Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 14, 1904, Page ELEVEN, Image 11

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lll.ll IH M
Ab. G. Magers Writes Inter
estingly Cencerning: the
St. Louis Fair
St. Louis, Mo., May Oth. ,
Ed. Jeurnal: Thinking that a few
items from a Salem man might In
terest your readers, I will try and tell
jou of a few things that one can see
When Danger Signals
your liver out of order, con
stipation, or your stomach not
working right, it' 3 a sign of
distre$s which, unheeded, will
lead to trouble it is time to
SoldJEyorywhero, Ig boxes 10oand25c.
here.,,. The fair. is a' wonderful sight,
and' is a perfect fairy land, as mlich
so as the combined efforts of the
world's governments can mako it. It
covers nearly 1200 acres of ground,
and tho total cost will bo over $50,
000,000. 1
I understand that the finances of
the fair are in very bad condition, as
it takes every cent of tho gato money
to pay running expenses, anj tho di
rectors have ho show to got out of
dobt Tho largest crowd was on tho
opening day, and it was claimed that
over 400,000 people wero on tho
grounds that day.
Oregon's reproduction of old Fort
Clatsop Is very good, and her exhibits
in tho mining, agricultural and hortl
cultural departments are ahead of
anw Western state. la looking over
tho "register of the Oregon visitors this
afternoon, I see the names of Hon.
Squiro Farrar and wife, of Salora, but
I did not see them today.
The government building is alone
worth a trip clear across tho conti
nent to see. Among the things that
one can find in that place are an ox
act reproduction of a mint, of the
United States treasury, of tho army
and navy, generals and privates in
life-size wax figures, some are mount
ed on horses and some are on foot,
guns of the earliest and of the latest
patterns, from a 22-calIbro td'a'16
inch cannon, a piece of 12-Inch armor
plato aftor having been pierced by a
1000-toa projectllo, complete history
of tho way mall has been uanaiea
from the days of the stage coach to
th'o ug-jto-d'ate mall car, and the
Smithsonian exhibit. It would take
at least twd days to go through and
see this last exhibit right, and it 13
a wondor that will never bo forgotten
by any one who takes an interest In
prehistoric man. -
I have been, on the grounds five
days, but it would tako as many
months to see everything. It will take
at least two months yet to get all tho
buildings completed, and everything
in good running order. About half of
tho exhibits are open to the public.
There are plenty of restaurants and
refreshment stands on tho grounds,
and you can get a very good meal at
from 60 cents to $1.00, but tho hard
est thing is to find a good clean bed
in a room by yourself. I am paying
$4 por night for a private room, and
nothing extra at that. You can get
K- - I.
It there is anything you need
it is to remove tho death-dealing
sewer gas from your house.
will do this and give you com
fort as well as health. Havo
your old plumbing inspected
and you may save a heavy bill.
105 Stato St, 'phone 1511 Main.
if nitMim
I G. F. Mason
Mantrfactarer of Berry
crates, boxes, inside
work for all fro It dryers,
and all kinds of shop
mn1 1UTlff. Ci- oa
1 Salem, Phone 29 i Red I
Not Fatal.
No Matter What Doc
tors Say We Know
That Heart Trou
hle in Many
Cases Can Be
Thero arc oven main features of
heart disease, viz.: (1) Weakness or
Deumy; (2) Rheumatism or Neuralgia;
(3) Valvular Disorder; (4) Dilation;
(5) Enlargement; (6) Fatty Degenera
tion; (7) Dropsy.
Documentary ovldonco will prove)
thousands of so-called "Incurables" havo
been absolutely cUred by Dr. Miles'
NowHeart Cure.
Patients often havo no Idea their dis
ease Is heart trouble, but ascrlbo It to
Indigestion, Liver Complaint, etc.
Here are nomo of tho symptems:
Shortness of breath after oxorclso.
Smothering Spells. Pain in Chest. lft
Shoulder and arm. Discomfort In Lying
on one sidoi Fainting Spell r. Nervous
Cough. Swelling of "Feet und Ankles.
.Paleness of Face and Lips. Palpitation.
Nightmare. Irregular Pulse.
irl'1 .hav, Erreat ?alth m Dr- Miles' Now
Heart Cure, and sneak of Us morlta
whenever opportunity Drensntsi: 1 mn
now go up and down stairs with easo.v
walk; one block," Ono year later. '!
am still In good health: the Heart Cure
did bo much for mo, that I find It a far
Freate,f "lodlcJno than you claimed It
to be." S. D. YOUNQ. D. D., 607 North
-Pine St.. Natchez, Miss. " a
Money back if first bottlo falls to benefit.
a cot In a room with live or six oui-
ers at from $1 to $1.50 per nlgh.t, but
I do not fancy that kind of a deal.
The villages of tho tribes of tho va
rious nations of tho, world, their
modes of living, habits and costumes,
are something never to be forgotten.
Tho best way to know of this fairy
land Is to como to St. Louis. Bring
all tho money you have, and then ar-
rnngo with your friends to send you
that much more if you go broke. To
eat well, sleep well, and see what you
want to, will cost about $10 per day,
If you are careful, but, taking It alto
gether, It Is worth the time and
money, and I would advise every one
to come that can, as I know they will
never regret it. A. O. MAGEItS.
f&Cifffl TsL
iBjOJi Circa.
gii. Arjawr. irwBtv'jft"! Ay- miSy
. If
. 1 t '
. am at- B SB SSI SSrTT. WSv
!PKEE "w'rUo and we will mall.
AkJ-GI you a Freo Trfnl Tfc.i.1 ..
Dr. Mites' Antl-Paln piii. thn ror4
bciontino Remedy for Pain. 'Also Symp
tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose
your caso and toll you what Is wrong
and how to right ft. Absolutely Free.
A Full-Fledged Circus.
Norrls & Rowe have conceived a
new sensation for their greater shows
this season. On tho vast .circular
course that encloses the triple lings
within tho hugo white tents, the
races, sports and pastimes of ancient
imperial Rome will bo given. A real
istic revival of the races run In the
Circus Maximus and CollEeum which
Involve the struggling contests bo
tween, men, horses, ponios, elephants
and all animals fleet of foot and fill
ed with tho fire of ambition to excoll
and first reach tho goal of victory.
Chariots correctly constructed, cos
tumes accurate In dotaij and design
and every accessory in adequately re
produced to mako tho Olympian
games complete. With the many other
attractions this will prove a fitting cli
max to as- exciting an entertainment
as wa3 evor conceived, Tho new Nor
rls & Rowe big shows will exhibit
here Wednesday, May 18.
Backed up by over a third of a century
of remarkable and uniform" cures, a record
such as no other imedy for the diseases
and weaknesses peculiar to women ever
attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription now feel fully war
ranted In offering1 to pay $500 in legal
money of the United States, for any case
of Leucorrhca, Female Weakness, Prolap
. nr ifailinir of Womb which they can
not cure. All they ask is a fair and reason
able trial of their means of cure.
"I used four bottles of your ' Favorite Pre
scription' and one of 'Golden Medical Discov
ery.1'" writes Mrs. Elmer D. Shearer, of Mount-
hope, Lautter Co.. IM.. "ana can say mm 1 am
cured of that dreaded disease, uterine trouble
Am in better health thau ever before. Every
one who knows me Is surprised to see me look
so well In June I was so poor in health that
at times I could not walk. To-day I am cured.
I tell everybody that Dr. Pierce's medicines
cured me."
Krkk. Dr. Piirce's Common Sense Med
Wanted Tho Oregon Nursery con
pany, wants Uyhustllng salesmen
1 to lntrojjuco ' Bfobahk'a grand now
Miitm Mavriard. also a complete
linQofw&orlbttnursW, stock; Cash
' afccifeWrl 0 QUlcTc for
ffrl part1pularf1md secure choice
ofv tomtiory. ma eiruui., owu,
1 nrinm. - 4-28-lm
For Sale. Four-room cottage, two
lots; choice fruit treos, for ?o0p
Lucy Mulr, Ctli street, North Sa
lem. B-lMf
Olive Lodge, No. ,18, f. O. O. Ft-L a
O. F. Hall, Saturday each, week, e
7:80 p. nir B.'b. Hdrrick, Jr.j N. GKJI
Frank F. TJoova, recording secret
ical Adviser in sentr on receipt of stamps
to nav exnensc of mailine only. Send
one-ccnt stamps for the cloth-bound volume.
Address World's Dispenwy Medical Ao
ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Make Salem a Good Home Market"
For Sale. Nirie-room, hard finish
fcouso, bath room, hot water, gar
den, barn, fruit troos, and Is well
located, only" a block and a half
north of state house, 352 Summer
street. E-l-3t"
For Sale. Second-hand 34-Incb. farm
wagoh. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver,
Stato etreot. - 5-10-tf
For Sale or Trade. For town, proper
ty, a 15-acro tract of land, house and
barn, and about six acres in or
chard; also maro and colt, one fine
driving horae, a one-horse wagon, a
phaeton, buggy, cart and two set
of single barness. All almost aa
good afl now. See John Holm, cor
ner of Center and Capital 5-9-lwk.
Salem Campr No. 118, Woodmen off Mm
World Mdeta In Holrnan Hall twh
Friday at 7:30 p, m. P. X- JBTaatof,
Consul. "Wyllo A. Mootes,. Sec
tary, V, Jrlfrlyfl
Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W MtR
in thoir hall in Holman block,
nor State and Liberty, every !
day evonlnff, Visiting breUuw
welsome. Boy Molntlro, M. W. A
B. Auiranco, Recorder.
Central Lodfle No. 18, K. f PsOm&m
Hall ih Holman block, corner SeMV
and Liberty Stu. T-eeday ot mm
week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. TsnMfc
C. C; W. I. Staley, K. of R. and . ;
Fereetera ef America Court BMf
wood Foreeters Ko. 18. M Tm
day in Turner block. Hf .
Jfeyer, C. R, A. L. Brown, . j&.
W4wa WMlmen ef Amerl-0
goa Cedar Camp No. IXit. Mm
every Thursday evening at 8 o'ei
Holmfcn HaM, B, B, Mattes,
O.: A. K Brown, Clerk j&
For 8ale or Rent Cottage on one of
tho finost corner residence lots In
the city, near state house. Call at
360 Summer street. 5-7-tf
Dr. H. H. covII, Oeteepatfi nUI
gestionlst-TreatB chronic dlsortee
of the Btomach, bowels, liver,,'
noys; nervous and female dlBetumr,
lung and throat troublea, D'Arey'
Bldg., Sta,to St Main, 2855.
Capiui City Mills Quotations.
Bryant & Penned, Props.
Wheat 77c
Buckwheat 80o;
Poultry at Stolner
Spring chickens 15c.
Chickens 10c.
Eggs Per dozen, 15c.
Turkeys 1214c.
Ducks 10c.
i ,. . uamaaaiBaiuH
g If you ate thinking o Baying a !
S do not forget ts. Wc nave the largest
g and finest assortment ever shown in
S Salem- and cheap, too.
R. M. Wacte & Co.
Do What Wc Claim
We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F, Cook the Botanical
Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors
have failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel
kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism,
dropsy, and diabeta, appendicitis have never yet failed, and femalo
diseases, all the foregoing without tho knife, or plaster or poisons,
and with no pain to tho patient whatever. ' 'j
Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free.
Eugene School Census.
Eugene Guard, May 12th: P. J. Mc-
Pherson, census enumerator of the
Eugene school district, has handed
tho Guard a statement of the popula
tion of Eugene inside tho city limits,
also that of the school district, which
oxtonda beyond the borders of tho
city. The figures are very Interesting.
They show that inside tho corporate
limits of tho city thore is a population
of 5829, which Is an Increase of 2593
slnco the 1900 government census was
taken. This Is a splendid growth for
that length of time, and If the present
rate of increase keeps up, by tho time
another government census is taken
Eugene will have, a population of 10.-
000 or more.
D. T. F. Cook
I 301 Liberty St., Salem, Oxectm.
Formerly of Omrha, Neb.
""" " rTTiii mi, H miimmf
aVtaiiQ- , . . 'iii ,
t - E
Good 8plrlts.
Good Bpirlts don't all como from
Kentucky. Their main sourc.o Is the
liver and all tho fine spirits qver
made in tho Blue Orass' state1, could
not remedy a bad liver or tho hundred
and ono 111 effects It produces. You
can't have good spirits and a bad
llvor at tho same time. Your liver
must be in fine condition If you would
loei Buoyant, nappy and hopeful,
bright of eye, light of step, vigorous
and successful In your pursuits. You
can put your liver in fine condition by
using Green's August' Flower tho
greatest of all medicines for tho liver
and stomach and a certain euro for
dyspepsia or Indigestion, It has been
a favorite household remedy for over
thirty-five years. August Flownr -0,111
mako your llvor healthy and active
""" iau8 n8"ro you a liberal supply
of "good aplrits." Trial size, 25c:
A?1r!ar(!,.0ttl08' 75c At a druggists.
At Dr. Stono's drug stores
Have You Ever Ordered Your Groceries from
Hattitt & Law ence
If nnf vrn. . .., .. ..
m YVr uuaiua ine times. However, they are al- f
-- buux uj oe new natrons, and If von n . - c.m ..
STiSS S Yoa wW fl-nd u,em at tte cornor ' mmwcH
Portland and Return Only $2.20
The southern Paciflo s n0w selling
round trip ticlteta to PorHnnA
Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday
-.. r uny iram of Sunday, return
Ing Sunday and Monday, giving all
day Sunday and Mondav in pi
The Eame arrangement applies from
Portland, giving all Portland people
a chance to visit valley points at
greatly reduced rates.
Bun tie
BPCe'aHL a
jf mjwHwAhMW BM
, Hop Market.
Hops 1925c.
Potatoes, Vegetables,
potatoes ioc.
Onions 2cf. ."
Dried Fruits.
Peaches 10c.
Apricots 10c.
Apples lOc.
Petite prunes 4c.
Italian prunes 5c".
Wood, Fence Poete, Ste.
Second growth $5.75.
Af h $3.00 to $3.75.
Grub oak $C50.
Cedar posta-12c. r
Hlaev, Pelts and Purs.;
Green Hides, No; 1 So.
Green Hiues, No. 2 4c
Calf Skins i5c.
Sheep 76c.
Goat Skins 25c to 8LM.
Grain and Fteur.
Wheat, Salem Flouring Mill.
port valuo, 75c.
Oats $1.10 per cwt.
Barley $21 per ton.
Flour Wholesale, 3.75.
. Live Stock Market,
Steers 3 4c.
Cows 3c.
Sheop 3c.
Dressed Veal 56c.
Dressed hogs C6c.
Live hogs 5c.
Mutton 3c per pound.
Baled choatr-$ll.
Baled clover $10.
Bran $22.00.
Shorts $25.00.
Egge, Butter and Cream.
By Commercial Cream Co.
Eggs ipe, cash.
Butter 20c, wholesale.
Buttor fat 18c at station.
Wheat Walla, 7374c.
Valley 85c.
Flour Portland, best grade, $1.90
$4.05; graham, $3.0$4.0D.
Oats Choice whlto, $1.17$$1.20,
Barley Feed, $23.50 per ton; rolled
Mlllstuff Bran, $19$20.
Hay Timothy, $15$10.
Potatoes Common, $1,00$1.25.
ggs Oregon ranch, 17 18c.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1213
per pound; turkeys, 10017c.
Pork Dressed, 78c.
Beef Dressed. C8c.
Veal C7c.
Hops 23 25c.
Wool Valley, lem.
Oregon, lli4c; Mohair,
For Sale. Fruit land In Benton coun
ty, 320 acreB of land, south half of
section 15, township 10 south, range
5 west of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 320 acrea of unimproved
land, half a mile from Arlle station,
and about four miles from Willam
ette river. On main county road.
W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main street,
Los Angeles, Cal. 4-13-tf
Fine Body Fir For sale) also second
growth. Gooj F. Rodgors, 130 Court
street, 4-14-lm
Evan's Barber Shop Only flnt-elfHWr
shop on Stato stroot. Bvery tkiaft
now and up-to-uato. Finest pkv
lain baths. Share, 15c; hair-eat 38
baths, 2Eo. Two flrst-class
blacks. C. W. Kvans, proprietor..
A. Wllhelm Contractor and builder.
'All carpontor work and finishing
done promptly, and by first-class
'tworkmon Get my figures bofore
building, 545 Court street, between
15th and 16th streets. 4-20-lm
For Water servlco apply a-t
Bills payable Eaoathly ia adi
Mae all complalata at the oAe.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeee. m
White Corner, Salem, Oregon. Partle
desiring superior operations at aw
erat fee in any branch are in espeefasl
Morjey,to Loan at alx por cent, 80V-t
art of the city .for sale on easy j
.terms. 1100m 5 Tioga building,
qorner Stato and Liberty streets,
I ' lS-lm-r.
iLice Killer
Say Have you tried Edwards & Lusch-I!
ers for meats. Wo havo the .best
sausage In town. Come and try it,
and bo convinced. 410 East State
street '
Sajem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest
and best equipped company in Sa
lem. Piano and furniture mov.ng
a specialty Office 'phono, 881. W
w. urown & son, proprietor. Office
No. .60 State street 9-1-lm
lice on your
.uui, wyiuuur
Look out for
chickens, This
hatches out the flee by millions,
Got a can of. our Uco paint, and
paint or spray.Viyouc chicken
... a, j
nouso, and kill the lice. Use W
Lice Powder for the small
Homo-Mad 8read Doughnuts, fancy
cooklos, pics and cakos, fresh every
day. The best in tho city, at tho
lowest prices. Give ua a'trlal. Ger
man Bakery. A. Fisher, successor
to O. A. Back, cornor of 12th and
Chomoketa streets. Phone 2183
ed. B-B-tt
Dr.' I. W. Starr Office In Bush ft Brej
building, over Oregon Shoe Store
Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. ana t te
B, pj rn, Calls attended In qlty e
country. Residence 'phone MH
Red- ' 1-8-tf
I Reliable
Chick Feed
Tho feed that koops the little
follows healthy, and makes
them grow. Try It and boo the m
D.A. White &Son I
801 Commercial Street, Salem.
Dr. W. S. Mott Will hereafter U
found in the Brey. block, 271 Cess
-merclal street, over Oregon mm
Co. Office telephone, 2981: real
deuce phono 278L 0c kewvf
to 12. and 2 to 5. w
,Hop Baskets.
nuP ua8Kets.-one-fourth' hnd ono
half box for, picking.. Fmi-box,bas.
kets for moasurlng. Best In the
market. Hold your orders for
Walter Morley, CO Court street, Salem.
80o for
Hides dry, 1C pounds and upwards,
Butter Fancy croamory, 5022Hc
Haffla for Hats. In all rninr r?
naturaL Lessons taught.
Tie Variety Stone
9-iCsBrtS. Axiom . Wtlrt, ttu
unaoruiKers, we carry the larsreai
and finest lino of undertaker's good
In tho city. Prices to suit all
B;lack and whlto hoarse. Prompt,
reliable Save money by calling al
No. 187, A. M, Clough, A. J. Basey
M8-t ,
Restaurant 95
street, bpen dy and' night Ok
vo meats are better thad say M
house in the state, six 20o sua
for $1,00; 21 20o raaalB for $.,
Farm for Sale. $
114 acres iu Marlon county, half .
mile from Mill Chy, 35 aqrea Im
proved. 05 acres gooJ timber, to l"
mile from a $300,000 sawmill. .
good, rich, black boII; fl-room houseg
lumbor barn; with outbuildings; 10
acres good fruit, mostly winter api'
Wos, trees a-vorage 7 yoara'ol; gW,
spring water at door; two creeks rHBv
through place; good neighborheod:
mllo to school, church nni roiirrt-
Pine beaver dam meadow land, easily!
cleared, tt sold at onco wlll.Ukaf
?3200.4- Tjftle clear. Tornia, twctthlrd.1
down, and from 2 to,.3yeonIb$
anco with 7 per cent Interest; lmae-V
diato possosBlon, Call on or addresaj
J. B. Ray, owner of tho farm, Mllli
City, Orogon. 3-8-3m i
-o $5
"w u.i i eASh you HOW THEY5I
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