W-'-a-mSSninrmMj-zjfmt-'mmiitiiis. H o FEDERAL STAR CHAMBER C. Guy Wakefield Pleads Guilty to Conducting Fake Scheme- Court Smoth ers Proceedings According to the Portland Journal, "quietly and In tho presence of only a few court ofllciaU, C. Guy Wakefield appealed before the federal court, April 10 and pleaded guilty to the In dictment charging him with fraudu lent uso of the malls. He was fined $50. So secretly were tho proceedings carried on that only a few of tho government officials have heard of tho conclusion of tho case. By the time of tho hearing Judge Bellinger occu pied tho bench, while tho only others present were District Attornoy Hall, the defendant, his attorney and two other court officials InterestedMn tho caso. Tho arralngmont was held secretly at tho request of Wakefield, for tho reason as ho explained, that ho desired to keep the affair out of tho news papers. District Attorney Hall acquo scized In the request, and with tho consent of Judgo Bellinger tllo ar ralngmont was hold at an hour when court is not usually In session. On tho court records the caso has not yet been entered. Tho blotter shows that a certain person appeared before tho court April 19, pleaded guilty to a certain charge and was lined ?50. Tho name of tho defendant At Salem Now Tlie Electrical Tlienmatoty of Osteo pathy Now Permanently Located DR. P. V. ALLEN, D. O. of Chicago. Curing all manner of disease, chronic or acute, without the uso of drugs or knife. The Treatment of Deformities a Specialty. Tho treatment the same as practiced by tho world's famous Dr. Lorenz in his thousands of successful cases. Special rates for treat ment by tho month. Consultation Free. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 1? m.; 2 p. Cottlo block. Telephone 2965 Main. LOCK BOX 44. m99M99W9999Q99f9m9W9M99Mmm Do What We Claim Wo guarantee sufficient proof that Dr. J. F. Cook tho Botanical Doctor cures all kinds of diseases after all other schools and doctors havo failed, such as cancer, tumors, (external and Internal) Gravel kidney, bono diseases. Consumption, gajl stones, rheumatism, dropsy, and dlabets, appendicitis have never yet failed, and femalo diseases, all tho foregoing without the knife, or plaster or poisons, and with no pain to tho patient whatever. Testimonials of prominent people. Consultation free. D. J F. Cook 301 Liberty St., Formerly of Omrha, Neb. Wf iiiiiiiniiitmninmf iiiiittttt A ttBiii i aiaiaiaiiiiiMM '-III1IJHI1 II Tf a -- viiaaiBiiivi m - w - w - w Wholesale and Retail Family Uqaor btore E. ECKERLEN, 258 Commercial Street Full lino ot liquors and wines, Cedarbrook whisky formerly tho f f ucuner brand tho best lor family I llvered In. the city limits. 'Phone ;! n u 1 11 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 h hi DAILY and the crime to which ho pleaded guilty ate blank on the court records at this time. Tho cierk of tho court will give no Information concerning tho name which must be Inserted in the records. District Attornoy Hall Is equally retleent W. W. Banks, the assistant district attorney, declared ho was hot present, and, of courso, knew nothing about tho case. Wakefield was Indicted by tho re cent federal grand jury for using tho malls for fraudulent purposes. The Indictment was returned April 2. Ho was tho promoter of the Order of Fraternal Homebuyers, which was established for the avowed purpose of providing means whereby Its members could obtain homes by the Investment of small Investments of money. Tho method employed by the com pany was Investigated, and In tho hearing before commissioner McKee is was declared impossible of accom plishment. At the time It was shown that Wakefield had .used tho malls for the purpose of securing a customer at The Dalles, and tho letter, which he wroto was tho chief evidence against him." Portland and Return Only $2.20. The Southern Pacific is now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for $2.20, good going Saturday p. m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. Tho samo arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. OASTOHI-a.. Bean tho 9 Tho Kind Yoo Hare AIwar3 Bought DR. MARIE ALLEN, D. O. I Assistant. Correspondence Solicited. m. to C p. m. Rooms, 1 and 2, SALEM, OREGON. Salem, Oregon. J nntmiMiaMMiiii I A Token of Betrothal From time Immemorial has been tho engagement ring. Wo havo a Buporb variety, from the plain ones to tho richest In superb settings X as low as fl-00, as high as $50,00, T and all good values. AH our Jewel ry Is the host work of skilled lapa- I darles and goldsmiths. Try one of these rings from C. T. POMEROY 288 Com'l Watchmaker & Jeweler. """'"" .!. - - n ----- use. All orders nuea ana w x Main 116L 1 1 1 1 u m m i i i i n 1 1 m fr CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. MONEMAV igM Wonderful discovery. Chemical Which Dissolves Gold and Other Precious Metals. Dr. W. H. Robinson of Cottago Grove, who has made mineralogy and chemistry a lifelong study, has lately discovered a vegetable solution which will dissolve gold or other precious metals and remove It from tho hard est quartz. It is an Inoffensive smell ing and practically harmless, cigar liquid, but has a miraculous effect upon all kinds of minerals. It seems to open and penetrate the) minute pores of auy quartz formation placed Into it and dissolves the mineral con tained therein, which issues forth from tho quartz in bubbles or a liquidized state and which soon colors the chem ical according to tho naturo of the mineral for Instance, copper quartz soon changes tho chemical to a rich green, gold to a golden color, and so on. It Is, Indeed very interesting to watch tho speedy action of the chem ical upoa any mineralized quartz placed Into It, from which In a brief period of tlmo all of the mineral is removed, leaving only tho solid quartz formation. Already this dis covery of Dr. Robinson is attracting tho attention of scientific men, tho Scientific American, published in Njw York city, having recently writ ten tho doctor requesting to bo fa vored with an interview and a dem onstration of the possibilities of his newly discovered chemical upon tho visit of a representative of that paper to this city In tho near future. Cot tago Orove Lender. If You Have Dyspepsia, Road This. Tho old way of taking pepsin, bis muth, etc., to cure dyspepsia Is all wrong. They may bo put up In tab lets or liquid, tho result Is just tho same. Tho object Is to create arti ficial digestion, but this does not make, a cure. Stop taking the pepsin, etc., and you havo your dlspep3la or Indi gestion back again. People use co caine or opium for nervous troubles and sick-headache, It does not cure, stop taking the drugs and tho pain and distress return. Tho only common senso method Is to drive out of the system the cause of dyspepsia and sick headache by cleansing the stom ach and bowels, at the same time us ing a medicine that will act on the liv er. This forces through tho glaudn of tho stomach the digestive fluid that nature Intended. In this way you euro dyspepsia. The medicine that cures dyspopsla by this method Is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. Druggists sell these pills at 25c per box. It only takes ono of these pills for a dose. He Can't Quit Tom Cronise, who some tlmo ago sold his photo business to A. B. Kais er, has re-purchased tho business, and has taken charge. It seems natural to his friends to see him there, and he proposes to push tho business better than ever before. 4-29-3t Cucumber Contracts. A few moro contracts for cucumbers can bo secured by calling on The Gideon Stolz Company, corner of Mill and Summer streets. 4-26-2wk O jflL m KP O 3L I Jk. . bmi the 7 "M W"! You Haw Always Bought Blgnttsra of '?&& That Smell If there is anything you need it is to remove tho death-dealing sower gas from your bouse. Modem Plumbing will do this and glvo you com fort as well as health. Havo your old plumbing Inspected and you may save a heavy bill. BURROUGHS & FRASER 105 State 8L, 'Phone 1511 Main. iimmiwiummiiiwi 4-H 1 1 H 1 4M4MH- 1 1 II Mf Eggs Wanted Wo have moro orders than we can All, and we must have them. If you want the hlghozt price la cash call on Commercial Cream Co. 225 Com'l St JUST lHkrMI-r A motorman inxs3&. . , onto the approach otae?"". !"s f-r stopped It with the fcaC! blge but hanging the gulf bclovntfUy over want t5 repeat the captSjouMn't tha chances are that he'nwcause have the same good fortune gam Uiice l ti a shlle sonic one who has travel ed to the very edge of the clanger line of stomach dis ease stops just in time to save his health. 13ut the majority of people go aero ss the '.ne. and slight symptoms of indigestion grow to disease ot me stotnncti, involving iue vomer organs ot ingestion ana liiuriuoii Indigestion and other forms of stonv ach "trouble" are perfectly and per mauently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's uomen Medical Discovery, it strengtu ens the whole body by enabling the per fect digestion and assimilation of food, $3,000 FORFEIT will be paid by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, Buffalo, N Y , if they cannot show the original signature of the indi vidual volunteering the testimonial below, and also of the writers of every testi monial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing, thus proving their genuineness. "I have been suffering for ntxmt eight years," writeMr. II. Pierce. ofMUlspriiig Ky "lime had ecraliioctor totrrat me some for female weakness and other for stomach trouble, but received no relief When I wrote you for advice I wan hardly nble to work, and you advlted me what to do I took nine bottles, five of 'Golden Medical Discover-,' four of 'Favorite Prescrip tion alio two lals of the ' Pellets.' Dr. Pierce medicines will do all that you claim for them Believe I would have been in my grave if I had not taken them " Dr. Pierce' Medical Adviser is senttor on receipt of stamps to pay expense ot mailing only. Send at one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for tne ciotli oottnu volume. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y. Address Dr. R.V. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market." Capital City Mills Quotation. Bryant & Pennell, Props. Wheat 77c. Buckwheat 80a Poultry- at Stelner1 Market Spring chickens 15 20c. Chickens 10llc. Eggs Per dozen, 15c. Turkeys 1214c. Ducks 10c. Hop Marfcat. ft5MUy. 'f Potatoes, Vegetables, GtbT Potatoes 45c. Onions 216c. Dried Fruits,' Peaches 10c. Apricots 10c. Apples 10c. Petite prunes 4c. Italian prunes 5c. Wood, rence Porta, Kte, Second growth J5.75. APh 13.00 to J3.7C. Grub oak ?G.50. Cedar posts 12 c. Hide, Pelt and fun. Oreon Hides, No. 1 8c. Green Hides, No. 2 4c. Calf Skins i5c. Sheep 76o. Goat Skins 26o to S1.W. Grain and Prour, Wheat, Salem Flouring Mills, port value, 72c. Oats $1.10 per cwt. Barley $21 per ton. Flour Wholesale, 3.75. Live Stock Market Steors 3V64c. Cows 3c. ez Sheep 3c. Dressed Veal 66c. Dressed hogs 66c. Live hogs 5c. V . 1 x Mutton 3c per pound. Hay, Fe4d, Kt. Baled cheat 111. Baled clover 1 10. '..' Bran 122.00. Shorfe 125.00. Eggs, Dutter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co, Eggs lCc, cash. Butter 2214c, wholesale. Butter fat 20c at station. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 73o. Valloy 838Cc. Flour Portland, host grade, IJ.900 14.05 j graham, 3.504.00, Oats Cbplco white, 1.17 1.20. Barloy Feed, 23.50 per ton; rolled 24.5025. Mlllstuff Bran, ?190J2O. Hay Timothy, 1501O. Potatoes Common, 1.001.25. Eggs Oregon ranch, lSdS'fcc. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 1313 per pound; turkeys, lC17c. Pork Dressed, 8c. Boof Dressed, 6070. Veal,707c. Hops 23025c. WoolValley, 10017c; Eastern Oregon, 11014c; Mohair, 20032c. Hides dry. 16 nounds and upwards. 1C015&C Butter Fancy cream ory, 2O022&O dairy and store, nominal. White bolts, COc. Best crushed bolt In, the city, In colors, 25c. The Variety Stote 94. Carr St. Asir M. Wtlch, Prep fffflTROPoSll sgSgiTf TrtwTii T"l l-J-gjj CLASSIFIED 'WANTED. Wanted. Ono waitress at tho Wil lamette Hotel. Steady employ tasut. 4-30-3t r 8SV-To trndo Annex mining VvtjOr a driving horse. Inquire r "Ws Insurance orflco, 112 -S2rtwt. 4-30-31 nr t, etlc, trustworthy man wnl&Sl? O'oscm. ropro-' rninv ui . "nuiaciunng com auT'w per month, AddresssST Salem, Ore. v ' r ' 1-3U-.il Wanted.-An ,wi, todOBMlOWOA, homo and rcwo B tlon. Inquire at JowasA oace. UO-U I Want Five toamsneit-we . at tho flax mill farm, adjoining tho asyl'im. Inqulro at the t&rm, gene Bosso. -29-St Wanted To rent, arT unfurnished! - room, sultablo for bed room. A4. dross "F.," care Journal office. 4-27-3t -j Wanted Tho Oregon Nursery com. pany, wants live hustling salesmen to introduce Burbank's grand now plum, Maynard, also a complete lino of suporlor'nursory stock. Cash advanced wookly. Writ quick for full particulars and Bocuro cholco of torrltlory. 12th stroot, Salem, Oregon. 4-28-lm FOR 8ALE. For Sale Throo first-class milch cowa, Inqulro at Hall's forry. A. D. Potty John. 4-30-at Fence Posts. Just arrived, two cars of largo cedar fence posts. Walter Morley, CO Court stroot. 4-30-3t For 8ale. Horses and fresh milk cows. W. B.. Duncan, Salem, Or., care of stage. Phono Farm 21. 4-30-3t At a Bargain. A good second-hand buggy. Mitchell, Lowls Ss Stnvor Co., Salem branch. 4-28-2W For Sale. Fruit land in Benton coun ty, 320 acr'os of land, south half of section 15, township 10 south, range 5 west of Willamette Meridian, con taining 320 acres of unimproved land, half a milo from Arllo station, and about four miles from Willam ette river. On main county road. W. B. Irwin, 338 North Main Btreot, Los Angeles, Cal. 4-13-tf Fine Body Fir For.snlo; also second growth. Geo. F. Ilodgors, 130 Court street. 4-14-lm FOR RENT. Garden for Rent On sharos, or for cash, In Eait Salem; good land, A. F. Hofer, Jr. 4-lCtf MISCELLANEOUS. A. Wllhelm Contractor and builder. All carpontor work and finishing dono promptly, and by first-class workmen. Got my figures boforo building. Twelfth and Losllo stroots 4-20-tf Money to Loan at six per cent, sev eral residence proportlos in tho host part ot tho city for salo on easy torms. Room 5 Tioga building, corner State and Liberty stroots, 4-18-lm Chemical Painting. Mrs, M. P. Bald win will glvo instructions In chein leal painting. Supply of paints on band. Resldenco 205 Front stroot. 4(Mm Say Havo you triod Edwards & Lusch er'a for meats. Wo havo tho boat sausago In town. Coma and try It, and bo convinced. 410 East State street Salem Truck and Dray Co. Oldest and best equipped company In Sa lem. Piano ard furniture moving a specialty Office 'phono, 891. W. W. Brown & Son, proprietor. Office No. CO Stato street 9-1-lm Dr. Z. M. Parvln At 297 Commercial Btreot, upstairs. Singing schooL Rudlmontal and sight reading class es. Begins Wednesday evening. Oc tober 14th. Class every Wednes day evening to May 1st, next Tui tion, 11.00. illlllICIIHIW G. F. Mason Manufacturer of Berry crates, Boxes, inside Work for all trait dryers, aqd all klmds of shop wotk, Milkr St. Sosti Salem, Pfeooc29 Reef kHrtif SUPIHMSfMSf t SEVEN V PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Dr. I. W. Starr Ofllco In Bush ft BrJt building, ovor Oregon Shoo Btor. Offlco hours, 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 im 5 p. m. Calls attended In city oe country. Resldonco 'phono 2ZMS Rod. i.g.tf Dr. W. 8. Mott Will heroafter 1m found In tho Brey block, 275 Com morclal street, ovor Oregon ffcs Co. Office tolophono, 2931; raf donco phono, 2761. Offlco hoar 111 to 12. and 2 to 5. CLEANING AND PRE88ING. Unlquo Cleanlno Uooms A. H. Wit HamB, Buccossor to Shaw & John Bon, tho cleaners, Is now located at 209 Commercial street. Ho does s general pressing and repairing busi ness. Specialties: Skirls, Bllfc waists', kid gloves, gonts' clothlagj , etc. Phono 2614. 4-1-tf .j, "-?-- . PP. . Screen rino"rZT?Jn VnflniXrT v '. . '- . . . v'" Vv" iv"v"' hath wire, shinglos, P. & B. ready roonng and building papor. Bxtca lou ladders, gates and gato har w. au Rt lowest prices. Walter -f"0""'. 60 Court street, Salem. UNDERTAKERS. W!V,r""m wry tho Uxtm M fmott line ot undortakor'B good rellabe. gMe money by calling No.l7; , A.U.ClouBh,A.3,Baaey. 1AC-U RfiTAURANT. Perntiiiona bi - -... . auraMS6 gt&fe street Open dtt, m n,gat 20o meals aro bettor Una any. au houso In tho stale, iulsoomtfc, ior i.uu; a. auo ra,drt,tor M. Oilvo 'Lodge, No. 18, I. O. 0. rL O. F. Hall, Saturday sack , , ' 7:30 p. in. B. B. HerrlrV . v tli Frank F. Toova, recording seUov; . -' . Wf Salem Camp;" N. 111, VVMrfma olltfw! World MootB In Hoi man Hall erto Friday at 7; 30 p. m. P. L. Frasbf, t Consul' -Wylle A. MoorMjaftMt. tary. l-l2-iyr , Proteotlon LrfBe No. 2, Ancient' tis dor United . Workmoa, t tm Saturday ovenlng Ik tae Tftifittig' Hall, corner StAto ad hlhu streets. Visiting brothr weleoaM. J. a Graham, M. W.; J. A. geUw iioceraor. Valley lodge No. 18, A. O. U, W- 1 In their ball In Holmau block, nor State and Liberty, every Mm day evening. Visiting breibMp wolsomo. Roy Mclntlre, H. W. 'A. E. Aufranco, Recorder. 1 Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P-OMttf Hall In Holman block, corns WDntm and Liberty Sts. Tuesday ot mm wook at 7:30 p. m. H. H. Turr O. C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. Foresters of America Court wood Foresters No. 19, Meeto TA day In Turner block. H. tf, Meyer, C. R.; A. L. Brown, See. Modern Woodmen of America Or gon Cedar Camp No. 6240. MB overy Thursday evening at 8 o'cJ Holman Hall, D. E. Matten, T. O.; A. L. Brown, Clerk. OSTEOPATHS. 4 Dr. H. H. Ocovell, Osteopath and Sup gostlonlst Treats chronic disorder ot tho stomach, bowels, liver, kid neys; nervous and fomalo disease, luug and throat troublos. D'Arcy, BIdg., Stato St Main 2856. TONSORIAL AND BATHS. Evan's Barber Shop Only firstaUlM shop on Stato street Every tkl new and up-to-oato. Finest wx" lain baths. Bbave, 16c; haircut Ma baths, 25c. Two first-class bo4 blacks, O. W. Byans, proprietor. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water aorvlctf apply at oJ8, Bills payable monthly In advaaae, Mao all complaints at the office. EXPRESS AND fjr CAPITAL CITY Express and Transfer Meets all mall and passenger trait Baggago to all part of the city. Prompt service. Telephone No. ?1. HECKMAN, HEDRICK HOMYGR DENTISTS. Successor to Dr. J. M. Keeae, 1m White Comer, Salem, Oregon. PamU desiring superior oporatloua a-t m4 rat fee la any branch ara la WQHm request LODQES. i i 14 1 H 1 1 ii 1