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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1904)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 3ALEM, OREOpN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1904. (lJ .SEVEN J $ )m . MISSOURI MEN ARE EXONERATED Officers and Crew of 111 Fated Battleship Highly Commended by Court of Inquiry FWashlncton. D. C. Mas- 4. Tho rmltext of the finding o tho court of in- Iwlry Into tho Missouri disaster has Tbeert made public. The cause of the Lt A&?cent wa3 ne unexpected Ignition or iwo sections or cnarges or. smoKe less powder then in the gun and by Maro back" flames which Ignited two of the sections In the ammunition car and a showor of burning powder prot ected down to the twelve Inch gun handling room, igniting eight other sections of smokeless powder. The ftKcldent was- In no respect duo to ault or negligence on the part of tho sflcers Or crew. The court finds the following worthy eC particular mention Under tho head et extraordinary heroism. Acting Use, gunner Cox, Chief gunners mate Moussen, Ounner's mate Schepke. A V beaantakinmtanuhavii It cured and headache, cramps and dragging down sensations away till I felt vounc, strong and happy once more. It is a wonderful medicine and a true friend to women. When I look back on tho months of torture I had it seems like a hideous nightmare. Wine of Cardui will cure any woman I believe. I have more faith in it than all other medicines combined. How can vou i cfuse rol ief when I ir ter day ? Sliootm tf pains, irregularity, r inako thousamiii of ; women miserable. ing uiiumigr n iim ui tiuuui uua iiiiiuu uvur i,uuv,uuv weuis unu Buucnng women well and stroncr. Wo ask vou to co to vour druccist todav and secure lj a 81.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and Ipial directions are needed in your case, h Advisory Department, The Chattanooga iv t.uu iikibii u;j. jviiioiv insula ituuub nMimtmw r xtv- s uo wnat Wo guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. P. Cook the Botanical i Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors f Lave failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and internal) Gravel Si-kidney, bone diseases. Consumption, gall stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis diseases, all the foregoing without tho knife, or plaster or poisons, ind with no pain to tho patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. Dr. J. F. Cook 301 Liberty St., ' Salem, Oregon. Formerly of Omrha, Neb. IHMMIMIimiMIMIMMHmHMMMMM HMMlt8WMMMHHMIMiltmmtlMmMtM Silver Plume Blend Is the strongest 25c coffee on tho market, teed. Freo delivery to all parts of tho pity, at tho Salem Coffee Roaster. Johnson & O'Flyng, Pop, Phone 2291 Main. HIM8WHHHMtll IUHMIMMWMIMHWMMH V1VV Havo You Ever Ordered Haitt & If not, you are awav behind tho ways glad to ace new patrons, and if you call on them, you will be moro than pleased. You will find them at tho corner of Commercial and Ferry streets. M4N g 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IH fc Wholesale and Retail Family Llqaor Store E. ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street Full line of liquors and wines. Cedarbrook whisky formerly the McBrier brand the best for family use. All orders filled and Je- I Hrered In the city limits. 'Phono HnimniiiiHni wm A Smiling Face signifies robust health and good digestion. You can always carry a smiling face in spite of care and worry if you keep your liver right and your digestion good by using Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and 25c. list of eighteen other officers and men, including Captain Cowles, is given a3 "deserving special commendation." Rear admiral Barker approves the findings and comments at length upon properties of smokeless powder, which are apparently not thoroughly under stood in our navy. Admiral Barker says that the conduct of the captain, officers and crew was superb, and he makes special mention of Moussen's bravo act in crawling through the hole of the burning, magazine L. O. T. M. Will Entertain. Tho Ladles of the Maccabees will give an entertalnmont at tho Holman Hall Wednesday evening, May 4th. An excellent program will be "ren dered, sandwiches, cake and coffeo will bo served. The public is cordially Invited to at tend. Admission 25 cents. 5-3-2t YouMayBeCured 544 Garfield Avenuo, Chicago, ho,., October!), 1902. After doctoring for eleven months and taking forty-threo bottles of medicine and finding no relict for leucorrhoea resulting from irritation of a fallen womb I took Wine of Cardui and fourteen bottles cured me. Tliis seemsstraflge but it is the simple f.rlltri. AVinA nf Pnrrlni linltuwl mn frmn Hin fimn T win dlielo me. e me. Took every bit of ache, nafn LVloe-Pres., Chicago IlUlorlcal Club. vou know vou are nrowinc worso dav af- inflammation and bearing dovn pains Why drag through mo nover enjoy begin to tako it at once. Do that and itiuowu ud tuuia. 11 uu LiiiiiiL ucv- address, giving symptoms, Ladies' Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ECARQUi 9 wr. nt ... s we aia,tm have never yet failed, and female Satisfaction guarnn Always fresh roasted I. O. O. F. Temple Court 8t, i Your Groceries from Lawrence times. Howevor. they are al j H III I I 1 1 1 M I i 8 1 1 I M Main 1151. - m - w mm 1 1 h mi4w PREACHER TURNS GAMBLER Believes He Was Inspired by the Almighty to Play Roulette and Recoup His Fallen Fortunes v Butte. Mont., May 4. Unablo to earn enough money to support his wife and two children In his choson profession, tho Rev. Dr. C. E. Hender son, a Methodist minister, turned gambler, and was more fortunate with the fickle goddess. Dr. Henderson, with his family, havo started for California to "start life over again," as he says. The preacher lost his church in Sail Lake City moro than a year ngo be cause of his age, and moved to thi3 place. Here he was unablo to get a pulpit, and he was forced to tako any kind of work he could obtain. Ho did Jobs In the kitchens of all tho Butto hotels, washed dishes nnd peddled, but tho money he received was not sufficient to support the three depend ent upon. him. Ho went to tho em. ploymont office yesterday, where, for over a year ho has been a steady calmer. He was so changed that It was with difficulty that he was recognized. His appearance was exactly opposlto of what It was 10 days ago. "I am going away from hero," said Dr. Henderson. "I turned gambler for a short tlmo, and havo won enough money to take us all to California. I was desperato a few days ago, and I took tho last dollar I had Into a gam bling establishment, where thero was a roulette gamo. I put It on tho red, and It won. I left It thero nnd again I won. Then I tried the others,) nnd did not fall to win with any combina tion. "It seemed that I could not lose, and when I quit playing I had $1500 to start life over again. It might havo been wrong, but I don't think It wa3. God must haVo put It Into my head to try roulette as the last resort after my efforts In every other direction had failed. Miss Boullllard's Funeral. Tho funeral services of the 'lato Miss Lizzie Boullllard weo held at tho homo on East State street yes terday noon, Rev. P.t S. Knight offi ciating. Many floral ' tributes wore offered, and an abundance of flowers wcro taken to tho grave. It was ono of tho most largely attended funerals hold In some time In Salem, and; while tho service was slmplo, It was most Impressive, Prank Boullllard, a brother of tho deceased, came from Chlco, Cal., but Charles and Mrs. Bal mer, who resldo at Nome, could not bo present. Tho remains wore laid to rest In tho family lot at Leo Mission cometery. Deafness Cannot Be Cured By local applications, as they can not reached the diseased portion of tho ear. Thoro is only ono way to euro deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mu cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube, When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is tho re3ult, and, unless tho Inflammation can bo taken out, and this tubo restored to Its natural condi tion, hearing will bo destroyed forev er; nine cases out of ton aro, caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous ser vices. Bm ti y?lh8 K Ym Haw Alinri Bostfit Blgutve f iThat 1 1 ii Smell If thero Is anything you neoJ it Is to remove tho death-dealing sewer gas from your house. Modem I Plumbing will do this and give you com fort as well as health. Havo your old plumbing Inspected and you may save a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & PRASER 103 State 8t, 'Phone 1511 Main. . BWteifititttf C&&m STARVED OUT. Many a garrison has been forced to give up the fight and hang out the wbite flng or surrender, when lack of food has weakened the men past all power to continue the struggle. many a man is similarly starved out of business. His digestion is impaired. H i s food does not nourish him, and for lack of strength to carry on the struggle he turns his store over to an other. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical ..Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. It restores strength to weak, nerv ous, run-down men and women. "About ten years aco I began to be afflicted with stomach trouble, aNo diar rhea," writes Mr, Wm. Walters, of Antrim, Mo. "la warm weather It grew worst, until It would throw me Into a crnmplnjr chill. Was troubled so often that I sometimes thought my end had come. Tried many remedies, but tiler gave only temporary relief. In November, 1899, thought I would try Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical DLrnrrrtr I cot six bottles and took five In succession, then thought I would wait Ibr a time and take the one left, Soon found I had symptoms of the trouble coming back, so took the sixth bottle S 1.1! ".re1 ,ue- 1 1,ave enjoyed the best of health this summer, and the credit all belongs to your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I can't express my many thanks to Dr. Pierce for hU remedy, for it did so much for me. Words can not express how severely I suffered, "Ir any doubt the above statement let them address me, and I will take great pleasure in answering." r Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish liver. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY ' "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Capital City Bryant & Mills Quotations. Pennoll, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80o Poultry at Stelner'a Market Spring chickens 15020c. Chickens 10011c. Eggs Per dozen, 16c. Turkeys 1214c. Ducks 10c. Hop Market Hops 1925c. Potatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 45c. Onions 2Vc. Dried Fruits. Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Potlte prunes 1c. Italian prunes 5c. Wood, Fence Potts, Etc. Socond growth $5.75. APh 13.00 to 13.75. Grub oak $C50, Cedar posts 12c. Hide. Pelts and Purs. Green Hides, No. 1 So. Green Hiuos, No. 2 4c. Calf Skins iGc. Snoop 75c. Goat Skins 25o to S1.8". Grain and Frour. Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value, 72c. Oata fl.10 per cwt, Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Live Stock Market Steers 34c. ez Cows 3c. Sheep 3c. 1 Dressed Veal 66c. Dressed hogs 660c. Livo hogs 5c. Mutton 3c por pound, Hay, Fed, Eta, Baled choat $11. Baled clover $10. Bran $22.00. Shorts $25.00, Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co, Eggst 16c, cash. Buttor 20c, wholesale Buttor fat 20c at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 73c. Valley 83085c. Flour Portland, best grade, $1,900 $4.05; graham, $3.50$4.00. Oats Cholco whlto, $1.17H$1.20. Barley Feed, $23.50 por ton; rolled $24.50S$25. MUlstuff Bran, $19$20. Hay Timothy, $16$1G. Potatoes Common, $1.00$1.25. Eggs Oregon ranch, 18018'c. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 13013 per pound; turkoys, 16017c. Pork Dressed, 8c. Beof Dressed, 607&O- Vcal,707c. Hops 23025c. Wool Valley, 1C017&; Eastern Orogon, 11014c; Mohair, 30032c. Hides dry, 10 pounds and upwards, 1501514c. Butter Fancy creamory, 2O022&C dairy and etoro, nominal. White belts, GOo. Best crushed belt In tho city, In colors, 26c. Tic Vaietv State . - 94 Cm Si. Amors M. Welefc, Pre CLASSIPIED WANTED. Wanted. An elderly man, who Is nblo to do somo work, can secure a good homo and reasonable componsa- tlon. Inquire at Journal office. 4-30-tf Wanted. Good Japanese boy wants placo to cook or do housework, only mornings. Wages $2.00 week up. Inqutro at Star restaurant 5-3-3t Wanted. Bids on pointing second story of my building on Stato street. Bids must be handed In- by Friday, May 0th, at 10 a. in. A. Schrelbor. 5-3-3t Wanted Tho Orogon Nureory com pany, wants llvo hustling salosmcn to lntroduco Burbank's grand now plum, Maynard, also a comploto lino of superior nursery stock. Cash advanced woekly. Wrlto quick for full particulars and securo choice ot torrltlory. 12th stroot, Salem, Oregon. 4-28-lm FOR SALE. SNrf For Sale Cheap. A modern fivo-room cottago, two blocks from school and two blocks from car line. For particulars Inquire of Thos. C. Smith, ownor, 148 18th street. 5.1-3t For Sale. Fivo lots and houso with in flvo minutes walk of Stato-stroot car lino. Prlco $400. Frank All rich. 6-2-3t At a Bargain. A good socond-hand buggy. Mitchell, Lowls & Stavor Co., Salem branch. 4-28-2W For Sale. Fruit land In Benton coun ty, 320 acres of land, south halt ot Boctlon 15, township 10 south, rango 6 west of Wlllamotto Morfdlan, con taining 320 acres ot unimproved land, halt a mtlo from Arllo station, and about four miles from Willam ette rlvor. On main county road. W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main stroot, Los Angolos, Cal. 4-13-tt Fine Body Fir For salo; also second growth. Geo. F. Rodgors, 130 Court stroot. 4-14-lm FOR RENT. For Rent A good 7-room houso, with largo yard; plonty of fruit, and room for a gardon. Goo,. E. Hatch, 450 Front stroot. 5-3'-3t Garden for Rent On sharos, or for cash, In East Saloin; good land. A. F. Hofor, Jr. 4-lC-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Lost A canary bird, dark yellow, with grocn on tho wings. -Return to Mrs. C. II. HlngCB and recotvo n roward. 5-l-3t A. Wllhelm Contractor and builder, All carpontor work and finishing dono promptly, nnd by first-class workmen. Got my flguros boforo building. Twolfth and Lesllo stroots 4-20-tf Money to Loan at six por cont, sev eral rosldenco proportlos in tho best part of tho city for salo on easy tonne. Room 6 Tioga building, corner Stato and Liberty stroots, 4-18-lm Chemical Painting. Mrs. M. P. Bald win will give Instructions In chom leal painting, Supply of paints on hand. Residence 2C5 Frpnt streot. 4-6-lm Say Havo you tried Edwards & Lusch ers for meats. We havo tho best sausage In town. Coma and try It, and bo conlncod. 410 East State Street 8a!em Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa eom. Piano ar-d furnlturo moving a specialty Office 'phone, 8fil. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. 60. State stroet. 9-1-1 in Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial streot, upstairs. Singing school. Rudlmontal and eight reading class- es. Boglns Wodnesday evening, Oc tober 14tb. Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tui tion, $1.00. i G. F. Mason Manwfactorer of Berry crates, boxes, Inside work for all Unit dryers, and all kinds of shop work. Miller St. Sooth Salem, Phone 2 1 9 i Red ! tiMmimim HUIE WING SANG CO. Great sale ot Chlnoso and Japaneso fancy goods. Wo also ruako up all kinds ot wrappers and waists, under wear and skirts, dents' and ladles' furnishing goods, silks, laces and em. broideries, All kinds ot summor goods, matting, etc. Court street, comer of alley, Salem PHYjBICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. I. W. Starr Office In Bush ft Brj building, ovor Oregon Shoo Stom Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m. ana t W 6 p. m. Calls attondod In city oi country. Residence 'phono 2SM Rod. 1.5-tf Dr. W. 8. Mott Will hereafter found in tho Broy block, 276ft Cos. merclal stroot, ovor Oregon Kke Co. Offlco tolophono, 2931; mi donco phone, 2761. Offlco hoar E to 12. and 2 to 5. CLEANING AND PRE88ING. Unique Cleaning Rooms A. H. MfO Hams, successor to Shaw & John son, tho cloanors, Is now located 209 Commercial street Ho does , general pressing and repairing busi ness. Specialties: Skirts, slHc waists, kid gloves, gonts' clothln, etc. Phono 2C14. 4-1-tt SCREEN DOORS. Screen Doors Lawn and Hold tones,, barb wlro, shingles, P. & B. ready roofing and building papor. Extea Blon ladders, gatos and gate hard ware. All at lowest prlcos. Walter Morloy, GO Court stroot, Salem. UNDERTAKERS. Undertaker. Wo carry the largwt and flnost lino of undertaker's goods' In tho city. Prlcos to suit alL Blaek and whlto hoarse Prompt; rellablo. Save monoy by calling s4 No. 107. A. M. Clough, A. J. Basy, Mfl-tt RE8TAURANT. Ferguson's Restaurant 96 BUS. stroet Opon day ,nnd night CW 20o meals aro bettor than any 9ft houso In the state. Six 20a mmUrn tor $1.00; 21 20o moala for $8.00, LODGES. Olive Lodge, No. 18, I, O. O. F. I, O. O, F. Hall, Saturday each week, at 7:30 pj m, B. B. Horrlck, Jr., N. Q.y Frank F. Toovs, recording secretary. Salem Camp, No, 118, Woodmen of Mm World Moots In Holman Hall eTMT Friday at 7:30 p, m. P. L. Fraslwr, Consul, Wyllo A. Mooros, 8001 tary. 1-12-lyr Protection Lodge No. 2, Ancient Zt dor United Workmen, moots vrmeyt Saturday ovonlng In tho Hotaav Hall, cornsr Stato and Ltbtctx streots. Visiting brethren welcoswk J. Q. Graham, M. W.; J. A. Sollw4r Rocordor. Valley lodge No, 18, A. O. U. W. Mt In tholr hall In Holman block,, eoe nor Stato and Liberty, every Ms day ovonlng. Vlultlug bretXrsa volsomo. Roy Mc'Intlro, M. W, M. E. Aufranco, Rocorder, Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Csl Hall In1 Holman block, comer Mata and Liberty Sts. T'osday ot tastt weok at 7:30 p. m. II. H. Tursr, O. C; W. I. Btaley, It of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court IHwr wood Foresters No. 19, Meets Fr day In Tumor block. H. O. Moyer, C, R.; A. L. Brown, Sec Modern Woodmen of America Of gon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Hwtsi every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'eltelf Holman Hall, D. E. Matten, T. O.: A. L. Brown, Clerk. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. H. H. 8covoll, Osteopath and 8ugh gostlonlst Treats chronic disorders of tho stomach, bowols, liver, kid noys; nervous and foxnalo dlsoasw, lung and throat troubles. D'Arcy, Bldg., Stato St Main 28S5. TONBORIAL AND BATH8. Evan's Barber Shop Only flrstolaM shop on Stato stroot Every ttdstj now and up-to-uatp. FinMt pore lain baths, Shave, 16o; hair-cut Ms baths, 25c. Two flrst-claas boot blacks. O, W. Evans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITV HALL. For water servlcd apply at offles. Bills payablo monthly in advans. Mao all complaints at tho office. EXPRE88 AND TRANSFER. CAPITAL CITV 1 Express and Transfer Meets all mall and pasaonger trains Baggago to all parts of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. il, HECKMAN, HEDRICK 4 HOMYER, DENTISTS. O. H. MAQK Successor to Dr J. M. Keen, U White Comer, Salem, Oregon. Partis desiring superior operations at mo& erat foe In any branch aro In eapscktf request