DAILY CXP.TAL MAt. AtlM. bHtQrURbAVTMAV 14, 1fe LESS TERROR EXTRA ONE INNING NEEDED A Name to Make Men Shudder No Longer-Locomoter Atax To Decide Splendid Game of Ball Between Raglans and Foreigners- ia Now in the List of Curable Diseases- i :rt l smugly m lU'TifflirKsra Will lllfff J Special Bargains At The Big Store Standing of the Clubs. ,p. W. PP Salem ,- 8 6 2-750 Eugene .. ,,.lg, 6 4 -COO- Roseburg 9,. 4, 5 444 M Vancouver , a .s-9. ,2 7, i222j a car young ebsei Fresh proof Is furnished tlaily that .and that no ;onbouragement of a path to recovery has at w - my bualnea8 requlre9 mo,tw ! opened before tho most hopeless vlc' travel dally, hut I was compelled to. If on Beds In order to make room for a large ilpment of Iron Beds we are offering it present stock at prices far below the Btfal figures. We have the best con- ;ted Iron Beds in the city at prices it will win yoar patronage. We start i em at t.wU ents and Awnings Wall Paper Do not forget that we carry Tents and Lwnings, adfostable Awnings for resi- lce windows only $3.50 complete id pot tip. It is easy to pick yoor wall paper when you look at out up-to-date stock of paper At 8c per Doable roll Paper your rooms now and make the walls glad. TtUDK Vudor Yesterday's Games. At Salem-'Salem 4, Vancouver 3. At Roseburg Roseburg' 8, Eugeno3 Hurrah for tho Raglans, hurrah for tho Foreigners, for both teams played gilt-edge ball at Athletic Park yesterday. It was one-of those games that we read about, but tho locals had a little the best of It, and, therefore won. It took 10 Innings to decido this, however. Callff pitched six Innings, and there never was a semblance of a hit made from the youngster. He did. not Issue 'any passes, and fielded-his position In an errorless manner) He 'waa, struck on the arm in the sixth Inning by a pitched ball, and forced to retire In favor of Mclnnls, who held tho heavy batters down to foiir hits. "Mc" was a little stiff and offish when ho com menced tho "anti-over" feat, but soon settled down to clean, hard ball play ing. For six innings one hit satisfied Fay's proteges, but during the sev enth, eighth, ninth and tenth they landed for a total of seven more, in spite of tho fine work of Gregory, the southpaw, who pitched magnificent ball. I Tho fielding work was fast and snappy and without errors, and tlmo and time again the spectators went wild. It was a game-which every one could appreciate, and would be a credit to any league in tho country. Harper, Suess and Lee distinguished themselves in the field. The score was as follews: Vancouver. AB R H PO A E Johnson, ss 5 0 ' 0 3 2 1 Donovan, 3b .... 4 1 1 1 2 0 JO'Day, 2b .. v.... 4 2 2 12 1 Lewis, c ....' .. ..4 0 0 8 1 0 Hayno8,ab4...4'!.' 4 0 jO 8 0 0 Craves, "cl ..'.,'..- 4 0 1 1 0 0 Lee, rf ..4 0 0 2 0 0 "Harper, If . 4 0 0 3 0 0 Gregory, p ...; :.... 4 f 0 0 3 1 tims known to medical scipnco, mo reni-ajn homi months at, a streccny sufferers from locomotor ataxia, the'an(1 ttt times I .tiould barcjy shufH ho? tempt to ex- miinn of which' aro. In tho language of the highest medical authority, "probably tho most agonizing which the human , frame is compelled to en- Tho achievement almost passes be lief, for this most dreadful of nervbus diseases has long been regarded as Inevitably fatal. One cannot, however,- refuse credit to Buch well-attested and complete cures aa that of cut nq e w.u. MARE PORCH AND WINDOW SHADES Hammocks We are showing the Palmer Ham mocks. The best kind on the market. We start them at 60c for a fai hammock. Totals ....37 3 4 27 10 3 Salem. AB R H PO A E Folding MaDC IN LL COLORS MOTTUO. PLAIN AND DWRATED-WIATiaRPROOF DYT3. Put some of these shades arpund yoor ttch and have a cool nia.ee in elf. iese shades turn the hot sun rays but fruit of a free circulation of air. They re Just the thing to form the sides of a Summer or Lawn House O o ft 42 I Fay, cf 5 Wilklns, c .. ..'.. 3 Lougheed, 3b ... 5 Nehring, lb '. .... 5 Davla, s's - . . 4 Williams, If .. '.;., 3 Dow'nlo, 2b .. ,.. 4 Suess, rf 4 Callff, p ....;-.,., 1 Mclnls3, p ........ 2 5 0 24 1 Folding Go-Cats The above cart reclines" and folds making a handsome and useful cart for all round use. They are light and easy to run, Rubber tires, Iron gear, Ruffled Parasol. Prjce $8,00, others for $3.00. - Totals 36 . 4 8 30 23 3 Runs and Hits by Innings. Salem 0 00000003 14 Hits 100000112 38 Vancouver ...0 00000201 0 3 Hits 0 00000202 0 1 Summary of Game. Bases stolen, Harper Wilklns, Struck out, by Callff 1- by Mclniss 5; by Gregory 7. Two-base hits, O'Day, Davis, Wil liams, Mclniss. Passed balls, Lewis 1, Wilklns 1. Bases on ball, off Gregory 3, Wild pitches, Mclniss 2. Hit by pitched ball, Callff by Gre- MR, C. E. JANVRIN. Mr. C. E. Janvrln, of Hampton Falls, N. H., whose recovery furnishes, con vincing evidence of the power of the new remody. Mr. Janvrln was attacked .about three years ago by what ho at first thought was rheumatism. He did the usual thing applied liniments to his legs, which were the parts affected, and got temporary relief. But the trouble always returned and, each time, with greator severity. Ho real ized that the disease was gaining a firmer hold of his system all tho while, and after ho had endured the pain and discomfort for more than a year, he began to consult physlslans In great anxiety. Ho was startled by tho verdict, which they agreed in pronouncing In his case. Ho learned from them that he was In tho grasp of a fearful dlB easo, already far advanced, from which there seomod to be no possible escape. "They all said," Btates Mr. Janvrln, "that I had locomotor ataxia; that my spinal cord had degenerated; my feet across the floor. Mv lfiCB nnd feet seemed to paralyzed, tf I made any atU lift mv feet 1 suffered the most cruciaMng pains, I finally became con vinced that I would bo utterly lncair paclated for business, , and- I.Bmplsr gave up tb 'tfespon&ericy. Tho'dlseascj was growing worse,' and tho doctors could gIVo me no Hope. What -was1 K to do? "I had Jittle'falth left In tho possT billty of recovery by any means, bat one day In January, 1903, I happened! to read in a pamphlet some remark able cvjres of nervous diseases effected! by Dr. Willams Pink Pills for Pal People. Although I was a despairing: man 1 fortunately decided to give; them a trial. I used two boxes before I saw any signs of improvement. Then I began to have a slight hope thatf they might possibly save mo from tho death to tfhlch I had been 'doomed. "I continued to take tho pills witli growing confidence and rhy condition steadily Improved all ,the while. Be? fore the tenth box was entirely gono I was able td take up my work again and to do It tho same ns beforo I wasr: attacked. My cure was complete 1m every respect, and It has been per manent, for I am now at work every day, and no one judging from my present activity would suspect that at year ago I was both helpless' and' hopeless. "My cure seems to mo remarkable' in itsolf and also in its quickness 'and! lnexponslveness. I had been coti-l demned to die as suffering from a dis ease for which doctors knew no rem-, edy, and yet I was made a perfectly well man in six months by UBing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They have saved my life "and my confidence-"1 its them Is naturally great. "I am never without a box,of them in my home?, and I can scarcely say too much in: their favor." s ? A remedy that has restored tp per fect 'health a victim of locomotor ataxia, may be confidently used for all ordinary forms of nervous diseases Buch as sciatica, neuralgia, nervous headache, St. Vitus' dance. These pills are also a opeclflc'for all diseases of the blood, such as rheumatism antl anaemia, and for all forms of'Tvealr noss in male or female. They are sold by all druggists throughout IhG world. . J (Sited (cvmi)lUm smmmsmammr HARPER WHSRY gory. Loft on bases, Vancouver A; Salem 10. , Hits, off Callff 0; off Mclniss 4; "off Gregory 8. Earned runs, Vancouver 1, Salem 1 First base on errors, Vancouver 3; Salem 3. Time of gamo, 1:50. Umpire, Jackson. Scorer, Jossup. That Free Bicycle. i-Jtt Remember every Journal subscriber, who pays 50 cents on the paper is en4 titled to a guess on tho Froo Censu Guessing Contest, The person whe gneBses nearest tho total number or inhabitants In Greator Salem, as fihown by the official consus now be ing taken, will win the handsome 190 model Mitchell bicycle, with coaster brake attachment. Read tho an nouncement elsewhere, ...fBna.rTTtt)tMMfti0ij Famoue at home for I Generations pact; I Famoua new all over I the World. I Fer 8at by I A. 8CHREIBER, lUUm. I 15 Stat. . I FARMER'S HOME, I The sttongt $t Coffee in the market f Tor 2K50 is Silver Plume Blqnd Fresh Roasted and for sale only by THE SALEM COFFEE ROASTER. Phone 2291 Main, . O. O. P. Temple, Court St. I alrnntli...1.T,,Bt,BMiBaaBBay J. A. AUPPERLE, President A. F. HOFER, Vice President. . W. HAZARD, Caehl.r, OvcQon State Bank Incorporated. Jeffei son, Oregon, mnkoe loans, cte- - r '. r Transact a gaeral basking business; COfiBt bill and rMtlva Aaanntta Dal la forei and 0oat!o exchange OoUeCtlOBB nad nn fnk1. .. ' NotariM Hublle-We tender our .emew ia,.ali atteru of". """- YOUR BUSINESS SOLICIT. "rf -I mi m 5M 4IH IM I'lUll