esfc.!s is SKKMsttStrti -'.. 'irmfew 7UcaieaojaiirfJ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. ' FOUR NervousWom K if rni, MlnliAn nt Mm nnnrici .,,1 mnnrnfivn Awniw in TOnmon In no nlnon flint, ninn.tcntbs of tllO NorVOUS . , w ji. . T-t cm i 1 XT -......,.!11f tr ovlcrta frnm cnmn I't-rtoj-winrti-i mnrvnna imm irv rno i i h. ?i('riiiitNMiiiHH 21.1111 jiiiviiiin iiiiiuuuibj co-. uis.. ,io,nrMni- f fim nnnn:0n Tciiioh matron Imr n. wnmnn. Fits of Denression or Restlessness and B T n.l.!1!l... a!:i M Vt.l Mi-- r. mmnln olirt Inllrrlia flirt TlOVf. millllln WfinnS. Pilifl 111 ISP "i. I H5. , ' 1 I 'A F. I,. IS w lL' V I w ILi J.IT11UU1111V. qillllS UUSUV UUUUWU, DO wmu uuu iuiuuvu Diiu u.ii(,uo, ...v.. ... 1 -- tho ovaries and between the shoulders. Loss of voico, nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry at tho lnobl- nmvnmt nn All f1i!u nn nfg tn Niirvniia l'mat.mHnn. AltllOUCll YOU may not KIIOW 1U 111 IIIIIO k 1 j 1 f . - -i 1 i ; .1! 1 ..,! J-I.rt m.fnft rtrttifnWtiir In nrwl olinnf. flin cases ouc or icn cnis is causeu uy sonio uiurmu uisomur, uuu mo iiu y-p in-o y" ""'"", " orcans which mako you a woman lnuuenco your entire system. nocmus wiu iuuuvo mis uianusama concuuon anu provonu inuuius 01 xuutamuuu uuu tjuauiiu du ouigy nHnHi nnqHti Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound. Will not tho volumes of letters from women nindo strong bylydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound convlncoall women of its virtues Surely you cannot wish to remain sick and weak and discouraged, ex hausted each day, when you can as easily bo cured as tho two women whoso genuine letters follow, and thousands of others. fi "Dear Mm. Finkitam: Words cannot toll what I suffered boforo taking your niodlclno. I am 28 voara old and tlie mother of tour children, tho last two belntr onlv 10 months apart. I was all run down, had fainting spoils, palpitation of tho hoart, and was so bad with womb troublo that I could not be on my foot but a short time boforo I would havo to llodown. Also was troublod with loucorrhooa. I was Doryous and could not sloop, and at times wished I could dloj "A frlond Insisted on my giving your modlclno & fair trial, which I did. I began to feel hottor boforo tho first bottlo was half gono, and after using five bottles of Lydla E. IMnkham's Vcgotnblo Compound and threo packages of Sanativo Wash, I was a different woman. I owo my good health to-day to you, and I will novor suffer again while you mako such good modlclno. I will always speak a good word for your remedies. My llttlo girl was troublod with hor kidneys, and one bottlo of your Vccctablo Compound has entlrolv cured lior." Mas. KrrriB B. Fetebsow, Jonison, Mich. "Dear Mus. PiNKiUMJIwantto tlinnkyou fortho good your medicine has dono mo. When I wroto j ou last J uiy i was go wean aim nervous mai i could not onduro tho sight of work. I was In a terrible condition, so nervous that it took all my strength of will to keen from convulsions. lho doctors did mo no eood. My heart troublod mo, would havo spells of skipping beats and would iluttor. I had such a feeling of dread ana icar aooui mo nil mo umo l was afraid to go anywhere. , . . " I commonced taking your romcdles as you advised mo, and In onp week I felt better than I had In a whole year boforo, and tho gain was steady. Day by day tho bad nymptoms disappeared. My appetite rotufnod and I was nblo to go to bod at night and sleep llko a child. In all I took nino bottles of your Vcgotnblo Compound and sovon of your Hlood Purifier, and would say to all suffering womon, do not stop nt a few bottles, but kcop on. In threo months I was able to return homo, and hav6 slnco dono tho housework for family of six. It does not seem possible that I am tho samo porson that suffered so a year ago." Mns. T. J. Iauoiit, Leslie, Michigan. . FORFEIT K we cannot forthwith produce tho orig inal letters and slgnsturos of above testimonials, which will prove their atmoluto gonmnenetu. I.yclla re. I'IDKImm Medicine Co., I.ynn. Mass. ! F1KD1CAL ADVICE to women Is offorod by Mrs. L0S.L i? help you to health, It will cost yon I I1LL nothing. Address hor at Lynn, Maes. REFORM SCHOOL BOY LANE COUNTY TEACHERS Caught in Albany and Re- Are Holding An Institute at turned to the Institution Albany Herald, May 13: The re form school boys who escaped from that Institution last Tuesday evonlng liavq been recaptured. The two lads started north, golnfi beyond Glioma wa, but turned, back, and on arriving -at Chemawa a second tlrno somo of tho Indnau boye arrested the lads and placed tthem In tho guard house con nected with tho Bchool. After tho re form school authorities had boon no tified of tho capture of tho runaways, It la roiloitod that tho Indian boys (llsngrood over tho division of the re wards and spmo of them wont to tho guard house, rolcasod William Horn mott, tho older of tho two boys, and permitted hlra to lenvo. Tho youngor of tho two runaways was turned over to the reform school authorities Hammetf, tho lad roU'ased at Cho mawa, camo on up tho valley, and early yesterday morning reached this city on his way south, whon ho was nrrostod and placed In jail, awaiting tho arrival of an officer to tnko him bock. Superintendent N. H. Ioonoy camo up yestorday noon nnd took tho lnd bade to Bchool on tho nftornoon train. Eugene This Week Eugene, May lu. Tho teachora an nual Instltuto for Lnno county Is being held at tho Kugene high school build ing. Last evening's session closed the first day, which was characterized t by good instruction, promptness of at tomlunco and much Interest, As many as 21 teachers havo already regis tered. Among tho Instructors nro Supt, L. It. Travcr, of Salem; Piesldont E. D Itosslor, of Monmouth, and President 13. P. Mulkoy, of Ashland, It Is ropoited that an effort has been made to secure Prof. Trover for city miporlntondcnt of school, at a salary of $1500 a year. Sam. U. Simpson's Immortal poem, Beautiful Wlllanv otto bus boon, sot to music by Father Dominic, O. S. B. and Is published and will bo rondorod tho first tlmo in public at tho May Fo3tlval to bo hoi J In this city Tuesday, Wodnesdny and Thursady of noxt weok. You cannot afford to miss hearing It. May 17. 18, 19. those aro tho datos. Committed to Asylum. C. F. Dlako, of Jackson county, was committed to the asylum yestorday. 4 One More Week Of the Great Slaughter Shoe Sale Durgalns in all kinds and slos of tho best shooi ovor mado. , Ladtes' $3.50 Ladfes' $3.00 Ladies' $2.00 Men's $4.00 Men's $3.50 Chlldroii'a shoos nil tho way shoos for 100. MIs8b shoos offered, and no end to stylos. Shoes lot Shoes for Shoes for Shoes for Shoes for $2.25 $1.75 $J.45 $3.25 $2.75 from 50 cents up. Infants' soft solo from T1.00 up Hnrost bargains ovor Remember tho place " EDISON SHOE I STORE : State Steet IOWA MAN LEADS Blythe Will Manage Campaign in The West . ROSEBUD INDIAN LANDS To Be Disposed of by the Government on the Ok lahoma Lottery Plan Wa hingtcn, May IS. Tho Presi dent this morning signed the procla mation opening for settlement the lands of the Rosebud agency In South Dakota at 9 a. m. August 8th. Tho proclamation covers 418,000 acros. Tho pilco of land sales will go 'by lot Applicants nro registering their name3 with government officials appointed to conduct tho drawings. The prlco nshed by tho government Is ?3 per acre. It Is expected that 50,000 peo ple will register. Similar lands In Iowa ate now quoted at $80 per acre. Washington, May 13. At tho pres ent writing It Is probable that the management of tho Republican cam paign will bo placed In the hands of Cornollus N. Bliss, of' New York, as chairman. While Bliss will bo In con trol of the Eastern headquarters, the actual control will bo under J. W. Blytho, attorney of the. Burlington, rnlhoad, with headquarters In Chlca-' go. Just how long this combination will be allowed to stand Is hard to predict. Nobody can truthfully say that this comes direct from the President, but It does como from men who have talked with tho President, and who hopo such arrangements will bo made. Blytho is ono of tho most popular men In Iowa, and ho Is really at tho hend of tho Republican organization of that state, and has extensive ac- qualntanco everywhere His selection to mnnago tho western end of the campaign would bo omlnently satis factory to many of tho Eastorn men and corporate interests, nnd his per sonality Is such that Western mon would acquiesce In his solectlon. Yt Irt afr 4lA H4f6 1 I rm m m sv a l 4 UU, W. ...O. W...V, ... ..U.H ... M 8;1B O.CJ0ck th)a m0rnh,g th0 boon mentioned in connection wlthLnew 8t0amor. built at indnnmidAnnn tho management of a campaign, and Dy Captnm Skinenr wa8 ,aunched. A there havo been so many suggestions. Lommlttee of c s, HamIUon j, u and so many mon havo been rejected stocUton and J 0 Grah of tho Sa. that It would not bo at nil surprising I ,om commercial Club; C. M. Lock If tho combination of Bliss and Blytho W00(J B p Taylor nml othor Sa,em- WASTED GOOD WINE New Salem Steamer Floated and Draws Only Nine should bo adopted, But like many other things In politics It Is extreme ly uncertain. If You Have Dyspepsia, Read Trjta. The old way of taking pepsin, bis muth. oo to cure dyspepsia Is all wrong. They may be put up In tab tots or liquid, tho rojult Is just the same. Tho object is to create arti ficial digestion, but this does not make n cure. Stop taktng tho pepsin, etc., and you have your dlspepala or Indi gestion back again. Peoplo use co caine or opium for norvous troubles nnd slok-headache, It does not euro, stop tnklng tho drugs and the pain and dlstrojs return. Tho only common seoso method is to drlvo out of the system the cause of dyspepsia and sick headache by cleansing the stom ach and bowols, nt tho samo tlmo. us lug a medicine that will act on tho liv er. This forces through tho glands of tho stomach tho dlgcstlvo fluid that nature intended. In this way you euro dyspepsia. The modlclno that cures dyspepsia by this mqthodls called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. Druggists seU these pills at 25c pel box. It only takes one of these pills for a dose, ,, h Itos, wore preiont, and report tho whole affair a success. Miss Cooper, daughtor of Hon, J. O. Cooper, broke the bottle of champagne over hor bow and proclaimed to tho crowd assem bled: "I christen thee Independ ence." The boat was launched at tho old sawmill, and floated up Mio a bird. It was estimated that she drew loss than nlno inches of wator when empty. The material from which she wnB mado was entirely soasoned, and naturally tho hull leaked a little, but that Is only what is to bo oxpecto.l from a now craft. Everybody prds ont proclaimed tho event a bucco's. and groat Interest Is manifested In hor fueuro career. Captain Skinner ox jjeotB to come to Salem on his first trip noxt Tuesday, and will havo a hearty rocoptlon nt tho hands of In terested Salemltes. v tiN i The McCoffmick Vertical Lift Mowe Will again be tho favorite among tho discriminating farmors In fti valley. Our sales of tho Vortical Lift last year lan away ahead of lit regular style. Tho McCormlck mower has so many features of superiority that won't try to enumerate them hero, but will ask you to send for catalej. and then tho first time you are In drop In and see the machine McCoimtck Rakes, too Plonty of reasons why a McCormlck Is better than others Yool say yos when you seo them. We Sell Studebaker Vehtqles, McCormlck Harvesting Machin ery. Russell Englnoi and Separators. Parsons SelfFeedors. Russell Wind Stackers. Blrdsoll Clover Hullors. Fairbanks, Morso iz Co's paio lino Engines. Hero Fanning Mills. Monitor Drills nnd Seedors. Syracuse and Mollno Plows. Buffalo Pitta Harrows. We Sell Ohio Ensilage Cutters. Hay Tools, Binder Twine, etc McCormlck, Osborn and Woodl Extras, ' Tribune Bicycles. Rnmbfor Automobiles, Sharpless Tubular Cream Sep rators. White and Wheeler & Wllw Sewing Machines. TUnvnlB Sundries. Needloj, Oil and Parts for d QUIETED BY THE CHAIR. President of the Y. M. C. A. Called for Silent Prayer. Buffalo, May 13. The minority ro rwrt of tho committee of 20 was voted down In tho Y. M. C. A. convention (briny. The majority and minority re ports bear no questions of homo rule and centralization of management of tfio association. Tho majority report' before tho convention for) J, W. Belcher, the Greatest Tenor in Oregon. Hoar him noxt .is now woek In tbo May Festival. You may amendment or adoption. A threatened i not got another chance. Ho sings twoj demonstration waa quieted by the nights, chair, who called for silent prayer. Machines. ! If there's anything jou need in the lino 'of Implements, Machines Vehlcl03. BIcvcloa nr Sowlnc Mnrhlnrxi u-a wnnt in 'show VOU " It' oW business to sell good goods, and wo take pleasure in meeting the trade whether you're looking or buying, F. A. WIGGINS Implement House, 255-25 7 Liberty St, Salem, Oregon. WIIM8ltlHHfieMtWIMIHMMMWM9,Mn The strongest Coffee in the market for oc,- fc M -w i i ii nil m m. r v Silver Plume Blend Fresh Roasted and for sale only by THE SALEM COFFEE ROASTER, Phone 2291 Mnln. I fV ft F Tmn! Court & . ...j ., ,, w( a . -.i--r MIM