''r&qnWWTrvrtpr' vTho Weather. land Friday, fair. , ., Sce Journal free-bicycle .guessing ' .'.', "' 5ntest( ' " "V .f AILT OAPIT L JOtJENAJL w ' f W 'B SALEM, OREGON, THURSDW, MAY 12, 1904. T ARTHUR IS CUT Off AT LAST rt That Perfect Order Is sintaioed at New Chwang inks Offering the New Japanese Are Crowded to the Doors With Takers of Bonds NO. 107. May 12. A Lloyd's New kblo states that Port Ar- loft. Produce Is arriving In titles from up tlio river. iroops are marching from Cheng toward Hsyen. br prevails at New Chwang intlclpate trouble or fight Ivlclnlty. Great credit Is Kondratorvlck and Civil ar Gtzel." thur Railway Cut Off. lay 12. Router's Toklo wires It Is officially de- ihat Port Arthur railway on has been restored. i Loan Popular. y 12. A Central News (Los that the Japanese oversubscribed. Banks are crowded this morn- Drs with people clamor- . bonds. pla rm About Capital. 12. A St. Petersburg that the town of .Ses- lio Gulf of Finland, 18 capital, Is to be strong- is a protection to Neva rsburg. it to Have Progress. y 12. Russian advices that the conviction Is ft. frng Intellectual classes Msm has seen its best t the Czar will bo led, initiative, to give" tho a ind a parliament. flashing from the ships and forts. Thoro were no signs of the Japanese fleet In the vicinity. Tho ofllcers further stated that therp were not to exceed 1000 Iius- slan soldiers at NIu Chwang and vi cinity. There are only six light field guns in the forts, all the big guns having been taken to Liao Yang. Tho opinion prevailed af Nlu Chwang that Russia intends restoring Niu Chwang, also the district eastward to Taslchiao, the Junction of the rail way to China. Colonel Multhe, mili tary advisor to Yuan Shai Kai vice roy of the province of Chili, is now at NIu Chwang ready to take over the district. The Russian troops, It is un derstood, will remain until the Chi nese troops arrive. This Is to prevent looting by brigands. Admiralty Scouts the Indea. St. Petersburg, May 12. The Idea that tho Russian squadron at Port Ar thur has been destroyed to prevent Its falling Into tho hands of tho enemy Is scouted at the admlrallty. "We are not going to repeat the mistake raade at Sebastapool," saU Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky, command er of tho Baltic fleet. "If tho worst comes to tho worst, tho squadron will put to sea, engage tho enemy and In flict as much damage as possible be fore going to the bottom. But you can say that it is a little early to talk of such desperation." act In t-onjuuctlon with tho ambassa dor or governor. Lord Littleton, sec retary of state for tho colonies, an nounces that the Chinese ambassador had tyeen authorized to sign tho con vention tomorrow afternoon for the Importation of Chineso labor Into South Africa. Condensed Telegrams. At Dover, Delaware, Mrs. Mary Powell, wa3 convicted of tho murder of her adopted daughter EIbIo Albln, and was sentenced for life today. Tho now battleship Missouri sailed today on her final trial trip. Helen Gould has arrived at Buffalo in her private car to attend the In ternational Y. M. C. A. convention. Af ter dinner tho heiress and party visit ed Niagara. Tonight sho will be giv en a reception by tho ladles of Buffalo. SERIOUS SANTA FE STRIKE Before Helping: That Company Southern Pacific Alachin- ists May Hike San Bornardlno, May 12. About 450 mechanics nre affected by tho Santa Fe strike. Today 30 black smiths wero brought East. There arc 18 dead engines In the yard. Tho Southern Pacific machinists have no tified the strikers that they will quit beforo they will repair Santa Fo en gines. It is reported that the engin eers will quit if tho Santa Fe does not sign a new agreement. BRITISH IN HARD LINES HBRRST PARKER FACTIONS Battle for Control in 'the Hoosier i State Governor Yates Seemsto in the Swim in Illi nois Indianapolis, May 12. Green Smith wai .nominated temporary chairman of the Democratic convention. Hearst men nominated Judge McCnbo, and Smith was elected. Ho began a speech amid ajgreat din, and called for tho report Tot the committee on creden tials, and here began tho real fight of tho Hearst-Parker factions. Sucker State Repubs. Springfield, Ills., May 12. When the Republican Btate convention met at noon the gubernatorial situation had not' clarified, each faction fighting hard. Apparently Governor Yates and Col. Lowden, of Chicago, will control, but the first ballot will show. Speaker Cannon was given a rousing reception ashe assumed tho gavol as temporary chairman. His speech was a review cf Republican policies. The convention recessed until 5 o'oclock Lo allow the committees to report. Thibetans Are Determined to Crowd the Foreigners Mires to Abdicate. May 12. Tho Post today report has reached Lon- quarters at St. Peters- Czar Is- sufforlng from I depression, and Is de- Kcatlon. (Troops Keen to Go. urg, May J 2. Tho Czar swell to tho 10th army karkoff, the 23d. The ilntnin a keen desire to fat. r ('Officers Discredit It. y 12, 1:30 a. m Tho of- ij steamers arriving from dlscredit the story of tho fty the Russians of their Port Arthur. When tho of- Port Arthur last night they saw searchlights Russians Evacuate Dalny, St. Petersburg. May 12. Alexieff tolographs that preparations aro mak ing for Tho evacuation of the Dalny docks. Matorlal useful to the ene my Is being destroyed. Rumors of Another Battle. St. Petersburg, May 12. Rumors of fighting at Pdrt Arthur are current, but there Is no confirmation. Now Chwang Is still held by tho Russians. London, May 12. Dispatches from Gyangtse, Thibet, today state that tho Thibetans hnvo reopened' tho bom bardment of tho British camp thero, Ubing largo cannon. Mrs. W. S. Matthows, who has been spending six months at Ilosoburg, has returned to her Salem homo. Later From Indiana. Indianapolis, May 12. Thoro was almost a riot In the convention prior to the election of Smith as chairman, tho Hearst men claiming that they had not been given a fair show. Whon Smith began to speak he was greeted with Jeers and cat-calls from tho Hearst delegates. When'. he referred to the consclenco of the Democratic party, tho Hearst men found expression In the noisiest hissing ever heard In Torallnson hall. The climax was reached when Smith offered congratulation to tho conven tion for Its ability to unite. Parker Instructions and tho unit rule were adopted by a vote of 945 to 585, and tnen the convention adjourned. day said ho would not rim away front It, and would take tho place, If he could get It. TRUST GETS A FALL Most Notorious Combination of Them AH Chicago, May 12. Tho appellate court today upheld tho lowor court Ii a case involving 17 Northern Illinois coal companies who wero fined by Judgo Norton for combining a trust. Tho appellate court "flcorcod tho com bination in trenchant languago as the most notorious of all trusts. SAVAGES WILL BE NAILED Force in the Philippines to Punish Aloros Ha Been Detailed Washington, May 12. Major-Conor-al Wado, of tho Philippines, report ing the engagement in Mindanao, In which 17 Americans wero killed, says General Wood has ordered the troops to proceed to recover the bodies and arms of the killed and wounded and to punish tho offenders. No addi tional details are given. ( Hitt Would Run. Washington, May 12. Congressman R. R. Hitt, who has boen talked of for vice-president by Illlnolslans, to- GOING AT RACING SPEED NEW YORK P0ST0FFICE ', SCANDAL Vancott, Friend of Piatt May Have , to Go '. ' Inspector's Reports Are Nq$. in the Hands of the ";' President Washington, May 12. A report ot thu inspectors of tho Now York City poatoflko Is In possession ot tho post; masor-gonnral, who won't give out Its contents, until reviewed' by tho Presldont. It is well known,- howev er, that tho Inspectors recommend 'tho dismissal of Postmaster VanCott, hla son nnd n dozen subordinates. Assist ant Attorney-General llobb, to whom tho report was submitted, Is probably tho man who will recommend aciloii. Sonutor Piatt, VanCott's personal friend, worked hard for him. It hna often been reported that If VanCott goes It would cauio a political rup ture. Tho ProEldont this afternoon ap proved tho recommendations by, llobb, and as a result Richard Van Cott, son. of tho postmaster, was summarily rcr moved. No proof of actual maladralni Istrntlon has been mado against tho postmaster, and ho Is to bo allowed to, serve out his term. - '"" DEFAULTERS GIVEN UP. English Autocrat Drives Into a Hard Stone Wall Douglass, IbIo of Man, May 12. During tho elimination trials in tho Denott auto racos hold hero today tho Englishman Earp, going at racing speed, drove his car Into a stono wall. Earp and his brother were badly hurt. Who Got Away With Larne Sum of Money. Chicago, May 12. Captain John Heoly, ox-presldent of tho Alasltan Exploration Co., was surrendered ,by his bondsmen today. He will bo takon to Now York to answor a chargo In volving $10,000 of tho company's monoy. KING EDWARD'S COLT WINS RACE London, May 12. King Edwnrd'a Rose Mafkot wou tho breeders' stako of 200 soverolgiiB at Nowmarkot. n Fighting May Be Heavy. Shanghai, May 12. There Is a per sljtent rumor current here today that fighting Is proceeding southeast of Now Chwang. .. Thibetans Will Suffer. London, May 12. In the houso of commons today Secretary Broderick said that the government had con cluded that recent events had maJe an advance on El Hassa of Thibet In evitable, unless a competent Thibe tan negotiator should be appointed to I J of Lose All f jrantage of tho buying power of cash when you spend Jt at a re. That's why cash buyers trade at New York Racket i ad they got about 25 per cent hotter value for their money tores doing a credit business. re had a phenomonal Increase in sales since adding DRY GOODS SHANTUNG SILK and COVERT COATS. Moio new styles received In these popular garments Swell designs and styles. Beat va riety and lowest prices. c&J7leuei&d& aMMMMMaVMNMs. FURNI8HING8. Men's flno negligee shlrtH In plain nud figured whltoB, giayB, blues and taiiH, plain and plaited bosoms, .cuffs separate or at tached. All tlzoH and sleeve length?. I it VOav LJ. Initios QmT if, to our cash plan which enables us to do a profitable busl- so-half the margin oi prom asiteu uy n-suiar dwis ioes, Qotliiiti;, Hats, Shifts 5 for tho whole family. cheapest one-prlco cash store. Spring 1904 Suits Remarka ble Bar gains in T &ilot Suits Womens dressy tailor made suits much lowered In price. Many of the handsomest gowns wo havo ever shown aro among this except ional offering. All bright, now de signs of this season's styjos. A vlalt to this section will convince you that wo can and do soil per fect fitting garments at a less prlco than you can buy tho ma terial and have tho sewing done at home. $17.50to A lfi $20.00 T I SOJ Iii:o8lok1785 Tditof Suits K'$1965 TailorSuRsH S0to$2660 OUR SPECIAL SALES Which the people of Salem havo learned by oxporlenco nro always what they are represented. It makes no difference to us what other merchants do we stand back of our advertisements and whon wo offer an nrtlclo at a price we see that tho customers gots it, meeting all opposition, and un der no consideration do wo compel customers to expend monoy without giving them full value. Our Special Sales aro always bright now goods purchased espiKjlally for sale days, or olso taken from fresh now stock. Don't be deceived Into buying old merchandise carried over year after year THE BIG STORE Is now at Jt best. Such Improvements and fixtures as havo boen added for the comfort and pleasure of our patrons have been fully paid for. Watch tomorrow's Journal for nnnoucemont of our FIFTEENTH ECO NOMIC SALE, -Sjl . F IJXwM Spring jii o HU 4 mm sW M r !.. issssi ssssi vtfzo v ii i r u iM m 3fa UliltO ill H Clonic Shtet Waists Our line of sheer white waists atv f0c In a ourc of great wonder to experienced choppers, Wo have have tbcm in all sizes. Tho largest and beet assortment to choojo from at prices ranging from 50c to $5.00 gggpr Schtftiirt r Go-Carts Beautiful weather to glvo baby on outing, AH tho now vehicles for little folks to ride In are now hero and ready for the outing which this bright spring woathor Invites, $3.50 to $2000 The Fineit of High. Grade CLOTHING That meets all requirements. All tho new and correct stylos In clo thing for spring and miuimur wear aro on display In our mammoth stock. Kvory garment Is as skil fully tailored and as carefully fitted to your figure as If rnadu to order. Wo aro always ablu to glvo you stylish, well-fitting apparel In the most recent doslgns and best wool, on fabrics obtainable, at about ONE HAIF THE PRICE you would havo to pay tho tailor. $0.00 to $25.00 Along with our largo suit stock' wo aro also uhowhig a very nice assortment of late TOPCOATS you neod ono for these coot oven-lags, i i