Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1904, Page THREE, Image 3

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WhatSMlf Wev
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
, ... t . Z "f-!" . ' ' . -
i rlf Unions and henlthfnl rlcerf r,
pared in two minutes. No boiling!, no
faking I add boiling water and set to
eooL Flavers: Lemon, Orange, Rasp
feprrv and Strawherrv. f?f n arlrm.
It your grocers to-day. 10 cts.
Field Peas
Tho best hog feed raised in
the valley. We have somo ex
tra choice seed peas that we
nro malting a close price on.
May bo sown for tho next
month and make a good crop.
Call or writo for prices.
Seed Corn z
Wo make a specialty of han- m
dllng the best seed corn to be $
obtained, either for a crop or $
for ensilage.
D.A. White &Son
301 Commercial Street, Salem.
O-cgon Stalwarts Prepared to Fke Shot
That Will Revebeate Qve Entire ;
Cotmtiy "
n 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 si 1 1 1 1 1 1 it--
We have more ordors than T
we can fill, anil wo must have
r them.
If you want tho highest price
tin cash call on
Commercial Cream Co.
ook ri ct
ti ''-' -" l.
l I III I I 1 1 I 11 I I I i I 8 1 II I It
iDancIng Classes Will Continue.
tie dancing class and assembly
ch has been conducted in Tioga
I. every Saturday during tho win-
hvlll contlnuo for several weeks,
the same instructor. A cordial
Itation is extended to all. 6t
Portland; Or., April 29."Rpubli
can stato committee, walk in," reads
tho new sign on the door of Frank
C. Baker, chairman. "And don't for
get the 'walk in,'" says Mr. Baker,
"nor the chairs inside."
Mr. Baker is getting ready to smite
the Democratic foo. On Ms table nro
a new bottle of ink and countless
letters. From tho ink he draws the
orders which ho sends forth to the
captains In nil the counties. Never
is the nrsenal so remote that It is
beyond tho word of Frank C. Baker,
Commander-in-Chief. And like Caesar,
Mr. Baker knows each of his captains
by name.
"Oregon will lire. the shot that will
be heard all over the United States,"
declared Mr. Baker in the midst of
writing a letter.
"It will be the first gun of tho
national campaign. It will electrify
tho whole country. Don't you remem
ber before the last Presidential elec
tion? Won't It thrill that convention
when Bomebody strides to the front
Hko a plumed knight, bearing aloft
tho tidings from Oregon?"
When Mr. Baker nseds an ejacul
ation ho makes use of "Holy crow."
That's what he exclaimed at this Junc
ture of his remarks, for he was thril
led with tho scene all tho way down
his splnnl marrow into his toes. "Holy
crow," he declared, "that convention
will go wild, think of itl Don't you
remember how the national conven
tion of 1888 let looso its enthusiasm
over the Republican victory In Ore
gon? How the convention was held
right after the election in this state?
How Hermann beat Gearln for Repre
sentative in congress by 7000 votes.
How that was tho greatest Republi
can victory ever achieved in Oregon
up to that time?
"Let's see," went on Mr. Baker,
clearing his throat and straddling his
nose with his spectacles. Whereupon
he dived into his archives and learned
that In 1888 about C0.000 votes- had
been cast, and that In 1902 the num
ber was about 88,000.."Out of CO.000
votes In 1888, the Republican plurality
was '7000. Out of 88,000 votes In 1902,
the Republican plurality was 17,000.
''This year thoro should bo 100,000
votes and tho Republican plurality
should be 20,000," said ho. N
"It's nil a question of getting voters
to tho polls, for If they go, they'll
vote Republican. Many electors, cer
tain that Oregon is overwhelmingly
Republican, won't feel Hko hitching
up Jenny and driving to tho polls. But
all should turn out and give Roose
velt a big majority. We need to in
crease tho Republican lead of two
years ago. If wo- don't we're just as
well off not to hold an election this
year. The bigger Oregon's vote for
Roosevelt, tho louder will be Oregon's
votco of confidence in his adminis
Victor H. Metcalf,
representative In congress from tho
Third California district, who 13 men-
HnnP.I fnr nnQftnnatnruiftnrn1 In thn
event of Mr. Payne's retirement from
the cabinet. Mr. Metcalf is a strong
porsonal friend of tho President, Is
I a Yalo man, nn athlete and is said
to bo a man of marked executive
Flour Men Organize In Albany Yesterday.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
We, the undersigned, hnvo known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially ablo to carry out amy obliga
tions made by their firm.
WEST & TRATJX, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system.
Testimonials sent free. Price 76c per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are tho best.
f m KM m HjWmjs Bongll
BMBiti jfivaimm rwn wrap i
Cont irnses Dutin,g This Week
Basing it on a purely sane proposition that appeals to
good taste and good judgment it has proven a success from
the start
The goods are new, clean and tip-to-date and include al
most any article you may desire for your spring changes.
It is trtily the GREAT OPPORTUNITY of the sea
son for supplying your furniture wants. No other institut
ion is in a position to offer such inducements as we are now
We are not sacrificing pur own profit, hat the profits of
the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., from whom we
lake the purchase are being sacrificed, hence the pleasure
re take in this great opportunity sale is largely due to the fact
that it pleases our customers without financial loss on our
Remember we are 269 Liberty street, next door to
Fos. Meyers & Sons.
Albany, Or., April 29. Rcprosqnta
tlvo millers of Western Oregon mot In
tho Hotel Revere this afternoon to or
ganize In their own Interest, and for
mutual benefit.
Frank Gibson, of Rlckrcnl, avus
elected chairman and J. G-. Graham, of
Snlora, secretary. Suggestions wore
called for and made by many present,
showing tho need of organization for
tho prevention of cutting rates, tho
sack abuse, discrimination in buying
wheat, etc.
A committee consisting of L. D.
Koyt, J. M. Sholley, Aug. Fischer, D.
O. Hanson and N. C. Christenson on
constitution and- by-laws wore ap
pointed. Tho convention was composed of n
fine body of men, representing tho
leading mills of tho valley. They
Frank Gibson, -Rickroal.
J. Q. Graham, L. C. Penncll,,'c. A,
Park, Salem.
Sherman Swank, Aumsvllle.
Geo. Spanlol, Stayton.
S. K. Noel, Monitor.
W. H. Wolls, Rutus.
D. U Koyt, Perrydnle.
E. W; Haines, J. A. Thombrough,
Forest Grove.
A. M. Llllery, Independence.
J. M. Grear, Hlllsboro,
M. Thompson, Bo3ton mills.
B, A. Washburn, Springfield.
J. M. Shelly and C. S. Williams, Eu
gene. P. C. Hanson, Cottage Grove.
A. W. Fischer, Corvallls.
Mr. Aupperle, Jefferson.
J. E. Drucks, Lebanon.
A. W. Bowersox nnd P. B. Marshal,
Leo Petenon. Commorclal-Rovlow,
N. C. Chrlstanson, Newberg.
I The most tliatP (
j can be saidygy H
Mp told B
r In the I
Smoke of , m
jW me Cremo B
Th$ 9and is tin Smoker' Troteetim
Give Me an
Get hold of a Rock
Island System folder, turn
to the map, study it a
minute or two, and you
will get a fair idea of the
immensity of the territory traversed
by this Company's lines Minne
sota on the North; Texas on the
South; Alabama on the iiast;
Colorado on the West.
If you are going East, now or
later, will you not kindly give me
an opportunity of quoting rates
and telling you what our through car
arrangements are? Three routes East
via Denver, Omaha and St. Paul.
L.B. CORllAM. Qsntrat Ab.
140 Third Si., PorHanJ, Ore.
The House furnishing Company
Hundreds of 8alem Citizen? Can Tell
You All About It.
Home Indorsement, the public ex
pression of Salem people, should bo
evidenco beyond Jiaputo for every
Snlora reader. Surely tho experience
of frlond3 and nolghborsr cheerfully
given thom, will carry more weight
than tho utterances of strangers resid
ing In far-away places. Head tho foleowing:
Mrs. Neejlinm, wife of W. S. Nood-
ham, painter, rosidlng at tho corner
of Fourth stroot nud Jefferson avenuo,
North Salem, says: "Like almost all
painters my husband has been troub
led with his hlndneys for years, The
exposure, the reaching nnd stooping,
combined with the turpentine and
matorials in the paint, all tending to
put tho kidneys out of order. Ills
back often ached bndly at night whon
he came home from work and when
ho raught cold It always aggravated
tho trouble. He rend an aJvertUo
mot about Doan's Kidney Pills and
procured a box at Dr. Stone's drug
store and usod thorn. Thoy did good
work by helping him at onco and ho
continued their uso until relief wo
For sale, by all Jealers. Prlco 50
cents. FosterMllburn Co., Buffalo, N.
Y , sole agents for tbo United States,
nomomberB tho name Doan'a and
take no other. 14
I Now We've Got It!
S Something that every housewife ought to have, and
WILL HAVE when they find out what a fine thing it is.
I The Universal Bread Maker
Sold and Recommended by
R. 1ML Wade & Co.
aofcosfl ! ntta
I Porto Rice Coffee
hurt Cure for Pllet.
Itching FJlee produce moisture and
cause Itching, thla form, aa well aa
Dllng, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
aro cured by Or. Uo-san-ko'a Pile
Remedy, Stops Itching and blading.
Absorba tumors. COc a Jar at drug
gists, or sent by mall. Treaties free.
Write me about your case. Dr. Do
sanko, Phlla., Pa.
Ban TJffcVMHMlL,lTBftt
! We recommend tuts particular kind for it's fine flavor,
strength and color T
I! 2 Grades 25 and 30c per lb. I
! Try a- pound and let the coffee speak for itself.
! Yokohama Tea Store I
Fresh roasted coffees and fine grades of tea a specialty.
! Phone 24 ii Black. Free delivery.
i Sliver Plume Blend
Is tho strongest 2Cc coffee on tho market, Satisfaction guaran
teed. Freo delivery to all parts of the city, Always fresh roasted
at the Salem Coffee Poaaler.
Johnson & OTlyag, Pt op t
Phono 2291 Ml". i , iu ' O. O. F. Tempi Court St. f