FIVE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEW, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1904. IWlfTWATER BItL"IS " PORblVQRCE fv v SUED tty Bera Bcattricc Says She And B1U waa anally broke. Then ho las Been Deserted by Her lhln wa . the frozen North whor6 Husband and Asks Se- ho made numerous stakes. attle'sCourtforRelief . ? BU1 WS always a mnrk r the ladies. He was easy money. Of course, when ho fell Into wealth ho didn't gain It by hard work none of that for Bill ho was admired of all the showshop "loldles" between' Fris co and Alaska. His First Love Affair. Bill's first lovo. affair at least the first that went' on record was funny It was up at Dawson City that Bill first became smitten with the charms of ono who was advertised on. the posters as "Gusslo La Mote, the cldver danseuse." She was doing stunts In a music hall. But Bill's rivals were many and, mighty. Bill held nil com ae woes anu wnnKies 01 mo Do lus rounaer, -awiuwaier uur B, well known lu every city In west, are manifold and contlnuo bcrease dally and hourly. His It trouble is his latest suit for a fee. Cutwater holds a little niche In ball of fame all by his lonesome. several years ho was prominent Pacific northwest, whore in leading cities he was a famlll&r lounging about street corners, ly dressed ana aiwuya umuKiug, " TO CURE 'ANY DISEASED The lm Motherhood MOTHERHOOD is the reward nature bestows upon healthy womanhood. Women whose vitality has been sapped by disease cannot safely give birth tacnil dren. In pregnancy and in childbirth weak ness of the mother is revealed in the pain and agony she suffers. This great medicine drives out every ves tige of inflammation and weakness, and gives tone and strength to the delicate or cans which mature the child. The pains of pregnancy are banished by Wine of Cardui, and mis carriages, which blast so many fond mother's hones. are prevented. Flooding, which so often occurs after childbirth, is corrected when Wme of Cardui is used during pregnancy. Wine of Cardui babies are healthy babies, becaune, during the months of pregnancy, the mother is able to give them necessary vitality and strength. With these facts presented to American women no expectant mother should be satisfied without the re-inforcement that Wine of Cardui will give her Every mother should be able to treat herself in her home with this valuable medicine. Wine of Cardui can be secured from any druggistat$1.00abottle. Polycarp, N. C, Jan. 11, 1902. I am the mother of seven children and while in pregnancy with the first' suffered untold misery until they were born. One month before the seventh was born I began to take a bottle of Wine of Cardui.which gave mo relief after taking three doses. I used the remainder of the bottle until the birth of thechild.and was stouter in three days after the birth than I was in a month after the birth of either of the first six. I am 29 years old. MRS. V. ELIZABETH STAFFORD. 1NE CARDUI Cfitto Hurt be Henioved, Soma War With Turning. Kill the cerm that combos dandruff, falllro? hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, and your hair must crow luxuriantly. Newbra'a Ilerplcldo pot only contains tho dandruff germ fiostroyer, but It is aloo a moat delight ful hair dressing for regular toilet use, No other hair preparation Is on this (scientific basis of destoying tho dandruff germs. stops mi irriwuon, itveyo uu calp sweet, pure and wholesome. Re mombor that something claimed to bo "Just as good," will not do (tho work of cenulno Homicide. Sold by leading druggists. Hend 10c. in stamps for oam plo to Tho Horplcldo Co., Detroit, Mloh. mnlel J rv. Special AKent HlHIHIMHIIill H 111 HJ i W mon presents- 8UclvasidlaniondB, contempt, and showered gold nuggets 6n hVffafihful SubbW Then ho fol lowed them with furs, Still Gusslo wouldn't como In out of the west Into the; shadow of' his protecting cabin, and' Bill 'was sorely porploxed. His rivals saw Bill's pordlcament and sent the girl nuggets and then furs. Ono day whllo walking the- streets Bill stumbled across a now fortune In tho camp It was a caso of eggs- worth $3 per egg. Bill pounced upon them. Then Gusslo saw tho eggs. With a plaintive cry of Joy Miss Gus slo coyly looked into Bill's eyes. "Oh( Bill," she exclaimed, "there are some real eggs!" Gussle Yields. Zojinds! Bill was aftor tho egg like tho hen tuat laid .them. Then Gussle and Bill went to Fris co. Thore BUI began to cast his eyes upon Grade, tho sister of Gussle, and covet her. Then ho startled tho world by marrying Oracle. The wedding oc curred at the Baldwin hotel and the banquet is historical for tho amount of champagne washed down that night. Within a month Bill went back to Dawson with his wife, accompained by Gussle, and then the plucking he got from the two young women Is histori cal. At Dawson, Gussle has two more sisters andBlll handled tho trio. But Grace heard of his many escapades and applied for nnd obtained a di vorce. Poor Bill; Ho Bpent another win ter in tho wild nnd frozon North and then went to Victoria whero he met and won a 16-year-old girl named Bera Beattrlce also out of a variety house. Beatrice has given him two sons. Slnco then she says he has de serted her and she has worked hard for a llvlnc and now files a netltlon In tne Seattle courts for a dlvorco from ft III I i H M I 1 1 M I I I E IMC I I Till! !. 1 .1 . ..a . mil, uo uuruca ui nor complaint uo lng non-support. Baker City Herald. ' ! MMlMf ' f (Eye Hete 5tU -t i !. Breaking prices qncUmotBtnt pTekinfc the china j i duYing; remova1ralVfbrburs:enetiJ. fOurnewsture , ! is beiwr rapidly built. Our stock will disappear rapidly ; Capital National Bank of Salem, transacts a general banking business. ' Only Na tional Bank In, Marlon county. A i Savings I Bank 1 Department Pays three per cent Interest on savings accounts. Deposits of ONE DOLLAR or more re- T Issued to each depositor. rH-W-fH'l M I M i It I till II I MM MB1 W Yot , J 'F k 1VWIA rS I inp; rapiaiy at present prices SEE THE SHOW WINDOW i Yokohama Tea Store 1 Phone 24 J i Black. Free delivery v MMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHIMIMMIMIIIHWy! t MiMWIWff IDalVa fetvy ! The ferrv boat is now in operation, day or night, k - - r . . r road good and driving fine. Take the short ctrt to : : 1 1 1 points in Polk coonty. v j ijijA. D. Pettyjohn, Prop. 'i :. -J k ea8ffiiw' IHH-HH-fr.t-f-M 1 ; n MHIW-H-H-HH-HUI I 1 I I 1 1 I I l"H"r J reived at any time. Pass bejok J(J ?&, JEKI'WJJSim:JJBX!,JC i Voget hawker Real Estate Sales. Real estate sales are as follews: T. P. Royal to H. R. Rockhlll, lots J 1 and 2, block 11, Capital Park ad- t dltlon to Salem, ?400. i J. N. Skalfe to A. M. Dalrymple, lot t 5, Waller's addition to Salem. $200. ! 4- p. a. werren xo u. Honson, 5U acres, t 8 s, r 2 and 3 w, $3700. I The hanging at Union, Mo., of Bll Rudolph (Missouri Kid) Is postponed Indefinitely. AND Fuel Company. 14- It Rough and dressed lumber, sash, doors, lath and shingles, ash and fir wood. Salem Ore. Down town ofllco 112 Court street. Telephone Main 2451. One block east of S. P. pas eenger depot. IHIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIinil 90 per cent of all cases treated at Boswell Springs ate Cuted Capt. Ben D. Boswell, Proprietor and Manager, Boswell Jf . u., Liottfi-ias t-o., uctvon 4. 1 HH-w-winii mn HHt'iMHH n 1 1 1 m HHOinnni r wKtiiwiiaitiiamtgioittim' -MERCHANT TAILOR llfr HnncA filnfl rnu4 I4aa4 Z Experienced cutter and fitter, Will guarantee all work AIM c1m- Z 9 inx. uicaainK anu icuairiMic. I td WTi - IllSr KPCPiVPCl a I arltati nf 1 - T 'w-- m mu mMm vi . ryi , k G ts f 'tokJ. v. & Call and sc them. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ""' " "T-r-; -3 KEH Kanpfes MHnp i 1 " "'' V '- v Get our Cook RnnL and Gas Range Literature Free. Citizens Light & Traction Co. ,L -' toht, m n 1. ' I' jtJ r, 1 l M !i :;m ' si ah fii wVt' 1 ;. 4 Wl ' tA fP