("HfcMti six' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. I m i .-) aalffli q n 'I t'li al K VI Id. rijs 4 I Economy I Brand I m Evaporated I Cream I B bears the above cap label. M H Contains fully as much H 1 food substance per can as B BH UiO Wctiuijr lllilcaMW,lJ H larger cans. AH VB It is smooth and perfect Iff H because skillfully pre- H pared. Its purity is k m guaranteed. A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday How can you remedy it? Got rid of dirty clothes, homes fu)l of Bteara and bad odors, soap, starch water, heat, worry, extra meals for help. TIow can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. Wo will call at your homo and take all your wash and re turn It, as follews: All Flat Work, Including bed ticks, bolster and pillow tsllps, blankots, comforts, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, tablo pads, tabic and tray cloths, towels (roller, hand and bath) wash rags, etc, will be washed and .Ironed ocmpleto. Wearing npparol and balanco of laundry washed, starched And rough dried, rendy for Ironing.which can bo dono, In masy caso3, by tho Tegular servant. In small families tho wife may prefer to do it, as it is an asy task. What it costs? Only five cents per pound, delivered in a neat, clean bag or basket. Shirts, collars, cuffs and lace curtains charged at list prices. Points to censider: Your clothes aro thoroughly washed and rinsed; not a particle of foreign mat ter remaining. Your clothes arb thor oughly disinfected. Thoy aro sweot and pure and in original state. We use material that nro purer than you could buy, as thoy aro mado especially for us, and too costly for tho retail market. Olvo us a trial, and seo what a difference it makes. ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, delivorod "Wednesday. The Salem Sleam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. HtcMenrrwr r holism NflYRQYAL PILL9 -V vntii ant vtiif utMiiiofc rt . . ' m i.ji ,illM.ftfk DrtcdM fvr ('IIRIII.tiKK'1 IWULUlll U KM) in inli LiUU Ult mll wltk klM r rk n otkert BefBM Jaffrii Mufc.iltatUaa and llte tla. H.j.f ;, nntil'k r mi 4. tut im t-nrllrttUr. TwtlMU "ictiwi r.rianiw-muiw.iTr tan. Mull. 1 II.OIIO Tralliaolila. ItU . ItUk II Drill K4 It ItNktVklKlMl 1U(M UIUH !!, ruiuu PILES HU-c Bupposltom X tt (UUIMt If M M OrU4 StloU, BulMTtU. K C vrlui I MX I IWt tit m llUia hi Utn Vt ft. M, lm, I 'w4l," Pf.U.U MeaiU,Clutiklf.Tu.fM I "Ib ft VfMtUl f II 9lfi 1 Mvt fait.1 !!&. t V riut," rwi, M Ctrl. Butfi tit. tfeJ W) unuff- MANTIN WIBV, lAHCAtTt. M. old In Salem by S. C tton. Call tor rrMi 8mplM. Your Stepmother to etill horo, and as busy as ever. Whon your clothes aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off take them to her, at the 8&lom Dyeing and Clean ing Works. Repairing and reltntng; bow volvot collars put on overcoats; also four suits a month for $1. Called for an 1 returned. MUS. O. H. WALKER, Prop. 1IR Commercial Htroat HUIE WING SANG CO. Great salo of Chinese and Japauese fancy goods. Wo also mako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, undoo vrcar and skirts. Gents' and. ladles' furnishing goods, silks, lacos and em broideries, All kinds of summer goods, matting, etc Court Btreet, corner of alley, Salem Cucumber Contracts, A fow more contracts for cucumbers can bo secured by calling on Tho Gideon Stols Company, corner of Mill and Summer streets, 4-2G-2wk oukMVonxA. 3m& f Tfet Ktei YM Htw Ump Bwftt ttfutsrt r fK At It lMMfttt FROM ON HIGH Aged Silverton Woman Takes a Terrible Plunge This morning Mrs. William Me fir hirter, living about two mile3 from Silverton, near Bethany, fell 18 feet from the hay loft, while working in the bam feeding the stock, and broke her collar bono. She was otherwise severely injured Internally, as sho struck on her head and shoulders, -and was unconscious for a long tlmo. Sho Is about CO years of age, and Is rest ing as well as could bo expected, and will probably reqovor. Dr. Clark, of Silverton, Is attending her. ISABEL IRVING." The Next Attraction at the Grand Will Play "Tho Crisis." Tomorrow Night. Although tho sale of scats for tho ono night engagement of Miss Isabel Irving In Winston Churchill's drama tization, of his successful novel Tho Crisis at tho Grand on Saturday has not beon begun there have already been so many demands for seats that J Manager Meredith is certain that every seat In tho house will bo tak en. Although this young star has never beforo been seen in this city is stellar guise, her reputation ns a brilliant ac tress has traveled far and sho will undoubtedly bo as warmly welcomed as If sho had played hero annually for many years past. Oddly enough tho vory cleverness of this young woman has prevented the spread of her personal popularity The demand' for her services has kept her almost continually In Now York for tho past Boven or eight years, so that tho smallor cities havo had slight chanco to witness her work. For sev eral years Miss Irving was tho lead ing woman of tho famous Lyceum stock company of Now York, and of courso rarely loft that city. Beforo then sho was an Important member of Augustln Daly's company and play ed with that organization only In New York, London and tho fow largo eastorn cltleB After leaving tho Ly ceum, Miss Irving became leading woman with John Drew and again her tlmo was nearly always in Now York. For the pa3t two years, how over, MIbb Irving has been starring In "Tho Crisis." This, howovor, Is her first western trip. Seats will bo on salo at tho boxofflce tomorrow (Satur day) morning at 9 o'clock. A CASE OF IT. Many More Like It In Salem. Tho following case 1b but one of many Blmllar occurring daily In Sa lorn. It Is nn easy mattor to verify Its correctness, Suroly you cannot aik for bettor proof than such a con clusive ovidonco. Olof Johnson, who Is a gardnor by occupation, living nt tho corner of lCth and B streets, North Salem, says: "Kidney complaint Is no now thing for mo. I have been bothered off and on from a dlsorlored condi tion of tho kldnoys for ton or twolvo years. I did ndt suffer so much from bnckacho as most pooplo do who have ktdnoy complaint, but tho principal annoyance was n weakening of tho kldnoy soerotlons, which was both dlstroiBing and aggravating. Thoro was a scalding senEatlon In passing, and a heavy brick-dust llko sediment appeared after standing in tho vossol over night. I had attacks of dizzi ness In my head and oftlmos a blur ring would appear before my eyes and I could scarcely soo. I tried nu merous romodio3, but all In vain un til I saw Dr. Doan's Kldnoy Pills hlkhly rocommonded for Just such troubles and procured them at Dr. Stono's drug store. I will say that In all my oxperlenco with doctor's prescriptions and different kidney romcdlcs nothing has given me tho amount of relief that I havo recolvod from Dr. Doan's Kldnoy Pills." For salo by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents Fostor-MUburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., solo agents for the United States. Ilomembor ,tho name Doans' and tako no othor. 1G High Line Performers. Tho big special foaturos of tho Nor ris & Howe greater shows that will exhibit at Salem. Wednesday, May 18, la tho astounding array of agile athletes and active acrobats, gym nasts and equilibrists, men of rnarvol ouH. magnificent and mighty muscle whoso dauntless daring and Boemtng- ly Impossible foats In mid-air maka overyono still tholr breath until the foat Is accomplished and then burst Into ono shout of applause and appre ciation. Pop Instance, the BolfordB, a group of bIx, perform high above the heads of tho crowds. It is called a "casting act" and consists of two of tho members hanging head down ward from tho top of tho tent and the other members of tho. troupo are thrown with giant swings, double and triple somersaults between tho men suspended head downwards. It Is surely a wonderful accomplishment and one never before attempted In this country. It Is one of tho many marvels of this complete circus. Pioneer of War Nurses. London, May 13. It is safe to say that comparatively few persons who read nowadays of the Red Crpss work in tho Far East recall tho fact that Florence Nightingale, tho oldest and most famous of war nurses, Is still living. The heroine of tho Crimean war and the personal friend of Queon Victoria and other rulors of her day will be 81 years old next Sunday She Is now a tall woman, rather stout with gray hair and fine, open face. Although sho has been a great suf ferer for a number of years, she shows 'little trace of It. Though sho re ceives few visitors she contlnuoj to take- Interest in all matters affecting the care of the sick or wounded and In tho West End, but spends most of the year at the homo of her sister, Lady Vernoy, In Buckinghamshire. ToGrow Seedless Apples. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 13. The Utah Seedless Applo Company has been Incorporated to grow tho seed less apple produced by John F. Spen cer of Grand Junction, Colorado. Tho company has leased a large tract of .ground near Provo City, in which 50,000 seedling applo trees will bo sot out. In the fall those trees will bo budded with buds of the seedless apple from Mr. Spencer's orchard In Grand Junction. Bicycle Guessing Contest New Bicycle Free Salem census and what It will do for you. Everybody Is Interested In tho cen sus that Is now being taken, and in order to promote tho greatest possible publicity for thU most Important event In tho recent history of our city, Tho Capital Journal has decid ed to give a flno new bicyclo to tho person guessing nearest to tho num ber of peoplo in our city, as revealed by tho now official census. It will tako aoveral weeks to closo the enum- oration and compilation, and during this tlmo Tho Journal will glvo ro porta from day to. day of the progress of tho work, and the probable results. From these tho reader can draw con clusions, and make a closo guess Terms of Contest In order to make this more than an Idlo random guosslng affair, Tho Journal proposes to place a few re strlctlons upon It, and then give ab solutely free to tho person who guess es nearest to tho official count a brand npw Mltcholl bicycle, ladles' or gent's, with coaster brake. Every subscrib er paying 50 cents for Dally or Week ly. by mall or carrier, will be ontltled to ono guos3 for tho wheel. Thoso paying ono dollar will got two guess es, but, In order to prevent strife, and protect tho legitimate guesser, It will bo necessary to doposlt tho original subscription receipt In tho box at Tho Journal office, with your guess wrltton on tho hack of same. Call at Tho Journal offlco and learn tho par ticulars, and then look at tho wheol at tho warehouse of Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor. It Is tho best Mitchell whool, with coaster brak, guaran teed for tho year, and is backod up by tho Mltcholl, IewU & Stavor Cora- pany. .AfcgefablePreparalionrorAs- m SslmilatingihcFcodnndRcdula- f togtheStoiMcteardBowdsor Promotes Digcslion.Chocrfur nessandncsl.Coiiliilns ueiiliT Opium.Morplunc norXnicral. WOT KAH. COTIC. jiuistnx4i!.'ii!nxinTaMi flnplut Seed' Atx Sfin. lit t&tatalrJitb IDiUaymtnonrt Apcrfecl Remedy forConsllpa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms.Convulsions.Fcvensh; ncss and Loss or Sleei". Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. ; Pnene: Main 3953 ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISE! 193 Commercial SI Over The Journal, SSIZXZU&&&W23X&SA'SX. 4--HS'e-K-'V-H? " EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. M If S4 Kfl jJ 1 jft LHSfct . . Mrjrs- 5 "ttswA Ja "' .. l- ft I A fitt 8-cf4Habiiieaiitifi itatf ilptMifr-a-w( ::::::::A G E N C BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.! E GR AIN BDYERS AND Oats For Sale. HOf GROWERS SUPPLIES. Cfude tHd stick Sulphur. J. G. Graliam, Ageni, . mi nvriinji(..jmJ,.,ftmn11)(I1)1 iainaii.nitttianitituiiiti.i.lri,tttBmtlBi; ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought "Hi OtKTAUft COMF1- . new yorr crrr. -ff'iwwir r A PEEP INTO OUR JJ- ICE HOUSE. Will show you why it is that S our meats are always fresh J and appetizing in tho hottest weather, when meats would spoil If not properly cared for. It would also show some of tho fattest sides of beef, tender and fine quarters of lamb and mutton. Our meats aro high grade and low priced. E. C. Cross. I Bears the . i 1 Signature yi Iflr Use A For Over 1 Thirty Years gMMMMMttMWMM PRINTING FOR PROFESSIONAL Men requires a neat Type Face j5 and appropriate treatment at $ the hands of the printer. Try - THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY PROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. ohm 9 1 tet fr4t IMMENSE STOCK OF Carnage Harness Wok Harness and Saddles All mwto-dnte and first class. Set iih lor Hiiything in our line and save money. E. S. LamportSaddlery Co. 289 Ommercial Street. Y OF: SHIPPERSOF GR A TffJ 207 Commercial St., Salem, Ore, THE PICK OF THE FORE8T J J H&b been taken to supply the stock of! ! lumber In our yards. Our stock lsj J complete with all kinds of lumber.! f Just received a car load of No, ll I shingles, also a car of fine shakes. J We aro able to All any and all kind- of bills. Come and let us show you- ' our stock. j I Yard and offlco near 8. P, passenger) ' depot 'Phono Main 651. J i COODALE LUM1ER CO, '; Three Trains to the East Dafif Through Pullman standard L tourist sleeping cars dally to Omau Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleZl cars dally to Kansas city; throni Pullman tourist sleeping cars (nl, sonally conducted) weekly t0 oj, go; reclining chair cars (seats tn to tho East daily. ' 70 HOURS . 70 PORTLAND TO CHICAGO rto Ctunte ot Cms DKPAJtT yoa TIME SCHEDULES From PorUanO, Or, ARBIvi Portland Bpecl&l 9 15 ft. lu rik Huni liigton "AUa'nUu KxpruM S.JS p. in, TtaHnnt In f von Far mii 7 Vi p. m. u (Jpokftiif S< Lake. Denvar. t Worth, Omaha, Kimni CUT, 8t. Lonli, CWcaifo and Etui. 5 2J p a Mill Lake. lMnvpr r. Worth, (oiaha, Kantai vlty. 8t. Loon, Chicago 8,i A1IM CMMl Wnll xValla, I viiu,c VTi.nn). UilUcc, -ull-iiitti, yiUi.bnpb. tik fnal, UuiUUi.MUnauket "hlouro, and Emi, Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five fori at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way polnu and North Beach Dally (except Sua. day) at 8 p. m.j Saturday at 10 p.m. Dally service (water permitting) on Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller Information ask or mitt your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent The Oregon Itallroad & Navigatlos Co., Portland, Oregon. Corval lis Masteri) fill TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:45 p.a Leaves Corvallls 2:00r a Arrives Yaqulna 6:20 pa. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 6:48 .a Leaves Corvallls 11:20 as Arrives Albany 12:16 (.a. No. 3 for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. a Arrives Detrol 12: 20 pa No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Dotrolt l:00p.& Arrives Albany 5:55 pa Train No. 1 arlves In Albany It time to connect with the S. P. touts oound train, as well as giving two a three hours in Albany before depar ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with the Si H. trains at Corvallls and Albany gtT ing direct service to Newport and ii Jacent beaches. Train No. 2 for Dotrolt, Breitenbuii and other mountain resorts learei Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching D troit about neon, giving ample tint co reach the Springs same day. For further Information apply t) EDWIN STONE, Manager T COOKRELL, Agent, Albany, H. H. CRON1SK, Agent, CornE'i O. M. I. UU.a ffl8tnucn i STEAMERS POMONA and Altona leave for Portland, Mondiy, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, m. Tuesdfiy, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a. m- For Oorrallli, Tuesday, Tbondty and 8aiurday at 6 p. m Kor lndependeuco dally exceplBuniHy at p. a. Deck: Foot Trad tr M. P. BALDWIN. Act State Treasurer'a Tenth Notice. Treasury Department, Stato pf Oregon. Salem, May 6, 190. Notice is hereby given that there are funds In tho Slato Treasury which to redeem all outstanding war rants drawn on the general fund, en dorsed "Presented and not paifi want of funds," prior to this date. AJ1 such warrants, if properly endorsed will bo paid upon presentation at tti office, interest thereon ceasing Wa and after this date. CHAS. S. MOORE, 5-6-lOtd State Treasury. F etf Yes Fuee. Dr. Stone makea no charge for co sulUUon or prescription. found daily, at his drug store. Etta Oregon, You Cannot Afford m i i, t mav never come " way agajn. May 17. 18, 1? J?g' I