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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1904)
m DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 3ALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. rx ImmMJM This Cap Label is a guarantee of the purity and richness of our Economy Brand Evaporated ream We offer $5,000 reward to anyone able to prove adulteration of our product. A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday irow can you remedy It? Got rid of dirty clothes, homes full of steam and had odors, soap, starch water, teat, worry, extra meals for help. How can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. We will call at your homo and take all your ash and re turn It, as follews: All Flat Work, Including bed ticks, bolstor and pillow slips, blankets, comforts, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, table pads, table and tray cloths, towels (roller, hand and bath) wash rags, etc, will be washed and Ironed ocmpletc. Wearing apparel and balanco of laundry washed, starched and rough dried, ready for Ironing, which can be done, in mazy cases, by the regular servant In Email families the wlfo may prefer to do it, as It Is an easy task. What It costs? Only flvo cents per pound, delivered In a neat, clean bag or basket. Shirts, collars, cuffs and loco curtains charged at list prices. Points to censider: Your clothes aro thoroughly washed and rinsed; not a particle of foreign mat ter remaining. Your clothes are thor oughly disinfected. Thoy arc sweet and pure and In original state. We uso materials thnt are purer than you could buy, as they aro mado especially for us, and too costly for tho retail market Glvo us a trial, and see what a difference it makes. ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, delivered Wednesday. The Salem Steam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. f X hi n-w W i ncld reas Tho best hog feed raised In tho valley. Wo havo somo ex tra cholco seed pens that we aro making a close price on. May bo sown for tho next month and mnko a good crop. Call or wrlto for prices. Seed Corn Wo mako a specialty of han dling tho beet seed corn to bo obtalnod, olthor for a crop or for onsllago I D. A. White &Son FEEDMEN AND SEEDMEN 301 Commercial Stroet, Salem MMtceaeecaat2 Your Stepmother la still horo, and as busy as ovor. Whon your clothos aro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako them to hor, at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean ing Works. Repairing aud rollnlng; now volvot collars put on overcoats; also four suits a month for 1. Called for an 1 returned. MHS. 0. II. WALKER, Prop. 195 Commercial Htrent HUIE WING SANG CO. Great salo of Ghlncso and Japanoso fancy goods, Wo also mako up all kinds of wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts. Qonts' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em broldorlos. All kinds of summer goods, matting, oto. Court Btroot, corner of alley, Salem Cucumber Contracts. A few inoro contracts (or cucumbers can bo secured by calling on Tho aidcon Btols Compauy, comer ot Mill and Bummer streets. 4-26-2wk JOHNSON WAS FOUR FLUSHING Captured in Matrimony Comely Baker County Girl by Claiming He Had Barrel of Money Baker City, Or., May C If there Is a mouter-m-iaw on earcn iuat uuu . love hor son-in-law It is Mrs. Olbrecht, I tho mother-Jn-law of Jacob Johnson whose wife has brought 'suit against him for divorce in the circuit court of Baker county. She was In town yes te.da) and bawls her daughter, Lan's hu band out In Kood shape. She doos not speak English very plainly but sne makes honiolf understood well enough to toll what she is driving at. "Well," said tho Irate mother-in- law, Johnson, orv'Miller or Brown, or Jones whatever his' name Is the worst fraud of a son-in-law you ever saw. Ho started Into courting my daughter with a batch of 'lies. He met her at the masked ball dUguIsed as a clown but told her he was wealthy. He re presented, that he just like to come down to tho lower class occasionally and disguised as a clown on account of a pet fad of his. It was like a king doing such things for amuse ment. "My daughter had worked hard and had a few dollars and knew their value. She was not averse to sur render her love to a man of wealth and Johnson talked so smooth that he convinced her that he not only gave her his love, but would bestow his wealth upon her. We all thought it not a bad Idea where love and wealth both mingled and. gave our consent. Johnson Discovered. "Tho very first week of their mar ried life wo began to have some doubts as to Johnson's wealth and before they were married two weeks we wore convinced that he didn't havo a dollar to his name. My daughter discovered it within 21 hours after they were married, but the whole family began to find it out tho first wash day. "The man had a pietty neat cheap suit of clothes but ho had no others to speak of. He had one cheap calico shirt and his underwear well, there was only ono suit and it hung to him by a thread. When It came to wash ho had to go without any. But ho didn't seem to catch cold as It was so full of holes that It had beeen but little protection to him. I his. "When thoy camo to go to 'home' at Sumpter ho decided to take a freight train. Dut they came around for pay on this and ho fumbled aroun.l and couldn't find the price. My daughter paid the fare. When thoy reached Sumpter they wont to a res taurant and after tho meal was ovor ovor Johnson again fumbled for his t pocket book and his wife had to pay tho bill. Z "Oh, woll tho truth Anally dawned upon my daughter. Sho found that tho man whom she had married and who had pretondod to be tho possesor of groat wealth ban not a sou to his nnmo aftor tho woddlng was ovor. Tho old lady grow reiV In tho faco and said a groat deal more that indi cated thnt sho did not In reality havo much lovo for her son-in-law. Do It looay. Tho time-worn Injunction, "Novor put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," Is now gonor'ally present ed In this ferm: "Do It today!" That la tho torso ndvlso wo want to give von nbout that linnldnu rniinh or do. mornllzlng cold with which you havo .2. boon struggling for several dnys, per haps weeks. Tako somo rollablo reme dy for It TODAY and lot that romedy bo Dr, Uoachoo's Germnn Syrup, which has boon In uso for ovor thlrty-flvo yearB. A few dosos of It will undoubt edly rollovo your cough or cold, and Its continued use for a few days will euro you coinplotely. No matter how doop-soated your cough, even If dread consumption has attacked your lungs, Gorman Syrup will surely offoct a cure as It has douo boforo In thou sands of uppnrontly hopeloss cases of lung trouble. Now trial bottlos, 25c; rogular slzo, 76c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tiis Kind You Have Always Bought Blcnaturo of C&a&ffl&fc&x . ANTICS OF THE FROST.- - Fruit Crop Is Thinned Down So the Trees Can Bear the Load. Pendleton, Or., May 6. Frost has killed and Injured somo fr,ult In tho west end df the city, cherries, poach es, strawberries and pears being par ticularly Injured. A noticeable fea ture of tho Injurlos is that treos a few feet away from thoso on, which tho fruit is all killeld, are not touched. On the hill, on each side, in the resldonce portion of tho city, no signs of tho frost aro visible, but many or chards In the river bottom havo suf fered. In many orchards the frost thlnnoJ out the fruit just enough to make room for a good crop on the trees, the load of young fruit being far too groat for the trees to boar, before tho frost came. American Line to West Africa. New York, April C. Preparations are well advanced for tho establish ment of a line of steamships to the west coast of Africa, a section of the globe which now has no regular steam communication directly with Now York or any other American port Passenger travel to and from the west coast port now goes by way of the English or German ports, from both of which countries well equipped and profitable lines, with frequent sailings are mnlntajned. Such freight ship ments as are made go either by tho same foreign and roundabout routes, or on Irregular sailing vessels or oc casional tramp steamships from American ports. It Is announced that within a very short time the recently organized American & West African Steamship company will begin the running of vessels. The ioute will be by way of the Capo Verde Islands and Sierra Leone and thence down tho west coast. .It Is believed that tho now line will be not only a successful freight and passenger carrier In Itself, but a powerful influence in developing American trade with the west coaBt At pre3ent this trade amounts to but little, and it is believed that that condition Is the result, principally, of the lack of quick and regular com munication with that territory. WACHING WITHOUT WATER la Like Trying; o Get nid of DandrnCr Without Herplclde. Bid you ever sea any ono trying to wash themHelvea without soap or water? If you did what would you say of him? It Is every bit as foolish to try to get rid of Dandruff and to prevent Bald ness by feeding tho germs which causo It with Canthrarldes, Vaseline, Glycer ine and similar substances which form tho principal Ingredients of most so called Hair Vigors. Newbro's Herplclde Is successful bo cause It attacks and kills the parasitic germ which feeds on tho hair roots. It Is the original and only genuine , scalp gcrmlcldo manufactured. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to Tho Herplclde Co.. Detroit, illeh. Daniel J. Fry. Special Agent Need Paint This Is tho time of year to have It put In order. All work done In the best style, and fully guaranteed as to quality. 'I Prices Right You will be surprised at how little It will cost you to have your rig made new. I W.B.WARNER &CO. 68 Chemeketa 8treet A .1 4lHHHUIlt HflBKI Oregon Raised j Clover Seed ; ; As the weather has set- ! ! I tied the farmers who wish to sow clover seed will ;; i need to supply themselves 1 1 quickly. j Wp offer a fine finality ' ; ; of very reasonable prices, j ; ;; Other farm and garden ;; ;; seeds in quantities to meet ;; ; ; all demands at ; ; !j Savage & Fletcher jl Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND 8EED !! 322-324 Commercial Street ! ! o Does Yout Buggy I ffA?fci Ill al I Al Tho Kind You Havo Always In uso for over 30 years, and frf J- sonal sur ervislon slnco Its infancy. CUCU'lZ Allow no nno to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hub Experiments that triflo with and ordangcr tho health off Infants and Children Expcricuco i gainst Experiment What is CASTOR I A Catr ria is a harmless subslituto for Castor OH, Pare gor. Drops and Soothing1 ISyrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contu s neither Opium, Movphino nor other Narcotio subsuuicc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshncs.N It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves TeeMiing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloopt Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tho C&a&jfjUcM The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thc centaur commny, t m jrimv otmct. ncwvork crrv. oee-'ce8ea8fr088flfcee t)ttttHPSigS9IHa8 Phene: Main 2953. AXJL WORK WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St. Over The Journal, 'HOOFS SUBMITTED ON ALL WORK. i gfcftjjlnf " - j" " - " EwfrHfrWShg't-daSOOg UIII918I ft t h9 Wav-'KMCH4f ::::::::A G E N C BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO. fl-R A IN BDYERS AND Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. J. G. Graham, Agent, MH40MH4-MtiiBilawMIg ifwunisn fratiiMimMMtt8iiiamiifrma4aiiBia Bonglit, and which has beett lias borno tho slgnatnro of has been mado under his pcr- Signature of A WINNER In the race for supremacy in e pork products Is our latest con- IS slgnments In choice sugar cured hams and bacon, and our fine country sausages, loins for roasting, chops, etc. ' Cold weather brings a demand for choice pork In spare ribs, pigs' feet, hocks, tripe and sausages, and we have tho finest corn-fed and carefully fed pork to be se cured. E. C. Gross. IT'S HERE That new type has arrived and it's a beauty. If you want the latest style in t'pe faces on the latest and most up-to-date printing TH3S IS THE PLACE to get it. Nothing but first-class work turned out of this shop. N. D. ELLIOTT. WHM---- IMMENSE STOCK OF J carriage narness Wok Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first class. See us lor anything in our line and save money. E. S. Lampor tSaddlery Co. 289 Cmmercial Street. Y O F:::::::: SHIPPERS OF GR A TT 207 Commercial St.,Salem, Ore. f f -t-siof ! ii ioaaiMt, THE PICK OF THE F0RE8T Has been taken to supply the stock ofx lumber in our yards. Our stock 1st complete with all kinds of lumber. Just received a car load of No. l shingles, also a car of fine shakes.! Wo are able to fill any and all klnd of bills. Come and let us show you our stock. Yard and office near S. P. passenger? uepoc I'Qoae.aiain toi. GOODALE LUMBER CO. Man Three Trains to the East ifT Through Pullman standard L tourist sleeping cars dal'y to OnuK Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleepb, cars dally to Kansas City; throw! Pullman tourist sleeps c Ca f!T sonally conducted) weaiy to Cata go; reciinmg cnair cars (ssats frw to tho East dally. ' 70 xx HOURS , -7A I P0RL4J!D TO CHICAGO U I No Chime of r... V DEPART ITOB J1MESCHEDULE8 From Portland, Or ASETTI not Portland Breolal 6 15 . m rift Hunt ington Salt Lake. Vmni'r , I City, St. Loot, Chlu.c 52JP0 UU AMI. AU&nUo Kzprew 8:18 p. m, t1 Hunt- Salt Lake, Dcnrcr n. Worth, Omaha, Kansu City, St. LouU, Chicago and Kait. ',. Bt. Fnl Fnt Mall 7 45 p. m. via Spokane Walla Walla, Lewinoii Hx)cane. Hallace, hit man. Minneannm hi Paul. lJuluth.Mllwi ,iJ : a.i wuuLgu, ana aui, Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every five dan at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way nolnfi and North Beach Dolly (except Sta day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. a. Dally service (water permitting) Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask op writ your nearest ticket agent, or A. L. CRAIQ, General Passenger Ageni The Oregon Railroad & Navlgatloa Co., Portland, Oregon. Corvallis&EasternilR, TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Vaqulna: Leaves Albany 12:p.a Loaves Corvallls 2:00ra Arrives Yaquina 6: 20 p. a No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:ta Leaves Corvallls 11:10 la Arrives Albany 12:15 p.6 No. 3 for Derelt: , Leaves Albany 7:00ta Arrives Detrol4 12:20pa No. 4 From Detreit: Loaves Detroit l:00p.a Arrives Albany 6:55pn Train No. 1 arlvcs In Albas; ti time to connect with tho S. P. fooli bound train, as well as giving two pr three hours in Albany before itftfi ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with tt S. P. trains at Corvallls and Albany jW Ing direct service to Newport and ii jacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbuil and other mountain resorts leatef Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching l trolt about noon, giving ample tlm to reach the Springs same day. For further Information applr EDWIN ST0NB, Manager. T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albanj. H. H. CRONISE, Agent, CorTaafc O. C. T. CO,'8 PA88ENGER STEAM ER8 POMONA and Altona leave for Tortland, Monitor. Wednesday and Friday at 10 a, m. Tuesday, Thuwday and Baturdjr atT' m For CorvallU, Tueiday, Tbandtf and Saturday at 6 p. a For Independence dally exccptflundiy at p. ta. Deck: Foot of Trade trH M. P. ALDWIN,A6t, E CHICHESTER'S EKOtlSH . m ItU?sJT5:. .Minn.' '""httViiS n.,a.?..utu..Mj(jr PILES BH?!2 OnM SoKmU, SuUiTlU If. O-"" UfM u d. 1 m UU for turn. ' ?! .Til 4mi v,rtu.. "TMJ1" Vi.kTwria- lul .l" ruci. M Cwrw. !" "., u :ii''rr ' . ......... r. i hkwh. aianviN wuqt. v"" Said In lJm by C ilo"- Call w Ti JNunpj t7A Ve PVeg. Dr.-Stone makes no cnar8ei BultaUon or proacrlpUon. . found daily at his drug store, t Ufi aitauuw a . ... .J-a-r.f ki J& sagtaiii5J5iiaiis ' tJHnlalaihn tt; Miiy'ii. i5vr - Hfrtt k, iiiMJit'-