MjiMiBimmiwiiiimteg.- jttjjtwaiijtaaawHidnsr.xM .reiswii m m if? ii im I Be! hi mm CH trW i! TWQ .- Bfcitedal lae oC 3fbe atl 3-ournal v.. ByHOFER BROTHERS. Scrlpps News Association Telegram. Published every afternoon exepet Subscription terms: Dally one year, $4.00 In advance; dally three months,, $1.00 In advance: dally by carrier, 50c per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance. J. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. OnoVweek 10c; one month 35c; three months 1.00. "'At Journal office; at Daue's flrocery, South Salem; at Bowersox' grocery, Yew Park; Asylum AVenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State trcet 8(ngle Copies Price B cents. Price to newsboys 2yz cento per copy. $ f fc ' ' f To Mall Subscribers The date -when you subscrlttion oxplr.es Is on the addrosa label of eaoh paper. When, that dato arrives, If ypur subscrip'ton has riot again been paid In advance, your name Is taken from ih'o list. A change of date on the address label Is a recolpt Entered at the postofflce at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET V " STATE, h i For Justice of tho Syprome . Court sJMA. MOORE. EVir Stats Food and Dairy Commis sioner, J. W. DAILEY. For Presidential Electors. J. M. HART,. JAS. A. FEE, GRANT I). DIMICK, A, Q. HOUGH. ' CONGRESSIONAL, For Membor of Congress First DIs trlct, DINGER HERMANN? . ( , Second riistrlot,' " J. N. WILLIAMSON. JUDICIAL,' For Circuit Judges, Third Judicial i District. Oe6rGE H. BURNETT, B. L. EDDY, For District Attorney, - ' JOHN H. M'NARY. MARION COUNTY TICKET. County Judge --John II. Scott. . Sheriff W. J. , Culver, piork John W. Roland. Assossor Fred .1. Rice. Treasuror W. Y. Richardson. Recorder John C. Slegmund. rfchool Supt. -13. T. Mooros. Commissioner I. C. Noedham. Surveyor B. B. Horrlck. Coroner A. M. dough, Representatives Jos. Calvort, Hub bard; J. G. Graham and T. B, Kay, Salem; John Ritchie, Scotts. Mills; Josbo H. Sottlemolor, Woodburn. j& ""Qnlem District Ticket. For Justice of tho Peace. II. H. TURNER. For Constable. ROBT. O. DONALDSON. COMMITTEEMEN. .Chairman Stato Contrul Cummlttco Frank C. Baker, Portland. Chairman Congressional Central Committee Waltsi4 L. Tooze, Wood burn. Mombor Stato Contral Committee Hn D. Patton, Salem. Chairman County Central Commit too Chas. A. Murphy; D. Frank Meredith, secretary, Salem. Republican Joint Canvass; Turner. May. 2G. 10 a. m. Jefferson, May 2G, 8 p. ni. AumsvJIIe, May 27, 10 a. m. Sublimity, May 27th, nf 3 pr m. Stnyton, May 27, 8 p. in. Gates, May 28, 1 a, vat' Mehama, May 28, 8 p.' in. Maaloay, May 31, 2 p. in. Sllvorton, May 31, 8 p. m. Scotts Mills, June 1, 10 a. m. ML Angol, Juno 1, 2 p. ni." Voodlturii, Juno 1, 8 p. in. ButtovHIo. Juuo2, 10 a. in. Hubbard, Juno 2, 2 p. m. 'Auroia, Jun.g 2, 8 p. m. St, Paul, Juno 3d, at 10 a. ni. Brooks, Juno 3, 2 p in. iGorvals, Juno 3, 8 p, m. Pratiun. Jjltio -I, 2 p. m. Salem, Jtue 4. 8 p. in. K wj, Dates of Events, &lay lgSl I. O. O. F. grana lodge, Aporla. Juno C General election in Ore gon, v jJuno 15. 16, 17 Oregon encamp ment G. A. R., Hood River. Juno 15, 1C aud 17 Department Oregon, G. A. R.. in annual reunion at Hood River. August 22-27 Amorlcan Mining Congross, Portland. Avers 4UfflBEL Sunday at 197 Commercial street. THE WONDERFUL REGISTRATION w , . , LAW. An unterrlfled citizen of Orogon writoa ' thus to tjia 'Portland paper about the Oregon lOglstrntlon law: Holley, Or., May 7 (To the Edi tor.) In your oditorlnl of May 2d en titled "The Fltst Duty" you nro urg lng gvpryibody to roglster. If you would spond an equal amount of printers Ink tp got that torn-fool reg istration law, as It now stands, wiped 88I&B off the statute books, ou would do thM(J ..chaigcg ftnd aeged au,)5tan. lomotning. I tlation by tho Inspectors. They stand If it is nccoBsary In cities, no ono ngaInat Potter lias any objections to tho cities of. guch are th; nooMgltlo8 of the r0(,. over 10,000 having tho present law, tnpo c,orks at Wa8hIngWlJ nd the but there was never a law with an !roqulromont8 of Inoclern jouinallsm. uinmioiii. kiuil UlUIUIlUll It) 11 u plainly before. In tho rural districts wo are not only compelled to go miles to register, but go into our pockets anu pay inu u.puiihu in iiiciuuhuu lux ation. For tho llfo of mo I cannot soo why it is necesrary for mo to log- l?l TT. ""? i:;!'L ." S! ouu.uu b'- "b.. """"""""i In the same p ace for years, I soo no ; . ' . . ... reason why I cannot vote as Intell!- gently as though I registered every , umo. uui uiun i may uo ioo uu.iau to understand. I am known as a Re publican, and I say that If the party! is responsible for this law It ought , ,,.,, j, . ,- to got loft, for I know that tno goner - al feeling against all this foolishness ...... ... . . is ho swung uini uiero wju noi uo n full voto, and It will keep "yo editors" I , . ' , , . J busy with a prod from now on to got' many of tho ngg ng onos up to tho . . T , . .. i i i . trough. I want tp vote pretty bad, but havo-not yot .roKistorod. Probably I () UUk H. " " ,U'UI .IV about olghl miles down out of tho. mountains. So crack your whip, Mr. ' I Editor, or thoie will bo many lagging ones that won't gat there. J. R, SPRINGER. Tim IMfilf nf tho ol.nvo MHnn against the Iniquitous and lmboclllc registration law Is dlrocted at tho right place Portland is responsible for most of the legislative dnmphoollsm that 1 3 foisted upon tho peoplo of this stato. Tho gonlusos in control of that city are alwayB discovering somoono llko Woods Hutchinson or W. S. U'Ron, Who has whools on somothlng. . Then tho gonitis with wheels pro cpqds to ovolvo Bome groat patont nos trum that Is to make people honest, nnd put tho kibosh on all tho corrup tion practiced at Portland by tho politicians. Tho result Is n roglstratUm- law, a djioct legislation system, a direct primary law. local option, woman suffrngp and God knows what not. Tho llttlo follow with whools gets tho endorsement of tho gigantic fsjatosmon with soven-story Intollocts and hmlnH to burn, llko Hnrvoy Scott, Mayor Williams Coss Woods, and thon tho Orftgoulnn bogtns to grind, nnd tho pooplo of tho whole stato fall In, nnd something is .done, that ovory bojly kicks hlmsolf forovor afto wards for having permitted. Tho man up In tho foothills has liPDii disfranchised. In ordor that some crowd of lotteu boodlors tu tho polit- I lOal tomlorloln of Pqiljaud may work nvuew gran on mo iiopuoncnn party. fNo law could havo boen invented thaTtlalllierntoty whltowushos "fraud at alucllon to the disadvantage of tho honest voter equal to this registration law. lio six housoholdors' provision po lulta any floater or ropeator to bo yptod nt two dollars per hoad all over tho stato. I Tho direct primary law. to saddle Cherry Pectoral Doctors rarely have hard colds. They keep this old cough remedy in the House, coughs, colds, weaK lungs. J O AftOo., uiwcii, auu, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 3ALEM, the whole cxpenso of manipulating candidates and making a party ticket on the taxpayer Is another such a piece of political abortion; .A direct primary law that would leave the voter all the political liber ty that ho now has, and make as pirants pay the bill for holding the primary would be a more rational proposition. 1 But why should the unfortunate be ing In the foothills expect anything rational or sane from Portland gen tlomen with wheels? Ho ought to be thankful to be permitted to' live. THE INDIAN SCHOOL INVESTI GATION. The Inspectors sent out by tho In terior Department to oxamino Into tho chargos brought against Supt. Potter have completed their work. The chargos to begin with were given out In tho nowspapors by -eomo rodtapo clerk In tho Indian oulee at Washington, and largely manufact ured. The Salem banks promptly denlod that they had filed charges of any Irregularities whatever in the accounts oi aupi. roiier. , Tho Intorior department promptly wired the Inspectors, disclaiming all responsibility for thoaonewpaper re ports crntalning the "charges " Sunday the Oregonlan had anothor "special" fiom Washington saying that a preliminary repdrt- had beon made by tho Inspectors finding crcok odnoss. , ' Tho inspectors promptly donleJ this to tho dopaitmont, aud enclosed tho Oregonlan "special" to tho depart ment, repudiating It. But no correction Is over made of The truth of tho matter is that Pottftr tins nlrnnilv liopn avnnnrfitn.l by ,nsi)Cctor8i who foun(, ot ft donr m,8a,)propriatedi Thoy found the fifty omplojoa f the institution porfectly loyal to Supt. Potter, and the six hundred children IPPr and contented The only offense that Potter has ,, , , , , , "een guilty of has been allowing many f -hllllron tn m linmn ",, . ' th(jr parents Qnd to work and mnnn ,,, ,,,, thom on the roles of the; school. Tlin Oflfltnrn Ttirlln,. nfllnlnln nwr. m,. . . . . .. ', ,,,, ...... , ,, many of thdm pulling for Carlisle and , .. . , , ., . ' etl "ard to enroll as many as possible . riiomnn ., .,,. , , . t T,, Alaskan children can be kept ,. - . . . t. ' . .,,, , ,, , '. ,3 uettor ?or them, and thoy nro near- or their homes. In tho Interests of tho taxpayer and of humanity, thoy Cllmi1f1 Ck. Dfilmnln,! nn lould bo- schooled hero. Tlyi remoial of Potter on' such Mi . . ,' phnri?on m- til-ntnvte itmiitil n I.a .1a ,nr ..'.., . . .,.. al work on this coast. It Is to bo do- piored that nowspapors will lead thiltlionlvna in o(rlMn .tn..... - """"" ' nw.iv.uji uun man Ah l" reCr'1 a"d charncter of T. W. Potter. COURAGE OF A STAGE MANAGER. In these days of heroes It Is pleas ant to direct public attention to Harry p Logan, whovdeservos a crown ns big as a llfo-presorver. Mr. Logan mnnngos a thoater In Macon, Missouri, nnd has his own Idoa about the fltnoss of things. For instance, ho is or tho opinion that ovory joko has an ngo limit, at which period in its enroer It should bo qulotly and peacefully put to death. Ho Is not llko somo theater man agers that will ponnlt anything that tho audlonco will stand. In his the ntor It has never beon found neces sary to stretch a not In front of tha stngo or to shoot out the lights In tordor to oxpross disapproval of an actor. ft A show enmo to Macou, and when a performer told a story about tho man who -Vied bocauso his mothof-In-law missed the t,rnln that was wrockod, Mr. Logan took notice. Thon enmo that llttlo act porformed so successfully in the tlmo of Nonli, whereby a dozen debts nro satisfied1 by the passing around of n 10 bill, which eventually conios back to tho starting point. ; Mr. Logan qulvorod with rage ' A tninard was raging on the out sldo but tho chorus started In on tho "Good Old Suin.mo.j'.TIinji." ", j Right then Manager Logan prancell up tho alsol, dartod behind tho sconos nnd ran down the curtatu. with Harry I-flgan at tho lever. v A moment later ho made this spooah which Is commejidable to thoatoi man agers the country ever: S "Tho managor of the theater Is ro Hponslblo for tho character of enter talnmonta given-la h'la house. Evory show that conies hero must deliver the goods exactly as advertised of down gooa tho curtain, and the peo ple will got their money back. Ot course, it Is a llttlo tough on tho OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. theatrical .profetuton, but spring is here, tho walking will be fine as soon asfthe weather gets settled, and any way, the .time for weeding out pro cess Is at, hand. There are a good many persons on tho stage who have missed their vocation and oxist only by the tolerance of audiences and ob Ui3enees of managers. Would that there was a Harry Lo gan in every play house in the land A SUGGESTION TO SALEM. Thore are a few belated people who seem to think a crime, has been com mitted by nddlng a grade to the Salem schools, "Unless Salem adopto high school methods and, keeps a first-class man, a broad-gauged man.nnd a middle-aged vigorous man, In as school superin tendent, her schools will retrograde. "Tho prido of Eugene Is hor public and high schools, and the people are rlrttArmlnnrl tr Irnnrt Minm lin tn tho highest possible standard." Eugene Roglster. There are some good peoplo who sttll bollove In woiklng out their own road tax In fr,ont of their own laud, When they have nothing" else particular to do Offcourso thoy cannot be expected to understand tho moaning of such an expression as tho above from the Eu gene paper. Public pride and the fact that sta tistics show that a high school edu cation multiplies the chancer of sue 'coas? in life twenty-two times dees l.ot enter into their calculations. Tho mild suggestion Is made to Sa eom that there have been too many of tho mouback vailety on' the school board. THEY OPPOSED PROGROESS. School Director Fletcher is an ox- collont gentleman, and a good citizen, nnd he can got into no personal con troveisy with tho editor of The Jour nal. We boHove at heart ho favors pro gress In the Salem public schools, and this paper ha3 always boen willing to give him ciodlt for all that he has done to bring about better conditions. The fact remains, as first stated in Tho Journal, that the three-Democratic members of tho board did attempt to cut off tlio head of City 'silpt. Trav or, because he Ij known to be a pro gressive man. Tho Republican members would not consent to the retirement of City Supt. Traver whoso only offense had been a perslstont effort to put Salem schools up to tho standard of othor American cities. The throe Democratic members of tho school board did vote to cut out everything above tRo ninth grade in our public schools, in spite of the fact that Fletcher admits that a tenth grndo had been established without Increased expense. The three Democratic members of tho board did vote to not re-elect City Supt. Travor, and, unable to do that, abolished city suporlntondenco, by making him servo as principal of tho East school. Then, by somo compromise, ns Mr Fletcher admits, they roconsldered tho vote, and continued Mr. Traver as city superintendent. Mr. Fletcher has given away somo secrets of the board with which wo woro npt concerned. SUSTAIN THECOUNTY COURT. The Domocrnts aro Very sanguine ovqr tho chances of electing their candidate for county Judge to hear tho managers talk. As a matter of fact, many Demo crats and other peoplo aro quietly pro paring to vote for Judge Scott nnd Commissioner Needham. For a county that has paid off ?C0, 000 to $75,000 debt in tho past four years, has reduced its tax levy each year, and got a fine start towards building permanent highways, tho peoplo havo no kick coming. Tho court might bo condemned for not levying more county tnxes for toads, and yet thoy seemod to havo tho' foresight to antlclpato a high stato tax levy, and have mado It that much eoslor for tho people. If otho Republicans In the last legls lijtitro had done half as well as tho fMarloif county court, the party would ho in much hotter shape to elect Its .jjglilattvo ticket. Rut tho same work that bai beon accomplished by tho tejnibllcans iri Marion county can bo accomplished ALL WOMEN Who wish to rotaln or regain the!1- health must soo to It that functional regularity is established. This is an all-Important quostlon and tho wise woman will resort to Hostetter'a Stomach BltUjra at tho first symp toms of un,y derangement, becauso she knows it always gives prompt relief. Pains In the Back, Bloating, Vomiting , Headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Fainting Spells and Sleep lessness are all danger signals which roqulro tho Bitters. Try one bottle. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS by them In tho legislature) If the peo- I , i.i i..t .11 tlrnm nlnlnlv Tvhnt la PIO Will JUU loll miu 1.I....W " expected of them. That state tax must be reduced, and tho Republicans can nnd must do If, aa'the legislature is bound to be Re nubllcan anyway, and thore Is no oth- ler way but to tell them to get in and drill, as we did In Marlon county, nnd It will bo done. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Tho people are Interested in a gen al way In the proceedings of the oral Methodist conference at Lo3 Angeles', Some botHes are lnrgely taken up with persons who have their own axes to grind for personal 'mattars or some particular hobby. , - The groat work of the church is dono in the thousands of llttlo com munities whore poorly paid preach ers build up the moral and social life of the masses; A disposition is shown to avoid some of the old controversial lines, such as condemning the Catholic church ns Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear. THE FAMILY'S 10c, 25c BEST FOR WH bj CANDY CATHARTIC-g , r'aTEi ci i i .HTTr gnmrnMrnimwibJit 1 1 wni vi3m& 6oooepooscso-aaadasoo54)ettGcos53Ch2c.3eoeo56CH! o s Get your materials mado up We can supply your wants. Law ns In white, black, tan, pink, blue, red and yellow, only 12c t yard. Our customers say our prices are moit reasonable In this city Cushion coids only 10c a yard. New assortment Just In. Gieat ti riety of colors, mercerized finish. Millinery. We recolvo new goods In this department almost every day. Lat03t styles, good work, leasonble prices. See us for wire frames, straw-braiifs, chiffon flotven, foliage and bucklos. Rosteiii & I 302 Commercial Street. u999999Q9Q9999&99QQ999e999999998a&aQQt9m lsrsrerandBetter A Than Ever Before SALEI WEDNESDAY Performances 2 and 8 PI MORRIS 1TEW BIG SHOWS CIRCUS MEHAGEillE JUST TWICE LARGER 2 RINGS elsetvaaJeed A NEW CIRCUS A Mu ' tuuo it New 1-cjturea 5-K5ARVELOUS BELFORDS-5 i hp worm a urcattn Acrubati MELN0TTE, LA N0LE and MELN0TTE Uuropc' Premier Comedy Hleh Wire ArtliU 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS - 6 ffli KeirurnoDio contortionists Fxtant 8 ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPElg. ARENIC ARTISTS AND ANIMAL ACTORS - Performing lilephants, Camels, Lions, Tlgera, Hyenas, I aplrs, "; Buffaloes. Kangaroos, Ostriches. Elk, Deer, Ponies. QooUjnAjS 2Q-JOLLY JESTINGCLQVVN1:2- - ON: HUNDRED STARTLING ACTS Grand Gold fluttering Street Parade at 10:30 a. m. Adults, 50c, Children, 25c On Ticket Admits You to Ever Vm the foej-of tho conuaonlchl .There are the usual M puuuona about the prerocT , h thn lifBhnn n.i . I,ero8tlT(i. the church cenornik Mit Nothing seems to SWel erring human belmr false dignity as holdi .v. l0,l"c .,., , "ep,Mki iciiKiuus auinonty over oUi,.. 1 positions. er a ftl Theso chapt aiegenerai'Kte-u '1 by tho conferemo of this cJ, nl - otHeiS. and thoy soon have '' 8 piaie In the estimate uiuuio uiiu iuiiurs. Fruft GrowersMJnlon. Tho mombm-fl nf ,. .. Growers' union are remm.,3 meet Saturday afternoon nf..?. 2 p. in. at. the offlco of the Page Co., 179 Commurial lUfJ G-12-21 BOARD or DIHECToJ Bcustha JhB KM Yoo teuton FAVORITE MEDICINE a vmnsst THE BOWELS ot the Warn Season Geenfeatsm M &ROWE'S MUSEUM HIFPODRME THAN EVER BEFORE RIMGS-2 THROUGHOUT Never IMnre IVst ntcd la Annrlca 4.- FLYING LA vans; Tho Most Scnstt.onal Atrial 0"J .....irn C-AMIIV'6 Hero, of the HlKh Horliontal U 3 - MCDON A LD B RS. -3 ) The roreaoai mt w