DAILY GAP ITAL. JOURNAL, gALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1904. NINE RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS Gathered From the Best Exchanges of All Churches Christ Is the way to Christ, and the sooner wo enter that way by ap propriating his teaching and growing Into his spirit,' tho sooner shall wo como to that end that Is the true attltudo for tho soul and Its true rest and Joy. It Is this that Paul calls "looking for Josus," and that Peter; calls "3ettlng the Lord ever before you." These are expressions that signify tho coming to Jesus in tho true spiritual meaning of the words. For whatever Hft3 us up, and refines us, and Improves our tempers and ln ward states, is carrying us gradually, oven if remotely, that way. Whatever brings us near td tho high level where on he stands, nears us to him. What ever betters us in tho spirit of our lives, so that wo are made more like him and tho Fathor who sent him and the final perfection of tho glorl , fled, 1 virtually a means of approxi mation and victory. Tho verities and obediences, however practised, load up and lead on from less to more and front lower to higher, even to that point wherein wo shall reach the measure and stature of tho full ness of Christ. The Unlversallst Leader. , . While It is absolutely truo that we cannot save ourselves by any effort of our own, it is also truo that our will must co-operato with tho will of God in the process of salvation. God can not save thoao who do not want to "bo saved. His Spirit may strive long -with a reluctant soul, but until that soul yields Its opposition and willing ly recolves Christ, it will not find salvation. When in that memorable walk' to Emmaus, the disciples came to tho village whither thoy were uound, Jesus "mado "as though he would go further." Ho would not enter without invltlatlon. But how flulckly ho responded to their deslro that ho should abldo with them! So, gladly, ho enters every fteart that In vites his presence; but ho will not force 'his way in, nn unlnvlte'd guest. Thej Examiner- God has given every encouragement to us to mako known bur needs to Hlm, To tho man 'r woman whoso heart is right with Him' Heisays "And It shall come to paasf that, bo foro thoy call, I shall answer; nnd whllo thsy are yet speaking, I will hoar." Tho truth of this may bo proved by any one anywhere, who may will to do the will of God. Denial of tho qfllcacy of believing prayer In securing definite answers from God Is one of the indications of the pre valence of unbelief In tho heart of men nnd women who call themselves by the nam of Christ, yet In practise deny his everlasting power and divin ity. Pacific Baptist. If men were to be Judged solely by their achievements and not at alt by their struggles who could hope to stand In tho awful light which streams frorm tho divine Judge of all men? Tho saints who were once a lltlo company, havo become an un numberod host, gathered out of all nations, calling themselves by all names, stating their faith In many forms, but all devoted to tho sorvloe of God through the love of man. Tho Outlook. . , To look for the best; not because the world 1b good, but because God Is working In It 'to bring about His purposes, which cannot but be good; to cultivate the social love which seeks tho best In man, to count dls couiagement a forgetfulness of God, and idleness an ingratitude, this la the way of courage and of Joy, which Is at once becoming and rewarding to tho children of God. Tho Congro-gatlonallst. bring forth the fruits la him which were seen in Jesus Christ. The Ex aminer, o Excursion Rates. Tho Northern Pacific Railway com pany will place round trip " tiqkets from Portland to s Louis and return on account of tho World's Fair to bo held at St, Louis, on Balo on daUs ai follews: . May 11th, 12th, and 13th. i June 16th, 17th. and 18th. " July lfeti 2nd, and 3rd. . -v August, 8th, 9th, and 10th, , v Sotfterabor 5th, ?th, and 7th1 " October 3rd 4th, and 5th. n The round trip rate from Portland to St. Louis and return, good for nine ty days from date of sale nnd good for return via any of tho direct Jlne3 will be $67.50. On tho same dates round trip tlclo ets will be sold to Chicago and return at rate of $72.50. Tho round trip from Portland to St. Louis returning via Chicago and direct lines or to Chicago nnd returning via St Louis will "bo $75.00. All tickets 'will have to be used to destination within ten days from date of sale, but will be good for ninety days from dato of purchase. Stop overs will be permlttted west of St. When religion, or ro-nlleglanco to God, Hvo3 In the heart, we easily see that It must manifest Itself In life. Really, tho man's religion Is what tho man Is. If tho Chrlstly spirit and powor have taken hold of hlrn, It will aft" '" Bishop William F. Nichols, of the Protestant Episcopal dloceso of California, who welcomed tho del egates to the big Methodist Episco pal missionary conference which opened In San Francisco, April 28, as a fororunnor of tho General As sembly meeting to bo held In Los Angeles tho week following. Paul or Missouri river points. It passenger deslros to return through California the above rates! will be incroased by $13.50. Tho Northern Pacific will operate three trains dally from Portland, and tho ticket agont will route you via this comprny's lino if you aslp for for "our ticket via this route. For any additional information in connection with tho rates, routes, etc, call on or write A. D. Charlton, AssL General Passenger Agont, at 255 Mor rison street, corner of 3rd., Portland, Oregon. OASTOHIiJu. Ttia Kind Yoa liars Always Basght Bean tk- ? ,r,B ma "a lars wff- A New Departure. Get Rid of Blue Monday How can you remedy It? Got rid of dirty clothes, homes full of steam and bad odors, soap, starch water, heat, worry, extra meals for help. How can you do It? Why, by ROUGH DRY WORK.. We will call at your home and tako all your wash and re turn it, as follows; All Flat Work, Including bed ticks, bolster and pillow slips, blankets, comforts, handker chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, scarfs, tray cloths, tablo pads, tablo and tray cloths, towols (roller, hand nnd bath) wash rags, etc, will bo washed and Ironed ocmpleto. Wearing apparol and bnlanco of laundry washod, starched and rough drled.ready f or Ironing, which can be done, In masy casos, by tho regular sorvant. In small families tho wife may prefer to do It, as it is an easy task. What it costs? Only flvo cents per pound, delivered in a neat, clean bag or basket. Shirts, collars, cuffs and laco curtains charged at list prices. Points to censider: Your clothes aro thoroughly washed and rinsed; not a particle of forolgn mat tor romalnlng. Your clothes aro thor oughly disinfected. Thoy aro sweet and pure and in original state. Wo uso materials that aro puror than you could buy, as thoy aro mado especially for us, and too costly for tho retail market. Give us a trial, and seo what a difference it makes, ROUGH DRY WORK called for Monday, delivered Wednesday. The SalenrSteam Laundry 230 Liberty Street. V Hiram 8. Cronk, of Alva, N. Y., tho- only surylvlng pensioner of tho war .Qt 1812; who colebrated his 104th birthday April 19 Robert Q. Ogden, of Now York, prosldont of tho Con feronco for Education 1ft tho South, who will presldo over tho big educa tional conforonco which began ita sessions In Birmingham, Ala., April 2G if mia-ea oetstoff nnmn wmiwi iJ 1 Books By William J. Long! Ways of Wood Folk 75c Wilderness Ways 75c Secrets of tie Woods 75 Wood Folk at School 75c Beasts'of the Field $1.75 Fowls of the Air $1.75 School of the Woods . $1 .50 Following the Decrr? .. $ J 25 A Little Brother to the Bear, t. $1 .50 I GINN & COMPANY, pkii. 1 Trade Department, 29 Beacon Street, BOSTON, f lfHHlHH ! ?m. wyjr'i'j"i'r'i)xjr'''''irrin..ir"'jr m. iEfm'iPii'wwifc'""'miwkm iut$zF& X) 81 m i m This Is Woman's Era Women's advancement has added new responsibilities to the hardens Nature &as al ready imposed upon her. How can she catty this double burden unless science comes to het aid in the household duties. The old wood range is a thing.of the past The modem Labor Saving Gas Range is Science's gift to the , modern Housewife. ! E3 la m Gas is the Quickest of Fuels Therefore Call and see our "Special $ 11 85 Set up in the house ' ready to light the Gas Range is the Quickest of Stoves Suppose you want to heat some Water, brew a cup of Tea, ot make a bowl of Gruel in the night, or suppose yoa want to prepare a hurried meal, isn't it "A consummation devoutly to be wished" to have a stove that needs only to be lighted to be ready for use ; ' ) r. Jtf? r Citizens Light & Traction Co. w ISJ 1 iH J w tfvVWm- -rt- M o raj SSZTOJ . A-