DAILY CAPITAL JOUilNAL, 8ALEM, OREGOft, 8ATUnDAYf MAY 14, 1904, 1904 Mitchell and Sneii Wheels Ae Hee, w K Bee-Line Champion Mitchell Wagons Mowers, Rakes? Binders? Reaper V v IV TEN in ZSmm i ' ' K s1 m:-- !( m . T3 . tf tff 05 jI csnaDiisnea o g 70 Years of Expedience Kj ;" ' ' r . . - - -j a. . . , t i'l .' ', . V.l.l .. ,'..''- ' - Ample capital to carry three to Ave years' . supply of seasoned i timber wtthouKwIiIch a'B0oi wagon'- can't 'be built? 'Youwill find, our wagon most popular where thoworl3. hardest, whoro quality counts. Kit you want to feel sure your wagon Is as good as can be made ' . igfr X HM ' ' :" ' g-Sa-Mit'chell 4 Remember 70 Years' Expef ience Oldest Wagon Factory in America Built to our order to meet the requirements of this Western country. Better thap regular factory grades and construction. The moBt service able medium-priced buggy on the market Is our Bee-Line. Thousands In use In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Our Mitchell flfefci., Buggies Are also a special construction, and of aipe-lor material. They are especially designed for liverymen, doctors and others having steady and hard use for a vehicle. More service can't be put In a buggy at any price. IT DRHWS THE BRR- iiw ruari, Wl3fo (r Thl. Drtw. u. b """ Trunin. THE WHECLS WILL NOT LIFT FOOM THE GROUND. It will soon fee Haying Ti ime And if you own a farm in tho coun try you may need, a mower or rake, or your, country friends or cousins may ask your advice. You can't go wrong In buying or recommending the "Champion." i 22 Blizzard Ensilage Cutter Some Points of Merit and Superiority We .Claim over all other Feed and Ensilage Cutters, Shredders and Car riers. Tho most porfoct Hay, Straw and i Jtoauqr uuuer, The most ofllciont Dry Corn Fodder I Shredder. v' ,'.' Jf! ? Tho simplest FoodjjnpUndrJvlng'lSe' vice yet introduced. The only machlno in which the feed rbtls "can- bo lnftantaneously stopped r ttor,rovorsed;: -by aleverandjtoggle " " joint 'combined. -.-HAnd. thora aro 20 more good rea--sons stated in our catalogue. J, !.( I K Read Prominent Farmer's Endorse ments. Amity, Ore., March 28, 1902. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. The Blizzard Ensilage Cutter purchased' last year gave ontiro satisfaction. We had no trouble or broakage at all. I will' recommend said machine to any one who Is Intending to purchase a machine of this description. P. C. THOMASEN, Ladd & Reed Farm Co. Broadmeads Farm. - - Warren, Ore., March 31, 1902. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.: The , Bllrzard Ensilage Cutter bought of.. you last fall Is a complete succoss. il.wan't to congratulate you on having the only cutter in the market for economy and practicability. I not , only use it for ensilage cutting, but am cutting all my hay for 150 head of stock, and blow same 160 feet. H. H. CIARK, Manager W. C. Noon Farm lHflH . Read about the famous Iowa Separator We Handle it Wnat usets say of it Vancouver, Wash., April 16, 04. We, the undersigned officers of the Glenwood Dairy Association, wit nessed a contest between the "United States" tho "Do Laval" and tho Iowa Dairy" separators at the Glenwood Dairy Association on'the 14th day of April, 1904, and for light running, ease of cleaning, simplicity of con struction and close skimming, we pur chased an "Iowa Separator." Signed, E. O. ZIMMERMAN, Vice-Pres. M. C. STEWART, Secretary. JOS.- F, BIRRER, Treasurer. I. P. LEVELL. :. M Mitchell, Lewis aver Co. State Street, Salem. f f. GARY, Manager. a MADE SMALL FARMS ? Sapid Disposition of the Smith Fruit Tracts As an indication of our rapid growth and permanent settlement, in Salem and vicinity, tho history of land; Bales made by tho Salem Ab stract and Ind Company during tho jtost year and a half prosont interest Ins figures. This company handles fruit tracts exclusively, and under a novel Bystom ot instalment payments, lias eclipsed all land transactions of this character over mado boforo in thla part of tho country, In Octobor, 1903, a farm of 176 acr.es, (known ns tho Fnbrltus Smith D. L. 0.) lying just south, of Salem, pn tho Jefferson read, .va cut' tip into 33 ' tracts, of 6 to 7 acres each. In Ctcjpboij 1903. tho last of those tracts vwerQ soldt amklntj a comploto said' 'in Juat 12 month,' " Allowing threo months" ot thla tlmo for bad weather, roduces tho actual selling time to about 9 months. Tho following February (1004) another tract oft 05 acres was" cut up and placed on tho market. In just 85 days this second farm was sold. Tho figures on these two farms mean an .approximate Investment ot 130,000. Adding to this the money which will be spent in improvements, houses, stock, etc., tho whole trans action will meun to Salem something like $100,000, Instead of having 300 acres of farm land lying across our city limits, wo will havo 128, or moro small farms, each with a tonant, Im proving the place, and adding to Sa lorn's trado. and commerce, and -event-ually to our city population. Tho re markably short time in which these tracts wero bought up shows the de mand for small farms and also tho ad vantages of an Instalment plan. This company has a numbor ot o(hoT largo trivets under consideration, which will be introduced in tho near future. Reduced Rates to 8t Louis Fair. Reduced round trip rates from Salem to eastorn points, on account ot the World's Fair and Louisiana Purchoao Exposition, May to No vember both Inclusive, 1S04. Tickets on Balo on' following dates, May 11th, 12th and ISth, Juno 16th, 17 and 18th,' July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, August Sth, 9th and 10th, Soptomber 5th, 6th and 7th, October 4th and 5th, St. Louis and return $69.95. Chicago and return $74.65. St. Loul with return from Chicago $72.15. Chicago with return from St. Louis $72.16. Chicago and return, passing through Kansas City and St. Louis $77.15. St. Louis and return passing through Chicago and Kansas City $77.15. Going trip; passengers will hnve privilege ot starting any date which will enable them to reach their desti nation within 10 days from sale date. Return trip to bo completed with in ninety (90) days from Salem date. Stop-overs will bo permitted on go Ing trip only east of Caltfprnla and ot Oregon with transit limit and on return trip at any polut within limit of ticket. W. E. COMAN- General Passenger Agent Yesterday was Friday, the 13th of the month, and yot no awful catastro pho occurrod. A drummor was riding down from tho dopot on tho street car, and when 13 fares wero rung up by tho conductor and the box was locked, ho made the conductor toko another nickel. ' He -wouldn't stand for any- such trl-hoaJed hoodoo. MlyK ?i1'wwP- jwHhi "'il for Weak, Languid People. Weak, sickly people often remarked "If I could only get something that would nourish mo and glte strength," they do not know why, to' the food. they, eat is of no benefit to them. They gain no flesh and feel no stronger. iTho fact Js tho stonudj is loo weak to perform its work. Anil soon gone. Tho blood becomes mors thin and watery, bringing on "ntfi Bpells with loss of memory and wnW tion. Vhero Jb a remedy for all thli that acts la tho right way. It i calW Dr. Gun'n'6 Blood and Nerve Tonte and Is sold by all druggists for 7e per box, or 3 boxes for $2.00. It ttrw the food you eat Into rich, red bloc. making flesh and strength, creating"" appetite- because tho system deni"1 sustenance. Lt Isabel Irving, In "Tho Crisis," Take a shy at tho census of Sl Why not? It won't cost you W -...-.I , .initnn ana N1 just pay your suubv;j'"'-i . leach. 50 cents you get one gue. -- It, Is open to old or new "".y, Tho census will be flnishedVfl,,' month, and tho result made ' on the first day of June. See w nouncement today. H Is gentleman's wheel. -..,i . i iSani tTt oquinern , urc6" v ftj4i just held a convention at Grants r 1