Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 14, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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.-4WW44IV i-rftt! mfjm!m mimftnmmrWt':'
jm fwi
. "'t-m-''?..''Mmmm
lw " ii i i - -' ' ' ii mir kjip
Rich Orchestf aerogram aqd
Many Vocal Treats
in Store
..1X ?f;s'' ..-' r '? i5;
lb) An Monlln E,
V String to reheati-ai1 . ;-
e ''From 'Foreign Lauds", ; . . . ..
. jMoszkowgklj
portraits of Several Star Per
formers and More to
As the timo for the May Festival
comes nearer' to hnnd . the public,' as
well as the participants, are eagerly
awaiting the commencement evening,
which will be next Tuesday evening.
The orchestra program will be one
of the finest ever given In the city,
and Has been pronounced by many of
the local musical talent as superb.
There has been no trouble or expense
spared to get these artists, and, a
glance over the list-will show that
there are no better players obtainable
on the coast. The work-by.the vari
ous choruses has been such that the
best results will be obtained.
The Salem society has been prac
ticing twice each week, and will have"
(a,)." nusslajjf. . '
(b J' Spanish. ' '
Overture "Oberon" ... VonWcbor
S. W. Drlscoll. Mrs. S. D. Brown.
F. ML Griffith,. Miss Lillian Stege, frst
vlollnsV .'' . ' , ' '.' .1
Peter TJmra, Miss Clalreta Dumars,
FrlU ZllnfeUsecqnd vftJlnsf.v ; ,:
Anton Zllhet ArissTJoslfe ' Brown,
Ferdinand, Konrad, cejlft. , .,
G,-Detrain', basso. " 'f" " ',
Claire BaUer. flute.
n"01- ope. , s !: . O".
E. fXRIco, ijjarlnet.
RobertljISayagffijsecond plarlnet. ,
L. H. Jones., basson,
J. H. Everest, FrnnK'Caln, horns.
A. L. Weuriersrotrt; trombone.
Henry Stoudenmeyer,- first cornet;
Willis E. McElroy, second- cornet.
Ten pillions a Week of Gold
"Go.esat Last Report
Salim Woman's Club
Meets to Elect
Rose Bloch-Bauer,
Soprano Soloist, May Festival
Sthelr final rehearsal Monday night.
sSeat3 aro being rapidly reserved, and
I'today the ontlre box, sheet will be
unrown open, so tnat holders of ono
might tickets can reserve.
Those that have not yet purchased
their season tickets should do so at
once and have the choice of the re
maining seats,
The following Is the orchestra pro
gram for the opening night, together
with the personnel of the players:
Concert Program.
May Festival. Chas. L. Brown di
Grand march "Tanhauoer". .Wagner
Symphony In B-mlnor Franz Schubert
(a) Allegro moderato.
(b) Andante con Moto.
Waltzls "Tales from Vienna Woods"
(a)Mfnuotte "Celebrated"
(b) Gavotte 'Mlgnon" .. Thomas
Scenes from Lohengrin" ....Wagnor
(a) Andanto Cantablle op 11 ....
P. Tschalkc-wsky
New .York, May 14,-4ddltIonal
shipments of two millions of gold were
made this morning at the assay ofllco,
for export Tuesday, making a total of
$10,000,000 to bo shipped to Paris on
that day, completely exhausting the
supply of gold bars at the assay of
fice for the pros nt. Five millions of
gold were exported today.
Mrs. E. K. Built, ' of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, Is visiting at the home of
Henry Oswalt, In this city.
Mrs. Chas Dodge,, of Roseburg, re
turned homo today, after visiting with
Salem friends.
Manager E. P. Preble went to Al
bany today to arrange for transfer
ring the Vancouver ball team to that
city. He has a strong team, and ono
that will bo heard from beforo tho
season Is over.
L. S. Rowland left yesterday for Eu
gene, where he was called by the se-
vfflBBI i Jill
J. W. Belcher,
Tenor Soloist, May Festival.
just one way tc
There is
have jrc-od
lvotI,i j eitncU
economically :
Schilling's Best, at
grocer's, moneyback.
ilous illneaa of relatives. He will re
turn In about a week.
John H, McNary spent yesterday In
Albany looking over tho political sit
uation. He will Join tho Linn county
candidates at Sclo on Wednesday, and
expects to make a two-weeks' trip
over tho county.
Adopts Constitution for the
. New Salem Public Library
The Salem Woman's Club is holding
ijls annual session today for tho elec
tion of officers.. The library commit
teo reported on tho work done to
start a public library for this city.
The report of tho committee showed
several hundred volumes received, and
many of the latest periodicals ''sub
scribed for tho reading room. Tho Ik
bravy will be fitted up in tho city hall.
Tho constitution adopted provides
for turning tho library over to the
officers of a library association as soon
as they have been named.
The club today accepted a constitu
tion and by-laws to govern Its course.
The objects are to maintain a free li
brary aqd reading room for the use of
all citizens. The officers of the asso
ciation shall consist of a president, to
be elected annually by the Salem Wo
man's Club, and six trustees, to be
elected by tho same club. Tho trus
tees shall elect tho remaining officers
of" the library, to consist of a vice
president secretary, treasurer and II
bralrlan. The library shall be open on week
days from 1:30 to .5:30 p. m. and
from 7 to 9 pf m., ' apd on Sundays
and'holldaysfrom 2 to 5 p. m.
Books maybo kept 11 days, except
new books, and they shall only be
kept seven days. .
A fine of 5 conts per day shall be
made on all books retained over timo
and a charge shall bo made of a like
amount for now books. Reforenco
books shall not bo removed from the
library room.
Tho idea of tho club seems to bo
to have readers 6f new- workB of. fic
tion pay a 6 cent fine for tho privi
lege. This Is dono everywhere to
check the disposition of an' Idle class
who grab new books.
i.t t ' i,' . -jrw 'i ii i 'i m
& i ' , AIL ' II
, . V
. . k. tr. tVlIfi
We Wisn ovory iuoiubi ""Z'
town woul(l make It a point tolsool
our -'boyaVJarfd chlldrdn's clothing, j
,SUlts at $2.50. $3.CO,$4.50 up to.l
?no but nrlces, don't count, un-sj'l
less you sell Ilia clpths.
You can't fcoep tho boy quiet.
mlght( as well try to harness tho
stars buy, him good clothes and
lot him go It.
Bring him here and tlwro will bo
no trouble, beforo or after you buy.
This and next wook with overy boys', flult sold, from, tho
ages of i to 11, wo will give a handsome now waist.
. ' Two-Piece Sits , ; ,fa,
In our show window we aro displaying somo'handsomo two
piece suits. Just the thing for summer nd not"exponBtve.
Nol ?9.00, nOMi and ?11.00 buys you the best.
Salem Woolen Mill Store
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor.
(Continued from first page.)
Fresh Today
Chocolate Chips
Alakuma and
Fig Creams.
J 154 State St. Phone 1971
- t iiiiiiiiiii.
8neak Thief at Work.
Frank Haas was robbed Friday by
some sneak thief, who entered his res
Idence while It was unoccupied nnd
abstracted the coin from his pocket.
He had left his purse containing tho
monoy In a pants pocket that morn
ing, and never missed It until last ev
ening when he discovered, that he was
mo yieum. of the thieves, Mr, Haas
owns' a small .dog, and It was confined
to tho inside of the house. Tho .neigh
bors heard It parking '''lustily In, tho
afternoon but did not pay any atteix
tlon 'to the noise.
Sheriff Colbath Is at Mt. Angol on
official business.
Miss Eva.Coshow Is spending Sun
day in Portland.
H. B. Branson, of Sheridan, was a
Salem visitor today.
S. N. Steele, tho Albany real estate
dealer, Is in the clty.s
Miss Ilda Jones, of Brooks, Is a
guest of iltta Ruth Gabrlelson.
Miss .Mablo Jones, of Brooks, is a
guest of Mrs. J. D. Sutherland.
D. B. Irvln went to Portland this
morning on a short business trip.
Mrs. A. S, Brassfleld and children.
of Portland, are vieltln'g at the homo
oi ueorge l'earco.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien, of tho
St, qharles, Albany, aro In the city
for p. few days' visit with relatives.
Will Byars, of Goldondalo, Wash.,
was in tho city today to see his pa
rents, while en route homo from tho
state convention on the Sound.
Mrs., Jos. Wllkins and little daugh
ter, of Chehalls, Wash., are in the cjty
to remain' during the summer, w'tylo
Joe Is picking them off the bat red hot
with lho Raglans- thj summor.--
" 0
scribed about seven times. So far as
possible small subscribers, represent
ing people, throughout tho pountry,
will receive the full amount of their
subscription. Kuhn, Loeb & Company
say patriotism and soven per cent
appear to have workodtoKether, won-!
dorfuliy well In, tho U,nlt,od States, in!
referonco to this loan.
; HI 1 1 IWHM 1 1 HH1H j 1-fr
Tomorrow's Game.
The game tomorrow premises to bo
another pltchor'a battle. Callff and
Gregory will face oach other again,
and tho fans know what that means.
Both are prlmo favorltoa, and, from
past records, will have, all tho. bat-
tors guessing all tho time. McEIroy'g
band will glvo a concert' In the park
prior to tho game.
:: Wc Arc
;: Paying
I 15c
j: for Eggs Today i
:: Commercial Cream Co.
; ; 5 uwi J St George Bros. Props.
TTTTTTI "'""HIHII '44WH1M mi tlimT
I tat a
Sunday at the
: ; White House
Restaurant ,
Col. T. A. Wood la giving testimony
In his own defense on charge of pen
sion frauds.
. Mrs. Eva Ellis, a patient of tho
North Pacific sanltorlum, at Portland,
escaped, and is believed to havo been
drowned in tljo Willamette,
Both sldos of the local option fight
are waging a great campaign In Port
land. - . .
The little town of Gresham Is build-
up a flno high school.
Roy, Ezra Maurer, of Portland, was
elocted presiding older at tho Jeffer
son Evangelical Alliance.
Walter Wyant, of Asuland, was
killed at French Gulch, Cal., by an ox
plosion of giant powder.
The citizens of Union axo making
another fight to keep tho county seat.
Conductor Goes Insane.
Wi H Burnij; a conductor on tho
Southern Pacific was brought to the
asylum thl morning from Ajsfaland by
Deputy Sheriffs A, Pankey and P, E.
Jordan. Ho has boon afflicted wjth
brain trouble for aoveral months, and
a total collapse ensued.
The War May End.
Berlin, May 14. It Is rumored In
diplomatic circles here, that thero is
a strong possibility of an attempt be
ing made to end tho war In tho Far
East soon. The rumor, which Is cir
cumstantial In character, declares tho
war party In Russia has urged tho
Czar to end tho war.
The alleged basis of settlement Is
to be the independence of Coroa un
der the, protectorate of Japan, while
'Manchuria la to remain Chinese ter
ritory. In a secret treaty between
China and Japan, tho Integrity of
Manchuria ,was guaranteed by the lat
ter, so It Is arguod that Japan should
not object to the proposition. Russia,
It is said, wishes to, come, to an under
standlugi wlthJcpan Independently of
w I ..'" U
Russian Troubles at Home,
nomo, May 14. -A Hearot. report re
ceived from St, Petersburg doplcjs
tho internal situation of, Russia as: be
coming most serious as regards the
present institutions, tho military fail
ures In the Far East having strength
ened the opinion thai the evils aro
due to tho present organization of the
country In which a chaugo Is neces
sary. The hopo.is.oxprossod that tho em
poror himself, soolng tho danger,
will bo Induced to grant tho country
a constitution In which even tho
enthusiasm of the peoplo will become
bo groat as to render It posslblo to
raiso an army and collect tho moanB
nocessary to defeat Japan. Otherwise,
tho roport says, It Is bolloved all the
efforts made at St. Petersburg wfll rq
main futllo, as, besides the' war In tho
Far East, Russia will bo obliged to
face a latent If not nn nnon, m,i
nonary omovomont at homo, denrlv.
Irig her of the assistance of tho moat
progresslvo elements of tho empire,
such a3 tho Polos and Finns.
All Under Sixteen Years of Ane
Barred from Court.
Rlslng Sund, Ind May 14. When
the Gillespie trial was resumed this
morning the court Issued an order
barring all people undCr 16 years of
'ago. Efforts were made to get beforo
tho jury tho alleged throats by James
Glllesplo In tho presence of Joseph
Henshon, tenant on tho Gillespie
farm, but tlfoy failed. Hondhen was
on tho stand again, and testified that
James told him that? tho division of
the property by his mother wouldn't
stand, as Elizabeth was given more
than her share. Ho had received no
tice from Elizabeth to deliver alt his
(Share of the crops to Margaret and
Elizabeth, instead of James. The oth
vor "witnesses gavq unimportant testi
mony, and tho court adjourned at
University Report Filed.
Hon. R. S, Bean, president of tho
board of regents of tho State Univer
sity, has filed the report of that Insti
tution for the year ending. December
31, 1903. Tho total amount of, cash
received by tho university was $87,
876.28, of which. $25,000 -was a special-appropriation.
Ono of the Items
that might attract attention is the
sum of $1788.53 for improving tho'
athletic field at the university.
.These are tho dates.
: Wall Paper
Latest designs in stx;k, J
ami good work guaran-
teed. We have the smajl
store am! smaH prices
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St.
Phone 2475
Perhaps you never thought,
And porhnps you did
If, however, you didn't,
Now Is the tlrne. ,
Later you. may bo sorry.
Every operation Is painless;' ..c
Such as extracting and crowning.
So is all tho filling wo do. " ' '", ; '
Evory patiorit goes away pleased,
Xactly as you will o, ,
Try for yourself and soo. i)
Road what others say of us
And you will know we' , .
Can do as wo advertise,
To. bo suro-you. aro righty.-W.,.
Investigate vjvbatwq say, .,.p,, .
Our painless methods
Nowboing usod by 'us' arolnvlnclblo.
Crowns $5
Plates $5
s 50c
D. B. E. Wright
Steusloff Bulldlno, Court Street.
, PHONE MAIN .2591.
Heurs: 8 a, tn. to B p: m.( 7 p.-m. to
8 P. m.; Sundays 10 a, m. to 12 m,
Up 2781 when you want your
blcyclo ropnlred. Wo tvIU call
nnd got It.
I Paul H. Hauser I
The Virginian J
1 ' Ono of tho manliest books, S
J t and ono of. tho most engaging ,5
S an(i attractive Btorlos of ro- w ,
cent years Is out for the ;
first time In paper edition W
'for mk
Ouf first,-BhlpmontJaiTjiow'Inj
and wo can fill all Svants. j
Don't missioning this great ,
story, I
Patton's Book Store. f
Try it for
Thore Is nj regrets when yon
buy our real puro baking pow.'
dor, You get it la a Mason
glass fruit Jar; not In a useless
tin, can,
Is really flno. Besides, you got !
a quart for 50c, or in weight I
V& pounds; or.a halt pound. In '
0 glass Jar for 25c, and, boyond !
tliat, you got the purest baking !
po.wdor that you oyer used,
Qood packagos, good weight, '
good goods. Most of Hho Rro, !
cors soil It, or wo will sond it !
to you. . 1
C. WI. E$p!cy i
Nlaoteonth and SUte Stmot, '
i j
l i