W8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1904. 8IX JUBILEE y op the Y. M. C. A. lOrganized on Large Scale at Buffalo U. S. A. Buffalo, X. Y., May 11. More than fifteen hundred visitors from the United States and Canada and from several foreign countries are here to attend the golden Jubilee convention of the Young Men's Christian associa tion. The gathering Is In commemor ation of the fiftieth anniversary of the first International convention of the organization, which was held In Buffalo fifty years ago. The gathering war formally opened hhlB morning with a Quiet Hour ser 'vice by S. D. Gordon. This after jioon the convention organized- and received the report of the Internation al commltteo. A banquet in honor of the delegates has been aranged for this evening. The business sessions 'of the con vention will continue for four days and will be devoted to the discussion of Y. M. C. A work and methods In all their various branches. It is In the evening meetings, however; that public attention will center most These are to be held In City Conven tion Hall and will be addressed by S0Z0D0 TOOTH POWDER There Is no Beauty that can aland tho dlsfl&nrement 0; bad teeth. Take cam of your teeth. Only SOZOD A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday How can you remedy It? Get rid of dirty clothes, homes full of steam and bad odors, soap, starch water, heat, worry, extra meals for help. How can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. We will call at your lome and take all your wash and re turn It, as follews: All Flat Work, Including bed ticks, bolster and pillow sllps, blankets, comfortB, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, table pads, table arid tray cloths, towels (roller, hand and bath) wash rags, etc, will be washed and ironed ocmplete. Wearing apparel and balance of laundry washed, starched and rough dried.ready fox Ironlng.whlch can bo done, In maty cases, by the regular servant. In small families tho wife may profer to do it. as it is an easy task. What It costs? Only ftvo cenu per pound, dollverod In a neat, clean bag or baskot. Shirts, collars, cuffs and lace curtains charged at list prices. Points to censider: Your clothes are thoroughly washed and rinsed; not a particle of foreign mat ter remaining. Your clothes are thor oughly disinfected. They are sweet and pure and in original state. We ueo materials that are purer than you could buy, as they are made especially for us, and too costly for tho retail market. Give us a trial, and se what a difference It makes. ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, dellv.ered Wednesday. The Sdlem Steam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. Bee I I Supplies A complete stock of bee sup- piles, including hivos, sections, foundations, smokers, etc. Trices tho lowest In tho city. Seed Corn Wo havo all varlotlos of Flold and Sweot Corn suitable for this climate, including tho colcbrated Houston! Corn. En silage corn a specialty. I D. A. White &Son FEEDMEN AND SEEDMEN 301 Commercial Street, Salem. HUIE WING SANG CO. Great snlo of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods, Wo also mako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Gents' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broideries. All kinds, of summer goods, matting, etc. Court street, corner of aljey, Salem WjffiRG3a OIL FOR THE BODY You can't lose an atom without feeling it. The body is like an engine, a watch, a machine; must be kept in good order to run right. That's the reason Scott's Emulsion is so successful in all wasting diseases. It feeds, nourishes and strengthens when ordinary food won't. Doctors say Scott's Emul sion is the best nourishment for these who are not as well as they should be young or old. We'll ttni y 3 U f j aeon requttt. SCOTT & liOWNE, 49 Vtatl Street, New York. railroad presidents, public officials, leading educators and other men of note. Tho Rev. G. Campbell Mor - gan, President George W. Stevens of alit-v- A interest conUrs in the nomi the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, nations for state officers. The cm President Jospeh Ramsey of the Wa-' s alive today with candidates fo bash. Vive- president W. C. Brown of the nominations. Their frlonds aie the New York Central, and President ! a,so hero ,n force. C. A. Wlckorsham of the Atlanta and For months the race for the gub. r West Point railroad are amonc those national nomination has been on in; to be heard tomorrow night, which llvel' earnest and increasing inte n wiil be devoted to a discission of the , stt as the coventlon date approached work of the Railroad Y.' M. C. AJGovernor Yates early announced his Secretary of the Navy Moody is to ! candidacy for renomination Backed peak Friday evenjng, and Saturday venlnir Secretary Georce B. Cortel - evening Secretary George B. Cortel- you. Chancellor Frank A. Stfong o"f Kansas State university, and Hon. George W. Ross, premier of tho Pro vince of Ontario, will be heard. o A CASE OF IT. Many More Like It in Salem. The following case Is but one of many similar occurring daily in Sa lem. It is an easy matter to verify its correctness. Surely you cannot a k for better proof than such a con clusive evidence. Olof Johnson, who Is a gardner by occupation, living at the corner of 15th and B streets, North Salem, says: "Kidney complaint Is no new thing for me. I have been bothered off and on from a disordered condi tion of the kidneys for ten or twelvo years. I did not suffer so much from backache as most people do who have kidney complaint, but tho principal annoyance was a weakening of tho kidney secretions, which was both distressing and aggravating. There was a scalding sensation in passing, and a heavy brick-dust like sediment appeared after standing in tho vessel over night. I had attacks of dizzi ness In my head and oftimes a blur ring would appear before my eyes and I could scarcely see. I tried nu merous remedies, but all In vain un til I saw Dr. Doan's Kidney Pills hlkhly recommended for Just such troubles and procured them at Dr. Stone's drug store. I will say that In all my oxperlenco with doctor's prescriptions and different kidney remedies nothing has given me tho amount of relief that I havo received from Dr. Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cont3 Fostor-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for tho United Statos. Remember the name Doans'- -and 16 take no other. FREE. THE SEVEN SUTHERLAND SIS- TERS ARE AT FRY'S DRUG STORE, AND WILL TEACH YOU HOW THEY PRESERVE THE HAIR. COME AND SEE THEM. 5-9-lwk OASTpIJLIA, Briti y?Tfc8 Klisd Yw Hara Ahrarj BocgM In Honor of Confederate Soldiers. Tarboro. N. C, May 10. With Im pressive ceremonies and In tho pres ence of a largo and distinguished crowd of spectators tho cornerstone of the Confederate soldiers' monument was laid here today. The ceremony was conducted undor Mnionlc aus pices. Grand Master W. S. Ltddell, of Charlotte, officiating. Tho address of tho day was delivorod by Congress man Claudo Kltchon. Much of the Local Talent Will havo prominent parts in tho May Festival. Mr. Drew, Mr. Both, Mr. Hushes, Mr. Doiorlh. Mr. Mlnton, Mr. Chnppler. Mr. Drill, Mr. Mnrkel, Mr. Zimmerly, Mr. Wiggins mako a male chorus that will be popular. Don't fall to hoar them. Cucumber Contracts. A few moro contracts for cucumbers can bo securod by calling on The Gideon StoU Company, corner of Mill and Summer streeta. 4-26-2wk O SL 13 1" O H. X SL tiAJUi ILLINOIS REPUBS. CONVENE And They Intend to Succeed Is Plain to Be Seen Springfield, 111., May 11. The 111! nols Republican convention here to morrow will be the largest ever he ' in this state. There are plenty ti indications that It will also be on of the liveliest. In addition to choo ing delegates at largo and alternate' to tho national convention the ccn vontlon this year" is called upon t nominate candidates for governor and other state officers to be voted for this fall. The selection of dp'p ! Sates to the Chicago convention a-a the indorsement of President Roose !velt WH be little more than a fonn " lne state machine he has stump, d 1 the state from Cairo to Chicago a- ' has left nbthing undone that won''! add to his strength. The governor wi'l go into the convention with a good lead in the number of instructed dole gates ( though the number Is consider ably below that necessary to secure tho nomination. The first candidate In the field against Governor Yates Is Co' Frank O. Lowden of Chicago. Col Lowden Is a son-in-law of the late George M. Pullman, the palace car builder. During the last five or six years he has encaged activelv in politics, but has never held public office. Col. Lowden has brought all his guns to bear against the Republi can state machine and his campaign has been as active in all respects as has that of Governor Yates. The lat ter has been at odds more or less with the present national adminis tration and it was expected when Col. Lowden entered the race for the gov ernorship he would receive valuable support from Washington. Evidently however, these expectations have not panned out very well, for the talk of federal patronage has failed to at tract any great number to the Low den camp and furthermore Senators Cullom and Hopkins havo declined to interfere in the contest. Besides Yates and Lowden the field of aspirants includes several others, each of whom must bo considered ill the running, especially in view of tho possibility of a combination being made. These candidates are Attoreny general Hamlin, who has many frlenda In the Cullom-Honklns camn: Law rence Y. Sherman, n consummate politician and former speaker of the Illinois assembly; Col. Vespasian Warner, who has served many ears in congress and has the united sup port of the "old soldier" vote, and Charles S. Deneen, whoh as long been prominent In Cook county politics On the eve of tho convention the chances appear to the unbiased ob server to favor the renomination of Governor Yates. But Illinois politics has furnlshod many surprises In tho past and no one can say with cer tainty that tomorrow's balloting will not add another to the list. The May Festival. Only $2,00 for three nights of musi cal foasting Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, May 17, 18, 19. MEN ARE POWERLESS To Flat lit Aaratnat DUcaae Unlca TheT Strike at the Underlying Cnnse. To treat Dandruff, and Falllnff Hair, with Irritant or oils on which a para Bltio germ will prosper. Is like scooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising. You cannot accomplish a satisfactory euro without having a right understanding- of the fundamental cautes of tho trouble. You must kill the Dandruff. Germ. Newbro'a Hcrplclda does this because It la specially made to do that very thin?. When the germ Is removed, the hair has no choice but to resume healthy growth and beauty "Destroy tho cause, you remove tho effect." Sold by leadlnp drugrgtsts. Send 10a tn stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich N Daniel J 'nr. Special Agent Your Stepmother Is still hero, and as busy as ever When your clothes are worn and dirty, or tho buttons off take them to her, at the Salem Dyeing and Clean ng Works. Ropalrlng and rellnlng, now velvet collars put on overcoats; ilo four suits a, month for 91. Called for anl returned. MitS. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 19S Commercial Street ,-mi Lr-rTT ,ivWwiT 1 1 II mm I ii ill fl Aegc(ablePrcparalion.ror As similating ilicFoodandRcdtila Lng iheSloinachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion Uvxrfu! ncss and Rest LchIoips winter Ophim.Morphme nor Min-iul. ;Not Rtei c o tic . J&afxvrounrS.WUZLMTatEii PieiyAiit Seal' tlxSmna kmmail . BitorbcniOf x2i HpSfrd (tmfott Jtimr Hbttryrmt riarsr: Aperfccl Remedy forConsUpn non. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevcnsh ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. oeeeosoae&9Q99eooesoo COWUiCMT mQ999mW9Q999QB99mQ9 ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St. Orer The Journal. oo--'--v- ij)tnm-ciiiM-at L EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. jjgj ft fl rGrAfiU. " ', Phene: Mam 2053 I s Wil!tlrH4tt'lttllttlf 8frtfr I ::::::::A G E N I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. f ) GR AIN BUYERS AND Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude anl stick SnlDonr. ! J. 6. Grata, AgeM, fr-e5ro'SciottEaaitatHittaatfc 4MtHti-ta i'e oaiff K-nfaiaitaiii w-w-H4fraiieiiiitBtJ .k.jit.iJ'jtjt.. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use Over Thirty Years KTflnlil ItlA NEW TOKK OITT. Bears the i Signature AW Y For -HE Of MTAUIt OKH mmmmismssmr soseoee&aas3e A PEEP INTO OUR ICE HOUSE. Will show you why it is that our meats are always fresh and appetizing in the hottest weather, when meats would bpoll If not properly 'cared for. It would also show some of the fattest sides of beef, tender and fine quarters of lamb and mutton. Our meats are high grade and low priced. & m e s e 9 o i o : E. C. Cross. E!f?f WWaa PRINTING FOR PROFESSIONAL Meu requires a neat Type Face and appropriate treatment at the hands of the printer.LTry THE N. D. ELLIOTT PRINTERY PROOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. 999 9 K-H-HMH IMMENSE STOCK OF f Carriage Harness Work Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first class. See us lor anything in our line and save money. E. S. LamportSad df ery Co. S 289 Cmmercial Street, i C Y O F:::::::: SHIPPERS OF (VR A TN J 207 Commercial St.,Salem, Ore. THE PICK OF THE FORE8T Has been taken to supply the stock of J lumber In our yards. Our stock lsf complete with all kinds of lumber, Just received a car load of No. 1ft shingles, also a car of fine shakes. We are nblo to All any and all WndT of bills. Come and let us show you? our stock. Yard and office near 13. P. passenger depot 'Phone Main 651, ! QOODALE tUMBER CO. "Sa!fM - fc f jJj-ij . JiiA. juit, . For Kidneys. Bladder and Rheumatism New Discovery by Which All Cj N Easily Cure Tl cmsive, at Does Away With Surgic,, atlons-Posltively Cure, J? Disease and Wont Cas 0, ,J ' matlom Thousards Already cUro Note Endorsers. Trial Treatment and e4.PaS8 Free. At last thore is a Kientlfic ltl cure yourself of any kidney, bw or rhoumatlc d!s-ac In a very 2 time in your own lnme and IfZ the expense of doctor.- druggist surgeons. The crcht belongs to & Edwin Turnock, a noted Freud American physician rtid sdentht has made a life-long nudy 0f ti 't VWi- "None can say they are incurable tJ til they have tried my discovery, ft test Is free." diseases and' is now In sole posal sion oi certain ingredirnts which In all along besn needed and TltJ which cures were impossible doctor seems justified in his iti statements as the treatment hu l thoroughly Investigated besides baa. tried In hospitals, sanitariums, ft and has been found to be all thill claimed for it. It contains notiij harmful but nevertheless the ! authorities say it will positively retl Bright's disease, diabetes, tapd rgavel, weak back, stone ia bWfci bloated bladder, frequent desire to urinate, albumenaria, sugar In till urine,, pains in the back, legs, cJe' and over the kidneys, swelling tftl feet and ankles, retention csi-a scalding, getting up nights, paiiite bladder, wetting the bed ultifc rheumatic affections as chronic e cular or Inflammatory rheuitittsa, sciatica, rheumatic neuralgls, to bago, gout, etc., which are now ben to bo duo entirely to uric acid poksl In tho kidneys in short every lonl of kidney, bladder or urinary tronWej in man, woman or child That the Ingredients will io dj this is tho opinion of such nuthonnoj as Dr. Wilks of Guy's HospiW bl don; tho editors of the United SW nianoiiKntnrv nnrt th American FM macopoela, both official works; Dr. E C. Wood. memb?r of the WJoul Academy of Science and a longlW others who speak of It in the WgW torms. rint nil this and moro l o plained In a 64-page Illustrated which sets forth the doctors uw vldws and goes de- Into lh ject of kidney, bladii -nd rheomi diseases. Ho wants you to ha t book ns well as a Ha treatmctt his discovery, and n,i fan get Ua entirely free, wlthou' tamps or nv w o,ieainfr th furnock Me cal Co.. 993 Turnock Building, CM rmrn . III., and as tl"- Wnds W ready been cured thcr is every r to believe it will v r you If you will bo thoughtfj enough toij for a free trial and .. boot M ihn. n- m TTinmn JOU b6V? soon you wilj be curtJ ..- .v reader HI it wouia eoom icak ; , amiciea snouia wm "- TVijif! once, since no mon-y tnroKea s . . .- frmUCnWl ino maorsemeniB . - and trustwortny so' r is,;v:'inr 'f-'"riT5' tu. r " ,?5. TMiiS PILES $gg lhlWlt,"'i oj. iidm tuu rw -tiS . - fc T. .flU, .' . - ni""rS' '-T? -I I Iqr Dnatlth WfcRTlN n JM WHI" --t " ..aBTIH. ""faSJT HU ior f1" - F. YesF wf Dr. Stone maxe ";-"- w UltaUon or PPacf & found dally at his cms ' Oregon. wilt ml w kJ HUH'. lu .i,. JH