---ft -, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAtlM, OHEftON. SATURDAY, MAY K 1H. NEW YQRK f ASHIQN LETTER New York, May 14. With the ap proach of the summer season tho question concerning the colors that will be the most fashionable", becomes more burning and Important;' 'JTho manufacturers of textiles are fully aware of the fact that novelties are always in demand and they never let an opportunity escape them to spring some new and, If possible, extraordi nary shades and colors upon the mar-! ket. Many of those shades onjoycd a transitory glory for part of a season or, at tho best one whole season and then disappeared from the surface never to return, Jt Is a peculiar thing about new colors. Somo become pop ular in a singlo week and hold their popularity well for several seasons. while others perhaps more beautiful, new shades, oho will be compelled, to wear not only a hat, but a parasol and, perhaps gloves, of the same col or. Tho consistent carrying out of a uniform color scheme is always an awkward thing and connected' with great expense. Of course, there are a few women, who do not have to con sider the pojnt of cost, but most wo men, even among tho members of fashionable society, do consider that point more or less. Speaking of the capracious notions of fashion, a writer in La Nouvelle Mode calls attention to an interesting novelty. "Fashions latest freak," says that writer, "is to use tho coarse guipure laces, hitherto reserved for furniture decoration, for th'o purpose of making the most fascinating blouses imaginable. Last year this blues are in a class by themselves and show a greater variety than ever. The mate"rlals useo" are in most cases very .dellcato of ' structure,, suggest ing lace effects. Many of the hn'ts am IrlmnmH with tho lightest and daintiest chiffons and other delicate materials and look extromoly dainty In tho week. tent every night during I Christian Science, First Church of Christ, Scientist. Services: Lessoii- 'sermon ati'd'chlld- ren's classes at 11 a, m. Subject of lesson sermen: "Soul and Body." Im.J J .' 1 l.,, nt O Yl . frnellfl I "eulIUSUBy ovuuiug muunus v v .-.;i ! i,. -.. . i. ti.ni.. m. Readlmr room open dally except oiuui women win uuu it nuin - While to investigate the merits of asnday. Christian, science nan, w ow suggestion that has cobio over," of Coilrt and Liberty streets. from Pans, Tho plan is, to weaix belts of the same color aB their skirts and waists, instead of one strongly contrasting In color. The idea is, NlfcC - ' -,,UU . - " -' "' " .. -thoT. 1 T-; 71S , . , ''jiru irvrv, mmtmm "'- j Immediately First Unitarian. Frank A. Powoll, pastor. Regular services at 1 la. m. and 8 p. m. In tho Pnwoll will locturo on and at ilrst equally popular, do not J coarse fllet was seen as a trimming, outlast the season. It would be on now, mounted on jnoussellno de sole, imuresuug insre 10 siuay mat prouiem u rasnions an entire bodice, some logical and is well worth a trial. The waistcoat has received more attention recontly" and prlmoses to bo quite poplar this season. In somo of tho costumes lately Imported tho waistcoat Is used to Introduce a con trasty effect by the brightness of Its color. These bright waist are used with sklrt8,.pf. rathor sombre color, and do not become visible until the and determine tho reasons .which times Joined or eked out with i tlnvw. ,! -.. '. 1 , , , . . . 1 iiib wiusicoais are not aiwaya rout make one color popular, but ndt.an- fronconne of moussellne to hide the ' waistcoats, but are sqmetlmes only S . 3h,nvfs"Uon would prob- seams These blouses are worn oyer B,mulated beIng aUachod t0 the coat. ably lead tho student of tho problem very tight fitting bodices of white taf-1rru ,.. of , , Srv'nJ-Tn0' tBClen"Ce; f0lr ?h et',th0h coarso- lok cases only edge or border, usually of, eTestirTrr- r: of,mousso1 'r w,th narrow- Jtxz rrrzrheitg xszizi?0 tho effect of a, majority, may select one of tho other Ing substantial, uncrushablo and very an, . 1 .,. ' of the new fashion colors, if .her Silt &ot, especially when worn o"? a Z-' , T , m I V i T? them, but If not.they content them eollAo' corsage. The beU should be 'f Ch ar " "rti cmiuib juai. wu u. iiib uoiBiu 01 tnoir quite on me uias and should bo hlalted ,, it .,.: . ' . , , 1 popularity. into tho buckle In front. The test otho colng season has Plcturesquoness seems to bo the been made In' Paris and in tho opln- keynote of tho new fashions, partlcul- ion of the experts it has-resulted in arly In hats and coats. There are the victory of the old colors, which more nnriiiinis nn.i nrii.inni i..n. r-- -- .. uiiuiiiai ouaifvo Ul hats to be seen In tho shops at pres ent than ever before, but they all havo ono feature In common; they are Invariably picturesque and, for that reason, unusually attractive. The plcturesqueness of tho hat does not altogether depend upon oddity of shape, as It seemed to be the rulo during the past few seasons. The shapes are mostly graceful and tho contrasting in color. me iuua in, ..... ... ... .t. ...k. .. .. .jv ovenlnir Mr. .. .. . ..n. "Tho Srlnnrn of Human Naturo." All TrLnroiiTifm Tnn'' nnnnmni r inncr.nuu " -"-'- vr ..,. w.j cj . their waist.1 Thb plan seems to bo 1 invited. -O-r- Tuesday Night, Wednesday nlflht, ThiirHrtnv nlehL These are tho dates. are at Friedman's 600 moa j Plain or of the new wcro fashlonablo last year. There are but three important nowa shades, lavender blue, Parsnal blue and capu chin red. All threo are worn to a limited extent by somo of tho ultra fashionable women of Parte, but they have aroused but little enthusiasm and It is not expected that they will becomo more popular hero than they are on the other side of the ocean. inese new shades have several draw- materials used for tljo foundation as backs, which no sensible woman of well as for the trlmmlncs nmi tho fashion can afford to overlook. In combinations, of colors add to a great tne nrst place tneso shades, do not extent to the beauty and charm of become every woman arid a woman thn ennm-nt otrt 1 mlght as well bo out of fashion than Tho new straws,, or at least many ,wear a fashlonablo color that does not of them, show dollcate tints and com- nun nor siyie or oeautv. Anothnr hinntinna nt tino ..r,.,-i .1 1 .objection, at least In the eyes of tho, harmonizing. Strange to Bay oven more conservative women in thnt- nninro v.aratnrn. i.iij t patibles, are used together with re- ftheso shades are too conspicuous and j attract more attention than Is deslr- ,ablo. A third objection Is that these now shades are so "iiifflpiio thnt they do not go well with other col- ors. to wear a gown of one of blnatlon with silk or wool. waistcoats of pique French duck which' has a fine cord but Is heavlor and softer than pique are also shown in somo of tho recent ly exhibited models. The driving and nutomoblllng sea son has fairly begun and somo new and quite fascinating "new styles In driving and automoblllng coats are seen on the fashionable avenues. One of the Btrlking features of the present fashion In auto coats Is tho extensive ubo of leather. Somo short coats are made entirely of leather, while In other coats all the seams, pockets, cuffs and collar are bound or piped with leather of a bright color. Leath er 1s aUo used for bolts, straps and buckles and In many cases adds a great deal- to the chic effect of the arrangement. Unless a woman lntonds to make a special feature of automoblllng and dovote horsolf to It exclusively , for the greater part of tho season, she ' 1 ' A with $5 oach, with which, to buy. our $,()0Wit8'. v.i ; .- " ... v . . .., l-Jr-.w- ' ' w.HiH.i inn a frith t Kri nttnit. rn miv mir 2iz.n builu. YttULUU JSJV illVi Tfiwu yvv vf - - t -'-- ,; Wiiited SO.metiwith ?9:00 eacH. ta bufc oufj.lR00 buU ' vl Wanted .-il A ,-W.f ... , " A ''.'.' ''... . V- '.. . . GO laborers; with G7c. each, to buy. our. 75c fitripea overaiio maw .'.'... ' t, ' . jumpers. v , ,.,,- - , r.-t'v -1 Wanted 49 laborers to .buy our beat King overalls at 49c per pair. ' macule uoasi ovoraiis at op jior yn v. ' .' TTftAJ ii Ah j 1itp VVUiiLt;u vu uiuu i-u uu; wu. - v wv-w -- -.-,- m Wanted 100 painters to tako our painters' "suits at C2c each Wanted 100 carpenters to tako our aprons ati'Tc each. . ,.1 Wanted 75 chlldtea to take our little ovoralla at 19c per pair. Wanted 600 stylish gentlemen to wear our 16c collars at 9c each, anJfJ best 25c cuffs 'at-13c,' also our bost-iiockwe&r at 19c each. .','. C, f.v..- Hlrim.'' l men to wear our oesi iresiaem auapenuom a.t xu per imu-.:H Wanted 200 i'.jijt .;... a Most people don't eat too much according to their appetites.. The trouble, is that appetite (in these culti vated days) is no, longer the trustworthy, uide it was designed to be. It's apt to play hob with the machinery. The beauty of "FORCE" is that it fits any appe tite, and makes digestion wait upon it. W fi-v rf4 1aMaitk ffM xrtt Irt f All ey orttihitt, in vndttwe&t, tt&tioattyA fiats at ' f: FRMDWIAN'S .11 1 49 State Street titgeigntniBtiggmniieetmtiinnii 4. . I VWWww- . . , , iwmrz. ft ' A Ti XV e weat of a woe With, some slices most of tie weat comes on the weaitet, riot on tnesnoe. You've paid you money for them, and yoa want to wear them oat. They weat yott oat. Did yoa evet have that ex- h. i -.,. petience? Yoa'U nevet have it again rf yoa weat Sefc Royal Blae shoe; it's a comfott-ftom- the-fitst minate shoe. markably pleasing effect. . Yhero are ...:" ".T8" Vry esten8,ve oM OUito nnmhor nf , " CUrla,n lnlDKS SDO milSt have. green, among them, novelties In moss, ""f a" iT, 1 aPl saee. tea ami nw inf ffr0n'.- a,,, Proprato coat and suitable headgear. If a woman, thorefore, wishes is also a great variety of now shades !, J W,M to VTOVldo for ono ear a gown of ono of thnun in rmmi ii, . u'.. . ... "snt nn(1 ono heavier coat, as auto. nr. ( ., , moblllng nn nnni ovonlngs makes pro-1 1 ; - ! tnlnn'f It. --.. I kuu" iitjiu. uiu com ar&it nichiv .in. sirable. Light weight -waterproof ma terials are used to great advantage,, iuu jjivo iirotecnon Doth against cold and rain. After all ij Beems that white will riot bo worn as much this summer as was expected. That does not mean that It has gone out of stylo, but morely, that It haa beon somewhat overdone last season and a. reaction In favor of colors has set In. Tho change will probably be gradual and soft delicate tints will onon thn wmv ,for more out spoken and more bril liant colors In tho future. ' ESTELLB CLAIRMONT. v ' ' fSsrA If "rOROE" lmplr nud. pMplo Botnuur more, u wouia d . power for koo4.Ki nowuijr morv. n wouio oa . www lor kvmi.hi Bat when you know It make thm MrMff, narvttlo. uioful ruUUona of Uiem. think new 1 1 mint bo piuhlntf th world ahead. ., WD41. k-W The Yost No. 10 Reg-No. 26531 RED SEAL Tri12:0 Rec. 2:1 SUNDAY SERVICES riin mm? SIRE OF JOE SEAL 2: 11 14. ' , Sired by Red Heart 2:1tyi,- the aire of Chain Shot 2:0'i Rid 'Seal .:,1A Etc.? ' -'i-'Vv' .' Da AI40E M. (trial) 2:25 ....by Mark Field (son of Oeo. Wilkes), Dam of.'Ited Seal 2il0 AI- biro of Daisy Fields '2J08U, Mam lawobd 2:19. brino Field 2:1114, etc. ., Second.dam DAV BELL by Advance, giro of Malra8ka2:25,etc,- Dam 6t Veritirt 2:16, Vladex 2:29. e ' '. ' "" "' Third dam daughter of Tlppo Saib, a thbroughbred. Re Heart 1 by Fred Wilkes, out of Sweethoart, by Sultan; second daaa Minnehaha, tha dam of Beautiful Bells, etc. RED SEAL atantfe ISA, compactly built, with great quality and a sure slro of great speed. He -will toake the Bcaeon of 1004 at tho 'i OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS kiiiiJV "'i-A- . ... . ... .... With the usual, return privilege, to mares sont from a distance. Tctffif$40'SeMoa i(, Good pasture at reasonable rate SAM CASTO. Fair Grvwmi. Cl 1 feesniiii miiiiim iMimnmuuiT 5llISIlISIlltif ISiejUtiitsisinfjiaiaiejiaioji II Books By William i Long! Ask tire best shoe-man yew Jcmew: doa't take any other shoe ot aa'aswer, can get laem for yoti; or wffte tot , . ..j;-i 0 . - h '. tjt. Largest mako'rs of good shoea'lntho world. . - BSw,' r flr L ; ,J '' 1. - - W. C. T. U.f '") Prof. Goode will speak at tho W. C. T. IT. hall SllnriflV nftnrnnnn . a o'clock. 1 '.United Brethren. SorvIces,dt the U. B. church in v, ParkaIf6llew8: PrenPhinn--.fi't " a.,S8h8Vft m Sabbath School at J? ."A'Falter Itoynolds, pakor. rir,at Christian. Corner ofHIch and nntn. .. Preaching byith'o bastor, Elder D. Er rett, at 10;80'a. m, and 8 n nn. spectlvo themes: "Amorlca" for Christ" add. a Living Vital Issue." Bible Schookat 12 m. Rhnn, oi,n. maker Superintendent. .Timt, n at 9 p. ri Adda Reed suporlntend'ont.' Senior C. el si 1 n r n. r ey chorlsKr, Frank Churchill organ- .. v vory cpraiai Invitation extend ed to strangers and visitors. Salvatlofi Army. All meetings will bo hni,i in tt . oak grove on North tlborty Btreet. At .,,. Ut" Lamer l'Pealc on "Holiness." At 3 n. mA r t, Barnoa will preach on "Salvation" At "Why, Halt.ye BetwfiAr rC '. - ions." Thero wlil-h i-'t .ir ' 'XM Co. The Machine Behind the IFne Work. Excels all others In LIQHT nuNNma v PERFECT ALIqHmENT ' PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EA8E OF ACTIdN beauty of characters and Durability. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine 230 Stark 8treet, Portland. C. M, LOCKVVOOD, Local Agent, 288 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. We Rent. We Sell. w Fvhn. we Repair. Don't Delay You Order Building Is going on with a Wo are well supplied with SEWER PIPE SAND OR GRAVEL AND GARDEN LOAM. You will get tho best of thing when you buy of & "iS,t rush. every- A. M. PATRICK & CO Successor to D. 8. BontJey. Phone Main 6l. Wholeeale and rotall bulldiag material of the beat. jbi-iw Cemmerclal St, Salem Ways of Wood Foil ; Wilderness Ways Secrets of tte Woods Wood Folk at Sctootv Beastsf the RelcT Fowls of the Air School of the Woods, followtntthe Deer, $"J '25 A Little Brother to the, 75c 75c .35-a. Mm liSO f?-A- Beai $1 .50 JIGINN& COMPANY, p, ! ! Taf Department, 29Beacofl Std:. BOSTfW ''''iiiiiii.iiii,,!,,,,,!,,;,,,,-, Ttheb M." ocoMter to Barr Patiel. JEZsl ri? i. 1 AVB . n-- rHil m - j Ha1T il HL. ZtllJzT. ."t 1 ,:., , . . ra ''s 1 . !!, p t ai K --... vniai JUCOIIUBS SALEM, V-QRBQJ;