DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNE8DAY, MAY 4, 1904. SIX DEALERS SEEM SATISFIED Washington Firm Says Con ditions Are Good for Large Crip and Fair Price of last year's crop on hand, and nro not anxious to soil. Klabor & Co. will Issue a circular within a few days, which will review tho market, and show reasons why this will bo a proHtablo hop year. Herman Klaber, of Tacoma, was In tho city yesterday looking over tho Jiop situation, and visiting with old acquaintances. Jlr. Klaber Is a deal- ha8 beon In UBe for over cr, as well as owning a part Interest In the Meeker yards, near Puyallup, Wash. The Meeker yards aro the largest In that state, containing 132 acres, and average almost a ton to tho acre every year. Tho yards aro In a high state of cultivation and yield a very flno quality of hops. Mr. Klab er says the season In Washington Is -about three weeks later this spring than It Is here, and the vines have scarcely commenced to grow. Regarding the outlook for a prlco .this year, Mr. Klaber feels confident that It will bo fully equal to that of lost season, and expects a good figure for tho surplus crop of 1903. The firm of Klaber & Co. have about 1000 bales Oo It locay. Tho time-worn Injunction, "Never put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today," Is now generally present ed In this ferm: "Do it today!" That Is tho terse advise wo want to glvo you about that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you havo been struggling for several days, per haps weeks. Take some reliable reme dy for It TODAY and let that remedy be Dr. Boscheo's German Syrup, which thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undoubt edly relievo your cough or cold, and Its continued uso for a few days will euro you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, Gorman Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done beforo In thou sands of apparently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular Blze, 75c. At nil druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores. SAY HE TOOK MONUMENT George H. Himes 'Accused of Removing Historical Astoria Rel.'e SOZODONT Pretty Teeth fn a Good Mautfi ro like Jowela well t Onr best men and women havo made Bozodont tna Standard. BEST TEETH A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday Hbw can you remedy It? Got rid of dirty clothes, homes full of steam and bad odors, soap, starch water, beat, worry, extra meals for help. How can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. Wo will call at your homo and tako all your wa6h and re turn It, as follews: All Flat Work, including bed ticks, bolster and pillow clips, blankets, comforts, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, table pads, table and tray cloths, towels (roller, hand and bath) wash rags, etc, will bo washed and Ironed ocmplete. Wearing apparel and balance of laundry washed, starched and rough drled.ready for Ironlng.whlch can bo done, In maay case3, by tho regular servant. In small families tho wlfo may prefer to do It, as It Is an easy task. What It costs? Only flvo cents per pound, dollvercd In a neat, clean bag or basket. Shirts, collars, cuffs and laco curtains charged at list prices. Points to censider: Your clothes nro thoroughly washed and rinsed; not a pnrtlclo of foreign mat ter remaining. Your clothes aro thor oughly disinfected. They nro Bweet and pure and in origlnnl state. Wo uso materials that aro purer than you could buy, as they aro mado especially for ub, and too co3tly for tho rotall markot. Glvo us a trial, and so what a difference It makos. ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, delivered Wednesday. The Salem Steam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. oMe&a09&aaea0a i Field Peas Tho best hog feed raised in tho valloy. Wo have somo ex tra choico seed peas that wo aro making a closo prlco on. May bo sown for the next month and make n good crop. Call or wrlto for prices. Monster Bamboo Pole. Dr. W. H. Davis, his brother, Chas., C. Davis, and J. Harvey Roberts re turned from Newport yesterday noon after spending a very pleasant Sunday at tho bay. They brought with them tno largest uamooo pole ever seen hero and told a story about finding it floating In on the crest of a wave, and riding It to shore. Mr. C. C. Davis, who had gone into tho surf, had been carried out to sea, and was brought back by a pole, or tree. The bamboo polo when measured was found to bo 88 feet long and measured four and a half Inches In diameter at the largest end. It was covered with barnacles Inside the butt end and the finders explained that it had come from tho shores of far-away Cathay. A report received from others coming from Newport tells a different story, how ever. It is well known that Edwin Stono a year ago set out a bamboo plantation ,on his property at Seal Rocks, and tho Newport story Is to the effect that the three gentlemen made a raid on this plantation and ap propriated this pole. Their original Intention was to carry off a fishing rod or two, but when they found tho big bamboo, decided to take It. Mayor Davis will erect it In his door yard for a flag pole, and will thus bo en abled to sing "Under a Bamboo Tree" under his own tree. Tho big bamboo Is now In the mayor's dooryard, where it was greatly admired by tho neigh bors yesterday. Albany Democrat Astoria, Or., Ma 4. George H. Himes, secretary of tho Oregon His torical society, Is accused of taking from Astoria tho monument which marked tho resting place of McTavlsh English representative, who was drowned off Fort Astoria in 1818. At the last meeting of the Chamber of Commerce it was decided to mark all historic spots ln this vicinity apropos of tho Lewis and Clark fair, and also to collect relics of early days. Discus cusslon brought out tho chargo that Mr. Himes had 'carried off tho monu ment of McTavlsh, who was here when Fort Astoria was taken bver by English and renamed Fort George. He was drowned by tho capsizing of a boat. At last night's meeting of the Coun cil a letter was- rend from President Welch of the Chamber of Commerce who requested tho council to take such action as would Insure the re turn of monument and cause the pun ishment of the person who carried It off. The council referred tho matter to a committee and tho City Attorney, who will demand that the monument be returned. Tho body of McTavlsh was removed three times and finally burled In Hill side cemetery, from which Mr. Him .8 Is said to have carried off the monument. flHHBHHMHHHHMHBHHIM0HMHH&3t2IIHHHffMMn itf:Vi ft El Salem's One Redwood. In the midst of Summer street, north of Marlon street, stands tho only red wood tree In this city. Nearly three feeet In diameter and fifty feet high. It was set out by Hon. Daniel Waldo In the sixties. The city council will probably take steps to protect it. SHIPS TIED UP Marseilles-, May 3. Over 3000 men are Idled and 102 vessels tied up here as the result of a strike of master mariners and1 dockworkers. Tho Kind Yon Havo Always Bought, and which lias been in uso for over 30 years, lias liorno tho slgnatnro of and lias been mado under Ids por- ffly yP sonal stir orvlslon slnco its Infancy G&CCfUM Allow tin nun to dnnnlvo von In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro hub Experiments that triilo with and omlanger tho health of Infants and Children Expcricnco r gainst Experiment What is CASTORIA Cotf Tia Is a harmless subslltuto for Castor Oil, Para gon Drops and Soothing (Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It; contnt s neither Opium, Blovphlno nor other Narcotio eubsuince. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, rcgiUates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ' Train, to tCg!?! The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMcecMTAun ooumnt. t MjnMTSTHtrr. niwiannomr. JHB inree Trains to the EdT inrougn Pullman standi '' tourist sleeping cars dally to oB v Chicago, Spekane: tm.ri.t .,7 cars dally to Kansas city S Pullman tonrl.t ,, 7' ttA Bonally conducted) weekly to cii irft' rnnllnlnc l,.l. "BCa to tho East dallv. " ,r) J PORTLAWD TO cmrir I I no Chin At n-WM I ul Ho Chae of CtYj DEPART FOR Chicago Portland Bpeolal 9 15 a. m na Huntington Atlantic Kxprcm 8:16 p. m. tU Huntington Bt.Paul rut Mall 7 45 p. m. Bpokano TIME SCHEDULES From Portland, Or, Salt l-kl TV.n... Worth, Omaha, Kanau and Eait. Bait Lake, Denter ft worth, Omaha, KimuI Walla Walla, LewliiST mm, uixmoapoui sl PaTll IknlnlVi tjl 65ianTat. M AWUTi n M ill Ocean and River Scheduii. For San Francisco ETery fl tn at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way podi ana worm Boach Daily (expt e day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. uany Bervico (water permlttlot) a wniametto and Yamhill rivera. Almost anybody can run a business and sink money. It takes ability to run a business and make money, even a newspaper. HAPPY WOMEN. YOUR HAT May Bo m StylUh One, Sat It Make Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "Jo atyls," but the modern hat for men hat lots to answer for. Baldhcads aro growing moro numer ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic germs which sap tho life from tho roots of the hair. When your hair begins to fall out and your scalp is full of Dandruff it Is a sure sign that theso countless germs are busily at work. There Is hut one way to overcome th trouble and kill the germs that way It to apply Newbro's Horplclde to the scalp it will kill the germs and healthy hair Is sure to result. Sold by leading-druggists. Send 10c. In Bt&mps for saroplo to The Hcrplcldo Co., Detroit. Mich. IHnlel J. Fry, Special Aeent. QQamme4fm999mw&MmfM9999 A WINNER wf 9Q&Sm 'ftt. 9ifaSilk i In the race for supremacy In pork products is our latest con signments in choice sugar cured hams and bacon, and our flno country sausages, loins for roasting, chops, etc. Cold weather brings a demand for choice pork in sparo ribs, pigs' feet, hocks, trlpo and sausages, and wo have the finest corn-fed and carefully fed pork to be secured. E. C. Cross. fis9f wanaw8ii8W X i i Seed Corn Wo mako a specialty of han dling the best seed corn to bo obtained, either for a crop or for ensllago. D. A. White &Son FEEDMEN AND SEEDMEN 301 Commercial Street, Salem. S HIMMH MHIHIIIUM Your Stepmother Is still hero, and as busy as ever. When your clothes nro worn and dirty, or tho buttons off tako them to her, at tho Salem Dyeing and Clean Ins Works. Repairing and rellnlng; sew volret collars put on overceats: also four buUs a month for U. Called for anl returned. MHS. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 105 Commercial Street. Plenty of Them In Salem, and Good Reasons For It. Wouldn't any woman bo happy, After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unre3t, Tho distross of urinary troubles. Sho finds relief and euro? No reason why nny Salem reader Should suffer lu tho face of evi dence llko this: Mrs. Conradlna Arnold, of 440 East First street, Albany, snys: "Doan'a Ktdnev Pills did inn rniiRlilnrnliln good. I used thorn for rheumatic S pains across tho small of my back and down through tho sides, which were J very sevcro when I stooped to lift anything or sat in one position for any Isngth of time. I got Doan's Ki ney Pills and commenced tholr uso. began to got better right away, and contlnuod taking them. They soon rellovod me, nnd I havo had very lit tle troulilo since. I shall always try to keep Doan's Kldnoy Pills In tho houso, and will recommend them at ovory opportunity." Plenty moro proof like, this from Salsm people. Cnll at Dr. Stone's drug store, nnd ask what his custom ers roport. For salo by nil dealers. Prlco 50c. rostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agonts for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other 1G I Does Yottt Buggy f !! I rHHH--!-frMT Need Paint This Is the time of year to have It put In order. All work Z done In the best style, and fully guaranteed as to quality. Prices Right You will be surprised at how little It will cost you to have your rig made new. 'I! W.B.WARNER! i s w &CO. I) I 68 Chemeketa Street. Phene: Main 2953. ALL WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commercial St. Oner The Journal, IT'S MERE That new type has arrived and it's a beauty. If you want the latest style in type faces on the latest and most up-to-date printing THIS IS THE PLACE to get it. Nothing but first-class work turned out of this shop. "ROOFS SUBMITTED UN ALL WORK. miass&xziHzzsiiTX N.D. ELLIOTT. ""iiiuii)inmit IMMENSE STOCK OF Carnage Harness Work Harness and Saddles All up-to-date and first cIobb. See us for anything in our line and eavo money. E. S. LamportSaddlery Co f 289 Ommercial Street) ttiMa8frgtaiaistiiai iii For fuller information ask di th I your nearest ticket agent, or A. L CRAIQ, General Passenger Ami Tho Oregon Railroad & NaTlpiaJ Co., Portland, Oregon. Portland and Return Only $2.20. Tho Southern Pacific Is now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday P. m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday In Portland. Tho samo arrangement upplles from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Betntls yItg Klad Yw Haw Always Bm 4fif tate-rx Oregon Raised I Clover Seed As the weather has set- 1 tied the farmers who wish to sow clover seed will J need to supply themselves S quickly. Wo tfftf a ft no nnnliK j of very reasonable prices. X : utner larm ana garden z ; ; seeas in quantities to meet : ; aH demands at i j I Savage & Fletcher i Dealers In X FLOUR, GRAIN AND SEED 322-324 Commercial Street Hitwmntmimr mM44Mliafrgtt0-fr ::::::::A G E N C Y O F;::::::: ; ; I BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.;; I GRAINbdTeRS ANDSHIPPERSOFfll? AITf jj Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crude and stick Sulphur. $ - $ J. G. Graham, Agent, 207 Commercial St.. Salem. On. aiiEBaooatQiiiaiaiaiiagiaigiiay Cofvallis&EasWi TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: (. Leaves Albany 11:15 p,a Leaves Corvallls !.Mia Arrives Yaqulna 6:20p.a No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqulna 6:11 ti Leaves Corvallls 11:10 Arrives Albany 12:16f.a No. 3 for Derelt: Loaves Albany 7:Mn Arrives Detrol 11:!); a I No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit l:D0p.o. Arrives Albany (:(!) Train. No. 1 arlves la Albuj b tlmo to connect with the B. E wcti bound train, as well as giving tot three hours In Albany befaiftftf ture of S. P. northbound tni Train No. 2 connects wiu ti & P. trains at Corvallls and Altuj 1 lng direct service to Newport cd Jacent beaches. Train No. 3 for Detroit, BrelttaM and other mountain resort li Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching ft trolt about noon, giving amplt W to reach tho Springs same day. For further information app& EDWIN STOW COCKRELL. Acont, AIM- H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Coma !l''m"""a"l"la,,llllHH'ia.sa THE PICK OF THE FOREST J ; Has beon taken to supply the stock of! ! lumber in our yards. Our stock Is com pie to with all kinds of lumber.! I Just received a car load of No, 3 ! shingles, also a car of fine shakes.) Wo aro able to fill any and all kind' ' of bills. Come and let ub show you! ! our stock. ! Yard and office near S. P. passenger ' depot 'Phone Main 651. i ! QOODALE LUMBER CO. wm"Wmmn'nriiiamninii PwISMiWtXlH H 'SkXtKm O. C. T. CO.'8 PA88EN0ER STEAMERS POMONA and Altona leave for rorUa, MmW. Wednesday and Friday alio a, m. Tuesday, Thurcdayand BiS. a; For Corrallii, Tueaiay, JMW and Saturday at 6 p. m . For Independence dally excepts Deck: Foot of Trad " M. P. Al.DWiri,jn F l cpticHearxR'9 eKQliix,. is Am UKU 4 ' ""SiSV? i ui niierr L"!,JiCi If tan MU. y"'?Wrc3l tU(w HMtuvtm W $ I M IB PILESdura MtfDrilUU. UAHTIN WJOLtl teMlntaUmbyJ.C-! Call for rre mm' Ftee, YesFrf Dr. Stone makes no V sultaUon or VenvuZM 61 found dally at his arus Oregon.