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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1904)
PEOPLE GUESSING CONTEST Bicycle Given to Per son Making Near est Estimate On the Official Census of Greater Salem That Is Being Taken This Month The Journal's recent diamond guess lngr contest was a success In every way not only from the standpoint of the Journal publishers, but from that of the suscrlbers and the public generally. Every one who had any knowledge of the affair knows to a moral certainty that it was fairly con ducted and that It was In overy re spect just what It claimed to be. The man who received that $160 diamond ring did not expect it, yet all who took part In the contest" agree that MMHIMMHtltimiUMI iiThat o . ii Smell If there Is anything you need It Is to remove the death-dealing sower gas from your house Modem I Ii Plumbing will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Have your old plumbing Inspected and you may savo a heavy bill. i BURROUGHS & PHASER I 105 State St, 'Phone 1511 Meln. ) f cfraa8 G. F. Mason Manufacturer of Berry crates, boxes, inside work for all frait dryers, and all kinds of shop work. Miller St. Sodth Salem, Phone 2X9 1 Red I wwwwaai If yoti ate thinking of baying a Buggy ot Callage do not forget us. We have the largest and finest assortment ever shown in Salemand cheap, R IWL Wade & Co UUIlllHHMMIIHIHKIMIHMIIIHnUHnM !) MUM WMM0)80)0t)8WW 0g Do What We Claim We guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. P. Cook the Botanical Doctor cures all kinds ot diseases after all other schools and doctors have failed, auch as cancer, tumors, (external and internal) Gravel kldnoy, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and diabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and female diseases, all the foregoing without the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to the patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. D. J. F. Coek: 301 Liberty St., Salem, Oregon. Formerly of Omrha, Neb. MMMwtMMiwntnemMiiW",,'I Havo You Ever Ordered Ha itt 8c Lfiwtence If not, you are away behind tho times. However, they are al mv. i -, nnfrons. and if you call on them, you will be moro than pleased. You will find them at tho corner of Commercial uiiufciiiiMMim he was entitled to It. It was just what It claimed to be, and In soveral respects the publishers did Just a lit tle more than they agreoj to. For all these reasons It has again decided to pu3h a guessing contest This is being done to awaken Interest in the new city census, and as a matter of enterprise on the part of the pub lishers. In this contest as in the other the participants have to pay nothing for tho guess, but are entitled to one guess for overy half dollar spent for the Dally or Weekly Capital Journal, either by mall or by carrier. Tho one who guesses nearest the number of residents In Salem as revealed by the now official census will receive a new Mitchell bicycle, with coaster brake, either ladles' or gents' wheel of this year's model. This Is a practical gift, and will bo a source of continuous usefulness and pleasure to the winner. Those guess ing should remembor that tho old 1900 United States census gave Salem a population of 4258 in tho four ol"d city wards, while the Polk directory peo ple In making up their lists two years later found 14,738. This latter enu meration Included most of the torri tory which has since been taken Into tho city. The Graham-Sheldon Concert. The violin concert given by William Wallace Graham, assisted by Mrs. Albert C. Sheldon, at the opera house, last evonlng, was the musical treat of the season, and was thoroughly ap preciated by those who were fortu nate enough to attend. Mr. Graham displayed wonderful talent, and his numbers, though of tho most difficult arrangement, wero executed In a manner worthy of a mas ter. Every rendition brought forth a storm of applause, and each timo tho bow wizard was forced to reappear and make due acknowledgement. Soft, crashing, wlerd, enchanting, yet ever melodious, the tones filled tho large auditorium with their sweetness and purity. Mrs. Sheldon has a strong soprano voice capable of reaching a very high register, and preserving Its volume. She was heard In seven numbers, all captivating and pleasing Her rendition of "You and I" and "Avo Mario" wero especially beauti ful. Mrs. Wan en E. Thomas, tho ac companlest, -executed the difficult compositions with ease and grace. Tho music-loving people of -Salem will be plea3ed to be favored with a return concert of theso talented mu sicians, and until that time will look back to last evening as a new stand ard for musical entertainments. FREE. THE SEVEN SUTHERLAND SIS TERS ARE AT FRY'S DRUG STORE, AND WILL TEACH YOU HOW THEY PRESERVE THE HAIR. COME AND SEE THEM. 5-0-lwk too. a 1 M M M Your Groceries from 1,Ml DAILY feAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 12, INDIANA DEMOCRATS DUBIOUS About Whom to Give Their Support for the Presi dency Indianapolis, Ind., May 12. The eyes of Democats throughout the land are turned toward Indianapolis today and ears are kept close to the ground to learn what action Indiana, the "pivotal state," will tako in re gard to the Democratic standard bear er to bo named at St. Louis in July. Tho Republicans of this state hold but one convention this year, but tho Democrats thought It wiser to hold two. The convention In session In Torallnson hall today will contlne its work to the selectldn of delegates to the national convention. A second convention will be held for the nomi nation of state officers In July. A fow weeks ago It looked as if the Parker men would have a walk over In Indiana, but later develop ments have materially changed tho aspect of things. Thomas TaggaTt, national committeeman and leador of the movement In Indiana for Judge Parker as nominee of the Democratic party for president, was firm in tho belief a month ago that Indiana would send a delegation to St. Louis In structed to vote for Parker. Stato Chairman O'Brien, John W. Kern and other leaders of the conservative ele ment shared this belief. Now It looks as though thoy will bo satisfied if they succeed in defeating Hearts In struction There was an understanding among the Parker men that either Instruct ions or the unit rule would bo adopted In order to Insuro a solid voto fpr Parker, but the utterances of Bryan against the New York platform and tho flght thta Hearst has put up throughout tho state have caused many to think that the national con vention should look outside of both Hearst and Parker for a nomlnco. The opinion Is expressed that per haps Indiana had better be In a posi tion to lead off for another candidate than to have her hands tied with in structions for any candidate. Tho Hetfrts lieutenants are working with might and main for an Instruct ed delegation. It is bolleved, how over, that thoy will bo perfectly satis fied If they can succeed In preventing tho adoption of tho unit rule, ni such action on tho part of tho convention would be regarded as a Hearst victory. Good Spirits. Good spirits don't all come from Kentucky. Their main source Is tho liver and all the fine spirits over made In tho Bluo Grass stato could not remody a bad liver or tho hundred and ono HI effects It produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must bo In flno condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of stop, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. You can put your liver In flno condition by using Green's August Flower tho greatest of all medicines for tho liver and stomach and a certain euro for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has boon a favorite household remedy for over thirty-five years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus Insuro you a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial size, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores Lasky Lasted Quick. E. Lasky, who raised a disturbance on Coraomrclal street laut evening, was arrested by Special Officer Mitch ell and locked up. This morning he was fined $10 by Recorder Judah for disorderly conduct, Lasky was form erly an Inmate of the asylum, and Is a llttlo top-heavy, especially when un der tho Influence of liquor. When ar rested ho had quite a gash In the side of his head, but whether ho met the sidewalk when It was on an upward journey, or tho business end of some man's fist Is unknown, and particu lars aro meagre Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as Bllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles aro cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Itemed. Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors, 50o a Jar. at drug gists, or sent by mail. Treaties free. Writo me about your case. Dr. Bo sanko, Phlla., Pa, Indian War Veterans. Bonnett Camp No. 8, Indian War Veterans' annual mooting May 11th. city hall, at 2 p. in Special business. By order of captain, Chas Calvert; J. O. Wright, orderly. Suntle yTH ted Yw Haw Atop BwjM Shuttle of cZ&ftfgt $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BR CURItD. Bacfced up by over a third of a century of remarkable nnd uniform cure, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warrautcd In offering to pay $joo in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which thev cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. ' I W A "There ate thousands ofsick women drafrfrtnr oat a weary, miserable existence, who would be well and happy did thev but have my experi ence with I)r Tierce's favorite Prescription, writes Mrs. Annie Lennian, of 106 Jackson St., Atlanta, ta. "four years afro 1 was nearly dead with inflammation and ulceration I en dured daily untold agony, and life was a burden to me I had used medicines internally and externally until I had made up my mind that there was no relief in sight fbr me. A friend of mine endorsed vour ' favorite Prescription,' and I determined then to give it a trial. It took patience and perseverance Tor I was in a bad con dition, and had to use your medicine Tor nearly four months before I was cured, but what a change it brought; from despair to happiness, from misery to the delightful, exhilarating feel ing that only health brings. I would not change back fbr a thousand dollars Your ' Prescrip tion' is a grand medicine. I wish every sick woman would only try it and be convinced " Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adtlser, In paper covers, la sent free on receipt of at one-cent stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Mills Quotations, Bryant & Pennell, Preps. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry at Stolner's i Market Spring chickens 15c. Chickens 10c. Eggs Per dozen, 15c. Turkoys 12014c. Ducks 10c. , . Hop Market Hops 19025c. ' - ' f Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes 15c. Onions 2c. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples-r-lOc. Potlto prunes lc. Italian prunes Cc, " ' Wood, fence Potts, Rte. Second growth $5.75. AFh 13.00 to 13.75. Grub oak $0.50. Cedar posts 12 c. Hide. Pelts and Pure. Green Hides, No. 1 Be. Green Hiaos, No. 2 4c Calf flklns i6c. Sheep 76c. Goat Skins 26a to ILH. Grain anc Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port valuo, 75c. Oats $1.10 per owt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholosalo, 3,75. Live Stock Market Steers 314c. Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. Dressed Veal 506c. Dressed hogs CVj06c. Llvo hogs 5c. Mutton 3c per pound. Hay, Feed, EU, Baled cheat $11. Baled clov-$ie. Bran $22.00. Shorts $25.00. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co, Eggs 15c, cash. Buttor 20c, wholosale. Butter fat 20c at station. ex- PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla, 73074c. Valloy 85c. Flour Portland, best grade, $1,900 $1.05; graham, $3.5O0$4.OO. Oats Choice whlto, $1.170$1.2O, Barley Feod, $23.50 per ton; rolled $24.GO0$2G. Mlllstuff Bran, $190$2O. Hay Timothy, $150$16. Potatoes Common, $1.00011.25, Eggs Oregon ranch, 17018c. Poultry Chlckons, mixed, 12013 per pound; turkoys, 10017c. Kork Drossed, 708c. BeefDressed, C08c. Veal C07&C. Hops 23025c. Wool Vafley, 46017c; Eastorn Oregon, 11014c; Mohair, 30c for choice. IHdes--dry, 16 pounds and upwards, 15016V4C. Buttor Fancy creamery, 2O022'4c dairy- and store, nominal. Raffia for Hats, In all colors an! natural. Lesions taught. Tlie Variety Stote 94 Court St. Abboti M. Welch, Pros 1904. CLASSIHED WANTED. Wanted. Position by experienced lady stenographer; ofllco work; can assist with books. Address "Q. L., 'caro Journal. G-9-3t Wanted. An elderly man, who Is ablo to do some work, can secure a good homo and reasonablo compensa tion. Inqulro at Journal office. 4-30-tf Wanted Tho Oregon Nursory com pony, wants llvo hustling salesmen to introduco Burbank's grand new plum, Maynord, also , a comploto lino of superior nursory stock. Cash advanced weekly. Wrlto quick for full particulars and socuro cholco of terrltiory. 12th stroot, Salem, Oregon. 4-28-lm FOR 8 ALE. For Sale. Second-hand 3-lnch farm wagon. Mltcholl, Lowlb & Stavor, "Stato streot. 5-10-tf For 8ale or Trade. For town proper ty, a 15-acro tract of land, houso and barn, and about six acres In or chard; also maro and colt, ono flno driving horse, a ono-horso wagon, a phaoton, buggy, cart and two sot of slnglo harness. All almost as good as now. Seo John Holm, cor ner of Centor and Capital. 6-9-lwk For Sale. Young maro; weight 1150. Apply to T. J. Clark, opposlto poor farm, North Salem. G-9-3t For Sale. Nineteen head of Cots wold ewes with 17 lambs. Price $50. WIesnor Bros., Gorvals, Or. 6-4-lwk For Sale or Rent Cottago on ono of tho flno3t cornor resldonco lots in tho city, near stato house. Call at 360 Summer street. 6-7-tf At a Bargain. A good socondhand buggy. Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor Co., Salem branch. 4-28-2W For 8ale. Fruit laud In Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south half ot section 15, township 10 south, rango 5 west ot Wlllamotto Meridian, con taining 320 acros ot unimproved land, half a mllo from Arllotstatlon, and about four mllos from Willam ette river. On main county road. W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main Btreot, Los Angolos, Cal. 4-13-tf Fine Body Fir For salo; also second growth. Geo. F. Rodgors, 130 Court street. 4-14-lm FOR RENT. Garden for Rent On shares, or for cash, In East Salem; good land. A. P. Hofer, Jr, 4-16-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Lost At Tioga hall Friday evening, fan-shaped stickpin, filled with gold quartz. Roturn for reward to Miss Allen, 347 High stroet. 6-7-3t A. WHhelm Contractor and builder, AH carpontor work and finishing dono promptly, and by first-class workmen. Get my figures boforo building, 545 Court stroot, between 16th and 16th stroots. 4-20-lm Money to Loan at six per cont, sev eral resldonco properties in tho best part of tho city for salo on easy terms. Room 5 Tioga building, corner Stato and Liberty streets, 4-18-lra Say Havo you triod Edwards & Lusch cr's for moats. We havo tho best sausago In town. Coma and try it, and ho convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and beBt equipped company In So lorn. Piano aid furniture moving a specialty Office 'phone, 801. W. W, Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. CO 8tato stroot 0-1-lm Dr. '2. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial streot, upstairs. Singing school Rudlmontal and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening, Oc tober 14th. ClasB every Wednes day evonlng to May 1st, next Tui tion, $1.00. Home-Made Bread Doughnuts, fancy copklos, pies and cakes, fresh ovory day. Tho best in tho city, at tho lowest prices, Glvo us a trial, Ger , man Bakery. A. Fisher, successor t to G, A. Back, cornor of 12th and Chemokota streets. Phono 2183 Red. B-B-tf p"HY8ICIAN AND SUHQEqN' Dr. I: W. 8Urp Office In Bush A Brj building, over Oregon Shoe Store Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and I U 5 'p. m. Calls attended In cl(y country. Residence 'phone Z3SI Red. 1-6-U Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter found In tho Drey block, 275ft, Goat merdal streot, over Oregon 8so Co, Ofllco telephone, 2931 rl dence phone. 27C1. Ofllce koart f to li, and 2 to 5. SEVEN j Hop Baskets. Hop Baskets. One-fourth and one half box for picking. Full-box bas kets for measuring. Boat in the market Hold your ordors for Walter Morley, GO Court street, Ba lcm. UNDERTAKERS. Undertakers.- We carry tho large and finest lino of undertaker's good In tho city. Prices to suit IL Black and white hcarso. Prompt, reliable. Savo money by calling af No. 107. A. M, Gough, A. J. Baser, l-t6-t RESTAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 96 Btv street Open day and night Owl 20c meals aro bettor than any 9M houso in tho state. Six 20c for $1.00; 21 20c meals for $3.63. LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, t. O. O. F. L O. O. F. Hall, Saturday each week, a 7:30 p. m. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N. O.j Frank F Toots, recording secretary. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tM World Meets In Holman Hall ever Friday at 7:30 p. m. P. L. Frasler, Consul. Wyllo A. Mooros, Secre tary. 1-12-lyr Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W. M6f la tholr hall In Holman block, eer no Stato and Liberty, overy He day evening. Visiting brettaiei welsomo. Roy Mclntlro, M. W, M, E. Aufranco, Recorder. Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P. CeetJe Hall in Holman block, corner MM and Liberty Sts. T-eaday of eaeM week at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Tunur, O. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Far-eater of America Court wood Foresters No. 18. Meew F day in Tumor block. H. Q. Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, See. Modern Woodmen of Amerlea Q gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Mw; overy Thursday evening at 8 o'elwk Holman . Hall, 13. E. Matte, T. 0.: A. L. Brown. Clerk. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. H. H. Scovell, Osteopath and goHtlonlst Troats chronic disorder of tho stomach, bowels, Hvor, W neys; nervous and female disease?, lung and throat troublos. D'Arey, Bldg., Stato St Main 2855. TONBORIAL AND "ATH8. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrst-ckM shqp on Stato street Evory tfehm now and up-to-uato. Fluent pox lain baths. Shave, 15o; hair-cut MVi baths, 25c, Two flrst-claas fcol blacks. C. W. Brans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvicd apply at oe. Bills payablo monthly In advia Mae all complaints at tho office. EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and riaasonser tralM Baggage to all parts ot the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. J4L HECKMAN, HEDRICK & HOMYEK. DENTISTS. O. H. MAOK f!iiirMffitr tn Dr. J. M. Koone. hi White Corner, Salem, Oregon. PartkM desiring superior operations at ao4 erat foe In any branch are In espeekkl roqueet Farm for 8alo. 114 acriis In Marlon county, halt ft mllo from Mill Chy, 85 ocroj Im proved, 65 acres good timber, to 1 mile from a $300,000 sawmill. Land good, rich, black soil; 6-room houso; lumber barn; with outbuildings; 10 acres good fruit, mostly winter ap nles. trooB avorago 7 years old; good spring water at ,door; two creeks run through place; good neighborhood; ft miin in school, church and railroad. Flno beaver dam meadow land, easily cloarcd. If sold at onco will ta:o . J3200. Tltlo clear. Torms, two-third down, and frdm 2 to 3 yeara on bal ance with 7 per cent Interest; imrae ntn noisesslon. Call on or address J. E. Ray, owner of tho farm, Mill City, Orogon. H'w' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Vi Kind Yqu Have Always Iwfkt Bears; the Bignaturo of &&0 Mr