Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 10, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Bfcitodal Puqc of
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Ocrlppa News Association Telegrams,
Published evory afternoon excpot Sunday at 197 Commercial street
Subscription terms:
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dally by carrier, 50c per month; weekly one year, $1.00 In advance.
One week 10c; one month 35c; three months $1.00.
At Journal office; at Daue's grocery, South Salem; at Bowersox' grocery,
Yew Park; Asylum Avenue Grocery Store; Electric Grocery, East State ,
Slnglo Copies Price 5 cents. Price to newsboys 2y2 cents per copy.
To Mall Subscribers The date when you subscrlttion expires Is on the
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Entered at the postoffice at Salem, Oregon as second-class matter.
For Justice of the Supreme Court
For State Food and Dairy Commis
For Presidential Electors,
For Member of Congress First DIs
Second District,
For Clroult Judges, Third Judicial
B.' L. EDDY,
For District Attorney,
County Judge John II. Scott.
Shorlff W. J. Culver. .
Clerk John W. Roland.
Assessor Fred J. Rice.
Troasurer W. Y, Richardson,
Rocordor John C. Slegmuud.
School Sunt E. T. Moores.
Commissioner I. C. Neodham.
Surveyor B. B. Hcrrlck.
Coroner A. M. Clough.
Representatives Jos.' Calvert, Hub
bnrd; ,J. G. Graham and T. B. Kay,
Salem; John Ritchie, Scott,s Mills;
Jesse II. Settlemolor, Woodburn.
Salem District Ticket.
' For Justice of the Peace.
For Constnblo.
Chairman State Central Commlttoo
Frank C. Baker, Portland.
Chairman Congressional Central
Committee Walter L. Tooze, Wood
burn. Momber Stato Contral Committee
Hal D. Patton, Salem.
Chairman County Contral Commit
tee Chas. A. Murphy; B. Frank
Meredith, secretary, Salem.
Republican Joint Canvass.
Turnqr, May, 20, 10 a. m.
JoffjaMon, Mny 20, 8 p. m.
Aumsvllle, Mny 27, 10 n. m.
Stnyton, May 27, S p. m.
Gates, May 2S, 11 a. m.
Mehnma, Mny 2S, 8 p. m.
Maoloay, May 31. 2 p. m.
Sllvorton. May 31, 8 p. m.
Scolts Mills, Juub 1, 10 a. m,
Mt. Angoi, June 1, 2 p. m.
Woodbuin, Juno 1, 8 p. m.
Butteville, Juno2, 10 a. m,
Hubbnrd, Juno 2, 2 p. in.
Aurora, Juno 2, 8 p. m.
Brooks, Juno 3, 2 p. m.
Garvnls, J una 3, S p. m.
Pratuin, J una 4, 2 p. m.
Salem, June I, 8 p. m.
The direct primary law that is to
bo submitted to the voters of Oregon
will probably carry at the polls.
The Journal has always contended
for the principle of direct nomination.
as it has for a registration law, but
it is doubtful about both.
The registration law has proven a
wretched failure. It puts the honest
voter to expense and trouble, and lets
In all the frauds.
That law was a ready-made affair,
probably got up by one man, and he
a faddist and theorist. It is a speci
men of ill-digested nostrum quackery
legislation, that burdens the taxpay
er, works injustice and helps frauds.
The proposed direct primary law
was the work of one man W. S.
U'Ron, of Oregon City. It wns hasti
ly endorsed by prominent politicians,
who never gave the subject sufficient
Tho newspapers of the stato and
the politicians of tho state all seem
afiaid to.dig Into tho merits and de
merits of this matter, and tho chances
are tho law will be adopted.
Tlat It will bo a dead letter and In
dperatlvo no one can doubt It prac
tically abolishes all political conven
tions, and all parties but tho Republi
cans and Democrats If a law could
do those things.
Of course, a law cannot abolish such
political institutions, and hence It
will be a defunct statute. We stand
for tho principle of direct nomination,
but against tho form of this law.
I his family and tho whole pnmmnnltv.
Those who take a drink as a matter
of pure sociability are not commit
ting tho offense of the hard drinker,
unless they carry it too far and are
continuously sociable.
Tho margins of success In the
world of competition are not large and
tho man who goes about with all ho
can carry in his hide, and with tho
fumes of strong liquor in his head
carries too heavy a handicap.
The boys nt tho S. P. depot at Al
bany received a long letter, from Mort
Poulsen, freight clerk, now 'In Den
mark on a visit after an absence of
fifteen years. His descriptions are
graphic of differont sections visited in
America and Europo and Wero read
with groat Interest by) his friends
around the depot. Ho thought ho
might leave Copenhagen for Albany
about the 7th of May, but was not
certain. If so he would get homo
the first of June.
Perhaps no part of Mort's trip Im
pressed him more than tho rldo
through Texas which he has described
In tho following poem, dedicated to
tho Albany Democrat man:
The Devil in hell we're told was
And a thousand years Sie there re
mained. Ho neither complained or did ho groan
But determined to start a hell of his
Where he could torment the souls of
Without being chained In a prison
So he asked tho Lord if he had on
Anything left when ho made his land.
The Lord said, "Yes." I had plenty on
But I left It down on tho Rio Grande.
The fact is "old boy," the stuff is so
I don't think you can use It In hell
any more."
But the Devil wont down to look at
tho truck.
For after examining it carefully and
He concluded the place wo3 too dry
for a hell.
So In order to get It off His hand
The Lord promised the Dovll to water
tho land,
For he had some water or rather
some dregs,
A regular cathartic that smelled like
bad eggs.
Ilonco tho trade wns closed, tho deed
was given, ""'- '
And tho Lord wont back to his homo
in Heaven;
Tho Devil said to himself, "I have all
that Is needed
To make a good hell," and hero ho
He began by putting thorns all over
tho trees,
And mixed up tho sand with millions
of fleas;
Ho scattered tarantulas along tho
Put thorns' on tho cactus, and horns
on the toads.
Baker City has installed the second
beautiful public fountain in the court
house square. It is a figure of a boot
black holding up an old boot, with tho
water streaming out of holes In tho
toes and all around.
There are Democrats In Orogon who
talk of dofeating Sam White in his
race for district attorney. There would
be no democratic party In Oregon but
for Sam White.
What will there be left to the Re-
publican party with Henry McGinn
out of It? What is there to any party
when its brains and respectability
walk out of It?
There are still people who forgot
that irony and sarcasm have a placo
In tho world, and aro at times to be
found In these columns.
Having lost control of Harvey Scott
Henry McGinn didn't wish to bo a Re
publican senator any longer.
Dan Malarkey will mako an orator
out of himself if ho don't look out.
Tho purchasing' powor of all farm
products was double what It ever was
before except for spring millinery. I
Who evqr heard of a farmer com
plaining that price j wero too high '
for farm products.
can buy
and be absolute
ly sure of getting
the same quality
each time. The
unbroken seal is
the buyer's pro
tection. 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins
at high grade grocers.
San Froncioco
Importers of Fine Coffees
a CI11I4
There's nothing very rushin' about
those Russian generals.
and best king In tho world today
Edward of England.
"God's Church" 13 a new organlza-
Salem and Marlon county have a tJn hi Portland, and one of Its minis
real contagion this time. It is tho tors claims it contains tho only truo
good roads fever and not even the Christians. Is this a now namo for
state board of health can put n kl-, the Holy Rollers? Albany Herald,
bosh on It. Yes, and It won't bo a week before
'they will be stirring tho taxpayers
yellow and bringing them to the asylum.
Tho Russians wear
svear a blue streak.
The Japs may Ye "part monkey but' Gern,fln Orientalists-explorers and
they are not to ba monkeyed with. , 8vo UgBors-havo exhumod some
... j-oltl Babylonian ruins, and found a
C'nia Louise Burnham's two Christ-" ,aiut,0 ot !d K,ng Sardanapalus. Old
In.. SHnnm nnni. onnfin... in .... ' Dan is wel1 Preserved, tho report
says, but quite inactive, like tho Oro
gon Democracy. They have also got
a pretty good rock-hewn Image of Sal
amansheezar, nnothor okl Hebrew,
who probably kicked on being taken
A new Salem saloon is to spend ,nt, e corporation in his day, but
demand. In fact, "Tho Right Prin
cess" has jiut been sent to press for
tho fifteenth time, and "Jewel" for tho
ninth time.
y ,. . -
Dates of Events.
May 18-21 I. 0. O. F. grand lodge,
Juno 0 General oluotJon In Ore
gon. June 15, 10, 17 Orogon encamp
ment G. A. It, Hood River.
Juno 15, 1G nud 17 Department rt
Oregon, G. A. It, In nnnual rounlon at
Hood RIvor.
AugitBt 22-27 American Mining
CongrosB, Portland.
Mayor Wators has asked all tho cit
izens to help tho enumerators take a
complete and correct census of Sa
eom. This city ha3 suffered tho dlsgraco
long enough of being counted on tho
map of tho world as a city of 12G8.
The census was taken by govern
ment enumerators,, at a tlmo of year Ho lengthened the horns on tho Texas
steers, '
And put an addition to tho rabbit's
ears; .
Ho put a little devil in tho broncho
steed, T
And poisonod the feet of the centi
pede. The rattlesnako bites you, "the scor
pion stings, ' ,
Tho mosquito delights you with his
buzzln wings;
Tho san-burrs prevail, and so do tho
And those who sit down need half
soles on their pants.
The heat in summor is ono hundred
and ton,
Too hot for tho devil and too hot for
Tho wild boar ronms through tho
black chapparral
'TIs a hell of a placo that ho has for
a hell.
when many wero away from town.
Tho enumeration of 4258 was also
of tho people In the four old wards of
tho city, with half tho city outside of
those city limits.
By the now charr there have been
throo wards added to tho city, having
from 1000 to 2000 In population.
To have tho real population of tho
city correctly onumornted and official
ly doolarod will show that Salem has
Wo say 10,000 because wo bollovo
that it will not bo shown to have less
than that Possibly Salem will bo
shown to have much more.
It Is tho duty of ovory cltizon to
help mako this consus comploto, and
roport all tho mombors of his own
household who properly belong to
this city.
?7000 on fixtures this summer when
the remodeling is complete. There
will hayo to bo a good deal of water
mixed with the whisky to mako that
money back.
quit kicking about 700 yenrs ago. Old
Sheezar was a great admirer of Grov
or Cleveland, and if ho woro alive
would favor another bond issup.
French bnnkors hustlo to take all
tho Russfan loans 'that aro offered.
Remarkable Irony of fato that the They know that while Russia mav be
Czar talked peace all his life only to ' wiped off tho map of Asia, thoro will
uecomo invoiveu in a war with ono j always bo several millions of the Pnkn Phlla
oi uie smallest nations.
bear's subjects left in EurojJ
iuy win lorm a mighty hudt-i.
guard for the ancient enemies
Old Jerry, the ex-Fire Den-
equine, who now holds a rein
position on ono of the cltycartn
had his first experience .with A
mobile. Ho was on duty onsj
Winter street, and when the I
machine mado its appearance tJ
as a slgnnl for a half holltol
departed for tho city hall. Jej
been a voter for several yew
ho didn't stop to inquire whett
auto was electric, steam or gm,
simply distanced everything im
and showed up at the city kil
lunch. His cart was sllshtlj j
figured, and the auto came pnCql
uuur iiiu auuui uve minmei in
the faithful old city horse uc
fortably installed at his hsr ;l
Thoso new-fangled machines
copo with a fire horse.
Colonol Von Dor Eikl, who accom
panied Emopror William on his Medit
erranean trip, is quotod as saying
that tho omporor during tho ontiro
Journoy did not touch alcoholic stimu
lants oxcopt n llttlo wlno whon din
ing with King Aironso at Vigo, Spain,
and at the lunohoon with tho kng
on board tho Spanish royal yacht on
his departure from Vigo.
Whon ontortnlnliiB his guests on
the Imperial yneht Hohonjiollorn at
Naple the emperor drank orango
Juice and mineral water.
The emporor has sot a good oxapmlo
to the cruwnod and uncrownod hoads
of tho world, by taking loss stimu
lant)). The cold fact remains that tho man
who punishes a groat doal of liquor
' punlsho hinisolf, and aftor awhile
0 y
vyers i rrJSwii in mm imm im mum hi hi n
Cherry Pectoral
for colds, couchs, bronchitis,
consumption, we nave been
saying this for CO years. And so
nave tne doctors.
J. O. Aver Co.,
Lowell. Uui.
Hitchcock must bo getting ready
to die. Ho has decldol ono land mat
ter In favor of tho people of Orogon.
lie was ono hihorltanco from the
McKInloy ".administration that Rooso
volt will do well to disponso with as
soon as ho Is ro-olooted.
Hitchcock may bo honest but. hp
doos not understand tho peoplo of tho
woat and doee not doalro to got nojet
to thorn.
The President has had a terrible
load to carry with Hitchcock In the
cabiuot and yot to romaln popular 'In
tho west.
Tho ro-oloctlon of Dinger Hormann
ought to opon tho oyos of the Presi
dent to this fnot, that Hitchcock is
not wanted In tho west
Roosevelt has remained intensoly
popular in splto of tho Hitchcock rul
lugs and tho general policy of re
striction on land oporatlons.
In activity and foresight tho quiet
king of England Is a surprise, when
wo recall him as tho Jovial and roys
terlng Prince of Wales.
peace but be prepared for war.
, What shall tho census bo? Let all
get in and help tho enumerators and
It will bo a great deal more than if
you stand back and do your kicking
Tho Mai Ion county, program of re
ducing tax levies should bo carried
into the state govornmont.
No ono supposed that Bryan, would
over get to ruling on a Hearst Into office.
Even Missouri shows signs of going
part Republican this year.
Jlmmlo Culver seems to bo about
elected sheriff already without any
The beautiful oyos of tho Empress
of China do not yet rest lovingly on
the Russlnns nor on tho Japs.
The largest family found so far by
the census enumerators has 13 mem
bers. Postmaster Bancroft, of Portland,
took tho wood splitting Job away from
the hired girl and his wife, with a
badly out foot as the result. Eugene
A warning to all men.
The Republicans do not moan that
ono., -of their candidates for circuit
Judge 3hall bo loft in the Eddy this
year. f ,'
The Japs aro apparently a rapid
lire people.
' Port Arthur is not exactly an opon
Tho Journal this coming Snturday
will have tho first of a series of polit
ical cartoous by its own cartoonist.
Thoy will bo cartoons that tho peoplo
can understand.
If they would trap thoio Japs, the
Russlaus will have to got up earlier
than thoy havo boon doing. Thoy dal
ly too long with tho vodka.
It Is a downright surprise that a
nian who was a sport and a patron of
tho races and a drinking man should
stoady down into about the wisest
Sure Cure for Piles.
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Bllng, Bleeding or Protnhi PIU
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gists, or sent by mail. Treaties t
Write me about your case, dm
1 Prepare lw-
M Get your materials made up. We can supply your wants.
Z Lawns In white, black, tan, pink, blue, rod and yellow, only 12c
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Cushion cords only 10c a yard. Now assortment Just in. Great
riety of colors, mercerized finish.
Millinery. Wo receive now goods In this department almost ererfj
day. Latest styles, good work, reasonble prices. See us for flrt I
frames, straw-braids, chiffon flowers, foliago and buckles.
Rostein & Gteetihsastn
302 Commercial Street.
Travel via Denver and tho Burlington Route to St. Low5
if you want an intergsting-, comfortable and safe journej-
Tho Burlington' is the only railroad running- its own j
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Let me give you detailed information about the trip
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