,t4tw "''ttkfj";"'. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALSM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904. TWW r 5 fa I'. 3 r hi' if, If,. h". ft SAGE KILLED BY MISTAKE Wrong Man Got in Front of Indian's Bullet Whose Aim Was Bad ! OtatAfl ,TI f n 1 li 1nA.4 ii , tftlfni under arrest ' ' This is tho first conviction as a re sult of tho crusade started by the press, and others will probably follow. jap Fleets prepare for fierce revenge Slnarrel Over Card Game and fire-water Caused Tragedy PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT (Continued from first page.) IMrtTanO,. :Ett, April 29. A card lEJunn arnfl -a SoUIo of firewater wero rtte contributory causes of tho tragedy ion tho 'Gnm3 Rondo Indian roservn fabm23unUytt2uit resulted In the death tat JPostor TH&ichlno and tho arrest of ELonlB .SaTOBO on the chargo of mur der. TTIib nmirderer, a full-blooded In raiflji, rfttb. a. bad record on tho reser vation, rwa6 brought to this city yes ftariteymnd lodged In tho county jail ttoarwiittaio action of tho federal au mtcriiUes. Savago is of a very dudiah tttKFctaanco, Tind his dress would lndl CTttptaat io was something of a Deau XBrammn, Trot ho bears the reputation aifaittag n bad mnn with a gun, a sort trttSfrendwood Dick among tho Indians. El'o limn errcd time In tho ponlton ilary. Ha frankly admits his bad rec cord, ibtrt (Qcclaros that the killing of Wftu!3xl vras an accident. Ho Intend KdnBU&'ho half-breed-with whom ho caiiawitisd. XVfhsrsn the iloputy arrived with 8av raw yesterday morning ho took him "Jirectly to tho federal court, but the Ifntli&n, wJio cvldonced a sharpness un wiBual Tor one of his raco, domandod sin (SittorDoy boforo he would bo an 3-alKnefl. Ho was accordingly Bent to tflietoaifly Jail until he had time to get bi law;w. When seen In his coll ho tfallrul rroel about his cobo, (IUcubs fengV'0 details of tho crime, and tho rposi'kblllty of being hanged with un rttsricorn. His manner and his word's Uolif 'plainly that It was of little con cccrii to lilra whethor ho wore a hemp iiccktlo or tho variegated work of art ITiat adorned bis neck at tho tlmo. He willingly po3od while tho artist drow kt'lclii'B of his faco, and' seemed high Sy pleased with tho ldoa of gattlr.g his picture In tho pnpoK H1b costume was particularly dud ash for an Indian, and ho oxorcbod the xitinost caro to pro3orvo his stylish hubs. He wore a neat, black ault, and to bo up to date woro no vost to hldo Ills fancy shirt and flowing necktie of rainbow huos. A glistening whlto col lar around his copper-colored nock ss carefully protected from porspl ration by a white silk handkerchief. From tho story ho related of tho crlmo Uio and several other Indians spent ulmost all night ongaged' In a Karoo of cards. A botlo of firewater bad boon procured from somo un known Bourco, and as tho night woro atway in tho woo sma' hours tho dusky plnycrs woro in rathor high spirits. A iTiarrel aroso betweon Savago and a lialf-broed, nnd tho embers of anger wnro fannod into raging flames by tnoro firewater. Savago drow a gun to nro at tho half-breod, but Wachlno, who attempted to prevent troublo, re ceived tho bullet In his breast and axnlc to tho floor dead. "It was an accident that I Bhot Wachlno," said Savago yostorday. "I did not intend to hit him. I Intended to Bhoot tho half-brood. Wo qunrrolod and I offered to have a fair light with hlmf to settle tho mattor. But bo wouldn't fight fairly. Ho drew somo thing from his pocket thnt I think waa a gun. I pulled my gun and flrod In self-dofonso. Ho jumped to ono aide, and tho bullot struck Wach lno." When asked if ho thought ho would lio hblo tl prove that tho killing of Wachlno was nu nccldent. and oscapo the gallows, ho roplled n n tono of wltor Indlfferenco. "I don't' know wbothor I will got freo or not." Savage admlttod with an air of bravado that ho had aorvod tlmo In tho penitentiary for burglary and In Jail for carrying concealed weapons. . . Convicted on Federal Charge. Hpokauo, Wash., April 29. Charles F. Sjobrlujr was convicted In tho fed. rul' Court hero today on tho chargo of Bonding an obsceuo lettor through tho tnallfl. A fow wooks ago a fomalo ro. porter of tho presa wont to Soabrlng, who rims an employment agency, and, for tho purposo of tvopplng tho smweuft. ondeuvorod to got him to fun Ih girls for Immoral purposes for a arjcUtloua persons, "Zolpha Lyons," at, JNefcwu, U. C, Soabrlng wrote to tho supposed koopor of a resort In Nol- oa, offering to provldo tho girts, and t& letter was Intercepted, by Uuttod Tho fact that the navy Is doing some thing of an offensive character ap peals to the popular mind, which has been unable to appreciate tho reason for the Inactivity of the fine ships of the Vladivostok ships. It is generally recognized that Rear Admiral Yeszen cannot do more than frlghton tjho Japaneito, and compel them to exercise greater caution In their military movements, as the sink ing of a fow transports or even tcruls or3 can have no permanent effect on tho result of tho war. Moreover, ho is bound by his instructions not to risk his ships unduly, tho Intention be ing to keep them safe from an attack with tho Baltic fleet when it nrrivo3 In the Pacific. Tho possibility of a Japanese at tempt to mine the entrance to Vladi vostok, as was dono at Port Arthur, is considered, but tho conditions aro different, and,' besides, Rear-Admlral Yeszen, with tho lesson of the Petro pavlovsk disaster fresh In his mind, will observe the utmost caution. Supplies Move Slowly. London, April 29. Tho correspond ent of tho Central News at Toklo say's that reports received 'there Indlcnte that tho bulk of the Russian supplies is being transported to Vongwang Chong, on the road to tho Yalu by means of carts, occupying five days to cover 90 miles from Rusalan head--nuartors. April Term. Road and Highway. Amtv Name Cld. Altnor & Co ? Bradley, E Bagby Lum. Co Bugun, Frank H. . .. Bundy, B. L , Bothwell, Philip .. .. Brown, Lee & Son . . Cal. Powder Wks . . . Capital Stables .. .. High Officers Captured. St. Petersburg, April 29. Further roports of tho sinking of tho Klnshln Maru state that altogether 210 prls-, oners wero taken a Of .these 183 were' captured on tho transport and In clude a colonel and one high staff of. ficor. No Peace for Russia. St. Petersburg, April 29. A circu lar lasued by the foreign office to Rus sian representatives abroad declares, catogorically, that Russia will not ac cept mediation to tormlnato tho 'war, which, tho circular declares, was rorcod upon her. Neither will Russia, It 13 declared, allow the Inrventlon of any power whatsoever In tho Russlan-Japanoso negotiations after the war. Japs Give Different Account. Toklo, April 29. According to tho Japanoso account only 73 Japanese wero willed and drowned In tho sluk ing of tho Kinshlu Maru. As tho transport went down sovoral of the Boldiors committed Bulcldo. Among thoso who went down with tho ship wero two captains and thro elleuton ants. Tho transport becamo separat ed In somo manner from the convoy, and tho Russian attack followed. Good Spirits, flood spirits don't all como from Kentucky. Their main sourco is the livor and all tho fine spirits over mado In tho Bluo Grass stato could not remedy a bad llvor or Mjo hundred and one 111 effects It produces. You can't havo good Bplrlts and a bad llvor at tho samo tlmo. Your liver must bo In flno condition If you would feel buoyant, happy and hopoful, bright of oyo, light of stop, vigorous and successful In your pursuits. You can put your liver In fine condition by using Croon's August Flowor tho greatest of all medlcinos for tho llvor and stomach and a certain euro for dyspopsla or lndlgostlon. It has beon a favorito housohold remedy for over thlrty-flvo yeara. August Flower will uiako your llvor healthy and actlvo and thus lnsuro you a liberal supply of "good Bplrits." Trial slzo, 25c; regular bottles, 75c. At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stores Campbell, A. B Cosy, S. L Dawson & Son .. .. Carter, J. K Eskew, M. L Doyness, John .. .. Eakew, J. M. Fllnn, A. L Olazncr, J Grimm, B. J, Haskell & Dorrancc.. Hasslng, Fred Horrlck, B. B. Jr Herren, Horace .. .. Jackson, Jerome R. .. Janz, R. J Knight & Susbauer .. Kaufman, J Laurence, J. B McCormlck, C. A. ... McCormlck, W. B. ... McCorkle, M. A Mnnnlng & Forguson Malvln, E. T May, C. L. May, A. J Mason, II Macey, Jeaso Swarts, II. L Nelson, J11II113 Nichols, G. H Bastlanson, John .... Haggerty, A. E Edwards, Howard . . . .98 1,12 12.20 7.00 3.00', 2.25 1-92 ' C9.98 2.00 3.75 3.75 9.17 2.25 4.00 35 32 17.00 21.00 1.87. 3.00 8.55 . 8.00 55.20 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 .50 18.00 1.50 2.25 1.50 G.00 3.00 1.00 29.24 3.00 1.50 3.00 5.62 Card, Jos 3.00 Olson. Lars 3.00 Phole & BlBhop .... 19.75 Pendleton, D. E 3.00 Rice Bro3. & Stego.. 3.50 Runnoc A. H ' 9.75 Reynolds John 75 Robertson, A. E 3.00 Scheidler & Hnrtmnn 2.25 Shafer, J. A 18.00 Siowart, Almon .. .. 3.06 Slogmund & Pugh ... .40 Slewert, Almon .. .. 3.00 Simmons, Arthur .. . 1.50 Smith, E 2.23 Road and Highway. Sylvestor, E. W. .. ..$ .75 ... 3 00 , . . 59.82 .75 . . 9.00 , . . 3.20 . . 37.85 . . 4.50 . . . 4.50 . . 7.50 . . . 7.50 Tetor, R. D Wade & Co Walker, W. G Wagner, D. F Wheeler, O. H. .. Wiggins, F. A Whitney, John .... Barneau, D Bashaw, John .... Bashew, M Lucler, Fred 12.00 Wlncont John ... Wampole, .... Baleck, Harding, Mrs. ... Whitney, Lincoln COO 13.50 3.75 11.25 11.25 Portland and Return Only $2.20. Tho Southern Paclflo Is now selling round trip tickets to Portland from Salem for 12.20, good going Saturday p. m., or any train of Sunday, return ing Sunday and Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday In Portland. Tho samo arrangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland poople a chanco to visit valley points at greatly reduced rates. Weather. Tonight and Saturday, fair, light frost tonight; warmer Saturday. 0 Bum ti : yl IjM YW HM Km WW BigaitiK ei FWif' Cffl$Zk Current Expenses. Brown, G. G, 1.00 Burghardt Co 13.30 Colbath B. B 35.00 Drosser, A. S 1.C0 Gault Printing Co, .. 7.25 Hart, J. N 3.00 Horrlck B. B. Jr. .... 1C.C0 Loc?kwood CM 9.00 Moores, E. T 11.00 McCorkle M. A. ..'.. 2.00 Moores, R. E. & Co... 17.18 Patton Bros 24.05 Richardson, W. Y. ... 2.0G Roland J. W. 1.00 Statesman Job Off... 17.50 Scott, J. H 9.10 Selgmund, J. C. .. .. COO Poor. Barr, Herman 8.00 Carrlco, James H. ... 10.00 Fllnn, A. L 5.00 Gilbert & Baker .... 10.00 Hughes, Co. John .... 8.00 High M. M 86.40 Harrltt & Lawrence.. COO AmL Alld. $ .98 1.12 12.S0 7.00 3 00 2.25 V. 1.92 C8.G6 2.00 3.75 3.75 , 8.34 2.25 4.00 35.32 17.00 21.00 1.87 3.00 8.55 8.00 55.20 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 .50 18.00 150 2.25 ' 1.50 6.00 3.00 1.00 k 29.24 3.00 1.50 3 00 5.62 3.00 3.00 19.75 ' 3.00 3.50 9.75 .75 3.00 2.23 18.00 8.00 .40 3.00 1.50 2.25 .75 3.00 59.82 .75 9.00 3.20 37.85 4.50 4.501 7.50 7.50 12.00 6.00 13 60 3.75 11.25 11.25 f 1.00 13.30 35.00 1.60 7.25' 3.00 16.50 9.00 11.00 2.00 17.18 24.05 2.06 1-.00 17.50 9.10 6.00 i 8.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 8.00 86.40 5.00 McKInney & Prange. Pac States T & T Co Royer, C. L, ..;, Richardson, (. Y, ... 5.00 1.50 5.00 2.00 Salem Hospital 63.00 Simpson, J. A 2.50 Smith F. E; 40.00 Smith, J. C 625.00 Spencer, F. W. 2.30 Taylor, A. B 4.00 Weaver, S. W. 8 00 Court House Expense. Damon, A. H S 1.75 Citizens L & T Co ... 46.00 Hughes Co., John ... 2.40 Petzel, M. J 10.65 Pac States T & T Co. 14.60 Salem Water Co . . . . 12.40 Spencer, F. W 25 White, Sim H 25 ' Justice Court. Queener, W. H 6.60 Smith, Henry 5.70 Smith, Henry 1.70 Smith, Joseph 1.70 Gherkin, Clarence ... 1.70 Koester, H. L 2.10 Horgan E. D 6.00 Lewis, John H 8.50 Stapleton, John .. .. 1.70 Stlnaon, L. R 1.00 McAteo, A. T 3.00 Burroughs, Thas .... 1.00 White, D. A 1.00 Koester, H. L 3.00 Clark, W. J 2.00 Poujado, L. H 2.00 Sheriff's Office. Bushey, Wm $ 58.00 Forward, Allen 58.00 Jail. Colbath, B. B $ 66.36 Salem W. M. Store .. 3.20 Poor. Priest, Mrs. W. II. ..$ 5.00 Hicks, R. M 3.00 Moshbergor & Son .. 8.00 Road and Highway. 6.00 1.50 Con. 2.00 63.00 2.50 4000 100.00 2.30 4.00 8.00 $ 1.75 43.00 2.40 10.65 14.60 12.40 .25 .25 $ 6.60 5.70 1.70 1,70 1.70 2.10 6.00 8.50 1.70 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 $ 58.00 58.00 66.36 3.20 ? 5 00 3.00 8.00 $ o.op 51.00 1.50 1.50 10.85 9.00 8.00 3.00 11.25 4.50 4.75 ' 9.00 IAAA WWWW- WWMtHHm, To Open up Sptmg Tfade Just iot a Sta-rtet Spring business has keen a little slow. "We hav I bought heavy in a I lines. Now we want to onload. I Out Loss is Yoat Gain We will allow a 20 per cent redaction on all new goods I A $20.00 Stilt will cost yoc only $16.00 1 A $ JO.OO Sait will cost yoti only $ $ n0 A$ 3.00 Hawcs Hat $ 2.40 Remember all high grade goods at low grade prices Shirts regular $ .75 cost yot only $ tgn I Shirts regalar $.OU cost yoa only $ ,qq Neck Ties regular 25c cost you only 20c 7.00 41.50 Bursue, John $ 9.00 DaVIdson, W. F 51.00 Dawson, A 1.60 Hovenden, David . . . 1.50 MUoy, Wm 10.85 McCormlck, Jas 9.00 Needham J. C. .'. .. ..' 8.00 Otterstham Ereme .. 3.00 Otterstram, Chaa ... 11.25 Otecurk, Tom 4.60 Sco't, John II '4.75 Whitney, John 9.00 ' Current Expense. Shafer, F. E '? 7.06 $ Rodgers & Co 11.50 Election Expense. Roland, John W 5.00 ? 5.00 Court House Expense. Stelner & Borgor ...$ 2.50 $ 2.50 Rebate. Jory, John W ? 25,00 $ 25.00 Howell, J. M 1.00 1.00 Poor. Martin, Mrs. J 6.00 $ '6.00 Walker, J. S 7.88 7.88 Stock Inspector. Keeler, D. D ..$ 75.00 $ 75.00 Road and Highway. . Scollard. N ? 24.00 $ 24.00 Simmons, J 15.00 15.00 County Court and Com. Statesman Pub. Co. ..$ 4.50 $ 4.50 Hofer Bros ;.. 4.50 4.50 Noedham I. C. Mlley, Wm. , Poor. Mtckol, Frances ., ..$ 6.00 $ 6.00 Tax Rebate. Eastern Inv. Co 4.47 Miscellaneous. City of Salem lin road tax $ 400.00 Fees for Jurors .... 285.00 In the mattor of county aid for Frances Mlckel, Allowance Increased to $12.00 per month. In tho matter of tho resignation of J. E. Short, supervisor of road district No 8 F. It. DuRette, supervisor of district No. 6 and H, J, Hadlcy, super visor of district no. 35, all accopted. W. O Walker appointed supervisor of district No. '8 Henry Klrkwood appointed suporvlcor of district No. 6, In tho matter of tho petition of Wal tor" I Toozo et al for the location of a county road, viewers report read Sam Adolph ( 295 Com'ISt aiMMMMMMmimnnl approved Ij beon completed and roadmaster. In tho matter of the petition Jos. Bochsler et al for aid In cutflnj $ 4.47 $400.00 285.00 MFAmmBFiAT, ..i.V m S.K. . ( I .V. JM?.,J ''' ' flr3t tlmo In open court matter con tinued. In tho matter of tho petition of J. W. La Follett et al for aid in grading and graveling the hill known as La down tho Boscvhler and Fessler bilk ,eoiier,i mil graniea county 10 am in uruercu mac wnen proposed imprort Iho sum of ?50.00 when work has ment has been completed and been completed and approved by road proved by roadmaster, county m master. grant aid not to exceed 40 percent In the matter of tho petition of S. of entire cost of such improvement S. Brownell ot al for aid in' improv- . ing tho road known as the Drager . McFadden's Row of FlaU. road, granted, county to assist as is 1 Tho specialties In "McFaddtf customary in such work (proportion- Row of Flats," the great tvren&r ately). I century farco comedy, by E. W, Ton. In the matter of tho petition of J. send and Glenn MacDonough, ttt S. Walker for nld, granted. f will be tho offering at the Grand Opei In the matter of the quit claim deed from Laurenco Gooding ct al to Marlon county for road purposes, ' board of county road reviewers In-' structed to survey tho proposed route on the 26th Inst, and report to the court. In tho matter of tho appointment of judges and clorks of election, ow ing to vacancies In the board of Judgo3 nnd clerks of election by rea son of various resignations, the fol lowing appointments are made. Brooks Clifton Evans, chairman; Richard Pattorson, second judge. Chemawa T. M. Kirby, 2nd 'judgo first set; Louis Savnge, 3rd Judgo' second set; J. A. Jefferson, 3rd clerk second set. Fairfield Trefiey Boutin, 2nd judgo; Tom Ditmar, 2nd clqrk. Gervals rllarrlson Jones, 2nd clerk. Hubbard Laurence Scholl, 2nd clerk. Llborty J. B. Parker, 2nd cderk, second sot; R. D. Tetor, 3rd clerk, second set. r Marlon Ed Farnham, 3rd Judge; I. N. Cook, 1st clerk. Scotts Mills J. R. Skirvain, clerk; W. F. Drager, 3rd clerk. Stayton Allen Davie, 3rd clerk. Sublimity Jos. A. Dltter, 1st clerk. SUvorton Lowls Ames, 3rd judgo; Albert Whltlock, 1st clerk. Salem, No 2 Fred Palmer, 1st clerk, first set. Salem, No judge. Salem, No. 5-Geo. Will. 3rd clerk ' nu.., . . - won unm TviT m 1 1 ot dlrt' clothes, homes full of tlta woodburn John Whitney, 3rd , , . ,i. .ita, clerk, second set. ,ndt bad odor8' 8oap' 6arc?2 . ., ... 'heat, worry, extra meals for iu u mauer 01 tne petition of J. ' " ... , tvw h,MUGH wn IHU JUU UU IV " ' DRY WORK.. We will call t Jj home and tako all your wash 4j turn It no fnllnnra- All Flit WV1 . .. v. di) .ultimo. una report to the lncludIng bed ticks bol3ter and p Slins. hlanltots. comforts. MMW I House on Monday, May 2d, are ieodj tho moat novel and costly IfttoM over presented on the stage. In the company are such wellknon artists as the Exposition Four, ft I Yellow Kids, Joe Wlllard, Prett 1W 1st Jerry Sullivan, Teddy Slmmoik Belle Gold, Ada Boshell, May Bit and Llbby Hart. Seats on sale at box office MosW at a a. m. A New Departure. 3-John Reynolds, 2nd Qct Rid of Blue Monday How can you remedy It? Ge' "'J Ulrio Miller et al for .tho location of a county road, board of county road reviewers instructed to make survey April zoth, 1904 court. In tho matter of tho petition of T ,' "'""T" liLti kiA uc Srhni t- ,f i , ., , .. chiefs, napkins, rags, sheets, k" Aug. scholz, Jr., et al for tho location . ' ' ... ' ,,, ,,,, j trtf brdrcLrlrvrerur " ".' fi samo on tho 2Jth oay ofTprl Tl904 7" rag8' CtC- W,U iS and report to the court. ' 19Vd oenptote. Wearing rwjjg in the matter of the redemption of ba,nnco of Iaundrr ,wafi Property of Mrs. J. B. IIrsch bough and " "Hed.ready for Iron W u by Marlon county at ax saie or!' Tt ,bfl don' tta ?! dered that tho dork Issue redemption ' "f Iar BervaafL T ! Tltf certificate therefore. luoIwlfo may prefer to do """,, s2&rs:tf vuumy roau, viewers report read J TV . i nhnreed second time In open court and matter' CUff8 and laCe CUrtal fif? 1 continued. uri ana matter prices. Points to consider la tho matter of the petition of T? "f ""T? ', EE Franz Zimmerman et al for remova flR3Cd; DOt a parUc, , ,i S of obstruction In a county oad Ton , ?J?BB,.B 7 T JUea. , ""KHiy uisiuievieu. - 0 In the matter of the petition of alJ i?.S J- ty road, board of county road Thinn ers instructed to make Burvey on the uaj oi and report to tho clerk. In tho matter of tho noun C H. McKnlght et al for aid In Im Proving tho road leadlnir to nil. granted-ald to bo given to an amount not exceeding 40 per cent nf m f subscribed, to be paid when worfc has w. Ross et al for a survey of a conn-! ",".. 1 I"' " TrZto for us, and too costly for th f market. Give us a inai. w - a difference It makes. RUG.',rtW vYuniv caueu to - - Wednesday, The Salem Steam L 230 LibertyStre