mmmmmmmmwmnimMmm Ciff fkjr,fem wmam... vf: wm v mowivi rJtTWTOp(y,ifffr,"'r,t I' It; I I nftlfc-t lj.,.,.;lliiM.r.;.'iililiU.ill,iill DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1904. i ..ft! ii-3 I his politics straight, and not as part ond Detroit. Baltimore. Md.. arid the loThls rellgtouS"TWth, or attthe dlSftrpnQi-IKollQtto" B1U' In Wisconsin. tttlon of any denoftlnatlonM f Bjldeq thS vofSntarjlwork ofjravlB- I ; "2 rjj? lng? done ijSjJuol&s-Tm. McBfldo and confirm er report 15f &UeepjMf. seara&nd Mrlfc. e. sfwood, H -Sii. K2 -- .. A rnon Published every M By HOFER BROTHERS, tcrlppo New. AsUtltfW T&flramfc j ,V & j ory fStonwpn g icpet urfda at$197 j 90ml rap d iMinwfJfcI 'raW. 1 (1 Commercial stroet Subscription terms: 4 -,... ,- .-.. DW'oh6 year,H0 ImfadvancerVdally three month i,uu inaavancci month; .weekly one year, i-wjin aovancg. & Tti ' 57 n m v rily pyarrlerSOdfpeg month;' i"y VJUH .JF dIliveryI Ono week 10c; one month 35c; threo months $1.00. At Journal office; at Daue'o grocery, 8outh Salem; at Bowereox' D'oxery, YawIFfark;. Asylum, Avenue Grocery &ore;Elecfrldrotery,. EasL-8tate . ir?il t.u.j r.wm i U z- i rn MJIV T. 1VJ To Mall Subscribers The dato.whon you subscrlttlon oxplros la on. the paper. 1 vvnon. nai 'aaio arnvqas u yuur, suuremn wu " dd In a'dVanco,"youV namo lV lalfotf fr6m the "list. I" addrosa label of each has not again boon paid change of dato on the address label Is a receipt n. Entered at the postofflce at Galem, Oregon as' second-clats matter. C! SLAtlaHTER Ipnled JndTprobabjv 20QiHead catffl fn for. Whnr. fchncii) lilt cr; nor boT; accounted mrojpapd erq taStipnXp sfcanan put witn anotnor oana. imas-Cffbreen, 0. loores,' Cr B Further particulars regarding the Lockwood, R. W. Jfohtague and P. T. wholesale slaughter at Beajamlmlakfl! 3rifflth,info)exbbliUvo' committee paid unthc28tlrda:rof'iast-nionth; ls-thatr 'aTJ3dn20rtoTnicTnlne"nTm'w'yGr'sr,wn15 uyu.neaa woroaKineafcand-abouwsgp arenoUm6mberaof. thojJeaRue.i far revlslcnuaiia correcOonfol REPUBLICAN TICKET one ,..-, - 'stYe., ' cr'Jiisticb' of tho Supremo Court ftHtt' '"""P.lA. Mbens: ' W'Stitb Food hnd Dairy Commls ""''' ' ' " Bidno'r, ' ' '' "''"J. WBAtLBt. ' ' ' ''Fbr' Pside'ri'tldT Electors,'" ' lt,,"'l"x"ji.'HA; ' ; '": : : 'hin'" iAS. A. FEE, ' ',,. V'lSIMA' ' ' ' '":" ' 1 . Ml 'i'.iII I'L' '' ' ' ' ' ' " CONGRESSipNAL, , , Fjr Alombprj "of, fjpnqross First .Dls- : in! n'" " i'iPi' '. 1 i . ...' .Second District. 1B: iill. 'liliL. I!'- .JlIi ' J. IN. .ILUAbJSON. JUDICIAL. feirM'Clfc'ult' fudges, Third Jiiillclai ton;, ,n ffctifc. ,. -I W 'OEOlttib H. BtJRNETT,' oel m 1 r.jg: t'EDDY'. .' " " " FW'Distrlct Attorney, " ' Jbrirr'it. M'WArY. r 1 1 t' Xf- f n! iww Al-n W Il'ii1w MARl6W'660r4TY Ticket, " 'County ! ififlg'e-Jbhn 'Hi' fe'cblt.' ' ' Tfltfor'l'rfW. "3l CulVor." ' -" -"Cfoflcjoiln' V.' R61'arid'. ' ' ' '"' '" I,tXise'sS6rFreldX, RfceV '" '" -''T?eaiieVr. Y. Richardson'. "? '"Roc6rd6r-3btin C. Sloghiundl ' Sch5iVBtt. E. T. Mooros. '" '"' (Bi&liAl&,e'J-Lf. '0. Noo'dham. SurvoyorH-B.r"b)''riorricli! Coroner 'A;' Ml 'ciouh. "' Ronroaentatlvos Jos. Calvert. TIuli. bard; J, O. "Graham and' T.' D. Kay, Salbm; Johf Rltbhle, Scotts ( lii Jesso ill Settlerriolor, Woodbura'. Salem District Ticket Fd'r Justice of" the 'Peace 41 i , . . JI TURNER. usit.ii - ..Koc Cpnstablo. 1 ROUT. 0.; DONALDSON, COMMITTEEMEN.' ' " A CR pip ITAB LE C. ARJOON. That a young Indian boy phould mak'6 a good1 political cartoon of gon oral public lntorost Is matter of morp thnn imsjlnir Interest. '.,", ';" , Tho cartoon In Tho Journal Mon ali?a!rr?croiri7gareraUon. Chairman State Central CommJUeo jUo nfl ,t plcturtJJ, much , 60 m, imyiBUjMii - . . .- . .Vl.'-t JJ"T 1 ' TAT n r ", . ir , JJu2" U waolftPcaliilt,' fiurn, ! Momber Stnto Central Comralttoe j Hal D. Pntton, Salem. Jchjvlrnmn. .flQjinJjaaQtrALiiSmm'.t: tee unas, a. Murphy: B. Fran Murphy: D. Morodljth, secretary, SnlonT. w Jp Republican JoInrCanvasST jTurnor, May, 20, 10 a. hi.' poffofsoiffMh 25; 8 p A j lAimlvlttu.ilayr27. 10 a.mV Sublimity, May 27th, Stay ton. May 27, 8. p, m. Gatos.hMi 28. ll 'a:'m. MiIhanTaVflldy 28. 8,p! AV J I MacTpay, ny 3 i.;&Barici: Sllvorton, .May 31, .8m. m. Scotta 'Rtllls, Junoi'l, TOTa. m. ML Augol, Juno l.M2p. ra. Woodburn, Juno J. 6m. m. w ButtuvlJIo, Jurip2, SiiUV( ....' Hubbard, Junp 2, 2jpiMj & , . Aufora. Junp 2, 8 ip: n,',.--.' St,-Pnul,,Juno 3d, aiOia. m; ,; . AiirooKs. Juno a, a p mi! ',v-,1li,- , i2tW unQ 3' 8 p,1' ' '"j 1 Pmuiij! . Junto 4, 2 l.n. . w'- i SaioiuV ,4uno 4, 8 ji, m. ; ' '-' ' , Dates of Events, 'v, JMay 18-2JL ,1. O. O. F, grand lodge, Antnrln . - ' ' GOOD' FOR THE PROFESSIONALS. Local option "would be a go6d thing for tho professional Prbhis, 'whd foU low temtteranccr'prlnclples"asfa' UUsI nes; . n j -i . There Is?a' oroWd 6f 'thes"o brofos sionals talwaj'B"' Teatiyto go' out and do alot'ofr shouting 'from- the' pulpits which 'they worltand lay nothing1 t'o supporf. ' "r '- ' "" : ' l;'' This' littltf' handful organize the Proh! '-party, "and monopolist" Its - ma chinery, and make Its tickets; and run. tho machine for revenue. Thero are always politicians In tho other parties ready to put up for those managers, and they know just where to touch the button.. If local option carrios theso, profes sional shouters will always have a Job,, locally anyway, and by counties and parts of couutlos. Rev. McKercher, ot al., will bdkept busy filing! nominations), holding con-i ventlons, and) storming tho breast-i Works of the enemy at so much a storm(i , : , . ! , iTheao professional,. Prohibition agU tntors, williibo in. everlasting .cloven If tb,qy,cau;get.this law adopted.-. .1 ., ,What do tboyenre If a. city HkoiSa lem .should 'lose all control of the liquor business,, and jf thero should bo forty, blind pigs running? ,, . Thoy would have more horrlUloox amne,s.,to. point, ito, and .would be.ablo toi-dpuounqq tho, whole community. as lawless) and. ;annrchistls.'- n , ,, 'tWhnt; woulcLjUioy icare if houses weroiompty.j.andi the business of the community were vparalyzod) In forty wnys3iitiThey.ii would, Jivoioff, "thQ Lord." 1 .1 ThRv3lnfrmfitl, calnpltojufer antlhqdealthathey did not intend to harm them if they would obey orders, but they had come along distance to kill the sheen and they iiitdnd6"dfto-:cafry5outttHeIriDrari"sf lZ t' VI f, d J ' tt.-LM li A . -A. M 1 Tho employees begged tW'lawbreak erstd sparVlhe sheep nnlUhey woWd, move out- at. onco andJwould promlEcC not to return, -but invain. 1 IL Isf reported t bnG the fherdor' of the sheep, who Is an Irishman, be lieved that they would also do away with him when they put the barley- sack oVer his head ahd lold him tb keep qtilet. Thti Irishman told the men that ho would like to have time to Write a few lines' to ttib dear ones before thoy killed him und askfed If thero was a''gentleman"- lhthe bunch that'wcAlld l)bst thdlertdr. '" r ' SI' tfuridre'd Head tliat' b61ongc,d "id C: B.Parker-wdre sklnhbaifd lfo re malnddr wore khbared.' If Is 'said that about is sacks of wool wlll'bd realRse'd Off the1 deaa1 Sheep Whldh vlll be liauf ed'tb Shanlkbfor market:1 "'' This makds- about 4500' bead df shedp tlia't have bden 'deliberately de5 sttoydd In the pastlfow:,'months- in tHis dourilfy abd if seemVo be timS fd'r' sdme 'Investigation itf the mattei, as-1 this tfil'ng of one' man destrdying atfdlhe'r's proiftrty overthe public rabgd ' Is hot ; apprdvdd df ;by people wlio'ard' citizens, and any 'man ' that will do this kind -of work 'should siif fdr thd penalty of the IaW Sheriff U. Ri' riunlap of Lak'eVIew, was on tllo- gr'ourid several' days '"Where the killing 'affair tdolc plcd arid is said to have tracked 'thrif acfos's'frito pr'oolc county whewtthG lost-the tracks. mnntn' harnrtk VarlTe er hasaboen.orltlclsod.for..brlnRlnK down. fronylnskajind forwhfch.ho mar, loso" his 'place. , ' Yot wo know to our absoluto certain knowledge that- Siipf.--Potternevor saw this cartoon, or know that It was,boItmado. , fc How lt'la nniaLoJIonjojof thyT Indlnji dqportpiont pfllclnls whQn thoy have to sond out Inspectors to rnko htp charges against a man against "whom no ono outsldo of govoritmont circles can find anything to say. To return to tho cartoon Tho Jour-, nnl bollpvos In cartoons as a moans ot educating tho peoplo. and It Udllovoa yTfa .iiiu .Mia jn 1. 1 1 r . n-canoons-that-Tnenn-somethlng-lo ho people. y-j THE CHURCHNDLOCAL OPTION. j Local optjjou'nui8g?bo pretty hard tip when the iufplt must bo dosco- c.uuu iu Mirutj-nij pusonauiius, anu Ivldo 'th,e f3bslffm'ate.V5rc k0f tho hurch. "jteA '.'&'' Isn't It smaTfffdr'So-aall'ed mlnlstors f tho gosnoL IfOUrn aU'iktrids of fa- hatlca loose jn'xondeinhntlon of those wlm differ Nvjhfthdmf Thoso allogod' roformors can only inaKo cnargos ngaiustitnoir follow ll( ., .STAND, TOGETHER. ,.In-,a.n . articlo, oq.tho r.olatlons ,of, capital, and labor, the Se.attle p. I. sayp:,, , . .; - ,0 . 1 , Thero can bo neither abundaqcp qt, ejnploymqnt.nor goqdi wages unless tho, employers oflabpF- are doing. iP, gppd ,and,,prpftabjo business, Prov p.erjj;, anil, advprplty , are never, pon, flqeij 4p ono class, ...Roducod dqmand means,,rpd.ncoJ .prpductlon, tho, laying off qf nion, and. soon pr Jatoa .reducqd wage rate. Increased demand means, steadier , pmplpymen.t, for moro, . men and soon pr ,late, bottpr wagps. . Trhoso thlpgo ,qro, axiomatic. Thpy refer not moroly to tho relation,, of, thp Individual,,,. employer and thp -.rnen vorlUnp for.,hlm.,ln pn.o single industry b,ut to a,ll employers and nil employes lu.alllndustrlosln .each communltyr $hqrOw ls,.amutual nterdepondenco., Activity or lo'picssipn in each industry Is rofloctpdtb somp extent Inovory pthor pne ' It Is1 tko''.vago earners gpnorally no merely, those engaged In manlifac-flirlngbut-JnpvbryVcaillng who.have thp most ImmpdlPte and direct into- .W9t JiLthQ-nwUitenanco jof prospacous. cShdltlbna, 'fdr th6y,' usually, havo" the" smallojtr surplus accumulated! with vHgbio tldojrbvot'fiiardtlraes, w-ffon employment .JsJuncertaJn and wages man, that ho Is fallerfom league with 1. ... ...,.. .. . J&R'aF . the dovll.trnhd If helianoons to run n dt Tutin Vltt n All AMil nlAtHtn In. iAiA. nnu'fliin im& 'li'. lino jtlr.t. ')ir.ncv)it mi ' gon. . , ,; .' i I, Was Shpohurcli ovor helpod by June lC,liQ,:r' T Orjn. oncami- $topplng,oUL,offts legitimate path and montvOA. R-i' Hood River, 1 espousing tho causu -of Prohibition. j Jp'o. B, ' 1C a'nd!17Department f Woman Suit raiftCw (tTolUlcaltTiropi trpgSn,. A. R-, in'nual reunion at anda of any kind? HoouV RI j fir, : 1 Cortalnlj-' thoso causos havo not "! August 32-27 -American Mining 1 (icon much helped, bocauso the aVor Qougrpss, Portland. igo Amorlcan citizen prefers to take rar 1 ii in m nWmt mm n. 11 , iitpwn Che rrffiPecftorjil low. In a community Buch as Is this, which has reached tho period of growth whon It produces largely, of tho things which it consumors, aside frbih tho raw jcatoriitfs, thp question of keep ing all thd whooU of Industry moving, ioJllQlr.fiKn.lniiHflAlniQ aavantagQj8. pry "largoly-wltir tho wage-daTneTs .xnomsoivqs wno constitute tho largo naJorJiy oftheonulattfn. They can1 insure' Aeitqr.'pppoMunttltqs forAonu PloyibnJVwtWMuclileSjaHyi for thBmselvirijjmbuylrrg nrtlclea o homo tnariutaeturo--ln nroferonce to ,1. 4l V 'l ,, , . .Biimiur urncjoa -proauceu ouowiioro.; UlmosfdvB'ry'tblugnvhfqh Is Consumed is the product of labor somowhoro AVh not buy tho prdducts of the labor of your own townsmen, friends' and associates, In preference to those on thp outside, and thus help to ae.sur thp certainty among rth 1 ,'I p ri6 JdipsM&jf i?y promfht politician who hastily endorsed tho ettsuraa"SonatoK Mitchell had It un- er WonslderatlonJ tor ffliore than a mTthe league worked on tho bill do not fiattor themselves that it Is a perfect measure, but rather, as one of them .said.. 'IUls the best. wo gf do "nVHImy b?-ndoa nnd improved as experience proves to -TheK)regonlan endorses dlredt nom ination on general principles, and so doC -Governor Geer. But The Journal has failed to find whore any other gentlemen havo en dorsed the bill, in Interview or public speech. Thd people whd favor direct nomina tion do not vote for this bill just bo cause someone has tlrawn'it up. 'U'Reii' is cardful to say' that certain gentlemen worked on the revision of the bili; but he does not say" that they havd publicly 'endorsed or advocated thd terms' of thd 1)111.' Mr.' U'Ren Is foxy. Ho does not know tinycjh'e ''Who hastily endorsed the measure."' ' Ve do not know of any Vvlid have endorsed It in any way 1 "Sdnator Mltchdli had it under con sideration for more than a month," That is another foxy statement. It menns nothing, if true. M In TciSnoltisIon" Ti'e -adihlft that it is ariiniperfect' measufd,Tdnd 'that' tho managers '"rdly on ' 'amemlm'ents to Aalfo itr nrnlrfllfft: ' " il J ""1 "Prdsumably 'the samd' wisdom that drew the bill' will' 'ask tb' draw tho amendments. There Is a growing suspicloy that a fow gentlomon who havo beeti put out of business in thd vicissitudes of politics aro seeking to tlo their for tunes onto a "principle''- that Is sup posedly right ftnd .'popular with -tho people, and they;havo. taken a vory awkward way of confessing their love fotf-tho dear-people. - s.i ' U'Ren admltsi that itho bill is his owri handiwork) and1 as- such he de serves credit for all that is good in It. It is a, patchwork fromioth'er statoa,' and its weak -points. are that it soeks to abolish cohvcntlohs, and puts tho expense of balding 1 another election on the people. gtftM,,lt,t,,wMll,ta' 1 .. w. 1 1 ! am wm v-h mrw mmmw imcr I ote W&t?m, m. . VIMUU Af - ML. . Got your materials tnado up. We, can supply your wants I Tmvno in whltn hlnp.k. tan. nlnk. blue, rod and vniu. ..... . .,.;: "- i.,ti""".""''ww "u"i only Ijjil vnrn imr r'.iiHLUiiit3i& Dai uul viauo ilu uiuab i utnaiinnnin I. 11 . -, '""' - - . ,m . a '" ,u ln till. Cushion cords only 10c a yara. xnow aBsorunencrjust in, Qlf riety of colors, mercerized finish. y" ' 0 "' ' m Mliilnnrv. Wo recelvo now goods in this donartmont ni,.. . wnrlr i,nnnnh1nTiHna'--On .. . .1.. T nlnaf .al-vlnti Ifrnnil Work.ronSOnblaTlrif!aB.fc- Hrq frames, straw-bralttchiffoiompwBrsolInge arid buckles. Us for lri . a . i "Rosteto ?&, Gtieenha,um ' '302 Commercial Street. MMH()MMMMtMMM(MMfMMHtee, X-RADIUMS : 1 ' 'f f .,f ' j-.r ! - , Tho diamond ,1s not tho only placp sgme ball payers pan irfnko a "hit." At least ono woujd, .think so to sop them smlllng.on-tho4alr-Bex,-andf by ciprocated. l Tako a guess on the census of Greater Salem, and you may got a freo' bicycle. It Is up to you. i ' Lot alcohol alone nnd It will let you alone. Of courso, that won't make any'-busiuoBB-fdr thVhotlfp'rings". DrJf Tufts and Mr. Mahone chajdd thathp'Oregonlan was paid for Jts editorials on. tho subject, some M ni-oiBf v?rd-(S wj'Jtha saniQ PWH'SW1)? thojliauor jlealSrs assolaBoEa'cllman hadf ?e"nt nrtrejrps to. tho Orpgohiah, wblch wero returned wth. Jho statqmont thit tho papor was dealing with tho subjepj on buslnoss principles, and tho Journal-was commohded-for lts""stand.-r-t Albany Democrat. Would Tufts' orMahone work a mlm ute at tho hxalopQbn graft If it did not pay tlimwll7 Who bolloves thoy would ?ot niany. ' Woll, thero-lfi one thing to bo said: s usual, you lmow whereto And Tho As usual Journal. It. IsVdpa.d against tho local optionpjopbstlon. It, Is waiting for light on thoVlIrept prjinap-loW. The terms of thatbill, aresdeh that tho politicians woulOtBot tho bostYf iB srtalnty of employment to those? Tno stato wou,a H wWJecwlfo the S whom you livo. rocognlzlne oxl)on?0 ot their business, of "making i. - t num 'I'tin wnnnh inAM an.A --.? nmn in thn hnnnflr nf M t.,.i..-J' VOUtioil, in its Wisdom, rofuleil to on! in whickyou. imrsolf are onBaEQil amf' (lorso " L,kQ : old Pronlbltionist a r i . v -p. a.. .: w m ! THEJDinr-CTftJnrMAnv.nii.i . a. letter! nvont,onS' and don't saddle tho ox? " tt .. ... 1 wnso or anothjr election oh tho peq hd 1 In Maine, wo stajid,'for-thoprinclplfij but aro ogalnstlts enforcement in the iirosenl-form, bou"t do away with an r VArfUHf 6ur Cure, for Piles? Itchlnft Piles nroduco mdlstdrA ana causa ltchlnghs form,, nswell as Dllng, Bleeding dFPjott'Saing Pilel aro cured Dy r. UO'san-ko's Pll ' w x I i-'- 9 A V Have VQU - W kjl a friend a in Chicago, or Kansas ' Gity or Texas or dhIj t WiW-WPj, ior whoj v y u w,iit lu uuy a ticket feiihVclfy? ,'j; ,'If you havc, call at this office and let us arrange matters for you. You deposit with uj enough money to cover transportation, as also incidental expenses of the journey; we do the ' rest. U B. CORHAM, Oanarcl Agent, 140 Third St., Portland, Or. u Bigger and Bettei i, -iXhan Mver Before SALEl' l'JL;. May Performances' 2 and .8 P.ll NORRIS&ROWE! ITEW BIG SHOWS GIRGUS MENAGERIE MUSEUM HIPPODM JUST TWICE LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE BVSKSf RINGS-' A NW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT 2 -RINGS A NEW A Multitude o New Feature r)vr DeJor? Presented In America cMftDunniic diti trnontsmK Y a ci viwr: LA VAINP' '"2." ' T.T .77 " ' ''- "" .1, rr f af tu '1.-1.I nOBi me voria- Greatest AcrqKati 'I The Most &naauoni "..'. AELN0TTE, LA N0LE nnd.MELNOTTE Curopo'a Premier Comedy High. Wire ArtUti 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS - 6 Moat Remarkable Contortionist Extant 8 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE. TJROUPE 6 -GARDNER FAMH.J 1 Hero ol the High HorliontJLSti- )r"ii ,T " 7 -' 3 MCDONALD Briuf The . Pirioit Trick CyclUtl AREN C ARTISTS AND ANIMAL ACmnf t-cnuumuK cicpiianu, wameiA, L.ions, iigcrs, yc"Ba,.'r"i!0nkoj uunaioea, Kangaroos, uatricneg, Ellc?Ue;r, Fomcg, n"l" tx! from V. S. TJ Ron, mnnacpr of t proposed direct $)rhnayblllj- in nvMclv n& criticises an editorial lu this popon of (.ho 10th Inst aaXpllews: "TAbls primary bill Is not tho worli of ono man, though I worked a Ions tlmo pn (ho bill. It was originally compiled frqm tho "bills heretofore .nl Remedy. Stops Itching; and bleeding troduced In tho legislature of Orei y"a "- - Jr t arug. KMM( V l"M aiVHWOO II KM. Dr. Bo4' If your doctor says hjs?I4tlC thke, then take it, We are willing tb leave It wlthfM. fcS: I Igon.olfrplitlhoae la.oporatlon lU lL?LZh JJ!aUS ML l"V' J !'U. 17 'Minnesota.' focallv in tirand Itanlda All p,ti ti 30-JOLuV JlSTllQ giJgOVNg ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS Orand Oold Glittering Strt PAradH'dP ' l J Adults 50c. Children, 25c. One Ticket Admits, You TJ :::Trrt:iiMiTitV7i 1 'I ' 1 lavo You Ever OrderedJour Groterletf from Hatritt SLawf ence If not, you are away behind the ImoB. JL.- M Howerer, wo -- ,. vj j io uway uemnQ xne jjmoB. now""i - ... , p ways glad to boo new patrons', and It you call on them, yoo 'rjj.; i more than pleaserL You will find tttam at tha corner of conw" ,t y va i-erry pireeia. m ffHHipgtliigHitl tUMUMlltMfr i ii acpjtiaJSSBL: &J8W3!rlJ8W'iS' i.r ,t .f3t'-rS,.:,,v"vC:'"t- -i' 9H eaHaoi"00