Err-Br-JBj sr'f n?v L' TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREQON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1904. HEARST SfPED? WQffEBQ T,is;o. fcWam it 1 - FOR LIBEL Season 1 " Jt r ' I ;m (iu In ir B" I m NeYoifL Times -Brings Stiit Against ... y.l'...i'f A '. " "J a. iyjuv nearst. ine nmewcan, ant iue Evening Journal rir- (Iow oYrk Special.) yesterday In Papers woro sorved an, action for llb'ol brought by tho Tlmos agahiBt William R. Hearst and Ihla. newspapers, because of the pub lication In the American and tho Evening Journal of April 7 of an ar- ftlclo which, it Is charged, was In bonded to injure tho roputatlon and IbuslnoHs of tho Times. Tho artlclo 3n quostlon was of a nature to create 3n- tho minds of those who should bo 3ts readers tho belief that the Times 3b owned and controlled by Mr. August Belmont, and that Its editori al influence has been and Is employed to servo tho prlvnte, personal, and apolitical interests of Mr. Belmont. On tho day this artlclo was pub lished, April 7, tho attornoys for tha Times addressed a lottor to Mr. 'Wil liam R. Hearst demanding that his newspapers publish a retraction. Mr. Hearst was assured that Mr. Bol snont has no financial interest In the any -of its concerns or that Its course and Its policy nro In no way subject to his control. Ho was Informed that It was tho ovident Intention of tho writer of tho article In question to dc 'injury to tho business and standing I tho Times by creating tho imprcs tslon that its editorial policy is direct ed and controlled by others than Jthoso actively engaged In writing and publishing tho paper. No attontlon having been paid to this domand, tho Times Instructed its counsel to prepare a complaint In an action for libel against tho Star Com Tany, William Randolph Hearst, and Arthur Brisbane; against the Star Star Company as tho corporation pub lishing tho American, and against Arthur Brlsbano, as editor of "" the Journal. A similar action was brought ragalnst tho Evening Journal and against tho Chicago Amorlcan, both Times or In 3roport!eB ,nnd of which republished tho artlclo of April 7. In addition to theso suits brought by tho Times Company, com plaints were prepared In actions brought by Mr. Adolph S. Ochs per sonally against the same defendants. Tho artlclo upon which this action Is based was set forth In full in tho complaints, which also contained tho following averments: Fourth That tho plaintiff through Its officers and editors has diligently labored to publish and maintain and has published and maintained tho newspaper known as Tho Now York Times free from all outside influence, except such influence as may bo hon orably and properly exerted by any reputablo member of tho commun ity actuated by good motives and re gard for tho public welfare, well knowing that tho prosperity of tho business of this plaintiff, Its standing and tho confidence with which It Is regarded in tho community woro and aro depondant upon tho establishment of its roputatlon ns a nowspapor un selfishly devoted to the public inte rests, and welfare. Fifth That ono August Belmont, reforred to In tho libelous artlclo hereinafter Bet forth, does not own any of the capital stock of this plain tiff, and has no voice or control what soever In Its management or in its affairs, nor In tho affairs of any of Its auxiliary associations, and said August Bolmont does not In any way control or direct tho policy or manage ment of said Tho Now York Times; nor Is the said nowspapor or ItB man agement, nor Is Adolph S. Ochs, re ferred to In said artlclo, and who owns In his own right more than a major ity of tho capital stock of this plaintiff and who directs tho editorial businoss policy of said The Now York Times, under any financial or other obliga tions to said August Bolmont. SALEM YOUTH WRITES His Experiences of a Voyage in the South Seas At Sea, January 20, 1904. .ToSuiy 1j a lazy day so I will write a llttlo ns I now feel llko It. Several (imos I havo thought I would write and then I would think, oh woll whnts tho iiso, thoro's plonty of time truth to toll thoro Is plonty of tlmo, in fact that Is tho only posslblo kick I co'ihl havo hero. An I told you I am In tho cabin arid as far as. work Is con cerned It Is truly a snap, I have n room and I oat aft that Is with tho officers. Now at tho last of Jauuary wo nro In about 'SO dogroes S. latttudo and 100 dogrooB W. longltudo which you will boo Is west and north yot of Capo Horn. So far wo havo had fair weather too fair In fact for wo aro losing time with tho light breozos and calms. To ijlve you an tdoa of my trip I will scotch a llttlo of it. wo nindo a alow start taking nine days to gut aliranst of San Francisco then wo had tho south-enst trado v?lnd but It was so far to tho south that we had to run considerably to tho wostwanl of tho IntondcM course. So much In fact that Pltcalrn Island in 180 degrees W., 25 ilogrooa S. was out of our way and consequently wo touched thoro and tho sklppar tosted his chronometer and wo all Invested in tropical fruits. Tho sqcond mato oven sold, his dog for n couplo of has kot8, of fruit. Tho plno-npplos, roso npplos, nlUgator pears, oranges, lorn Otis, mangoos and oocoanuts didn't libld out vory long for wo only pur chased smalh'quautltlQS individually, but tho bananas nud squashes of which tho captain purchnsod many in tho f)hlp'a uamo aro lasting nice- Of courso thoro woro flying fish, "goonoys," porpoises, bonltor and "doldrums" before wo reached. Plt calm. And since leaving thoro we have seon fin-back whales, lco-blrds, stormy petrQls, or "Mothor Carys chickens" and nlbatross or "Molly hawks." February 14. About 35 degroes-4V. 45 degrees S Horo wo aro In tho mlddlo of tho South Atlantic nud no weather yet. Surely I am a good mascot or "Jonah man." It Isn't so warm a3 it waB in tho tropics, but It Is not froezlng by constdorablo yot and wo aro now bearing to tho north each day. Wo encounter largo banks of fog In this vlclulty. Thoy aro caused by tho com parative shallowness of the ocean horO In spots, some banks having ro corded soundings as shallow a3 25 fathoms. This is also south of tho lco-llne, that Is tho lino south of which floating lco and bergs may bo met but wo havo seen nono yet and as this Is summor hardly expect to. still "tho old man" has a look-out postod all tho tlmo horo. Every plnco I wont last wlntor that Is In 190203 I carried a bunch of books, gonorally on my back, and gonornlly had no opportunity to read them so this tlmo I had nono nnd horo whoro I don't havo to qarry any thing and havo plonty of opportunities Is just whore thoy would bo conven ient. To bo auro I can adjust" all this at tho first port and In tho meanthno I havo read all tho skipper magazlnos and most of tho novels, on board and plnypd eolltnjro until I fairly dream of doucos, acus nnd tonspot3. What Came of a Letter. BY VALENTINB MOTT. MY Dkar John : In answer to your dear letter of last Sunday I wish to say, that Dr. North does call here about once a week. He used to be anxious about my health, and then too he seemed to like to discuss music and art with me. We are very good friends. Now, John, you ask me point blank if I am In love with the doctor. There is no sense in running on in this fashion. I write merely to tell you that you needn't be afraid. He says I am an inspiration to him. The goodness only knows what he sees in me I I am such a humbug musically, intellectually and artistically that a man of his calibre should see right through me. He never suspects that I have not taken his medi cine for months. The fact is John I am getting better clay by day, You know the world is full of tired women. Some are tired mentally, some tired physically, and a few unfortunate ones suffer from both mental and physical fatigue. The society woman is worn out by a con tinual round of social duties. A work ing woman is worn out by real bodily fatigue and dull routine. Something more than that Is the matter with me John. You know for years 1 have suf fered from nervousness, lack of sleep at night, backache, and when the social season was over I was almost dead, but, thank goodness, John, I am a much stronger woman now, and I feel that Lj can take care ot mat cute, iiuie coiiagc which you and I are going to occupy next fall. With much love, Sincerely yours,- JKWSZ My Dear Aunt Katb : I must tell you the good news. Right after receiving your letter, the day before New Year's 1 started in with new resolu tions on the first of the year. 1 wrote r rC -A Vr TiV in.i.v t v .. original signature ot eacn individual vol- to Dr. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo N. Y., as unterinK8the testimonials herewith and writes Mrs. John Kooman, of 832 Grant Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. "I suffered from female weakness, dull headaches, and distressing gas in stomach which caused me much pain. The pains in my stomach were dreadful while so much gas remained. I suffered most at night. The physician who attended me sain he thought the trouble was floating kidney and lie treated me for same. Not receiv ing any benefit from him, I changed doctors. The second one said I had womb trouble. I took treatments from him but kept getting worse. It was then that I applied to Dr. Pierce for advice, describing mjr symptoms. He quickly replied, directing me to take his ' Favor ite Prescription ' and ' Golden Medical Discovery. I did so, and after taking one bottle of each I was very much better. Continued with the medicine until I had taken- five bottles of each, also two vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' land I was cured. ! always recommend ut. i-ierce's medicines 10 my menas when they are not well." "I will write a few lines in praise of your wonderful medicine," says Mrs. Elizabeth McConell, of Rochester, Ind. "They have done wonderful work in my family for both male and female. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best lung medicine I ever heard of. It works like magic. It has done good work for us in every case where we have tried it. I believe that by the help of God, it saved my life. The 'Favorite Prescription ' is a boon to females ; it has done wonders for both of my daugh ters in their sicknesses. I .advise all women who are afflicted to try it, and if they do they will never regret the price paid for it. "My daughter is in quite good health, thanks to Dr. Pierce's medicines. My wishes are that all who are afflicted will try them and see what good can be dohe for the sick." $3,000 forfeit will be paid in lawful money of the United States, by the officers of the World's Dispensary Med ical Association, if they cannot show the original signature of each individual vol- ,uu .uu "''.--- '". """" alto ortlie writers of every testimonial my symptoms, which were that I was th tllousands whiph thev are con-tlrcd-so tired-all the time and did not tt, publislling t bus provfng then care to go anywhere, depressed and sad, euueness and ffie superiority of these anu ail auiuiuon nunc, uuckucuc anu a -'..:: dragged-out feeling, could not sleep, liuios leenng sorev ana aciinig. 1 ioi lowed the doctor's advice, which he went to considerable pains to make plain to me to rest every day a nap after lunch complete relaxation cultivate repose of mind, try not to worry and get as much outdoor air as possible, and practice long, deep breathing, expand ing the lungs. Then for a uterine tonic, Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, coupled with a wash he told me of. I must say that after taking his advice for four months I feel perfectly cured and like a new woman. Yours affectionately, JRWBL. The above letters are not unusual as witness what the following women say : I am more than willing to state that Dr, Pierce's valuable medicine has cured wo rf wrv lisnerrepable complaint," Backed up by over a third of a cen tury of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as 110 other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription now feel fully warranted In .offering to pay $500 in legal money of ine unueu oiaics, lor any case 01 corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of cure. They have the most remarkable record of cures made by this world-famed remedy ever placed to the credit of any prepara tion especially designed for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. Send 31 one-cent stamps to Dr, R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his Common Sense Medical Adviser, 100S page, bound in cloth. bo thoro in less than 48 hours. AJtor tho last chapter wp had fluo fair; wonthor and were bowling along at delightfully cheering pace till wo wore within n thousand mllcs of pori then wo had a week Of light broozes. dead ahead alternated with (load calms and thon after we had nil bocomo contented with that wo had a iiIcq. stiff breozo from dead ahead and ha thoro was a strong westerly cur rontto tho north wo couldn't go that way but must sheoi oft toward tho South Polo again. Hut It wasn't a bad blow for It soon shifted and kept on shifting till It was a fair wind and now at this writ ing wo are headed dlroctly fqr port and at prosont rato of speed wo will Sarsanarilln m? M CJ The doctors1 Sarsaparllla; the aj) kind they have used for over " 60 years. No other Sarsapa- nua use it. txsC'SlSs Oh tho futility of human calcula tions! Attor writing tho lines at.'tho top of this page wo had a day "of "whlto. squalls." Now whlto squ'alla are an Institution to this part of'itho world. Tho sun shines brightly 'and j tho few clouds above aro fleecy whlto out tno wind fairly howls. It was a fair wind that Is It would havo talton us Into port If wo had run before It but It was too strong so wo had to hove to and wait till it subsldod. Thou followed sovoral days calm and light broozos but all things liavo au ond and finally wo had fair wind and camo In sight of port. The char ter stated that wo woro to como here for orders and wo wero supposodvto rocolvo them from tho signal station without oven coming to anchor. Then If wo woro 'ordered to somo of"Tho other coast ports wo could Imme diately proceed, but nay, nay wo woro Informed that thoro wero noor dors for us yot aud tho breozo bolng light and tho current strong wo soon drlftod past and as night camo 'on wo put to sea, Moro contrary W((nd nnd the cur rent kopt Ua out flvo days but when1 wo did rotiirn wo dropped tho anchor and tho sklppor wont ashore. Now It Booms that tho consignee Is In the hands of a rocolvor and thla of course occasioned considerable difficulty In- jvolvlng numorous cables to Capetown, j Durban or Port Natal, New Yorlc and San Francisco ana at this writing we are waiting. About tho letters a3 you know I gave you tho address as Now London, when It should havo been East Lon don and as thoro is a Now London In South Africa they probably wont thoro. EaBt London Is llko somo of tho coast towns In that It Is sprinkled ovor much territory. Wood Is a luxury and consequently tho houses aro built of stono, brick, nd corregated Iron. Tho climate la similar to Southern California as tho latitude la about tho same. There aro swarms of Kaffirs horo but thoy are "runty5' compared to those In the Interior so wo aro told. Tho whlto women hero . aro nearly all thin climate. Most all tho merchandise (s doar because It has to bo lmportod. Tobacco la qulto expensive. Drinking tho native whisky and brandy Is llko throwing a rasp down, your throat Wo had some anayllzed and It showed kerosene, bllgo-wator and car bolic acid with traces of anchor chain, old Olos and Oiarbed wire. CLYDE MASON. Sure Cur for Piles, Itching Piles produce moisture .and cauao Itching, thlB form, as woll as Dllng, Blooding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bc-san-ko'a Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and blooding. Absorbs tumors. 50c a Jar at drug gists, or Bent by malL Treatfeu fA Write mo about your case. Dr, Bo- SMiKo, JPDiia,. Fa. 1 OAWTOIIIA. Btfe yTM KM Vw fan Aiwrt Baatt of cm&& Got your matorlala jnade up. Wo can supply your wants Lawns In white, black, tan, pink, blue, red and yellow o'nl yard. Our customers say our prices' are most reasonable' m Cushion corda only 10c a yard. - Now assortment Just in. G ' rlpty of colors, mercerized finish. Millinery. , Wo receive new goods In thla department almost day. Latest styles, good work, reasonblopflces, Seo us f0 frames, straw-bralda, chiffon flowers, foliage and buckles Roste&n & Gt eenbatim ere 302 Commercial Street. MMMf TO ST. LOUIS AND THE WORLD'S FAIR Travel via Denver and the Burlington Route to St: Louis if you want an interesting, comfortable and safe journey, The Burlington is the only railroad running its own trains over its own rails all the way from Denver to St. Louis. Fast time, clean nnd comfortable cars, obliging employes, good meals in dining cars at -moderate prices. Let me give you detailed' information about the trip, Write your name and address h(Sre.v Name Address . Then cut out this ad today and mail to A. C. SHELDON. GENERAL AQE.NT DURUNQTON ROUTE, N87. '00 Tmno Street. PORTLAND, 0RI, BiggerandBettej Than Ever Before SALEM WED NESDAY May 1 Performances 2 and 8 Ri MORRIS &ROWE' NEW BIG SHOWS CIRCUS MEMQERIE MUSEUM HIPPOW 2 JUST TWICE LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE -RINGS elseteed RINGS- A NEW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT A Multitude of New Feature Never BeJorc Preeoted In America 5-MARVELOUS BELFORDS-5 Tha World'a Qrcateit Acrobti MELN0TTG, LA N0LB nJ MELN0TTE Europe' Premier Comedy High Wire Artliti 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS - 6 Mot Remarkable Contortionist Extant 8 " . . ...1IC.J 4- FLYING LA v-iv-The Most Sensational AerUM. 6 - GARDNER FAMfr Hero, ol the High HorUooUiUJ 3 - MCDONALD BROS.-q The Foremotl in , - ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE-8 ADPMir idtictc a Kiit auiUAl ACTORS Wriormlng Elephants, Camels, Lions, Tigers, Hyfcnas, lTplr, J 20-JOLLY JESTING CLOWNS" ONE HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS. Orand Gold Glittering Street Parade at 10:30 a.m. Adults. 50c. Children. 25c One Ticket Admits Vou toEverT tMIIHlli IIIIIUUHIIIIII IWH t H Wholesale and Retail Family Liquor Stof e i i uricnucn, io commercial oirccw Full lino of liquors and wines, Cedarbroofe whisky forme" , X McBrier brand tho best for family use. All orders filled a J llyved In tha city limits, 'Phone Main 1151. i m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nu 1 1 ii i n i in n 1 1 1 trr