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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1904)
;.:i2' ? Iray&fTOT? EQUt1 ""MJ r M OK m FOUR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, OALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 9, 1904. w ft' ' K s9 til ?fe.' r ', If ,?' R fcv ENGLAND DEFEATS THIBET British F. rce Gains Decided Victory at Karo Karo Pass, Thibet, May 9. Colonel Brnndor, with 300 men, about two thirds of the Oyangts garrison, reached hero after a three days' forced march, and attacked the Intrenched Thibetan position, and carried It aftor a bayo net charge. The Thlebetans had boon stationed here to oppose Colonel Younghusband's progress, and Colonel Brandor had been ordered to clear the way. The Thibetans wero completely routed, despite the fact that they out numbered tho British more tfian three to one. Their loss was 150 killed and many wounded. The British casual ties wero 18, Including Ave killed. Among the British dead Is Captain Bothuno, who commanded tho pion eers. Colonel Brander's column will return at once and dlsperso tho Thib etans, who aie troubling tho garrison there. CRIMINAL TRIED TO And a Faithful Cop Gave 111m a Hard Drop WOODBURN REPUBLICAN HURRAH I9RSBJSRI (Continued from first page.) Dotrolt, Mich., May 9. George Harner. a dosperato criminal, under going treatment at tho emergency hos pital, this morning attempted to es cape by climbing down the fire escape from tho third floor. A pollcoman fired twice, and Harter fell, sustaining fatal Injuries. YOUNG MAN'S SUICIDE WOMAN THE IWEATER No Cause but One and Is Too Plain That Entertained the Redding Train Robbers and Wrote One a Letter Itedding, Cal., May 9. Mrs. Thomas Whltoman. of Duii3mulr, a lodging house keopor, arrested on suspicion of complicity In thp. train r?bbery, Is now bolug examined by tho district attor ney hore. The Gates brothors, who aro believed to be tho men who held up the train, stayed at her house a couple of weeks beforo tho train rob bery. Aftor tho robbory thoy loft. All their things aro in tho house. Mrs. Vhiteuian, according to tho railway secret sonlco men, took an Interest In George Gate3, and had been corre sponding with him. Her letters aro now In tho possesison of tho ofllcers. They will not say whoro they wero mailed The husband of Mrs White man is prostrated by tho affair. Mrs. Whltoman Is in the sweat box, and it Is hopod that the locality of George Gates will bo learned. Paris, May 9. Harold T. Clark, of San Francisco, son of the late Jere miah Clark suicided this morning by blowing off tho top of hh head. He had just arrived from Monte Carlo. His mother and sister aro unable to give any clew to the cause. Clark was 31. METHODISTS ROAST CATHOLIC On Old Charge of Hostility to Public Schools A LINGERING COUGH The cough that holds on in spite of all remedies needs energetic and above all thor ough treatment. A mere cough mixture won't do. Root out the cold that causes the cough. How? Scott's Emulsion. Why Scott's Emulsion ? Because it stops the irrita tion, soothes the tissues and heals the affected membranes. When? Right away. Scott's Emulsion begins to help with the first dose. We'll Mini jrou a umplo free upon request. SCOTT & IIOWNK,, Pearl Street, New Vork. Los Angeles, May 9. The Metho dist conference replied this morning to an attack made by Vicar Harnett, of tho local Catholic church. Father Harnett attacked the Bishop's ad dress, read to tho conference Thurs day. Tho attack leforred to a section of the nddros3, declaring tho Roman Catholic church was detrimental to tho public school system, opposed to tho reading of tho Bible and aiming at supervision of political affairs. This morning tho confoionco passed a mo tion reiterating this particular sec tion of tho addross, and referred It to a commltteo on tho state of the church. Chancellor James R. Day, of Syra cuse University, N. Y., Introduced a resolution on behalf of Methodist ed ucators, concerning tho Amorlcan universities at Washington. Tho res olution contained a request that the university not bo openod until flvo million dollars of endowmont can be secured. Tho resolution was referred to tho committee on education, and it will bo fought by Bishop C. C. Mc Cabo, present chancellor of tho unl corslty, who demands that It bo opened at once. Blew Up Russjan Railway. St. Petersburg, May 9. Tho occu pation of Feng Huan Chang by the Japanoso Is declared due to Kuropat kin's decision not to glvo battle. Tho Japanoso have destroyed the railway at Port Adams, blowing up bridges. No Russian troops can bo sont to Shane Hal Kwan. f m !j Salem Gun Stoe Paul H. Hatise, Pop. Baseball Supplies Lawn Tennis Croquet Sets Hammocks Guns Ammunition Fishing Tackle Bicycles Sundries i $ Bicycles Repaired Headqtiates iot Sportsmen. I ..,,..., ftTttinnnttnimtttinnimntlm; and scattered them like kindling wood beroro the tornado of his eloquence. Ho Introduced Congressional Chair man W. L. Toozo, who announced an overflow meeting at Asslclntion hall. All the speakers would address both meetings each would bo a double header. He reviewed tho work of tho Republican party as a perpetual veil spring of prosperity, cast bouquets at all the distinguished visitors, and a few well-timed ones at tho city of Woodburn. L. T. Harris was next trotted to tho brink of tho platform He was differ ent from tho man In tho Bible, who, when invited, said he had taken a wife, and could not come. Harris had taken a wife, and yet ho came. Han rls eulogized Judges Burnett and Ed dy, candidates for the circuit court and Hon. T. B. Kay, of Marlon coun ty. In his opinion a man might decide to vote the Democratic ticket as an honest conclusion, but It was a mis take. Domociats wero gonorally fol lowers. They always held their con vention after the Republicans. They always pointed with horror, never with pride. Democracy Was a Blank. What had the Democratic party ev er done? What was its record? Every prediction the Democrats made had failed to como true. Every nronhecy made by tho Republican party had como true, and every statute for 30 years was written by the Republican party. v Ho quoted Governor Chamberlain as saying that Imperialism Is a dead Issue. It was dead ai tho grave. a3 long as thoBo United Statos would stand. The Boys Sang Well. Tho renowned Maccnbeo quartet of Oregon City, was now Introduced, and sang well. Claud Gatch and Alex. LaFolletto were pnished as special admirers with having to escort Harris to tho overflow meeting, and hear him speak again. The quartot was recalled and sang again. They were laptuously recalled and recalled, and then sent down to the overflow meeting. Next Malarkqy Soared. Dan J. Mnlarkoy next soaied the political poultry all over French Prai rie. He dwelt in glowing terms upon this auspicious opening of the cam paign of Oregon. He delivered tho speech of tho evonlng, revlowing Re publican history, and made a plea'fof the whole ticket. Ho defined tho Democratic party as an aggregation of discordant elements, bound togeth er only by the necessity of opposing tho Republicans. Dan Grew Sarcastic. He quoted Bourko Cochian as ut torlng the sarcasm that tho Republi cans know what they want, and know how to got it, while tho Democrats don't know what they want, and don't know how to get It. Ho clo3ed with an eulogy of President Roosevelt, and made a special appeal for the Repub lican candidate for congress. Tho moral effect of a great victory In Juno would 1)0 felt all over tho nation, Tho return of Hermann by a larger major ity was especially desired. Looked Well to John. John H. McNary, for district attor ney, was next Introduced. Ho re garded tho audience ns slgnflcant of a grand result In June. He oulo glzod tho Marlon county tlckot as re flecting a dotormlnation to continue tho present modol county govern mont. With Malarkoy ho praised Con grossman Hormann ns a man who could render the people tho greatest possible sorvlco. He Raised the Jackpot. Ho wont the preceding orators one hotter nay,' ho raised thom live and scrowed tho jackpot up to 25,000 for Roosevelt in Oregon In Novembor. B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, was next Introduced, and declined to make a political speech. Candidates for Ju dicial positions wore not oxpectod to talk polities', and he would not do so on this occasion. Eddy Was Modest Ho had misgivings as to hU com ploto fltuess for tho position to which ho had boon nominated. Ho would not nttompt to pass judgment on tho learning and ability of his collcaguos on the judicial tlckot, but commended them in high terms. Ho folt It a duty to,spoak a word In bohalf of his colleague In the lost legislature Hon. T. B. Kay, of Ma rlon county. As a guardian ot tho public treasury ho had no superior. His remarks were applauded. Geo. II. Burnett was Introduced, and glvon a warm greeting. Tho esteem of his friends In Marlon county was a sourco of great pride to him. He, Jn return, eulogized B. U Eddy, and New Arrivals Latest Weaves and Colof Ings In in Cornell Covers? Table Covers and Fortieses? new Portieres Leather and Rope m I Carpets inert "&y . n.tfrf .. .- f n 2 ot wm ma&e no misiaKe oy placing yottf carpet business with us We are better tha ever prepared to take care of the carpet 0?.' ders at any price from 25 per yaffd up to the grades of Axm&nistem anj Savone!es We will appie- elate an early and fall invest I g 3 HBSS5! i mWiim i WfMmBSw 6 fiihtiFWx'iikti Ki- - l BAtrS3!X,W&lfcm 5 "mBSm ctmi MiSlgaafert?S&4g- 1 IThe Ho i yse Furnishing Company 269 Liberty St. Next to Jos. Meyers & Sons. Stores, Salem and Albany. i ifiavfta&reicasEgTPi?? asked alf Republicans to voto for two judges. Ho tald no man In the dis trict or state was better qualified, for district attorney than John H. Mc Nary Thoy would administer Justice without fear or favor, and, while can didates of a party, they would not bo partisans In office. J. W. Bailey, for dairy and food commissioner, was presented, and told a few good stories. If the Republi cans could not win aftor all tho good things Eald about them thoy had bet ter quit. Ho made a plea for tho en forcement of tho pure food laws. The Overflow Meeting. Tho overflow meeting was hold in tho Association hall, and tho speakers addressed a crowded house. As soon as a speaker would finish at the opera houso ho was escorted to tho hall, and In that way both meeting wero enter-j talned The Chemawa band played at tho hall, and their selections were appreciated. WOMAN WAS A BIRD Homesick for Her Canary. She Saluted the Judge Butte, Mont., May 9. Because of Imprisonment for drunkonnoss, which separated her from her petwa Mary Ford, widow of Dob FoAiii killed Jesse James, this raortijt tho police court tearfully begptHj liborty." Tho Judge said aha cosUfe freo, and sho throw her arnui! his neck and kissed him. A Fine Cash Register, Patton Bros, have Just InstiWii fine, now National cash register, ite is one of tho best machines la & state. It keeps an accurate recorft every transaction in each departK and Is an Invaluable adjunct totta ness house. Superior Line of Hand made CHOCOLATE CREAMS at The Spa Wee MacGreegor's i ' asr' i D I.,- 'M' g A $)' w A story relating the latest doings of the canny little Scot, by J. J. Bell. Read this and fifteen other features' in the superb May issue of the Metropolitan Magazine R. H. Russell, Publisher, New York A 35-cent Magazine for 1 5 cents. At all Newsdealers r (71.18) , yttr wi ftniifEMWJd wmTafiiw.