Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 14, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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BMtodal page of
tTbe Dail 3-ournal
Scrlppa New Association Telegrams.
Published ovorjr afternoon exepot Sunday at 197 Commercial Btreet,
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i A
Justlco of the. Supremo Court
Stato Food and Dairy Commis
sioner, J. W, BAILEY,
for Presidential Electors,
Member of Congress First Dla
- Second District,
Circuit Judges, Third Judicial
, i District.
For District Attorney,
County Judge John H. Scott.
8horlff W. J.. .Culver.
Cleric John W. Roland.
Assessor Fred J. Rice,
Treasurer W. Y. Richardson.
Rocordor John C. Slogmund,
hoQl Supt. E. T. Mooros,
Commissioner I. C. Noodham.
8urvoyor B. B. Horrlck.
Coroner A, M. Clough.
Representatives Jos. Calvert, Hub
'brd; J., O. Qraham and T. B. Kay,
Sjtfem; John Ritchie, Scotts Mills;
Josbo H. Settloraolor, Woodburn.
Salem District Ticket.
For Justlceof the Poaco..
For Conatablo.
Chairman Stato Central Commltteo
Frank C, Baker, Portland.
Chairman Congressional Control
Cqmralttoe Waltor L. Toozo, Wood
burn. wMombor State Central Committee
Hal D. Pattou, Salem.
Chairman County Central Commit
ted lms. A. Murphy; B. Frank
Moredlth, secretary, Salem.
Republican Joint Canvass,
Turner, May, 20, 10 a. m.
Jofforsou, May 2G, 8 p. m.
'Aumsvllto, May 27, 10 a. m.
Sublimity, May 27th, at 3 p. m.
Stayton, May 27, 8 p. m.
Gates, Mny 28, 11 a. m.
'Mehama, May 28, 8 pfm. '"
Macleay, May 31, 2 p m., ;
SUvorton, May 31, 8 p. m.
Scotts Mills, Juno 1, 10 a, mi '
Mt. Angel, Juno 1, 2 p. m.
YjToodhurn, Juno 1, 8 p. ra.v x
Buttovlllo, June2, 10 a. m,
Hubbard, Juno 2, 2 p, m ' , ,
Aurora. Juno 2) 8 p. m. '
St, Paul, Juno 3d, at 10 a, mf
Brooks, Juno 3, 2 p. m.
Qervnls, Juno Z 8 p, m. v
Pratum, June 4, 2 p. 'in.
Saleni, Juno 4, 8 p, m,
u "
Dates of Events,
May-18-21 I. O. O. F, grand lodgo,
Juno C General cloction in Ore
eon. Juno 15, 1C, 17 Oregon encamp
mont'a, AR., Hood River.
Junol-15, 10 and 17 Department -f
Oregon, G. A, R., In annual reunion at
Hood Rivor,
August 22-27 Amorlcan Mining
Congress, Portland.
been cumbersome and' oxponslve.
Run by tho Portland push, In splto
of all that Marlon county members
like Kay and LaFolletto could do to
hold them down, jobs piled up.
While tho Eddy bill was1 put through
to raise re-venues by Indirect taxes,
new burdons were Imposed on tho
taxpayer that more than ate It up.
That is why tho state tax Is so
high, and the only way to cut It down
Is to elect tho Marlon county delega
tion on tho distinct understanding
that thoy are not there to get any
grafts for Marlon county. '
They nro going there to light grafts
nil along tho line, and among othors
the grafts that aro carried on right
hore at home.
Nono of the big grabs that have
socked up stato taxes aro for any
thing that Is being done here at Sa
lem. Marlon courity Republicans are
all right. They show It In their coun
ty government.
Lot no one bo afraid to elect tho
whole Marlon county legislative ticket
with a bang, and at tho same time let
It bo understood that Marion county
methods aro to bo injected Into stato
Its school census to havo "'168a of Its
school population in the public schools
than any city of Its size inj tho state'
because so many go to private schools,
As a result tho public schoolB have
fower to provide for, and 'should pro
vide for them better than other towns.
Salem should have tho best public
sch'ools In the state, Instead of the
Progress In tho Salem public
schools demands that the people up
hold all that has been accomplished
the past two years, and go forward.
Take no step backward.
A majority of the present school
board look backward to a time when
country crossroads school privileges
were good enough.
Tho peoplo who lovo the public
schools must bo prepared to fight to
get these things. Thoy should de-
JohnH. McNary Would
Have It Meet Once
a Year
He Says If Crimes Are Prop
erly Prosecuted There
Will Be No Occaiion
for Mob Rule
John H. McNary, tho Republican
candidate for district attorney, has re
sided all his life at Salem, and there
is some Interest In his political views.
mand them, and keep demanding them The people have a right to know where
ho stands on some vital matters re-
until they get them
To build up the public schools
means to build up the educational in
terests of the whole community, of
every private school and college, and
university. It moans to benefit tho
wholo community.
Miss Grace Parshall, a Victoria, B.
C woman and helre3s, has retired
from society because of tho death of
her poodle dog. Fortunate sho never
thought of suicide. Independence En
The Democratic campaign seems to
be a kind of pony show,
According to the semi-annual re
ports of tho county officials of Douglas
county, published Monday of this
week, the county debt on"' March 31,
1904, was $103,513 31. Ono year pre
vious the debt was $102,360.90, while
on March 31, 1900, it was but $85,-
Newberg Graphic: Kipling's "Bear
that walks like a man" Is doing some
pretty lively running these days.
After having imposed Dr. Woods
Hutchison on the community, the Or-
latlng to tho discharge of'the duties
of his office. To learn his views a
reportor called on him and asked
several leading questions and got
answers as follews: ,
' Q. What Is your position In regard
to having an annual session -of tho
Grand Jury before whom any citizen
can make complaints without becom
ing responsible himself for having
tho Grand Jury called.
A. Undor tho law, as it exists in
this stato, a district attorney can file
and Information against a person
charged with a crime without refer
ring, the same to the Grand Jury, I
cannot say that I regard this as wise
legislation. If tho office is filled by a
person who will do his duty honestly
and fearlessly, no evil would result
therefrom, but In case tho officer was
of a different character, tho powpr
might bo exercised by him In a dan
gerous manner. I believe In tho per
petuation of tho Grand Jury, system
and If elected district attorney, will
call a Grand Jury at least once a
year. And oftener If there is busi
ness of public Importance pending In
vestigation. Undor tho federal con
stitution a man cannot be prosecuted
for a crime unless he has been In
dicted by a Grand Jury. I can see no
reason why the same rule should not
apply with equal force to prosecutions
In stato courts. The Giand Jury Is
an Inexpensive body. It is not ham-
Absolutely Pure
Gathered from the Best Exchanges of All Churches
ogonlan will bo very glad to be rid of p0rod In Its Investigations by tech
Two years ago this city ontored up
on a career of building up tho public
A competent and progressive city
superlntondont was employed, and all
him. It forgets that this Franken
stein wa3 the author of the typhoid
fever report It printed on 5 this city
last year, to its everlasting detriment,
nlcal rules of evidence and is there
fore enabled In many cases to reach
a better understanding of the matter
boforo them than petit Jurlos are.
There are a great many matters of
a public character In which' tho peo
ple are interested In having Investi
gated from time to tlmo, and I bo-
Johnny Harris, who contributes the
cartoon to Tho Journal today Is only
an Alaskan Indian boy, and yot he
tho grade work was built up and lm-1 shows lulto a ErasP ot the Political n0ve that thoy would bo better satis
proved. ,VUI"'U"' "" Ul ",uou u-ii' " fled to bring such mattors before
Libraries wore started in oach of flc,aIs down at Washington need not the Grand Jury than to take the Judg-
tho schools, about two thousand dol- ou "urnnseu io near or mai ooy car- ment of any ono man,
tooning in tno big papers, and he was
lars worth ot books were added, and
pictures put in tho schools.
, A now piano was secured for ono of
tho schools, and tho rooms In tho
ward schools bogan to fill up,
Tho past year a tenth grade was
probably brought dnder tho bono
flclent influence of Chemawa In vio
lation of some technical rule and reg
ulation of a two-bit clerk In tho Interi
or department. '
added, Instead of graduating children
In their short drossos and knoo pants. In tho high an of supremo graft
Our community was put out of tho 'nE the Portland fair crowd aro not a
klndcrgnrton class. Iclrcumstnnco to tho St. Louis fait
ALL THE8E THINGS WERE BnB- But thoy are down there taking which officers administer tho law, and 'J
DONE WITHOUT A CENT OF EX- lessons. the neonlo become tired of tho riolnv.
Q. Do you think lynchlngs are Jus
tifiable under any circumstances, aad
in your opinion, Is a resort to mob
law ever to be encouraged or sanc
tioned by the officers ofHhe law?
A. No officer of tho law who has
any regard whatever for his oath
would over think of encouraging or
sanctioning mob law. Lynchlngs aro
usually caused the lax methods in
We are Just beginning to emerge Nothing short of the perfect.
from the loud of pesslsm which tho of truth can bo satisfactory t
scientific doctrine of heredity, be- divine Judgment. Whatever m,
cause of Its narrowness, cast ovor the the emphasis laid upon faith n
mln.1 of tho last generation. Even beginning of tho Christian to
, A, m .1 t.... ... fttltbt a1.An1 l.a. i
in ine case oi uibbubu, wuure a icw uuov icicoi no L'uropiete work
years ago It was supposed tnat nero- enu in wnat men are and htj
dlty was a fate against which ono navo aono. rne Watchman.
might strive In vain, wo aro now ,'
learning thaC tho heredity Is more In ' The Bible is no fetich; It ftj
the mind than In the blood, more In gooa io roveronco It merely uii.
the Infections which persist In the It 13 not a book to conjure tltj
household and In household assocla- " '8 oenented simply by reJs
tlons than In any perslstance of the There Is no magic In a "eta
disease Itself. Tuberculosa Is how fay" Unless we read It mJ
proved to be not heredity , whllo oven mind and a receptive heart nil
Insanity, It Js suspected, runs In fami- as wen, ror all the spiritual i
lies, not becauso the taint Is In tho will do us, con a chapter In
blood, but because It Is In the mind, la the U8 we make of the BfbleJ
In habits of thought, In the talk, tho uciurnnnus us vaiuo to ui l
fears, tho superstitions, the Influence guides our hearts to him hoaj
of foreboding, and many a baneful way, the truth, and the life, vii
thought which can bo warded off Parts to' us knowledge of Goj,lJ
met with an antidote, and made harm- comes, a priceless spiritual
less. Moral diseases aro oven more tho Book of Books, God's WorJioi
amenablo to tho healing forces of s0"ls In vory truth.-The Em
sympathy, wisdom, good training, andi "
a total change of mental and moral' The beEt l)rof of tte
atmosphere Tho Christian Register. the Christian religion Is the it!t;i
N , of the Christian himself; notlls
Tho Sermon on the Mount closed' and professions, but his cotdrti
with tho emphatic requirement of all spirit; not his Sunday gartiuli
who had listened to the words of vice, but hU every-day tone; eali
Jesus to go and fill them. HU doct- church ways, but his home till
rme, nice all trutn, must bo mado tne llrst third of tho first mM
practical If It will lose deflnlteness In world saw tho Incarnate
tho mind. The hearer of tho word Woid of God made flesh and did
goes--away and forgets what manner of Jn human form among men. Tiii
man- he Is. It Is easy to decelvo one- toenth ..and twontleth centurisi 1
self with tho fancy that In hearing- no loss than thTs. John II Vhi
a good sermon and according with Its' ' When lovo forgives, it forpd. j
sentiment ono Is sufficiently boneflted. does not rocall the past Inujftl
The effect Is superficial and has no
practical result unless truth Is
wrought Into deeds and character. In
photography the sonsltlve plate which
ha3 received the impression of on ob-' God deals with man Lore Modi
Ject must bo "flxod" In a sultablo.the slnB of yostorday, an! till
chemical bath, or tho Image will fado.momber thorn no more. Iter, 0.
out on oxposure to light. bell Morgan, D. D. The Stan
does not hold wrongs of other d
ao a sword oyer tho head ofolttl
Tho upright man who trusts Grid
always afford to be generoaJ,!
fact thoy had' to bo dono without any
and of tho opportunities thereby glv
Tho candidate for tho legislature, on a defendant of escaping. If offl-
noip rrom a majority of tho Salem did you say. Oh, he's easy. His sizo cers are prompt and fearless In tho
board or education. Progress had to Is two-bits, and tho voter's hip pocket djjichnrge of their duties, laws "can bo
bo nttalnod surroptltltously and bo- has an underground connection. It Is onforced, and I feel sure the people
hind tho backs of tho ox-team frator- tho meanest offlco on earth, 120 for would have no occasion to resort to
nlty on tho board. Uo days and 40 nights really a dollar lynch law; neither dotI believe, as a
Throe of tho school board woro not a day man, when you flguro on the rule, thoy would deslro to do so,
only Indifferent to progress, but 'wont eight-hour shift, to which all nubile Opposes Trifling Prosecutions.
on rocoriLfor kicking out all above ' omployes aro entitled. His rosponsl- Q. What will bo your policy If
tho ninth grado, although It had not(bllltles run way up Into tho millions, elected luregard to many of tho pros-
cost tho district a cent. So thoy are At tho county hotels he Is oxpected to equtlons that are brought beforo tho
bitterly Indlgnnnt nt tho prospect of pay B0 cents n meal, and In tho city district attorney and generally end
any future progross. ho must go to tho two-bit house or 10- only In saddling 'expenses' on tho tax-
Thoy havo emphasized their hatred cent counter, for -fear ho will bo payers?
Pf4 progross, and tholr opposition to branded as an aristocrat. Ho must A. An officer, of courso, Is some-
building UP tho Schools bV trvinir to, klSS tho babies nvnn If IhAv hnvn times deceiver! In msnn thnt urn
- - - " - " VJ M, - - - ....... ,
caso3 an officer Is required to take
a Arm stand and keep them out of
the courts In order to keep down tho
enormous expense that would bo oth
erwise Incurred.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications, .as they can
not reached the diseased portlqn of
tho ear. There Is only ono way to
cure deafness, and that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition ot the mu
cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed you havo
a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed,
deafness is tho result, and, unlesB the
rotlro City Supt. Travor. becauso ho ogg-yolk, smeared In all their dlmnlosl brought In the criminal courts.but this ! Inflammatlon can bo taken out. nn-
... ...-' , . . . . . . ....; ... .. ' thin tllTin raolnM !! nn..l .ll
" r lu-uBrusH, nun, unaoie to uo anu , nave noon wiping up the-back can oe avoiaeu in me majority or tho
thatj and protect their personal Intor- yard. Ho must neglect his own busi cases by using proper diligence in as
oats, voted to retain him, but added noss to attend to that-ot the public, cortalnlng tholr charncter boforo per
duties that will cripple hls-work. land thon(bo crackod up everywhere, mlttlng warrants to bo Issued,
This Is not a porsonal matter. Supt. as a fit man to bo entrusted with, pub- Although there are a great many
Travor Is notporfoct. Any city su-jllc business, becauso he does not no- annoying things connected with the
porlntendent of schools, as active as gloct his own. For twd months ho Is administration of tho ofllco for In
ho, would do things that could bo kept on the anxious soat, hla wife stance a great many pooplo come to
criticised. Iforgota hlra, his children look at him the office of a district attorney anl
The disposition of a majority of the In a strange way, as much as to sayi. insist upon prosecutions that aro
present board,
that has been
Tho Oregon legislature in tho past
Tow sessions has had too much pol
itics and not onough huslnoss.
Stampod by sontlmontal considera
tions and rainbow-chasing after
nucKorloaof faddist, tholr work has
' . i M V t '
Is to strike down alli"Wo aro next, and havo nothing to without morlt. Some aro accuated
gained In two years, a oxpqcL" Between tanbark cigars ancf. by a desire to get revenge upon their
t has no element of .mixed drinks, moral obliquities-and neighbors; others are anxious to have
this tube restored to its natural condi
tion, hearing will bo destroyed forev
er; nlno cases out ot ton are caused
by catarrh, which Is nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous ser
disposition that has no element
public spirit or local pride.
Tho pitiful salary paid tho city su
porlntondont will more than likely
drlvo him to soek omploymont olso
whero, and sovoral towns aro bidding
for his sorvlcos.
Thon to heap upon him the duties
of tho East Salon, prlnclpalshlp, is
simply to .tear down tho work of tho
past two yoars, and make t Impossi
ble to bulhl up tho schools.
Tho city of.Salemwlll be shown by
brdad-'gaugo. all-round tirovarlcatlnc1,
his stomach gets a lining llko a young
ostrich's, and his conscienco gets cal
louses like a dray horses shouldors. InJ than themselves, will bo compelled to
tho end ho is made to bellevo bo Is
tho ono man who Is going to got de
feated, and a few hundred dollars nro
screwed out ot him just before elec
tion, and he finds he ran as well as
anyone onHho legislative ticket. andH
that tho pooplo don't caro a rap who
gets Into that office anyway.
a'jmaUot litigated in tho criminal
courts that properly belongs to Its
cyll side, so that tho county, other
'defray the expenses of settling their
differences; others appear to havo an
Idea that the district attorney should
act as a kind of a guardian over all
of tho bad boys in- tho neighborhood
and should arbitrate the differences
InJ the school districts between par-
Good Standard Drama Appreciated.
This morning long before tho box
office opened at tho Grand Onora
House tho lobby was packed with Sa
lem's best people standing in line for
tickets to tho "Crisis," by Isabel Irv
ing tonight. Manager Meredith had
his hands full for a couple of hours,
and it Is assured that the opera house
will bo packed this ovening. This
Bpeaks well for Salem In the way of
patronizing a first-class play,
At the M. E. Church. 1
Three nights Is the place to' 'spend
your evenings next week. Tuesday.
ents and school masters. In these Wednesday and Thursday.
Dallas Collee-e Win Tfi
Meet by a Score of m
to 56
Tho Willamette Unlversltjt
college flold meet was witnessed
a falr-slzed crowd at the local 1
pus yesterday aftornoon, and thel
lfr- mora vlr-tnrq hv n SCOrOOfi'1
..via i.w.v ,,w.m -i
o. &J
Trainer Moulten had his .
fairly coo'd condition, conslderitjl
time Uiat he has been at , m
In tho next meets they will ji
great deal bettor showing this
did yestorday. This was their
mont -hf 'tlm Reason, and the
ans, undor tho tra.nlng of BridrJ
t thn riolUo man. were la &
tornv.and havo been at work fcM
number of weeks. 41
Th. Pir-t of the Season-
Tho first and second yr 6
of tho Willamette University -a
fhtJ -- ninff tnAav. and t-
j,. -..- nAOOlO COUld b
ruB "'r?:" r;; wmi
laKing me car v w .-)
,":?? .. ,., -round!
leirrorwino picun. oM
tSwTdurlng tho early bo" "
ypmi! mmmjmmmmmmxmve