'iiw-TT DAILY. CAPITAlsslOURNAl'QAtEM, OREGON, ThUR8DAY,MAY 5, 1904. FIVE Wi' i ROADS BOOMERS Governor Chamberlain Gets Enthusiastic Over Rock Wants the New State Boule' vard to the Reform School Finished That Way Stnte Foreman Levi Herren Is whooping up the grade on the Salem and reform school boulevard with a force of teams and trusty men from the state prison. Ho la clearing tho roadway from fence to fence, leaving not a shrub or blade of grass, with four-foot ditches and a regular rail road berm slope to tho middle of the road which Is up four feet above the Bides, and to grade. Tho whole work Is being as carefully built as a piece of track for a transcontinental rail road, and In Mr. Herren the governor has found tho right man for this work. His lines are as straight as a steel rail and tho people will see a piece of road there that would be a credit to any city. Wants Broken Rock. Governor Chamberlain was driven out over tho Liberty broken rock road that was built last year, and visited the rock pit whero the rock crusher is at work. He surprised the crew by appearing at 8 o'clock, nnd asked the foreman and a number of tho men a great many questions. He came away with pieces of tho rock In his pocket, and with a firm determination to use that rock on the reform school road, If It Is In tho reach of the state appro priation to get It. He was very much pleased at the general character of the Liberty road, and said It would be al most a crjme to expend money In' the old way, when such results could bo obtained. Extending the Liberty Road. A force of men are at work bringing tho Liberty broken rock road to tho .city limits on the south. A fine grade lis being put up, and tho first layer of broken rock Is being put down. This will be rolled, and then a finer layer of broken rock will be put on nnd rolled again and thon the finest layer and that rolled will finish the road. A subscription of $240 was raised at Salem, and more will be sub scribed. South Commercial Street. Alderman Bayno Is moving to have a grade established on South Com mercial street, and will take the next step to havo tho street ordered Im proved by the city council. Ho advo cates having one-half of the Improve ment met by tho general cash road fund levied by the county on tho prop erty of that ward, and the other half to be raised by subscription or assess ment of tho abutting property. South Commercial street people aro getting tho road fever, and yet It may all end with establishing a grade, but It Is be Millions of dollars a year are lost by not using Schilling's Best lea biking powder tptcrt co(T lUvonrg ettracti xl and nobody gains by using anything else instead. Your grucct't J moaeytwek. UllllllllIIIIIIIIIIHIiM' J Try Zinn's Ice Cream ; ; It is the finest that was : : ever made in Salem :: 154 State St Phone 1971 H-H-i HHIIIIH M MIIIHH I ft We Are j; Paying 15c i i for Eggs Today : ; :; Commercial Cream Co. 225 Com'l St. i GOOD lieved not. The aldermen from that ward aro quite sanguine something can be accomplished, and will work' hard for a result that will take at least one street out of tho mire and dust. JOURNAL GETS RESULTS. It Is a Good Newspaper for Advertis ers, But There Are Others. At least ono man In Oregon recog nizes the value of an advertisement In the Dally Capital Journal,, His name Is F. M. Morley, of Sllverton, and he does not hesitate to express his appreciation of the power of this paper to bring results. Mr. Morley had a largo number of hop roots, and he wanted to dispose of thom. He placed an advertisement In the "Want Col umn," and In less than three weeks had disposed of 80,000 roots, directly through tho paper. In tho future whon he wants to buy or sell anything ho says he knows just what to do. Mr. Morley Is not alone, however, for hundreds of others havo always found The Journal a- dlsemlnator worthy of their patronage. PERSONALS Miss Eva Coshow Is visiting In Portland. O. F. McCorkle was In Portland yesterday. John Stqut la spending a few days In Portland. ' State Printer and Mrs. J. R. Whit ney are In Portland today. Mr. and Mrs. Will George aro In Portland spending tho day. Mrs. Nellie Ford, of Portland, Is In the city, visiting with friends. John A. Shaw and son, Agnus, of the Curtlss Lumber Company, at Mill City, are in Salem today. Miss Mabel Jones, of Brooks, re turned home this morning, after a fow days' visit In this city. Hon. Alex Sweek, of Portland, chairman of the Democratic stato cen tral committee, Is In the city. Hon. R. M. Veatch, of Cottage, Grove, Democratic nominee for con gress In this district, U In tho city. Hon. Frank. Davey and family havo returned to Salem, and will hereafter be found at home at 403 Cottago street. M. F. Stewajt, of Lewis, Kansa3, and W.' C. Wlltc. of Yates Center, Kansas, are In tho city, and stopping at the Salem. Miss Gertrude Brown, of Oregon City, who has been visiting friends in East Salem, left for her home this morning. Mrs. N. Savage and daughter, of Clearfield, Pa., aro In tho city, the guests at the home of the formei's sister, Mrs. W. H. Mott. Mrs. Savago Is tho vIfe of the editor of tho Public Spirit, a leading paper of. that city. George Wilson of Portland was In the1 city yesterday. Mr. Wilson 13 daputy county clerk of Multnomah county and 1b a son of tho old time railroad conductor Chas. Wilson, who Is well known to almost every traveler passing over the S. P. lino In the days gone by. J. A. Cooper has purchased tho Council saloon on State street, from tho North Pacific Brewery Co., of Astoria and will continue "to conduct a popular refreshment establishment. Mrs. A. W. Prescott left yesterday for a few weeks visit with Portland relatives. Mr. G. A. Back has sold tho Gor man bakery, corner of 12th and Chem eketa, streets to Mr. A. Fisher who will continue the business at tho old stand. Ho desires to thank tho pub lic for their liberal patronage and highly recommends his successor as a worthy business man. Clel Nash, "Handsome Brady" Is taking a trip to the east writos Z Z ZInn from St. Louis as follews: "April 28, arrived) here tonight all O. K., but a little bit tired. How are all tho boys and girls. We wont Into a rost aurant and called for a porterhouse steak and got tho darndost, toughest doublc-dlstllled Missouri ox you over heard of. Wo were afraid to kick for wo might got worse." Clel will visit his old homo in Missouri and al so see tho sights In other cities and places before returning home. o Chairman Vaughn In Town. Chairman Vaughn, of the Demo cratic county cntral committee Is ovor from Sllverton, making prelim inary arrangements for the opening of the Joint canvas of the nominees. Ho says the candidates of his party will make the complete Itinerary, and an energetic fight for vote will be waged. Farm Dwelling Destroyed. The farm house of T. B. Jones, on Mission Bottom, was destroyed by flro lato last evening. A defective flue ... .i. . t.i... n.i In n short thno 'causeu mo uwivi " .t.- d,, atritohira was in flames. I 1110 CUHIV - ... M , The contents were completely de RAIN NO TERROR TO THEM Raglans and Soldiers, Play Their First Game of Ball This Afternoon Threatening clouds and a gentlo mist marred the first game between Salem and Vancouver, at Athletic Park this afternoon, and at 3 oclock conditions were unfavorable for play ing. After a week of flno weather, tho sun found a cloud bank to dodge be hind, and tho spirit of the fans drooped and shriveled when gentle drops descended from on high and pattered In tho dust. Vancouver Is confident of doing bet ter than Roseburg, and has hopes that It will at least break oven. The Rag lans do not entertain any such Ideas and smllo when they hear their frlend3, tho other fellows, Indulge In such remarks, In fact they say they are willing to play any combination on tho coast, and would not fear tho re sult. Tho wholo thing will havo to be settled on tho diamond, and all at tending tho games will get, their money's worth. The High School Wins. In a game of baseball the High School won from tho Junior Alerts by a score of 18 to 16. Blaco, tho Alerts' pltchor, "was an easy mark for tho High School batters. Keeton's flno pitching was tho feature of tho game. The North Salem boys made tho most of their runs on tho errors made by tho High School boys. -This makes two games out of threo that tho High School boys havo won from tho Alerts. South Salem Builds Walks. South Salem Is getting tho sidewalk building fever, and a number of new walks aro being constructed, while others are under contemplation. With a fow more cross-walks South Salem will be pretty well supplied for substantial footings. Salem Social Bvents "Engagement Party. One of tho most successful as welt as enjoyable afternoon parties In tho social season was tho "engagement party" given by Mrs. B. O. Schucklng yesterday In honor of Miss- Maudo Mackay, who Is to bo married next Wednesday to Dr. S. G. Schaefer, of Portland. Tho Gilbert homo was artistically decorated, tho parlors woro carried out in purple and white, lilacs and narcissls being much In evidence. Tho hall was also a bowor of lilac bloom. Tho over-fascinating gamo of Hearts was played, in which Miss Mackay won the prize, and Mrs. E. A. Pierce tho consolation. Later in the after noon a dainty luncheon was served la tho beautifully decorated dining room. Tho color scheme was red and yellow, and was carried out very artis tically. A largo poster was hung in tho room, which spoko for itself: "Red and yellor catch a follor." Tho walls were festooned with strings of largo and email red hearts. Quanti ties of yellow Scotch bloom and tulips woro used. During tho luncheon, tho room was darkoned, and the lights lit. and the soft glow of tho shaded lights mado a beautiful sccno. Tho table was very pretty, covers being lnld for 16. The csntorplece wns of yellow tulips. Dainty Individual hand-painted cupld's place cards woro used, and tho 'favors were red tulips. Tho hostess, Mrs Schucklng sat at one' end of the table and sorved salad, whilo Miss Mabel Jonos poured tho coffeo at tho oppo site side of the table. Many beautiful gowna woro worn, and, togother with tho congonlal sur roundings, mado tho affair one of un limited ploasuro, and one to bo ro membored by those prosent. Mrs. Schucklng1? guests were: MIm Maude Mackay, Mrs. F. E. Slater. Mrs. Chas L. Diok, Mr?, E. A. Pirce, Mrs. Max Buron, Mrs. Gatens, Mrs Frank Hughes, Mrs. Paul Sioat, Mrs. Ray D. Gilbert, Miss Mabel Jones, Mrf. J. Evans, Mrs. J. O, Graham, Mrs. T. C, Smith, Jr Mrs. Z. J. Rlggs and Mm, Chas. McNary. Mltchell-Mundell Wedding. At tho residence of the bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchell, yesterday afternoon, occurred the mar riage ot Miss Margaret Mitchell to Mr. Fred T. Mundell, Rev. Cliffe per forming tho ceremony The bouse was beautifully decorat WILL PEEL BARK Salem People Expect to Rake in Many Shekels During the Summer Mrs. W. H. Parker and sons, Clar ence nnd Harvey, will leavo Saturday for their Lincoln county ranch, whero they will spend a few weeks, gathering chlttlm bark. Thero Is soveral tons of tho medicinal bark on their land, and they will get It In shape for tho mar ket. A number of Salcmltes aro looking forward to tho opening of tho pooling season, and In about two weeks thero will be a general exodus to tho hills. Tho price is holding up well, and promises to be over ?200 a ton. Court House News. The treasurer's office was enriched $11,597.35 this morning by cash tax re ceipts from the ofllco of Sheriff Col bath. The tax receipts now number 7070. The bulk of tho taxes aro paid, al though a fow receipts aro being Issued every day. Maedor Notker took out his final papers yesterday and renounced his nlleglanco to his natlvo country, Switzerland. Marriago HcenEe was Issued to Stovo Solfer and Kntlo Burr. x Tho will of tho late William Stew art was filed for probate. Inventory In tho ostato of Louis Henry Simon was filed, showing tho valuo of tho estate to bo $22,329.42. F. E. Slater has commenced suit against Geo. II. Irwin for an account ing. Tho troublo Is tho result of a dlsputo over money paid out by Mr. Irwin while tho plaintiff was In the East and Irwin had chargo of his business. Two Officers Appointed. L. R. Stlnson has been appointed census enumerator in ward No. E, And I. II. Brown policeman and, pound master in tho same ward. ed, the color scheme was yellow and white, lover's knots and quantities of cut flowors bolng used. Tho bride wc-re an elaborate gown of chnm payno over taffeta, en train, and was. accompanied by tho matron of honon Mrs. Powers, sister of tho groom. After tho congratulations, an ele gant wedding supper wns sorved. Tho -bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Mitchell, and is a most handsomo and charming young lady, very popular In Salem's social circles. Tho groom Is a former Salem boy, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mundell, and a young man of sterling qunlltles. Tho happy couplo loft on flio after noon train for Portland, whero they will make their futuro homo. Thoy havo a host of friends in this city who wish them unlimited succoss and happiness in their wedded life. North Salem Wedding. A very pretty homo wedding, at tended by about CO relatives and friends of the contracting parties, took placo nt tho residence of tho bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. O. Beardsley, on North Front street Wed nesday ovenlng, about 8 o'clock. MIhb Kfllo Beardsley was united In mar riage of Wesley Ostormann, of Kalzor, I Rpv. Cllffo, of tho First Baptist church .officiating The ceremony wns por J formed at 8 p, m. Miss Mary Beards I ley and Miss Elslo Poarmlne asslstod j as bridesmaids, and Elinor nnd Arthur Ileardsloy acted as groomsmen. Tho ' party proceeded to the bridal altar to tho strains of Mendelssohn' wedding march, played by Miss Emma Outer innnn. Tho parlor and dining room wore beautifully decorated with cut illowors, ferns, ivy and cropo paper, , the prevailing colors bolng green, pink and white. Elegant rofrochmonts I were served to all tho giwntft nnd bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Ostormann arc well-known young people in Salem circles, and reoelvcd many beautiful gifts from tbolr frlonds. They have cone (o reside In a comfortable horns of tho groom, who is a prosperous fanner In the Kelzor neighborhood. Enjoyable Social. Tho Ordor of Lions gavo another of their pleasant foclah? last ovenlng, which was a success u ovory detail A delightful musical program was rendered, which was enjoyed by all. After tho Initiation of new members, The Most Serviceable a&ct SalemWoc C. P. Bishop, a dance followed. Dainty refresh ments woro served during tho even ing, and in fact nothing Was left un done toward entertaining tho guests. About 200 wero In attoudnnco. Among social events Is the May musical festival to bo hold In this city. Salem ladles haVe started on tho plan of having a fixed day for cajlora In certain sections of tho city. Mrs. T. T. Geer nnd Mrs. C. P. Bishop lod off on Wednesday nt the homo of the former. Three Salem weddings aro an nounced for next week, und if the paco Is kopt up May will do nearly as well as June whon 19 woddlngs are promised In Greater Salem. PARK BOARD RESOLUTIONS. Want the Polea Kept Within Bounds, According to Law. Tho following resolution was adopt ed by tho Salem park board, and acted upon by tho city council at its last ses ses seon: Resolved, That wo respectfully ilrgo upon tho common council of said city the absoluto necessity of strictly on forcing the torms of section 2 of ordi nance No, 279 of said city, locating tho exact places In tho streets of Salem whoro all poles for tho bearing of wires shall bo sot and maintained by all companies and porsons serving tho public by electric transmission. Since tho regulations nro being ignored by nearly all corporations holding fran chises from tho city in this relation, to the utter disfigurement of tho city as a whole, nnd to tho exceeding dls ndvantago nnd discomfort of prlvnto cltlzons whoso sldo-walk lawns are encumbered with upright poles and with guy-poles sot at an incllno, with in the lines of the guttern and curbs. f Wf ) Try it for Pancakes Tlioro is no regrets whon you buy our real puro baking pow der. You got it In a Mason glass fruit Ja:; not in a usoloss tin can. EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER X is really flno. Bosldes, you get a quart for 60c, or .in weight Vi pounds; or a half pound In a glass Jar for 25c, and, boyond that, you get tho purest baking powder that you ever used. Good packages, good weight, good goods. Most of tho gro cers soli It, or wo will send It to you. C. M. Eppley FINE GROCERIES. Nineteenth and Stato Street, ftgiaitMtMMMtiMiMi Fashion able clothes For men and young men are to bo found hero in a comprehensive assoitmont of styles nnd fabrics. Our spring Mock is now nt its best. It Is tho individuality of stylo, tho excollent materials, the superb workmanship and; our rea sonable prices that havo mado this store tho best known to people In this city nnd surrounding country. Prices: $10 to $25 WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Hats. Hats. Hats. Wo havo tho best hats In tho "Wholo World" for $3.00, $2.00 and $1.50. 5 Gross Mexican Hats 25 CENT8 EACH. ilenMill ore Proprietor In direct violation of tho provisions of tho municipal law. Real Estate Sales. Real ostato salos recorded today are: W. H. Priest to P. H. Thompson, threo acres, $800. J. II. Sottlomolor to B. F. McKee, laud noar Woodburn, $743,76. E. E. Stewart to Robort S. Shaw, lots 7 and 8, block 2, Elizabeth addi tion to Mill City, $2000. Died of Heart Disease. Mrs. II, C. Ramago, of Woodburn, died at her homo of heart falluro on Wodncsday, agod about 40 years. It waa at first thought that deceased had commlttod sulcldo, but an exam ination disclosed the fact that death was duo to natural causes. Fruit Growers' Union. A special mooting of tho Fruit Growers' Union will bo hold next Sat urday, May 7th, nt II. B, Thlolson'fl ofllco. By ordor of board of directors. The uEatly Bird Z Gets the flist clck usually mm 2 Mere are soe Hew arrivals 2 in Books-Those worth kv 2 M intr-"Slr Mortimer" "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Corae" W "My Friend) Propcrro" etc, etc, Call and go over our 0 am heavy ladei book shelves' g T Ita Interesting, Pattotfs Book Store. 4-lf lf a)illia)lisjl iTafce a Little Walk Some Nice Day Go out nnd boo thoso fruit farms wo aro selling at, 15.00 a mouth. A plank walk from the street cars will tako you right thero. Thoso tracta aro all under tho plow, and coniprleo tho boatt land in Marlon county, r Ovor half of them are sold, so do not delay buying at once, Thoy aru 3 Minnies Walk from tho street cars, 5 a month, and to Interest, i Salem Abstract j and Land Co. ! F.W. WATERS, Hg. ; ittlllltHHMHHIl i HtiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiH1 stroyed, and the toss win . tv-