs as Incorporators. Tho capital stock Is placed at $250,000, and the principal placo of business will be in this city. Thoy will buy, sell and grow hop3, and tho firm has now the largest hop yard In tho world. Bicycle Guessing Contest New Bicycle Free WESTERN UNION DROPS Transmitting: the News and Face Track Gambling Now York, May 17. Proslilont Clow :xy, of tho Western Union, today Is suod an order shutting oft all racing news to subscribers in 'New York. It Is oxpoctod this action will closo ov ory pool room In tho city. Tho ordor lias caused dismay among speculators .and Is tho result of an agitation on tho part of tha jplty, authorities, who claimed tho company could stop horso gambling If It woujd c.oaso to bq a party to tho transmitting of racing news. IOWA STAND PATTERS You Will Never Have A. better opportunity to attond as raud recitals as tho Willamette Vol Joy Choral Union will glvo In this city noxt week. It will only coat you, $2.00 for throo nights. Mny 17. 18. 10, those nie tho dates. A Practical Maoaiinb ronTHB pm GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER BACH UtUB CONTAINS BCAUTIFULLY iU-UTATCO DiSHE. PCCORATtONS rort THC TABLE, PAINTY MfiNUS ran ALU OCCASIONS, TC IT IS TH AMeniCAN AUTHORITY ON CUUNARY TOPICS AND rASNIOMS, cuiMtNT uu i jo. st.oo r ya TABU! TALK PUB. CO., PHW-A. WOBirOK. WAMTK S CMMTHUT T. Uhum. Twutt Will Demand Reform Tariff Revision Matters Dos Molnos, May 17. Secretary Shaw, Sonators Allison and Dollivor, and seven national roprosontatlves havo united In urging tho loaders of tho nntl-Cunimlns forces In tho Re publican Btato convention tomorrow to bo consorvutlvo in tho preparation of a platform. Tho "stand pattdrs." howover, havo tho whip hand. Tho Washington county delegation Is sup posed to roflect tho sontlmont of tho administration whon thoy doclara against n radical "stand pat" on tho tariff question. Allison, lolllyor Cummins and Dlytho will bo the dol egatos at largo. Salem census and what It will do for you. Everybody ,1s Interested In tho cen sus that Is now being taken, and In order to promoto tho greatost possible publicity for this most Important event In tho rocqnt history of our city, Tho Capital Journal has decid ed to glvo a fine now bicycle to the person guessing nearest to tho num ber of pooplo In our city, as revealed' by the now official census. It will take several weeks to closo tho enutu- Oregon Government Crop Report. The past week has been dry and, al though It averaged warmer than tho week previous, it was too cool for rapid growth and germination. Tho bulk of fall wheat Is in cxcollent con dition, but in a fow places In Umatil la county the freeze of tho weok pre vious did material damage, which very likely bo greatly retrieved should warm rains occur during tho noxt weok or so. Spring wheat seodlng is nearly completed, and the stands ev erywhere are reported above tho av erage. In favored localities fall bar ley and fall rye aro beginning to head. Range grass and forago crops continue doing splendidly, and Btock Is begin ning to get fat. Corn and potato planting aro general, and in some of the southern counties corn planting Is nearly completed. Gardens also aro nearly all planted, but tho growth of vegetables has been slow. Hops aro healthy and promising, and the cultivation of the yards has proceeded uninterruptedly during the week. The condition of fruit is some what uncertain, but nearly all corre spondents agree that Italian prunes will bo almost a failure. Early cher ries, pears and peaches havo suffered somo Injury from tho late frosts, but It Is believed thoy will yet give sat isfactory yields. Apples are promis ing, and strawberry and bush fruits will bo plentiful. "FORCE" keeps tho brain "waked-up" all day. No matter whether you write or figure or saw wood or pound stene: You'll do it .the better for eating "FORCE' Farm for 8ao. 114 acres in Marlon county, halt a mtlo from Mill Ciiy, 35 acres Im proved, 65 acres good timber, to 1 mile from a $300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; 6-room house; lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10 acres good fruit, mostly winter ap ples, trees averago 7 years old; good spring water at door; two creeks run through place; good neighborhood; mile to school, church and railroad. Fine beaver dam meadow land, easily cleared. If sold at onco will tako $3200. Title clear. Terms, two-thirds down, and from 2 to 3 years on bal anco with 7 nor cent Interest: Imme diate possession. Call on or address J. E. Ray, owner of the farm, Mill City, Oregon. 3-8-3m The Machlno .Behind the If J w-.u nil UUICIli in LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EA8E OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTER. AND DURABILITY. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine .. 1 230 Stark Street, Portia , C. M. LOCkumA.M Local Anent. 2ftR rn.... . . 'I - , --"iiucrciai 5 Salem, Orenon. We Kent We $ell. We Exc We Repair. Not too late to secure a season ticket for the May Festival. Do It now. ' OA8TORXAa Bwa th 9 1113 M"! Han Ahrars BoagM yTw"" "! W : Capital National Bank of Salem, transacts a gect;J ! banking business. Only Kt I tlonal Bank in Marloa coaty : Sayings iBank : Department J Pays three per cent Interest j on savings accounts. JHQa V Have You Ever Heard Miss Payne's clear soprnuo volco and Miss Church's rlqh altoT If you havo you will want to hear them again; If not, you cannot afford to miss hoarlug them. They oach havo prominent parts In tho coming May Festival. Tho dowagor grand duchess, PauUno Sax6 Weimar, of Elseuberg, djed of sycopo or tralu on roufo from -Ven-lea today. " '& ' Knlphtt of Pythias. ff Thoro will bo work'ln tho third rank tonight. h. II. Turner, O. O. i " 0 Excursion Rates From all S. P. points to Portland, May,17, 18, 19. oration and compilation, and during this time Tho Journal will give re ports from day to day of the progross of the, work, and the probable results. From those tho reader can draw con clusions, and make a closo gu63s. Terms of Contest In order to mako this more than an ldlo random guosslng affair, Tho Journal proposes to placo a fow re strictions upon it, and thon glvo ab solutely freo to tho person who guess es nearest to the ofllclal count a brand now Mitchell bicycle, ladles' or gent's, with coaslor brake Evory subscrib er paying 50 conts for Dally or Weok ly. by mall or carrlor, will bo ontltled to ono guesa for the wheel. Those paying ono dollar will got two guess es, but, in ordor to prevent strife, and protect tho logltlmato guesser, It will be necessary to deposit the original subscription receipt in tho box at Tho Journal office, with your guess written on tho back of same. Call at Tho Journal-office and loam tho par ticulars, and thon look at tho wheel, at tho warobouso of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver. It Is the best Mitchell wheel, with coastox brakcr, guaran teed for tho year, and la backed up by the Mitchell, Lewis fc Staver Company, Evangelical Church Appointments. Tho various fields were filled as fol lows Portland First Gorman, Theodore Schauer; First English, George Plum- mer; Memorial, P. J. Green. Or.egon City J. K. Elmer. Canby W. H. Wetlaufer. Tlgardvllle J. H. Spaar and A. Welnort. Vernonla Morris Hevorllng. Little Falls J. O. Coleman. Tacoma F. Bents. Seattle H. E. Hornschuch. Salem Liberty street, J. J. man; Chemeketa street, T. It. schuch. North Portland To be suppllod. Jefferson R. J. Jameson. Albany F. W. Launer. Sweet Home S. A. Selwort. King's Valley W. E. Simpson. Everett and Whatcom E. D. Horns church. Eastorn Oregon E. L. Jonos. Lents H. O. Henderson. Union Hill James B. Crooks. Hoff. Horn- Portland and Return Only $2.20. Tho Southern Pacific la now selling round trip tlcketa to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday p. m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. Tho samo arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chanco to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Tonight at the First M. E. church; first program of tho May Festival. Three Nights of Unalloyd Delight at tho May Festival. mimmmm Dog Biscuits 3 lbs. 25c Good for yoar dog. Try Them. SALEM GUN! STORE Paul H. Mauser, i I Proprietor. IhiiiiiihihiiiiiihihP Don't Delay YotJ Otdet Building Is going on with a rush. Wo aro well supplied with SEWER PIPE 8AND OR GRAVEL AND GARDEN LOAM. You will get tho best of every thing when you buy of A. M. PATRICK & CO. Successor to D. 9. Bentley. Phone Main G91. Wholesale and retail building material of the best 181-183 Commercial St., Salem ;; of ONE DOLLAR or more ! reived at any time. Pu$ fool J ; ; Issued to ach depositor. vH t'HH I H I I i 1 1 1 H tHHfl in 1 1 1 m i a 1 1 1 cihww I ; Voget Lumber :: and : Fuel Company. Rough and dressed lumber, 1 1 sash, doors, lath and ehlnjlM ; ash and fir wood. Salem On ; ; Down town office 11! Coot ; ) s t root Telephone Mala 245L ; ; One block east of S. P. pu senger depot. fiinimniiiiinnw ! The Big Show Still Continues and Large Crowds Enjoy the Benefits Bargains In all kinds and sizes of the best shoos evor made. A Ladies' $3.50 Ladies' $3.00 Ladies' $2.00 Men's $4.00 Men's $3.50 Children's shoes all the way shoes for 10c. Misses shoes offered, and no end to stylos. Snoes tot Shoes tor Snoes tot Snoes for Shoes for $2.25! $1.45 $3.25 $2.75! from 60 . cents up. Infants soft sole , from $1.00 up Itarost bargains erer, Remember tho place. J I I EDISON SHOE STORE State Street 00 f I Fresh Fraits Served at Out Fountain. Crashed Strawberry Now the Rage The Spa