Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Engineer Thielsen's
Interviews With the Com
mittee of Properly Own-
ers Appointed to Re
port Plans
who committee on the Court street
Improvement wore soon today as to
wfiat progress was tanking In the se
lection of a form of pavement for
that thoroughfare. Some months
liavo( elapsed since the property own
ers mot and potltloned for that street
to bo permanently Improved, and se
lected E. P. McCornack, H. B. Thlel
son and J. N. Smith for a committee
to Investigate dlfforent kinds of pav
ing and roport same to tho owners of
abutting property at somo future
meeting. Smith was seen this morn
ing, and admitted that he had given
the matter no attontlon, as he did
not consider that ho was nnythlng of
an expert in tho matter. Ho was very
favorably impressed with the LIborty
broken rock pavement; drovo over 'It
n good doal, and thought It was good
enough for tho city at present; and
was within roach. Ho thought It ought
to bo used, and said If the strcot car
lino could be Induced to extend their
lino to tho rockplt that would be a
cheap way to get It hauled Into the
city. Ho belloved It would bo- a sat
isfactory pavomont.
Mr. Thielsen's Views. "
H. B. Thlolson, of tho commlttoo,
TVUB soon today, and said thoy wo:o
still trying to get a proposition to put
down a brokon grnnlto Improvement.
TTho grnnlto would havo to como from
tho Corvallts & Eastern road, nnd
tho firms with machlnory to put down
such a road woro at Portland. FIguros
aro still lacking on which to make es
timates, and ho and anothor of tho
committee woro going to visit tho
quarry on tho Santlam, anil mnko a
trip to Portland to got ostlmatos from
tho (Inns owning tho crushing and
rolling outfits. Ho thought grnnlto
would mako tho finest roadway, 'and
then cover It with sharp, clear sand.
Somo of the bnsnlt rock was not dur
nblo enough, in his opinion, for per
manent streets,,
y Mfy .McCornack Talks.
tp. P. "McCornack said tho commlt
too was proceeding slowly and steadi
ly, but luul by no tnonns glvon up tho
matter of n pormnnout Improvement
of Comt street. On tho first of July
money woud be available for filling
In tho grounds nbout the government
poBtotllcQ, "and tho contrnctots would
then tnko tho dirt off Court street for
that purpose, and thus securo tho
grading without bxponso. Tho rail
road compuny wub going to lowor Its
track across that street nearly two
foot, and more dirt would bo available
there, and mnko tho grading of tho
Btroot comparatively Inexpensive,
Thoy had railed for estimator for
hnullng tho broken rock from LIborty.
Ho feared that grnnlto would come
too high. Tho quarry would hnvo to
bo opened up, and a eiUBhlng plant
put In. Tho rnllrond company wduld
only ngroo to deliver tho mntorlal In
blooks at Salem. Tho rock from tho
Santlam would havo to bo crushed
horiv-mt Snlmu, and a plant would
como high, If thoy could socuro It at
all, Thoie was such a demand for
roolr crushers that ojio could not bo
secured for sovornl years, nnd so they
might bo forced to wait or tnko brokon
rook from tho pft out toward Liber
ty, Tho commlttoo nil seem to bo
willing to mnko a report nnd hope to
do so.nt an oarly day
- ..--,
Nob Ciwuhctates thijs yea,r,lmt.ll
Pleasure Party of Prominent
, People of Reno, NeY.,
Were the Victims
Reno, Nev, May 10. By tho break?
lng of ono of the strands of tho sua-
ponslon tramway across th Truckeo
river Laughton Springs,, flvo mllo3
west of this city, at 2 o'clock Sunday,
four-young people, Maurice Jacobs, a
young business man of this city; Miss
NIta McMillan) daughter of a promi
nent Jlcno buslnojs man; Mrs. E. E.
Ede, Jr., and C. T. Tllsman, were pre
cipitated from the car Into thq s.vol
Ion stream nnd drowned.
The accident wns wltnossod by Fiod
Colomnn, of San Francisco, who was
unablo to render any assistance. Tho
tramway consists of two steel cables
stretched ucroas the river, upon
which a car runs. It Is much used by
pleasure-Eeekors. Tho four young peo
ple ontered tho car to cross tho rlvor.
When thoy reached midstream ono of
Iho strands parted. Ono plorclng
shrlok was heard, and tho four, woro
observed for a few moments strug
gllng In t,he rapids. Both young men
woro athletovnud gave up tholr llvos
In an horolc effort to savo tholr com
panions. Wrapped in Fatal Embrace.
Mr, Jacobs' was Keen for a fow min
utes swimming with Miss McMillan,
thon was soon to turn on his b'ack.
tho bottor to savo her, when she solsted
him, and boro tho strong swimmer
bononth the current. Thoro wns no
tlmo that tho two young men could
not apparently havo savod thom
solvos, although at tho placo whoro
tho accident occurred there are swift
rapids, tho water seething nnd boiling
over great rocks.
Hundreds of people aro searching
for the bodies of tho victims -of tho
nccldont, but to a lato hour last night
only ono has boon recovered. Under
tho dlroctloh of Chlof of Pollco Leop
or, oloctrlc lights hnvo beon strung
across tho rivor at Intorvnls of sever
al miles, and nets have beon placed.
Tho noarchlng party Is exploding dy
namite over tho stream, but thus far
their efforts havo beon unavailing.
Owing to the prominence of. the vic
tims of tho tragedy the entire city Is
In mourning, and tho river banks are
lined with throngs of people. Mr.
Tllsmnn Is a prominent business man
of Chicago who was camping at
Laughton Springs for tho benefit of
his health.
Presbyterian General Assembly.
Buffalo, N. Y., May 1C Arrange
ments aro practically completed for
tho meeting of tho 116th Proibyterlan
general assembly, which will begin
hero Thursday morning. Tho 600
commissioners have received their
cards of assignment to their places
of entertainment, and tho Rev. Dr.
William H. Roberts, stated cleik of
tho assombly, has practically com
pleted tho roll for organization. The
commissioners lepresont 239 presby
teries and 32 synods In all part3 of
tho world and many aro arriving al
ready from China, India, Japan, Co
rea, Slam, Africa, Mexico and South
America, as well as from somo of
tho remoto parts of the United States.
Tho most. Important Issue to como
before the assembly this year Is tho
question of amalgamating with the
Cumberland Presbyterian church and
tho Reformed Presbyterian churchi
Both bqdles left tho parent organiza
tion many years afo owing to dis
puted points In government and doc
trine. Many aro now of tho opinion
that tho members of, tho prototlng
bodies can and will conform to the
proont doctrine of tho older nnd
larger church and that a reuuion is
Tho two mlnlstors who are most
prominently spoken of for moderator
aro the Rev. Dr. J. Addison Henry,
pastor of tho Princeton church, Phil
adelphia, and Rev. Dr. James D. Mof
fat, president of Washington and Jef
ferson college. '
(Continued from first page.)
Eait Salem. -.North Salem, South Sa
lem, Proipot, Sidney nnd Yow Pnrk
had n iptal rtg.UUnrttou of 124L This
yar thtrsnmo territory embraced In
those proolnot8 Is now divided Into
Salem No. 6, 0 nnd 7, East Salem, Lib
erty, Sidney and Ghomawn, with n to
tal registration of 1239 votes.
The. boundaries In tho othor pro
clnU romnlu piactlcnlty tho emtio as
in 1002.
Reserve your seats now for tho
May Festival at Burghnrdfs.
Portland and Return Only S2.20.
The Southern Pacific Is now selllnc
round trip tickets to Portland from
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
p. m.. or any train of Sunday, return
lng Sunday and Monday, giving nl
day Sunday and Monday In Portland
Tho samo arrangement appllep frnrr
Portland, giving all Portland poopl"
a chance to visit valley points at
greatly reduced rates.
. These aro tho dates. -'
Body Was Found in a
Carriage Shed
Bedford, Ind., May 1G. James Mc
Donald was placed on trial this morn
ing for alleged murder of Mrs, Sarah
Schafer, teacher of tho high school, In
January. Two days will be occupied
in securing a jury. Tho murder Is
one of the most myterlous on record.
The woman's body wns found In a
carrlago shed near tho residence sec
tion, hor head having been crushed
with a ttono. Whatever evidence
may be adduced agaln3t McDonald is
puiely circumstantial.
Baptist Anniversaries.
Cleveland, O., May 1(5. This Is tho
week of the Baptist aunIvorsarles, and
delegates representing tho 1,000,000
or more members of the denomination
havo gathered In Cleveland from far
and near to attend tho meetings of
vaiious ogaulzat!on3 that conduct tho
church work. Tho various meetings
began today with asesslon of tho
Woman's Home Missionary Society.
The Mls3louaiy Union will meet on
Tuesday and Wednesday, and on
Thursday there will bo a general
meeting at which Dr. A. H. Strong, of
New York, will speak on "Tho De
nominational Outlook." Tho Publica
tion Society will hold Its elgthleth an
niversary on Thursday and Friday,
and on Saturday the Genoral Commit
tee on Christian Stewardship will
meet. s
Ailde from tho reports which will
be presented at theso meetings, ad
dresses will bo heard from somo of tho
most distinguished Baptists of tho
country. New phnsos of tho evangel
Ism will bo discussed, and it Is ex
pected that somo Important adjust
ments will bo mado In tho work. Tho
quo. Hon of having tho Baptists of tho
North and South unito In holding their
anniversaries will also bo brought up
for consideration.
Wants to Get a Foothold Along
the Nicaragua Canal
ttnvnnn. Mav 1G. A company con
trolling Jalalal, a cuban gambling
game, will In a fow days dispatch an
agent to Washington to obtain, If pos
sible, a monopoly of the region along
the Panama route.
Do It looay.
Tho time-worn Injunction, "Never
put off 'till tomorrow what you can
do today," Is now generally present
ed In this ferm: "Do It today!" That
Is the terse advise wo want to glvo
you about that hacking cough or de
moralizing cold with which you have
been struggling for several days, per
haps weeks. Take somo reliable reme
dy for It TODAY and let that remedy
bo Dr. Boschee's Gorman Syrup, which
has been In uso for over thirty-five
years. A few doBes of It will undoubt
edly relievo your cough or cold, nnd
Its continued uso for a few days will
cure you completely. No matter how
deep-seated your cough, even If dread
consumption has attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will surely effect a
cure as It has done before In thou
sands of apparently hopeless cases of
long trouble. Now trial bottles, 26c;
regular size, 76c. At all druggists.
At Dr. Stone's drug stores.
J. W. Belcher, the Greatest
Tenor In Oregon. Hear him next
week In the May Festival. You may
not get another chanco. Ho sings two
Ring up Burghnrdt's today and got
a season ticket.
Prof. Francesco 8eley,
Choir director, May Festival
Etta Squler Seley,
A'ta Soloist May Fostlal
Supreme Court upholds
portion of Turner
Washington, May lG.-The I
nnnrt ltot.1 Hint -r. i
nHn wasil In- 1nt. v8
U"UIWUD1' "ua "een rlghtfuii. ...
ed from this country by the j
01 commerce. The order of
below Is affirmed. Tho Do.J
congress to legislate for the to J
nar'o oiiaonlinn h l . . a
m nnro tr nan . .
"""" " uoa LUli:u against a pr(,
'"b Bu.Diumom, anu Turner i;
tn bn n. mnn Hnniranu.. , ..
xuinci is uul uu uau, and ru.
turned to England. The opltU
u) r unur, cinui jusilce.
Farm for Sale.
114 acres in Marlon countr id
milo from Mill Chr, 35 acrei ij
proved, 65 acres good timber, u J
good, rich, black seil: 6-ron -
lumber barn; with outbuiWiBr,.
acres good fruit, mostly wltten
pies, trees average 7 years old; g,
spring water at doer: two t,v..
through place; good neighborhood;
uiuo iu bcuuui, cnurcn ana rt
Flno beaver dam meadow land i
cleared. If sold at once win i
$3200. Title clear. Terms, isoM
down, and from 2 to 3 year ail
anco with 7 per cent Interett: !
dlato possession. Call on or ili-J
J. B. Ray, owner of the farm,
city, Oregon. j-j.!
Father Dominic,
Author of "AdWillamottUm " will bo sung for tho first tlmo la public !
tho May Festival.
The Big Show
Still Continues and Large Crowds
Enjoy the Benefits
Bargains ln all kinds and sizes of tho best shoo3 over made.
Ladies' $3.50
Ladies' $3.00
Ladies' $2.00
Men's $4.00
Men's $3.50
Children's shoes all tho way
shoes for 10c. Misses shoos
offered, and no end to stylos.
Shoes for $2.25
Shoes iot $U5
Shoes for $t.45
Shoes iot $3.25
Shoes for $2.75
from 50 cents up. Infants' soft sole
from n.OO up. Rarest bargains ever
Romembor the placo.
JAV kUvvvi ,;
. -"""'i
Fresh Fro its Served at
One Foontaln. Crashed
Strawberry Iiow the
The Spa
j. jiIb jiiAk. w