TWELVE DAILY CAPITAL JpURNALgALEM OREGON, ATURPAY. MAY, J4,y1904. r m Stockton & Co. i i ufc New Silks Cloth pongeo, IWSTIEOfPffl etc. Best guaranteec taffeta and pcau do sole, Genuine ner's satin, New Piaae Dress Skirts- The swellest styles In the city New York's greatest skirt house. Sale of Ladies' Suits Some merchants make mistakes and buy styles which are unde sirable, and which the people don't want at any price. Wo, by long experience with our customers, and by careful study of their wants, endeavor at all tines to give them the "just right article, at the Just right price," New Lawn KimoDas and Dressing Sacques WEALTHY COFFIN MAKERS Opposition to Slicing Incomes of Undertakers v Malaga, May 14. All the undertak ers struck today because of high taxes on their incomes. In this un healthy climate their business affords a chlof source of revenue. Chicago Markets. 'Chicago, May 14. May wheat 90; old July 85; now, 84083; July corn, 47347tf. The Orchestra Will bo used each night at tho May Festival, THE TIME TO. BUY IS NOW The wheel to buy is the one everyone knows and thinks the most favor ably of BECAUSE they iavu etood the ten ol year and have given uni versal catUlRctlou. is Light, Strong and Easy Running jjsc5 The Rambler at $40 Other Wheels at $25, $30 and $35 The Swellest of the Bunch. To bavo your wheel cleaned and overhauled Tho spring rldlnjt is here lioat workmanship and prompt delivery. Wheels called for and delivered, Time J Baseball Supplies M i A e Yot To tho fact that wo fit more glasses than any one In Salem. That wo bavo fitted glasses and which guvo entire relief to nervousness, headaches, and other ailments which are directly die to eye-strain. Wo have made this a life study and can refer you to the best citi zens of this county for reference. other prescriptions, repair frames, duplicate all parts of either eye glasses or spectacles. Chas H 88 Stato Street. Next door to i ! of gold, plain, pongee, floured pin check suitings, taffota, yard wldo Skin- all color Today Linen Dress Skirts to select from Just received from New Lcstral Petticoats A very stylish and exceedingly good line of black petticoats arrived yesterday, which we offer at the special price of 89c $1.20 98c $1.48 I I I Of Interest to the Medical Profession. St Petersburg, May 14. Ninety tubes of serum have been shipped to the various camps of the army, to pre vent the spread of contagious dis eases. A floating hospital to hold 2000 will be established on the river nt Harbin, Spotted Fever Spotted. Missoula, Mont,, May 14. Three now cases of spotted fever, tho fatal disease following tho bite of the wood tick, are roported today. Special gov ernment physicians are here making a s(udy of the disease. Christian Science. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, 140 Chemeketa street. Services: Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 8:00 p . m. Sub ject of lesson sermen: 'Soul and Body." Sunday School at 11:45 a. m. Wednesday evening Testimonial meeting nt 8:00 o'clock. Heading room In tho church, open each afternoon ex cept Sunday. All cordially Invited. i Do You Realize That the riding season I is now upon us. W The National at $40 JSPfe i Sp I WATT SHIPP I THE BICYCLE MAN 6 MM8 Alive? ! We also duplicate lenses from 9 Hinges, j Ladd A Bush Bank. J I FIRE IN CHICAGO Several Men Injured by Ex plosion of Gasoline in a Building Chicago, May 14. Five men were Injured seriously ana one, Captain Conway, of the fire department, prob ably fatally, by the explosion of gas oline In a basemont at the fashionable Monterey apaitment house this morn ing. The tenants woro panic stricken and fled from the building, which was not seriously damaged, o ACCIDENT AT SILVERTON. Public Schools Raise Neat Sum for High School Library. Sllverton, May 14. (Special to The Journal). While returning from a party given at tho R. D. Allen farm last evening one of the vehicles a3 upset, and Mrs. Chas. Gammons had tho misfortune to dislocate her arm at the left elbow as a result of the fall. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Peo ples a daughter. The Sllverton public schools had a very successful public entertainment last ovenlng,.at which a pleasant,pro gram was rendered, and the neat sum of $35 was netted for tho high, school library. ' 74 1 American Ministers Report. Washington, May 14. Minister Conger cables the state department that tho Chinese government has giv en him renewed satisfactory reassur ance of its neutrality during the con tinuance of the war. Minister Thomp son, of Rio Janeiro, cables that the English ship stopped by tho govern ment at Manolas, on the Amazon riv er, was discovered carrying ammuni tion for Peru. Japanese Invest Da(ny. Chefoo, May 14. At an early hour this morning five Japanese cruisers, one battleship and a gunboat cleared the channel and entered the harbor of Dalny. They began a heavy bombard-' ment of the town. It Is estimated that 30,000 Japanese are Investing the town. There is every reason to be llleve the city yielded to tho assault this afternoon. Chicago Dry Goods Store. Chicago, May 14. The Immense re tail dry goods business of Schleslng- er & Mayer, State and Madison streets, was sold "to 'Henry O. Sol fridge, of Marshall Field '& Co., for 15,000,000. Selfridge severs his con nection with Field. HOTELS The Willamette. W. B. Brown, Portland. F.'C. MIddleton, Portland. J. W.'Barrett, Portland. P. E. Gorould, Portland. T. Pearson, Portland. Miss Isabel Irving, Now York. Wilfred North, New York. Wm. F. Muenster, Now York. Thos. A. Hall, Now York Chas, Lamb, New York. C J. Reynolds, Buffalo, N. Y. H. O. Moulton, Eugene. A. Pankey, Ashland. F. E. Jordan, Ashland. A. 1 Green and wife, San Fran cisco. E. A. Dix, Chicago. O H. Dix, Chicago. E. C. Dick, city, Arthur Conklln, Grants Pass. Matt Burnlo, Fachlld Wis. S. Stebonhaner, San Francisco. D. A, Magness, St. Paul. W. E. Spencer, McMlnnville. Ralph Metcalf, Tacoma. B. B. Duffy,' Portland. Fred I Roltz, Peoria, -111. J C. Ryan, city. Ed. Jones, city, Judge Boise Holds Court. Judge Boise Is holding a short term of court today. A divorce was granted R. E. Carmlchael from D. F. Car mlchaol on the grounds of desertion. Tho parties wore married In 1871. Tho suit of Thoo. Boutin vs. D. A. Magness to enjoin defendant from building a wood flume n a certain lo cation, and for tho specific perform ance of a contract was being heard thts afternoon. Real Estate Sales. The real estate transfers today were: Emma Johnson to C. D. Mlnton. lots 9 and 10, block 82, Salem; $3100. It, IX Young- tp Tbos. Howe, lots ift Mt Angel, $400. V TWELVE HUNDRED DEAD Turks and .Armenians Fall Beneath Showers of Lead Constantinople, May 14. A, report reached here'today that 300 Turks and 900 Armenians were killed in a fight In the Sassoun district. Fighting has been reported In this district on sev eral occasions lately. GIVEN A DASE OF DRUG. Prominent Portland Elk Was Knocked Out by a Thug. .Stockton, Cal., May 14 A. J. Johnson, a member of the lodge of Elks nt Portland, lies In a hospital here In a Very precarious condition his mind wandering and a high fever burning within him. Johnson Is a victim of knockout drops administered in a nearby mountain town by a young thug who subsequently robbed him. Johnson is a commercial traveler, and has often been in this part of the state before. He came to town suf fering from tlje effects of the drops, but his ca3e was hot regarded as se rious. Later . he developed symp toms which greatly alarmed his at tendants, and his lodge In Portland was communicated with. He is seized with a sort of dementia which breaks forth at Intervals. Between these spells ho lies in an unconscious con dition Condensed Milk. A heavy snow storm envelops Northern Michigan. Three inches have fallen at Calumet. Burglars blew open the safe of tho Farmers' Bank, at Metz, Mo., this morning, and escaped with $2000. Thirty families were rendered homeless by a fire at St. Henry, near Montreal. A strike at Callap, Peru, has stopped railway traffic. Clara Barton today resigned the presidency of the American Red Cross Society, and was succeeded by Mrs. Gen. Jchn A. Logan, former vlce-pre.-Ident of the association. King Peter and Prince Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, met today, accompanied by foreign ministers. Greetings were affectionate. Important treaties will be the result. Colombia and Peru announced this afternoon they had decided to ap point Spain arbitrator to arrange the boundary questions in disbute between the two countries. Two hundred employes of the Bos ton & Albany railroad were Indefinite ly suspended as the result of orders to cut exponse3, due to lack of business. . The United States squadron sailed from San Juan today for tho Canary islands. Admiral Shlrtoff, of the Russian navy, passed through Irkutsk today, en route for tho Far East. I At San Francisco United States Commissioner Heacock this mcpiing ordered F, A. Hydo and H. P. D'a-i raond, held for trial at Washington, In connection with the land fraud suits, released. They were under $70,000 bonds. At the Los Angeles conference Bishop C. C. McCape, "the singing bishop," presided today For Sale. Seven milch cows. Good milkers and gentle. One Jersey bull, full blooded. A. G. Smith Route 5, Salem, Oregon. 5-14-31 Lost. Lady's gold watch, Elgin move- ' ment, between Comerarcial street and river. Return to Journal office for reward. 5-14-3t For 8ale. At a bargain, second-hand buggies, one open and three with tops, Call at 210 Liberty street, P. J. Larson. 6-14-3t Wanted, A position in a store, gro cery preferred, by a, young man. References can be given. Apply at 171 Church street. 5-14-3t Lost. A lady's gold watch. If the finder will bring tho watch to this offlco or take it to Mrs. Charles Corby, 197 Marlon Btreet, they will receive $2.00 for their trouble. C. W, Corby. 5-13-3t For Sale. Posts, shingles, lath and all kinds of lumber now on hand, at tho Detroit Lumber Yard, corner of High and Trade streets. 8. P. Mc-j Cracken. Phone 2495 Black. 5-13-3t To Lease. From July 1st,, residence No, 406 Cottage street, northeast corner Marion. All modern con.j veni'encB, Apply between 10 a. m. and 12 m. 5-1 3-wk 1 NEW TODAY Giand Opera House .INO. F. CQRDRAY, Mjjp. Saturday, May J 4. Isabel living In Winston Churchill's Great Play The Cfisis The management guarantees this to be the same company and production which wop such favorable comment In New York. PRICES $1.50, $1.00, 73c and 50c. Seats on sale at box office, Saturday at 9 a. m. Baseball Salem vs. Vancouver May 12-13-14-15 Admission - - 25c New Court Cases. New circuit court cases are: A. Bushivs, John Stout, to recover $140 and interest due on a note. G. A. Webb "vs. G. W. Palmer to re cover $230 claimed to be due on ac count of a real ostato deal near Mt. Angel. Plaintiff claims that he sold defendant's farm, and was to receive that amount as commission. A writ of attachment has been issued. Famous Kid Curry. Butte, Mont., May 11. An anony mous letter was received by tho chief of police this morning, which says thai Kid Curry, thfe famous train rob ber and outlaw, is in Butte, and the writer will guide the police to him for tho $5000 reward offered by the express company for his capture. BtCWIW Bamboo Read Reflect Act During all of this week, May 16th to 21st, inclusive, I will sell Bamboo Furniture at a dis count of 15 per cent below reg ular price, for cash only. Every sale of one dollar will entltlq the purchaser to one gue3S upon the number of one dollar sales made during the week. The purchaser making tho guess cqrrect will be presented with a fine bamboo book case free, or its equivalent value In other pieces. The only nccount of sales will bo kept In a sealed -box, to be opened at 5 o'clock p. m , Sat urday May 2-st. W. T. Rigdon, 144 Court Street. t9W9 (MCAmSmnE xwo&jLi&j&matmmojfSJE? Ft iday and Saturday Bargain Days . If you watch our advertisements carefully and come and get the go0"' advertised, you will save money, arid lots of It, at the end of the yew We are in a position to sell you your dry goods cheaper than any store In Salem. Good goods and little profits 13 our way of doing busln Those prices only stand good for two days, Friday and Saturday. w It you can beat them in any store in Salem. 15c dress gingham, yd 9c Ladies' white skirls, soiled, 7c percale calico, yd 394c lZVsc lace striped white goods, yard ,,'.81-30 39c turkeyrod table linen; yd 25c 8c white towels, each 4c 500 yards of fancy challles.yd 5c 35c white nun's veiling, yd ,..19o 39c navy blue serge, yd ......23c 45c Kal Kal wash silk, jard .,.29c" 20c embroidery, C Inches wide yard aOc 18c white dotted Swiss, 40 inch, yard ,....12o 39c lace all-oven; yard 25c 'PTT1Z niTT?A DT'Om amsTn M'Evoy Brothers.Court StjSafcE INew India Silk Waists We received by express yetlw. day several new styles Ift popular wnhts - FUtn Make." They are beauties, and win ,e right out. They are the best values j, town. All prices up to (2k4, Do It Now. Reserve your seats for the Festival $2 for three nights. Mil Our Geneva trap , Wa have Just received one of tin most complete little two or four pu i senger driving rigs ever shoiynlnujj carriage repository. As a one-seated rig It has somenia the appearance of a stylish Stanhoje, but in a moment's time it can If changed into a light two-seated eitj making thl3 an Ideal rig where cut does not wish to own both a runtkj and a surrey. Call and see this; you'll be Inter ested. Plonty of other flno driving tisou All sorts of prices, from tfO tj. Cheaper road wagons, $40 andtji Top buggies, too, $60 upward. F. A. Wiggins' Implement House 255-257 Liberty St Farm Implements, Automobile!, Sewing Machines and Supplies, LOANS AND INSURANCE. JOHN MOIR. AGENT FOR SCOTCH MORTGAGE COMPANIES. 290 COMMERCIAL ST. Money to Loan ' THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Of. mJMMk . ,; "alt rr Tuaw shirt waists, soiled n t " Half PH ChildrenVsSwlss caps Uo.i. 1..?o cnnMnl orlce 5 Men's 33c summer underwear.."" Men's .black striped work shirts , '':, Ladles' walking skirts . :. Ladles' crash skirts, 25, 35 aod6W Best spool silk, each Ladles' double hose support" qold buttons, dozen r-vr mnn -xTrtTfrpTTTVEST' , i 40UU each X.S,V m juvu. I "The Stylo Stores-