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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1904)
W I rv wT,'JF,JT'"''''" "ilf wprf i 1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. 8 SIX BPT' m Use one pound of Golden Gate and you will lose your taste for cheap coffee. ft Sold on Merit At high grade grocers. 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight tint. J. A. Folger EL Co. San tranclico Importers of Ffee Coffees A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday How can you remedy It? Get rid of dirty clothes, homes full of steam and bad odors, soap, starch water, heat, worry, extra meals for help. How can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. We will call at your homo and take all your wash and re turn It, as follews: All Flat Work, Including bed tides, bolster and pillow slips, blankets, comforts, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, table pads, table and tray cloths, towels (roller, hand and bath) -wash rags, etc., will be washed and Jroncd ocmplete. Wearing npparel and balance of laundry washed, Btarched and rough drled,ready for ironing, which can bo done, In maay cases, by tho Tegular servant In small families the -wife may prefer to do it, as it is an easy task. What it costs? Only five cents per pound, delivered in a neat, clean bag or basket. Shirts, collars, cuffs and loco curtains charged at list !rlce3. Points to censider: Your clothes are thoroughly washed and Tlnscd; not a particle of foreign mat ter remaining. Your clothes aro thor oughly disinfected. They are Bweet and pure and In original state. Wo use materials that are purer than you could buy, as they aro made especially for us, and too costly for the retail market. Glvo U3 a trial, and see what a dlfferenco It makes. ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, delivered Wednesday. The Salem Steam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. uniwricsren'4 r-mtaw ItHYROYAL PBLLS ft Orlll ! nlr Otm 1"C - 4' r LaJlr. u D.nirti w I'llll lllvvi KKS KMJLIHIl & It'll I iJald IMltUU VMM mlrl "fc V"M Ucrra Hah.lllB fir Iften. Hr I ftr .tn Jf mm fc I'srtlrnU Tkk.tlir. ttofar nf Ul ? m4 4. iim a laui J ltilrrrl.i4lr,''l r IdlH llJI. IV.bUOlMUUtLlll. ui ntTruu CklrbrrUr) trait! CT iMiw. 4u, puai. r old In lm by 8. C. ttont. Call tor rro 8&mpl Your Stepmother Is still here, and as busy as ever When your clothes are worn and dirty, or tho buttons off take them to fcer. at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean Jbc Works. Repairing and rollnlng sow volvet collars put on overcoats, Alto four suits a month tor 11. Called for an returned. MM8. C II. WALKER, Prop. 10R CommnrrUl Htrwt HUIE WING SANG CO. Great solo of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods. We also roako up all kind of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Gents' and ladies' furnishing; goods, silks, lacos and em broidories. All kinds of summer goods, matting, otc. Court street, corner of alloy. Balom Cucumber Contracts. A few more contracts for cucumbers can bo secured by calling on The Gideon Stols Company, comer of Mill and Summer streets. 4-26-2wk voxix... 3rM0ttU TMKMYNHinVnB( Pe Wsfids ffj Av Ir Httttm PILES aup- 6upposltaru OnM bWU, tialwrllK H C, rllM M MI .. tktf t B ) iUk l.t Ikn, ' Vt 8. X Uim, . w Ttrlw -TUrtttoilMrrtliiU CimOm.- DrU. U MrOin.nuttMtn.Trtk.wrlr 'C HMta 9nml4 9t Mjt, t rt fMl wk r Wul JMrt." tKM, M Curt. tUnplw FlM. W-H JlPrni.U. aWT!H trtoi. UWC8TtH. AJj Gz&mgz&, OLD MAN ESCAPED ASYLUM Henry Kiphart, Aged Eighty Years, Arrested but Soon Released Albany, Or.. May 11. Henry Kip hart. residing near Kingston, was yes terday arrested by Sheriff Huston on a charge of Insanity and brought to this city for examination at tho con clusion of which he was released by order of the court his mental con dition not warranting his detention. Mr. Kiphart lit 80 years old, and some time ago, while sick, deeded his prop erty to his son. Later the son mar ried and the old gentleman and his daughter-in-law did not get along well. After this was made manifest a cabin was built on the further sldo of the place where Mr. Kiphart lived alone. There seems to have been somo feeling against the old man, who at times wa3 subject to fits of anger and some of the neighbors filed a complaint against him charg ing insanity, complaint did The man filing tho not appear at the ex- amlnation, but John Kiphart, a son of tho old man, was there accompanied by another witness. The examination showed that the old man's mind was not affected, and indicated that the trouble over the property had caused the strained relations In the family that were responsible for the com plaint. The old gentleman repeated the story of transferring the property to his son and told that he had not always been provided with the neces sities of life when he called for them, out the son assured him that ho should have all he desired. Following tho dismissal of Mr. Kiphart, Judge Parker urged the son to look aftar his father's welfare better. Record for Bowling. What is declared to be a new Pa cific coast bowling record was made Friday night on the Crescent bowling alleys In the presence of Dr. A. W. Martin, president of the San Fran cisco Bowling association, and others, when S. B. Wetzel of San Francisco rolled four straight games. His scores In their order were 231, 238, 279 and 217, a total of 967 for tho four games, or an average of 241 each. For three games his total was 750 pins or an average of 250 which Is al most a perfect score. The world's Individual bowling record is 300, made by W. Cordes of Brooklyn, B. Stell of Chicago and B. Roedel of New York, while J. Voorhels of Brooklyn In a total of 27 games has a world's averago of 233. The east, however, does not lecognlze the Western rec ords as tho Wo3t persists In using heavily loaded balls. Wetzel, who inado such a good score last night, is a new bowler, only a few months at the gamo and only about 21 years of age. Deafness Cannot Be Cured By local applications, as they can not reached the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure denfness. and that 13 by constitu tional remedlos. Deafness is caased by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and, unless tho inflammation can bo taken out, and this tube restored to Its natural condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forov cr;nlno cases out of ton aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser vices. ADDED IIAifrLIf WHISKY Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over tho World. For Sale by A. 8CHREIQER, Salem. 153 State St FARMER'S HOME, j3 I ISABEL IRVING COMING Will Be Seen in the Crisis at the Grand Opera House Next Saturday Night ' The announcement that a star new to this city will be seen at the Grand Opera House on Saturday night In a play about which there has been more discussion than any other drama In tho past twenty years will be cause for general congratulation among local playgoers particularly when it Is known that the star is no less a player than Miss Isabel Irving and the play none other than the dramatization of Winston Churchill's famous novel Tho Crlsl3. , Although Miss Irving has never be fore been seen In this city her fame has gone before her. Both as leading woman in tho famous stock company of the Lyceum theater in New York and as leading woman with' Mr. John Drew, Miss Irving won enviable re pute as an actress of great personal beautv and charm as well as ability sh , f yea bec rec0Knzed as one of the most bealUlful womea on tho American stage, indeed nothing but her own Innate modesty has kept her from becoming a professional beau ty. Miss Irving has, however, frowned on all effqrts to laud her good looks preferring to be known as a skilled and charming actress. Tho box office will be open for sale of seats, Satur day morning at 9 o'clock. Bicycle Guessing Contest New Bicycle Free Salem census and what It will do for you. Everybody Is Interested in the cen sus that is now being taken, and in order to promote the greatest possible publicity for this most Important event in the recent history of our city, The Capital Journal has decid ed to give a fine new bicycle to the person guessing nearest to the num ber of people In our city, as revealed by the new official census. It -vn 111 tako several weeks to close the en-jnv oration and compilation, and durlnc this time The Journal will give re ports from day to day of tho progress of the work, and tho probable results From these the reador can draw con clusions, and make a close guess. Terms of Contest In order to make this more than an idle random guosslng affair, The Journal proposes to place a few re strictions upon it, and then glvo ab solutely freo to tho person who guess es neatest to the official count a brand new Mitchell bicycle, ladles' or gent's, with coaster brake, Every subscrib er paying 50 cents for Dally or Week ly, by mall or carrier, will bo entitled to one gues3 for tho wheel. Thoso paying one dollar will get two guess es, but, in ordor to prevent strife, and protect tho legitimate guesser, it will bo uocessary to deposit tho original subscription receipt In tho box at Tho Journal office, with your guess written on the back of same. Call at Tho Journal office and learn tho par ticulars, and then look at tho wheel, at tho warehouse of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver. It is the best Mitchol! wheal, with coaatnr brakq, guaran toed for tho year, and Is backed up by tho MItcholl, Lewis & Staver Company. riS5( IB W U II IJ I MM filA'Jl.wM.,1.! r ft'iV- ' y"J "-tr -, -4JK?fl AStgclablc PrcpnralionrorAs similating ihcFoodandncguIa Ung the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion Chpcrrul nessandRt?st.Coiittrmsnellinr Opium,forphinc norXiiwwI KOT Nai c o tic . Mfitafoid.nrS.uu3.Piraaui flnryihn Srttl' jtlxSttvut IfftmvHt BtOatcnak-Stda Sugar ItfHiiyitKtrianK A perfect Remedy forConslipn Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions , Fcvensh ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signnlure of NEW YOUK. mmmm RI! t EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. "-. G&eo8eaa04CQ&93ti9seaaeQ890ae8a9aeaoaeeoe9a 4m. ilffNiJuiiiiinlllin tt ' rii -' u A t 3"" cowmt n m99999mV99999999999999999m99999999999t9999m Phene: Mam 2953 ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEK PROMISED 103 Commercial St. Over The Journal, ;cm,a,m.,w .u.i,iisv;iUAytti3HtaeasaiiiiaB -MQe I I I i ' rffa- L ita ' f fi ff ft-ClIf il8ilIO)I Wil ! .WillHI 8 9i 9t ::::::A G E N j BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. j I GRAIN BDYERS AND SHIPPMSOr GRAIN I Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crate ifld stick Snlpanr. J. G.v Graham, Agent, 'i iwowi nt tl-rf tlf la I tvr m4$MLWAtSH 7m II yuM Tfm. usVSH 1 1 'WMfr imr 'mm M mWm m r For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years KTfllllH IIKIH M OINTAUK iOM . new TOUR city. aHB&iS&t A PEEP INTO OUR S ICE HOUSE. g Will show you why it is that our meats aro always rresn and appetizing in the hottest weather, when meats would spoil if not properly cared for. It would also show some of the fattest sides of beef, tender and fine quartern of lamb and mutton. Our meats are high grade and low priced. E. C. Cross. 1 Bears the A " I Signature Il 1 of AKf 3t v &m lJ For jpwinw PRINTING FOR PROFESSIONAL Men requires a neat Type Face and appropriate treatment at thesbauds of the printer. Try THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY PROOFS SUBUinCD OH ALL WORK. Q-f9 llglflliitHM- IMMENSE STOCK OF Carriage Harness j ; Work Harness and !! Saddles All uo-to-dato and first class. 9 Sex us for anything in our line and T save money. E. S. LamportSaddlery Co. 28!) Ommercial Street.) HitllH I ! litt)IWBi HI I C Y OF: 207 commerdii st., stim, om giiiiKif m itmii - MlfHhgUlf ! f THE PICK OF THE F0RE8T Has been taken to supply the stock of. . lumber In our yards. Our stock iaj complete with all kinds ot lumber.) Just received a car load ot No. li i shingles, also a car ot flno chokes. We are able to fill any and all kind J of bills. Come and let as show job- our stock, ' ! ! Yard and office near 8. P. passenger! ! depot. 'Phono Main 66L ! G.00DALE LUMBER CO. The Yost No. 10 The Machine Behind the iFne Work. Excels all others In LIGHT RUNNING PERFECT ALIGNMENT PERMANENT ALIGNMENT EASE OF ACTION BEAUTY OF CHARACTERS AND DURABILITY. 75,000 Sold Yost Writing Machine Co. 230 Stark Street, Portland. C M. LOCKW00D, Local Agent, 288 Commercial StrM Salem, Oregon. We .Rent. We Sell. We Exchano. We Repair. Don't Delay Yotir Order Building Ij going on with a m&. We are well supplied with SEWER PIPE SAND OR GRAVEL AND GARDEN LOAM. You will get the best of eTery talng when you buy of A. M. PATRICK & CO. Successor to D. 9 Bentley. Phont Main 691. Wholesale ana retail building material of the best 181-183 Commercial St., Srtra i i ! MM4tM'HHH4ifWi i Oregon Raised Clover Seed As the weather has set tled the farmers who wish to sow clover seed wiK need to supply themselves quickly. We offer a fine quaSly of very reasonable prices. Other farm and garden x seeds in quantities to meet all demands at f Savage & Fletcher I Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED X 322-324 Commercial Street ,1 Q9m9999999W f iBee I Supplies A complete stock of bee sup-1 , plies, including hive3, sections, I foundations, smokers, etc, Prices tho lowest in the city I Seed Corn ' TOn hjivA n varieties of Field and Sweet Corn suitable ror tnis climate, inciumuS celebrated DottsforJ Corn. B i silage corn a specialty. 1 D. A. White &Son FEEDMEN AND SEEDMEN 301' Commercial Strout, Salens. , I ii""' ' Stato Treasurer's Tenth Notice. Treasury Department, Stato of Oregon. Salem. May 6, 1901. , Notice Is hereby given that there are funds in the State Treasury which to redeem all outstanding rants drawn on tho general fun. dorsed "Presented and not pw want of funds," prior to this date, such warrants, if properly endorj will be paid upon presentation office, interest thoreon ceasing w and after this date. CHAS. S. MOOBR K-6-iotii State ii-- Ftee, Yes Fe Dr, Stone makes no " sultaUoB or preacriptloa. found dally at Ws drug "tor ttifta!)cfrtifimiiitini Oregon.